So, the two Uchiha brothers also joined Xiaokui's plush party. They each held a string of three-color balls, and they all looked at Nine-Tails Nine Lama, who was also holding three-color balls.

The orange fox uses its tail to balance its body, and its two front paws are holding the bamboo sticks with three-color balls for him to eat.

Nine-tailed Nine Lama didn't notice that the Uchiha brothers were paying attention to him, because his focus was on Sanwei Isofu, and Sanwei Isofu was stunned, probably because it was a tortoise, his animals were particularly slow, The speed of eating is also slow. I don't know whose speed is slower if you get together with the sloth.

But Sano Isofu has a strong sense of rhythm in eating. He opened his mouth first, took a bite of potato chips with a click, and then clicked, clicked, clicked... When Maruo Jiu Lama came back to his senses, Sano Isoo slowly prepared to open his mouth. Open your mouth to eat the second potato chip.

By the way, Sanwei Isofu doesn't know whether he didn't notice the Uchiha brothers at all, or he noticed the brothers but the reflex arc was too long and he didn't realize what he needed to do, no matter what Erwei Matabu and Kuwei Jiulama just now The reaction was so great that he was eating potato chips without moving like a mountain, and the reason why he came here to eat was entirely because he was given by Erwei Matou and Jiuwei Jiulama when he was walking slowly on the road. They met, so the two fluffy ones pulled him over, one left and one right.

In fact, up to now, Mio Iso may not have realized why he was dragged here to have a tea party, let alone talk to the Uchiha brothers.

Under Sanwei Isofu's strong calm aura, others were infected by him one after another and became calm. Erwei Matayu, who originally wanted to run away, gave up the idea of ​​running away and stayed by Xiaokui's side to eat wild fruits .

"Kacha... where Xiaokui used to live, did everyone like fluffy stuff? Kacha." Hearing what Xiaokui said while chatting, Erwei Mataru felt that it was a shame that Izuku Crane didn't come, after all, Tailed Beast Among them, Izuzuru likes listening to stories and telling stories the most. He is a chatterbox among tailed beasts, and he is most interested in the things Xiaokui talks about when chatting.

"Yeah, no matter the dog pie or the cat pie, everyone is fluffy!" Xiaokui shared her experience of rubbing food with Erwei Youlv, "But be careful when looking for a shit shovel officer, I heard that many bad guys will Pretending that I also want to be a shit shovel officer, I tricked cats and dogs away."

Wu Wan No. [-] taught Xiaokui at the beginning, to find a shit shoveler, you need to carefully examine it, it’s not just to find someone to feed it casually, like the cute fluffy people you meet on the street will bring food People who feed are very common, but they may not be good shit scavengers, so you can't just follow them home, because they may just want to use the opportunity of feeding on a whim to rub Fuzzy, but when Fuzzy follows They don't treat fluffy well when they go home.

There are also some bad guys who want to cheat Fluffy with food like human traffickers. If you encounter such a bad guy, you will show your paws directly, and you don't need to be polite at all.

Xiaokui found Zhongyuan Zhongya to be the excrement officer because of the long-term observation and research of Wu Wan No. [-]. Don't look at Zhongyuan Zhongya who was always fierce when he was on Radium Bowl Street, but he is actually very soft-hearted and easy Recruiting people to deceive, raising a litter of white-eyed wolves, although he knew it in his heart, he couldn't stand the pleas of the white-eyed wolves.

At this time, a cute healing system like Xiaokui is needed to heal the damage he received from the terrifying white-eyed wolf!

It's been a while since Xiaokui found Zhongyuan Zhongya and successfully became his house cat, but Xiaokui has never seen the "wolf" described by No. [-] Wu Wan. After adopting, I need to compete with the dire wolf, and practice the ability to escape in advance, in case the carnivorous wolf will eat the poor and weak kitten while the owner is not at home.

However, there was a guy named "Shirose" who was particularly annoying. He always wanted to bully her when Nakahara was not around. Fortunately, she always ran fast and he didn't let him bully her.

"Crack... shit shovel officer?" Erwei tilted his head again, not understanding the word, after all, tailed beasts can't shit, they are huge chakra materialized life forms with tails, they don't need to eat Things, naturally there will be no excrement.They are now eating during the flower talk, just to satisfy their mouth addiction, because eating is quite fun, especially Xiaokui also specially recommends desserts, as if life would be less fun if they don’t eat desserts , so that he couldn't help but eat with her, and he couldn't stop once he ate.

But Erwei glanced at the two Uchiha brothers who also joined the tea party, and immediately understood what Xiaokui said, but he didn't want to find a shit-shoveling officer for himself, he still prefers to be free.

"No, I'm fine with a cat." Erwei Youlu refused.

Nine-tailed Nine Lama is not interested in the topic of shit-shoveling officer, but he is very proud of what Xiaokui said about the type of fluff that humans like, because among the tailed beasts, he not only has the most tails, but also the hairiest. Exuberant is the plush among the plush.

He was waving his nine tails, a little shy. When he first met Xiaokui, Xiaokui was particularly envious of his hair, his skin was smooth and smooth, and the coils were smooth.

"Ah, actually, for a cute guy like us, shit shoveling officers are just looking for problems that we don't want to find. Others don't have the same treatment as us, especially that guy who guards the crane." Lama Nine Tails and One tail guarding the crane is a bit out of tune, so he will hurt him when he gets the chance.

One-tailed Crane is a raccoon dog with mantra prints all over its body, but it doesn't have the fluff that a raccoon should have. Like Erwei Youlu and Nine-tailed Nine Lamas, they can blend in with cats and foxes in disguise , but if Izuzuru didn't use the transformation technique to give himself a whole-body transformation, he wouldn't be able to get into the raccoon group at all.

And Yiwei Shuhe is still a chatterbox, his chubby belly is full of things to say, if he doesn't sneak into the group to find someone to talk to, there will be more chatter, so they don't want to meet Yiwei Shouhe, the kind who would be grabbed and chattered by him until his head grew big. Although their tailed beasts were originally very big, it would be unnecessary if their heads grew bigger.

Uchiha Madara ate the melons of the tailed beasts silently. It turned out that the tailed beasts they had always thought were superior in destructive power and needed to be afraid of had such a side, just like they humans usually hurt each other.

He could even imagine that if Izuzuru was present, he might have to tear each other up with Nine Tails Nine Lamas, and it would be the kind of paw that you pat me and I pat you.

Uchiha Izumi heard that their topic was a bit familiar. It seemed that there had been such comparisons among the ninja cats, and it happened often, because several cats were comparing whose fur was the best.

It turns out that fluffy people all over the world have the same ideas?Even a tailed beast couldn't escape the vulgarity, and immediately felt too down-to-earth.

The two brothers couldn't help but fell into deep thought, but they didn't know that the topic of the tailed beasts had changed, and it even involved their old rival, the Qianshou family.

"The boss of the Qianshou family is really bad at gambling..." Erwei Matazu sighed, "When I turned into an ordinary cat and went to the town to play, I saw him betting that only a pair of pants was left by the casino. Throw it out. Xiao Kui, don't gamble, gambling is not good, if you are stripped down to only a pair of pants like the boss of the Senshou family, it will be like losing all the fur of a cat, it is too ugly!"

"No gambling, no gambling." Xiaokui licked her hair, and quickly expressed her determination to protect her hair.

In fact, Uchiha Madara, who has heard a lot about Senju Bashirama's gambling and always loses, fell silent again.

"Hey, is there only one pair of pants left?" Lama Nine Tails became interested, "Didn't you say that the boss of the Qianshou family is very powerful?"

"Other places are very good, but gambling is just..." Erwei Mataru actually didn't quite understand why Senshou Zhujian always liked to gamble after losing the bet.

"I know! He should be the legendary African." Xiaokui often hears some mobile phone uncles and aunts complaining that their owners always bet on the probability of the game's cards, saying that they are obviously Africans, and they always want to get out of Africa. Entering the EU, the result is nothing but the price of Money.

"African?" Hearing the unfamiliar words, the two tailed beasts were puzzled, "What do you mean?"

In fact, Xiao Kui, who was not very clear about the concept of this African, explained based on his impression: "It seems to be a black person."

Could it be as black as the black one thrown out by Saiki Kusuo?

"Oh, his hair is black, does that mean it's black?" Erwei Masata suddenly realized, "His younger brother is not quite the same as him, it's white."

Nine Tails and Nine Lamas also came to join in the fun, "The fur colors of their Qianshou's family are so strange, and the cubs born in a litter have different colors!"

"There seems to be some with brown hair, half and half." Erwei Matazu also felt a little strange, "But the color seems to be really different, is it a matter of color depth? It doesn't look like a cat, it looks like Xiaokui The basic color of such three-colored cats is also fixed, but the pattern distribution is different."

"Could it be like our tailed beasts? They come out of a litter, and even the appearance is different." Nine Tails and Nine Lamas conjectured.

"It's possible!" Erwei Matayu agreed, "But Uchiha's cubs are all born alike."

He also asked Uchiha Quanna, who was choking after hearing the news that the former Senshou patriarch was green, and Uchiha Madara, who seemed calm but regretted listening to gossip, "You brothers really look alike."

Xiaokui also looked at the two brothers enviously, "My papa and I don't look alike, but papa has been changing his appearance recently, I don't know when he will change into a cat-like look."

Brother Uchiha: "..." Enough, this melon is enough.

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