Daily overtime in winery

Chapter 28 28 Days


The word "monster" can represent many meanings, commendatory, derogatory, powerful and unbelievable monster-like guys, and some behave unbelievably or even frighteningly.

But no matter how you say it, it is not a word used to describe a normal person.

The first time Pisco saw the child named Vivienne was the tenth year he had known the Miyano couple.

Akemi was only seven years old that year, and Shiho was just born. He was invited to attend Shiho's [-]-day banquet. At that time, he noticed that Miyano's family had an extra child.

Different from the lively and enthusiastic Miyano Akemi, this child named Vivienne always stays quietly in the corner alone, looking at everything around her with those lifeless eyes like a doll, seemingly there, but at the same time It seems strange to be out of the world.

At first, Pisco thought that she was simply shy and out of place, but the second and third time, no matter how much he tried to ignore it, he couldn't forget those eyes that were not human.

He finally found an opportunity to ask Koji Miyano, but Koji Miyano simply said that "an old friend's child helped take care of him." As for who this "old friend" was and whether he was still alive, he did not mention, Pisco All I know is that because of the child, the couple who have always had a very good relationship have had disputes more than once.

In the eyes of young Miyano Akemi and Miyano Shiho who has not yet formed a memory, the cloud at home is brought by Vivienne.

That "sister" seldom talked to them. Her mother once said that she was like a "monster". When she asked Minmei quietly, Mingmei said so. Leaning next to Pisco's ear, he whispered something he had seen by accident.

Something like "Vivienne has blood on her mouth".

At first, Pisco didn't take it seriously, he thought it might be a child's joke, although it shows that Mei is not a child who can lie, and there is no need to lie about this matter, maybe it's just that she got it wrong.

But when Elena said the same thing, he realized that something was wrong.

It was a chance encounter.

At that time, Pisco came out of his company, because the driver was late and he was waiting at the gate of the company. The sunset that day was as red as blood, very beautiful, so Pisco informed the driver that he would go back by himself today, just to see the Miyano couple. Joining the organization, he can go to remind them where he can take care of. With this in mind, he went to Miyano's house alone.

That is, in the alley at the corner, Pisco passing by heard something chewing.

Maybe a stray dog ​​or something?

He didn't care, but still glanced casually into the alley, and then froze in place. If it wasn't for the good concentration cultivated in the organization for so many years, the briefcase in his hand might fall to the ground at this time, causing that thing to attention.

He saw Vivienne, the child about the same age as Mingmei, she was like a beast in the shadows where the sun couldn't reach, and what she was tearing from her mouth was a dark unknown object.

A strange amount of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

Pisco rubbed his eyes subconsciously in disbelief, but within a few seconds, when he opened his eyes again, Vivienne, who was still in the alley just now, was standing in front of him, with the same expression on her face. They all have indifferent and even gloomy expressions, and there is no half of the beast-like appearance just now.

"Uncle Masuyama," the girl grinned sinisterly, "Have you come to see Mom and Dad again?"

"Ah...Yeah, why is Vivienne here alone?" Pisco struggled to calm down his voice.

At that time, he had a weird intuition that if he had screamed out of shock, he might have ended up in the same fate as the unknown creature just now. This cognition came from a bit inexplicable, but so reasonable.

Probably because, that look really doesn't look like a human being...

"Hey—that's it," the girl smiled at him with the usual indifference and alienation, "Mom and Dad are not at home today, we have to wait a while, Uncle Masuyama comes in and sits down."


Until the Miyano couple came back, Pisco didn't dare to mention what he just saw to them. He looked at Vivienne who was acting very normal and helping to serve tea and water for cooking. For a moment, he even doubted everything just now It's all an illusion.

But that weird smile and the blood on the corner of his mouth, that cold breath and his sweat-soaked back are so real.

Unfortunately, not long after that, the Miyano couple died in a fire due to an "accident", leaving only three daughters to depend on each other in the organization. He went to meet Vivienne secretly. Be silent, and Sunshine's Mingmei is completely two extremes. Mingmei is studying abroad under the pseudonym Hirota Masami, and the organization discovers Shiho's talent, so she is guided to pay attention to the information left by her parents, and even sends her and Vivian Study abroad.

It is a tacit fact that Vivienne is not as good as Shiho.After all, he was adopted, no matter how hard Wulun worked, he was not recognized, and his talent was always shrouded in Shiho's halo.

Shiho, who possesses a genius-like mind, skipped a grade and completed her studies before she was a teenager. On the day she returned to Japan, Vivian, who was far away in England, disappeared. The organization could not find her no matter what, until Akemi died. However, the whereabouts of Shiho, who received the codename "Sherry", is unknown.

At that time, Vivian took the initiative to contact the organization.

Pisco knew what happened next.

Chie's questioning, the word "monster" reminded Pisco of that evening.

Maybe he is really old... The most basic emotions can't be controlled anymore.

Almost exhausting all his strength to keep his hands from shaking so much, Pisco, who withdrew from the memory, looked at Chie with a gloomy face, and sighed as if he had figured something out.

"Vivian, I'm still willing to believe that that must not be Elena's original intention."

"It doesn't matter anymore, does it? I thank them for adopting me, and that's enough."

Although she wanted to know what Pisco knew, Chie had to pretend to be calm and took a sip of the black tea in front of her.

"I'm glad you think so, let the past go," Pisco said with a kind smile, although his smile was very stiff, "I just want to ask, what happened to you during the time you disappeared in England?" Where? And how did you know about Sherry—I mean about Shiho?"

If he didn't know that this guy was an old fox, he might have been fooled by his benevolent look. Isn't this just a trick of how she avoided the supervision of the organization.

Chie naturally doesn't know how the original Vivienne learned about the Miyano sisters, but she has already seen about the disappearance in England in the file of Ogiwara Chie sent by Gin. Gin and her I said the questions that Pisco might ask, and the solutions I told her were also very simple and rude.

"Of course I have a solution for this matter," Chie read as Gin taught her, "After all, there's no reason not to care about your sisters, isn't it?"

"Also... also." Pisco wiped the sweat from his brow, opened his mouth and wanted to ask something, but he didn't ask in the end.

The restaurant served the food very quickly, and the dishes were all served without saying a few words. It was a very traditional Western-style meal, and the two of them finished the "reminiscence" meal peacefully.

Maybe it's really old, Pisco did not forget to talk about the Miyano couple and Vivienne's childhood during the dinner. Thanks to him, Chie has at least some information. From Pisco's words, she It's not clear whether Pisco really cares about Vivienne, how real this so-called friendship can be, the only thing she's sure of is that Pisco really has a deep friendship with the Miyano couple.

Chie kept her nerves tensed, afraid of inadvertently revealing the fact that she was no longer Vivienne, so she ate a meal absent-mindedly.

Seeing her like this, Pisco naturally knew that today was over.

However, in any case, the fact that Vivienne got off Gin's car still made him a little concerned.

Especially when leaving the restaurant, Gin even came to pick her up on time.

The man in the car didn't even bother to give Pisco a look. Similarly, for other people in the organization who knew Gin's position, seeing Gin in front of them was really not a good thing, and Pisco was one of them.

After all, this is a cleaning master, and what he is best at doing is killing / people / destroying / mouths. When you see him walking towards you in the organization, you have to worry about whether you have done something wrong to arouse suspicion. In short, Gin is a very A guy who tends to be scary and unlucky.

Although it is said that Pisco often relies on his elders in the organization, so he always treats the younger generation by relying on his elders, but he dare not face Gin alone.

The most loyal dog under Boss, heh.

——Doesn't prevent him from arranging Gin in his mind.

Chie said goodbye to Pisco politely, then got into the co-pilot, and after she could no longer see Pisco in the rearview mirror, she breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that only in front of Gin can she be herself again.

"How's the situation?" the man driving the car asked without looking back.

Chie rubbed her head wearily, and let out a sigh of relief: "It's really what you said, old fox."

On the surface, it's reminiscing about the past, but it's still a cliché, intentionally or unintentionally.

Gin hummed to show that he understood, but Chie rubbed her hands after being relieved and said, "Aren't you curious about what I said?"

"If you dare to say something you shouldn't say, you won't be in my car now." Gin said.

"As expected of you," Chie flattered her in a skillful and sweet tone, "so should I be rewarded for being so witty?"

Waiting for the gap between the traffic lights, Gin turned his head to look at her, his face seemed to be covered with words like "Are you a bit pushy", but he said, "What reward do you want?"

Chie: "Ah..."

Brother, I'm just kidding!Your expression is like saying that you want to reward me with a bullet!

She shook her head again and again: "No, no, just kidding."

Gin lowered the corner of his mouth, "Do you think I would do something as cute as a joke?"



The author has something to say:

Gin's famous line: Threat?Do you think I will do such a cute thing (from M20 Pure Black Nightmare), the "kawaii" that comes out of Gin's mouth can't be too cute.

What is the "reward" for the quiz with prizes?

By the way, it will be V QAQ after adding it to the collection, sisters, come on!

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