Since the example of cake was given, the topic of discussing parallel worlds started to go awry, discussing which flavor of dessert is the best, but neither Aoi, Saiki Kusuo, nor Chiuko got a unified answer.

Because Xiaokui first recommends cookies, and Saiki Kusuo recommends coffee jelly, and Jiuzi likes to eat paste.

This made it impossible for both Matthew and Yuanyi Zero as the referee to make a judgment. Of course, the reason why Yuanyi Zero could not make a judgment was because he did not eat dessert at all, and the smell of motor oil he liked was present Not everyone wants to taste it.

And Matthew was also thankful that Fujimaru Tachika took away Dr. Roman, otherwise a strawberry cake might be added to the three foods they discussed.However, if it is strawberry cake, it may still be possible to win, because Xiaokui's second favorite dessert is strawberry cake.

Osamu Dazai, who likes to eat crab meat but has no interest in desserts, wisely chose to sit on the sidelines, and sneaked away when they were planning to play someone as a referee. After all, as a script player, he had already seen through Xiaokui and the others. It’s okay if the topic is not about desserts, at least someone can come out to control the field and continue this topic about parallel worlds, but once it comes to desserts, these senior dessert lovers will definitely carry the topic of desserts to the end of.

So Osamu Dazai, who couldn't hear the information he wanted, decided to wait for them to finish talking about the crooked building before finding a chance to find out the information.

But this topic finally came to an end with Jiuzi's victory, because Matthew, unable to make a decision, asked Yato and Yukine who were hitting the ground to help make a choice, and Yukine, who was busy cutting the cat's nails, casually He handed over his voting rights to Yato, and Yato chose without hesitation—paste.

Because coffee jelly and cookies are luxuries for Yato, a madao who only charges five yuan for each work, although in the Sweet Cat Cafe, he will receive a gift from the owner Fujimaru Tachika after finishing his work The desserts made by Chef Wei Gong Miaomiao are all excellent, but what impressed him even more was the paste that he ate secretly when he was half-starved.

Now he also uses the paste when posting small advertisements, all of which are made by himself. When he is hungry, he can eat it without digging through the trash can. It tastes very delicious.

Although it is also possible that he is too hungry to eat anything, but the paste is indeed more impressive to him than coffee jelly and cookies.

Xiaokui, who has never eaten paste, is a bit convinced that paste may be the best dessert in the world because the person who voted for paste has one more night, although she still thinks that cookies are more delicious Delicious, "I have never eaten paste!"

She turned to look at Saiki Kusuo, the meaning was obvious: Have you ever eaten paste?

Saiki Kusuo shook his head. Although his family gave him only [-] yen a month as pocket money, they were not so poor that they had to eat paste, and now they don’t use paste, but use glue or adhesive tape, which is lighter. tools, so Saiki Kusuo has never eaten paste.

The victorious Chiuzi was elated, she flapped her wings and flew up, "Poor Chiu, I've never eaten pasta... So Chiu, Chiu, I'll take you to taste the paste Chiu!"

As the most beloved Chiu of the tongue-cutter clan, Chiu's social skills are no less than that of Hong Yanmo. The Sparrow House she is in charge of also needs to receive guests from hell and this world, so her Chiu's relationship is very close. OK

Jiuzi planned to take Xiaokui and Saiki Kusuo to taste the paste she recommended, but her bodyguard Ji Guoyuan was temporarily requisitioned by the ghost lamp, so she requisitioned Yuanyi Zero, which looked similar to Ji Guoyuan, This will make Jiuzi, who is fighting the five scumbags, feel safer when traveling.

Hong Yanmo was not at ease when he saw that his cousin, Jiuzi, was traveling. Apart from the fact that she had been taken away and abused, there was one more thing - she was too fat to fly high.

Chirp fluttered her wings and flew desperately, but she only flew to the position where Saiki Kusuo's eyes were. She could only fly to this height. It was too dangerous for her, a fat chirp, and she could easily be captured by humans again, so someone was needed protect her.

Of course, if someone as tall as Yuan Yi Zero Style comes to protect her, she can land directly on the other's shoulder without flapping her wings.

【So, you will become more and more mellow. 】Saiki Kusuo couldn't help complaining in a low voice. So far, the only one who can compare with Jiuzi is Xiaokui's mama cat teacher. Xiaokui was never so round when she was the fattest... Probably.

Xiaokui's round appearance is also very cute. Although the weight was heavier than Jiuzi at that time, in terms of the curvature of the circle, the cat ball can't hold the bird ball in any case.

If it weren't for the fact that too fat a cat is bad for health, Saiki Kusuo wouldn't care if Xiaokui was fat or thin, or fatter would be cuter.

[Eating too much fat is easy to get three highs, and if a cat is too fat, it is easy to get some other diseases, Xiaokui doesn't want to go to the hospital for an injection, does she? ] Saiki Kusuo tried to reason with Xiaokui, but she couldn't listen to children talking about it, but Xiaokui still had some fear of the hospital, so she covered her ears and buried her in Saiki Kusuo's neck, unwilling to continue Listen to topics about hospitals.

Children are like this, if they don’t hear anything, they just pretend nothing happened, making Saiki Kusuo dumbfounded.

"Here Chirp!" Chirp stood on Yuan Yi Zero Shiki's shoulder and waved his wings to them.

The place Jiuzi took them to was a Japanese-style house with a garden. Jiuzi originally wanted to fly directly over the high wall to get inside, but he couldn't fly up halfway through the flight, so he had to land on the shoulder of Yuanyi Zero again. .

She pretended that the flight accident just now didn't happen and said, "Knock on the door!"

Saiki Kusuo didn't intend to enter the house when he saw it was someone else's house, but Yuan Yi Zero type is a tough guy, he knocked on the door when he heard Jiuzi said to knock on the door, and if they ran away again at this time, it would look like a prank naughty child.

"Here we come." The person who opened the door was a handsome young man wearing a red scarf. He had black hair and red eyes, and a small braid. There was a beauty mole on the corner of his mouth. He was holding a bamboo broom. He looked like he was just cleaning up. health.

He was quite surprised that someone would knock on his door until he saw Chirp.

"It's Miss Jiuzi, Miss Jiuzi is still as cute today." The boy greeted him familiarly, then looked at Xiaokui and the others, "These people are..."

"Qingguang, you're cute too!" Jiuzi introduced, "They're friends, Jiu! I said I'd bring them to eat the most delicious paste Jiu in the world."

"This, so..." The corner of the boy's mouth twitched, and he complained in his heart why it was a paste, but he still said politely, "Mr. Candlestick Che will be very happy to hear this."

Jiuzi introduced to Xiaokui and the others: "They are neighbors who live in the mountain behind my cousin."

She covered her mouth with her wings, so that everyone could hear her, but she thought it was a low voice and explained to Xiao Kui: "Because their god judges are too close at home, and their immediate superiors are afraid of things like masters." In the human form, the otaku attributes of the god-inspectors will be transmitted to them and affect their work efficiency. For their physical and mental health, a new teleportation array was made for them in Honmaru to the present world."

Oh, it's the topic of parallel worlds before discussing desserts, the Honmaru on the mountain behind Yan Moting, that is to say, the boy in front of him is not a human being, but Token Fusangshin.

California Qingguang looked at them suspiciously, because Jiuzi was a sparrow, and the people he usually interacted with were not humans, so when she said that these people seemed to be humans and were her friends, he couldn't help guessing their species.

Although Jiuzi was a trustworthy and good sparrow, he still had to ask about the situation before he dared to let anyone in.

However, there was no need for California Qingguang to probe, Jiuzi explained first, "This is Yuanyi Zero Style, the Fusangshen of the mechanism doll, just like you! Qi Mu and Xiaokui are my cousin's part-time job cat."

Jiuzi flew to California Qingguang's ear, and added in a low voice, "Xiao Kui is still a kitten! Remember to inform Mr. Da Juli to prepare Xiaoyujiu!"

Saiki Kusuo: [...] He originally thought that Jiuzi was just a silly and sweet Jiu, but it seems that he is too silly and sweet.

Jiuzi can manage the Sparrow House like Hong Yanmo, and he doesn't have too much force value, so he must have other abilities.Now it seems that Jiuzi's intelligence gathering ability is very powerful, and he has already found out about him and Xiaokui being cats in the Sweet Cat Coffee Shop.

Moreover, it is said here that they are here to rub the paste to eat, and the other side has this family who likes cats, Fu Sangshen, come over to pet the cats.

The main reason is that it is too embarrassing to admit that I am actually a human being. If you dig deeper, you will find out that they pretend to be cats to sell cute desserts, so Saiki Kusuo decided to follow Jiuzi's words.

He undid the illusion on Ji Guoyuanyi's body, and the man in front of Qingguang immediately recovered his appearance as a mechanism doll. After making him jump, he stared at Saiki Kusuo and the man he was holding Xiaokui.

Saiki Kusuo put down Aoi, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a white cat.

Xiaokui tilted her head, saw that Saiki Kusuo had turned into a white cat, and followed suit with the use of supernatural powers.

A three-flowered kitten appeared in front of California Qingguang. California Qingguang immediately threw the bamboo broom aside, stepped forward and carefully hugged the kitten, "It turned out to be a cat, no wonder Miss Jiuzi will take you come over."

"You guys come in." California Qingguang obviously prefers a cute little milk cat like Xiao Kui, and he can't put it down. "Is the kitty hungry? I'll go and ask Wuhutui if there is any cat milk there."

"Ask me what?" A silver-haired little boy happened to pass by and heard his name, so he walked over.

Those who came with him were five big tigers!

"Meow!" Xiaokui lost her ears in fright in an instant, her tail stood up high, and her whole body became a ball of fur.

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