Is it the Seal of Blood Martial Arts?

There is no doubt that I really have no memory of being Ye Qiu before, and the only reason that can be explained may be that I was stamped.And as a super S-rank sentinel, not all seals are effective for me, and considering that the opportunity for me to revive the past was the touch of Huang Shaotian's blood, and Que Xie who could no longer get a response, then this seal is very likely It is an advanced sealing technique that only a few of the guides have mastered, the Seal of Blood Martial Arts—using the guide's own blood as the medium, at the price of the sentinel's spiritual guide, until the same blood is touched again, otherwise the memory will be sealed Never recover.

One Autumn Leaf protected himself in the big bang, but he also lost him.The connection of all spiritual nodes has been destroyed by super energy substances. Maybe Huang Shaotian tried hard to repair every nerve ending, but because he was betrayed, as the last shelter of God of Fighting, the mental image constructed by the young boy is also being destroyed. It collapsed after people invaded.

Forced to do so, Huang Shaotian sealed his memory as Ye Qiu at the price of his war martial arts, which was destined to no longer belong to him, so...why did his appearance look completely different from before?

What did he use to seal his appearance?

Ye Xiu looked at Huang Shaotian, this kid was able to manifest combat power when he was a sentinel, why did he still maintain his original combat power after becoming a guide, but only the shadow of Bing Yu disappeared?

Was it destroyed in battle?

Ye Xiu immediately denied this hypothesis. When his mental image was on the verge of collapse, he clearly remembered Huang Shaotian's words—but it's probably impossible to remember, after all, I paid the price of two weapons.

You don't need two weapons to seal your memory. Huang Shaotian must be worried that something bad will happen to him who lost his memory but still retains Ye Qiu's face. So... did he use ice rain to change his appearance?

so bold...

But it is undeniably successful.

No one would have thought that a sentinel in the black market was actually the Battle God who fell in the meteor storm.No one would have thought that Ye Qiu not only had a real name called "Ye Xiu", but also a physical weapon corresponding to it. have grown up.

Before I knew it, I had already done so many things.

There were more things in Ye Xiu's mind that were ready to come out, but the image that could not be erased was the sad and worried eyes of the young man in front of him before he fell into the darkness completely.It was never imagined that I, who had grown up with that little boy and taught him every killing technique, would be reduced to the point where I needed to hide in the spiritual world of a child.However, as the current Huang Shaotian said, if the creed in his blood is that the sentinel should protect the guide, then there is nothing unacceptable for him to protect his own sentinel.

Because whether it was a few years ago or now, he has been doing this all the time.

Ye Xiu tightened his grip on the opponent's hand, and the guide didn't notice what the sentinel was thinking.Huang Shaotian felt very tired. Although Ye Xiu knew that this was the last overdraft of the seal caster due to the release of the seal, the young man just thought that it was the relationship between his running around for a while and the injury he received at this moment, and instead comforted the sentinel. : "I'm fine, I'm just a little tired, as long as the bleeding stops, I'll sleep first."

Ye Xiu nodded. Since Huang Shaotian was still a follower behind him, he has been calm and mature beyond his peers, but Ye Xiu believes that even after several years, the guide who has had a spiritual union with him is still ignorant of himself. The only reason for this is that the thing that once destroyed the spiritual world caused him unprecedented harm, and even caused him to directly forget the time when they lived in the spiritual picture with each other.

He has been in a long sleep since then?

——If I can wake up, I will definitely go to you.

yes, isn't it?

His guide arrived as promised, but they did not know each other when they met.

Whether it is a fearless sentinel when he was young, or a guide who is determined to be different from the past when he grows up, Huang Shaotian will follow his words.

Gently stroking the young man's pale face due to blood loss, Ye Xiu found the entrance of the underground river again on the way of retreating with him in his arms, and has completely got rid of all the pursuers at this moment.

Not far away was a fire, and the flame flickered, making his own shadow sway. Ye Xiu sighed, and let Huang Shaotian find a comfortable angle in his arms to fall asleep.

Unprecedented pain overflowed from his chest, even as Ye Xiu, a black market sentinel, from the day he met Huang Shaotian, this guide had an extraordinary meaning to him.

The unexpected spiritual union five years ago didn't mean anything, time should have severed the connection with each other long ago, not to mention that the current self has completely lost the evil of the spirit guide prototype One Autumn Leaf's battle form.However, it seemed that there was a deeper bond entwined between himself and the young man in front of him, far deeper than the bond between the sentinel and the guide.

How ridiculous, there is actually a more inseparable bond in this world than between the sentinel and the guide?

It was the emotion fermented in nearly ten years, it was like a mischievous glimpse of the creation in the world, so mellow and deep, even if the memory was sealed by evil, and the face was changed by the ice rain, neither of them knew the other... But as long as two people meet, they will still be attracted to each other again.

All, I remembered.

Isn't the only reason for surviving under such severe trauma precisely because of the comfort of the guide?

own guide...

The strongest sentinel in the Glory Continent, who once arrogantly thought that he didn't need a guide to restrain him, felt an indescribable satisfaction and nostalgia at this moment.It's like ten years of brewing, the old wine has long been drunk, and people are drunk.

Looking at the peaceful sleeping face of the young man in his arms, Ye Xiu felt that his hands and even his heart trembled belatedly, and the last time this happened was when he knew that he was destined to lose One Autumn Leaf.He gently closed his eyes. As a battle god, he became famous at a young age, but he used his hands to fight against evil for ten years, making countless sentries bow down and submit, and countless guides flocking to him... Just like Su Muqiu and Wu Xuefeng, One Autumn Leaf is also his favorite A good friend, a lifelong confidant.

Good friend, I wish you a new encounter.

A bitter smile could not help but appear on the face of the former Glory No.1.

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