To judge whether a guide is S rank is to see whether he has enough mental power to construct the mental picture he wants.

The so-called mental picture is an illusion constructed in one's own spiritual world according to one's own intention.Every guide can link himself and others, and bring the other party into the illusion he needs. It is a very advanced ability, and let him transform his spiritual world through powerful spiritual power, and create what he wants, such as the scenery of lakes and mountains, swords, swords and shadows. Such scenes can only be achieved by S-level wizards.

However, even the S-level guides that are so rare in the entire Glory Continent can only be constructed and cannot be realized.

Ye Xiu frowned. Huang Shaotian was right. Of course he knew he didn't have a second awakening, but a guide who didn't have a second awakening showed such an unbelievable ability. Was he thinking too much, or...

Lights came on in the back of the car.The sun had already set at this moment, and although the eyesight of an A-level sentinel allowed him to see very well in the dark, he still had to eat.The teenager threw a can of military food to the passengers sullenly. Ye Xiu looked at Huang Shaotian and said, "I should have packed some roasted bran yesterday."

In fact, as sentinels, everyone's requirements for food are not too high. After all, it has long been a habit to eat and sleep in the open. Ye Xiu carefully watched the changes in Huang Shaotian's face, and found that he really showed a disapproving expression.

Guides are different from sentries. Most of the guides are shelved after they wake up consciously. After the establishment of the academy, the field work of sending out guides is basically saved when the legions confront each other, so the current young guides can't bear hardships at all.

Although Huang Shaotian is not young, but because he has not awakened for the second time and has not really combined with the sentinel, so it should not be possible for him to be on the field before, but he has seen his ability to endure hardships.

"Am I that good-looking?" The subject of repeated evaluation in his mind was looking at him and asking, even a black market resident like Ye Xiu, who was used to big storms, couldn't help it, he coughed non-stop as if he had been choked on a can, Huang Shaotian had no choice but to give him a thump on the back, and then said, "Go to bed early after eating, it won't be so easy next time."

Ye Xiu looked at him with some doubts, Huang Shaotian continued to bury his head in eating canned food, "You treat everyone else as careless as that kid, how can Yueyun have S-level sentries? As long as the people from Samsara and Misty Rain report, I'm afraid the people from the academy will immediately The analysis shows that I found an S-level helper, and this is due to the fact that Lao Lin did not sell us in advance. It is estimated that the pursuers are already on their way, and it is definitely the S-level who did not escape."

The guide's expression didn't change, as if he was talking about a trivial matter, but Ye Xiu knew how much hard work he had put in to escape from the Tower of Glory, the ups and downs and difficulties along the way, the calmness in front of him was enough to make people laugh. With admiration.

Hehe, as expected...

Ye Xiu paused.

"With your ability, you should be able to reach your destination without me, right?"

"It's hard." Huang Shaotian said, "It's okay to deal with A-level sentries, that's because A-level sentries don't have combat weapons. As long as I meet S-level sentries, I don't have any weapons to fight against them."

Ye Xiu immediately understood what he meant. Zhanwu is a super weapon realized by relying on the spiritual power of S-rank sentries. Facing them, all entities in reality are meaningless. Zhanwu can directly crush all weapons and can There is only Zhanwu against Zhanwu.

However, Ye Xiu was still very puzzled, and continued to ask, "What did you use before that sword ruled the world?"

"Shadow clone and sword shadow step, don't you also know it?"

"It's more than that. Didn't you see that kid and you were stunned? It's frightening to death, okay?" Ye Xiu emphasized.

Huang Shaotian shook his head, "That kid was always in a daze."

The conversation between the two obviously aroused strong dissatisfaction from the young sentinel, and he knocked on the steel frame of the rear compartment to vent his anger. Ye Xiu raised his voice, "Okay, okay, okay," and then said in a low voice, "You didn't realize that, Could that be your mental picture?"

Huang Shaotian's hand holding the can trembled very weakly, and Ye Xiu suddenly leaned into his ear: "In the entire Glory Continent, there are only four S-level guides, but even S-level guides don't have the ability to manifest spiritual vision. So Huang Shaotian, I'm starting to be interested in your secret now." In order not to let Yue Yun's sentinel hear this clearly, he almost whispered into the guide's ear, and the subtle atmosphere instantly enchanted the surroundings, and Huang Shaotian didn't know it was because Ye Xiu's unexpected action, or these impactful words, made his body shudder like an electric current.Quickly out of range of the sentry, he said, "That's not a good joke."

Ye Xiu obviously didn't expect Huang Shaotian's reaction to be like this. He was too embarrassed to speak up if he planned to continue, so he knocked on the steel frame and said, "Let me drive instead."

Ye Xiu originally wanted the young sentinel to take a rest, but the other party insisted that he couldn't give and receive the whistle, and refused to be alone in the same room, which made Ye Xiu very helpless.While fastening his seat belt, Ye Xiu said to the young man who could only sit in the co-pilot: "Actually, the academy's pursuers will arrive soon. Why are you wading through this muddy water? Get off the car now and give you a punch. When you wake up, just say you were hijacked."

The sentinel snorted and said, "I'm not a deserter."

Ye Xiu felt that there was no way to talk about this matter. How could he turn into a deserter?So I didn't bother to talk nonsense, put on the night vision goggles and start the car.But the young man on the co-pilot was obviously also very restless. After tossing and turning several times and changing different postures, he finally asked Ye Xiu, "Are you his sentinel?"

Recently, Ye Xiu was often said to be taken aback, so he gave him a sideways look, and said, "What do you think?"

The young sentinel scratched his hair and asked, "You eloped?"

Ye Xiu finally felt that Huang Shaotian was right when he said that this guy was dumb, so he reached out his hand and poked the sentry's forehead silently, "You are young, so you can think wildly." The young man suffered from pain, and was even more surprised that Ye Xiu was coming I couldn't react quickly, and I was holding my head in a daze, only to hear the other party continue: "I'm not his sentry, I just accompany him to find his sentry."

The young man obviously also didn't expect such a godly development, a sentinel and a guide fled together, and the reason was not to elope?


Ye Xiu didn't have a chance to finish his sentence, because what greeted them below was the ruthless attack from four rocket launchers behind him.

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