Daily overtime in winery

Chapter 62 62 Days


The allusion to the sword of Damocles comes from Greek mythology. The sword hanging from the horse's mane on the throne reminds the usurper who believes in rights that what he wants to gain, he must lose.In some legends and metaphors, it also represents the "scourge" that comes at any time.

"Old man, is this also in your calculation?"

Jotaro, who quickly left the crater with Vivienne in his arms, did not forget to take a look at the top of his head. Although there was nothing in the gray sky, he has the ability to stand in and he has heard what is about to fall from the top. He believes that Kaz may have heard it too.

More importantly, the effect of the time stop on Katz became less and less, and the stop of ten seconds gradually turned into a few seconds, and the monster had already grasped the cooldown time of his skills, and even controlled it accurately.

Perhaps when they knew that Katz brought Vivienne to this crater, the old man was already ready to use that "scourge", and only he could do such a crazy move.

The sound of the helicopter gradually approached, and a rope ladder descended from it. Joseph used his stand-in "Hermit Purple" to easily climb up the rope ladder, and successfully caught Jotaro.

But Katz's movements were faster, and Jotaro, who had been using the time-stop all the time, was a little exhausted. After getting on the helicopter, he saw a familiar guy.

It was the person who picked up Vivian that day.

In the strong wind at high altitude, his silver hair didn't seem to be messed up by the wind at all, and even his hat didn't move at all, as if it was attached to his head.

He held a sniper gun in his hand, and the actions of pulling the trigger and changing the bullets were smooth and smooth, and although Katz was not seen to hit a few shots, it also effectively slowed down his progress.

It's not that Gin's technique is bad, but that Katz's movements are too fast.

This move also angered Katz. The ultimate creature used the skill it had used to crash Joseph, and those steel-hard feathers turned into crows and rushed towards the helicopter. Jotaro and Joseph The husband blocked it with his stand-in ability.

"Phew, he is just as terrifying as back then." Joseph wiped the sweat from his brow, "Thanks to your support."

The second half of the sentence is for Gin.

"Old man, what's going on?" Jotaro asked with a frown.

"Well, I'll tell you more about this matter after I go back... The most urgent thing now is how long it will take for that thing to arrive, and whether we can bring him to the planned place... "

"5 minutes, this is the limit we can strive for. Someone must stop this monster," Gin said, "However, looking at you, it doesn't look like there is a way."

What he said was ridicule, and he didn't know why he was angry.

"I go--"

Jotaro was about to jump directly from the helicopter, but was stopped by Joseph: "What are you thinking? You are exhausting your energy now, let alone because of me—wait—"

He paused for a moment, and looked elsewhere.

"What's the matter, there is—" Jotaro followed his gaze, but there was nothing.

"Hey, Vivian, weren't you still here just now?" Joseph murmured.

During the few seconds they were talking, the puppet that was supposed to lose power suddenly disappeared under their noses.

Jotaro finally realized one thing, that is what Vivienne said "clockwork is weakness", he was lying to him from the beginning, and he has been lying to him since then.

The clockwork can only temporarily stop her, and her true weakness is never known.

Then in Gin's sniper/shooter/gun scope, another figure suddenly appeared. It was undoubtedly the puppet Vivienne. She wrapped Katz's waist tightly in a somewhat intimate gesture, using The impact force pushed the ultimate creature flying in mid-air down, and there was an obvious bloodstain in the air. I don't know if it was Vivienne's or Katz's.

The hand holding the sniper rifle tightened suddenly, and Gin raised the parachute at hand without saying a word, but was stopped by Joseph.

"You don't want to die? The scourge is less than 5 minutes away, what are you going to do now is to die!"

"This has nothing to do with you." Gin didn't even look at him, and was about to jump straight down, but the next second, the parachute on him disappeared.

The man looked displeased at the two grandparents who stopped him, but Jotaro, the culprit, blocked his face and threw down the parachute bag in his hand.

"Vivian will be sad when you die," he said.

"Don't worry, Vivienne is not as weak as you think," Joseph patted Gin on the shoulder, "Didn't you watch her beat up a vampire, she didn't need us to kill the order that has plagued our family for generations?" The guy with the headache stepped under his feet."

The tone is quite vicissitudes.

The credibility of what he said was not high, Gin didn't believe a single word, and more importantly, only he was present knew that the "Vivienne" they were talking about was not the Chie he knew.

It was a secret that only he knew.

Now she is simply a coward, and she will never have the courage and ability to deal with this kind of monster.

Then there is only one other possibility——

And that's not what Gin wants to see.

The sword of Damocles in the sky has already left the stratosphere, and it will land on the surface in a minute at most, and the explosion caused by that time will turn this area into nothingness.

There will be no survivors, even the mighty Katz will never escape the punishment of God.

He looked at the sky, and the pitch-black sword had already headed towards the ground with a thunderous momentum.

But he can only watch, can't do anything.

"Is it possible to end everything in such a way of fighting? It seems to be a good destination. My goal has been achieved many years ago."

After the huge explosion, there was an empty silence.

When I regained consciousness, I felt that there was no pain in my whole body. This pain was like running a marathon after a whole year of decadence.

Chie is in such a state now.

Who the hell made her body like this...

The person lying on the bed frowned, and after struggling a few times, he finally opened his eyes reluctantly. After focusing his gaze, he finally aimed at a pair of cold and waveless pine green eyes.

"Gin..." She seemed a little surprised why she saw him in this situation, and the environment seemed to be inside a hospital.

Because the tip of the nose is still full of the smell of disinfectant.

"It's too much, Vivian, I'm still standing here at my age." Behind the man in black was a strong American man, Joseph said in a slightly complaining, joking tone.

However, Chie didn't pay attention to him, but asked in a puzzled tone: "Why am I in the hospital? What happened?"

"do not you remember?"

"Huh? Should I remember something? Let's see...I kind of picked up a naked pervert on the street and got brought in by a poorly dressed pervert—no, What about the Katz people?" She sat up abruptly, but her vision went dark because of the sudden action.

Gin supported her in time and said, "It's gone."

"Huh? No more?"

"Literally," Joseph said, "so Vivian doesn't have to worry, how can I let Katz hurt you hahahaha."


No, why are you guys able to say such terrible things in such a casual tone like "I had a sandwich for breakfast this morning"?

Chie twitched the corners of her mouth: "Then does this have anything to do with me being in the hospital?"

"You were caught in a fight and passed out," Gin said, "I'll take you to the hospital for a checkup."

"Oh... wait," Chie suddenly remembered something, she looked at Gin and asked, "Aren't you in Japan? Why are you here? Why didn't you reply to my message?"

Gin: "..."

This questioning attitude made Joseph laugh, but after seeing his grandson's gloomy face, he began to pretend to forget the ceiling.

Vivienne is like this... It seems that Jotaro has no hope, how miserable.

The old man looked regretful on the surface but actually laughed all over the sky in his heart, and secretly told you that you are not enlightened, why did you go so early, it is too late to be enlightened now.

"Okay, we still have some things to deal with, don't bother Vivienne, you rest," Joseph put his arm on Jotaro's shoulder and took him away, "Vivienne has anything to do directly Contact me, we still have time to have fun in Italy, I lived here before, I know it well!"

He gave a thumbs up with his mechanical left hand.

When the footsteps outside went away, Chie secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked at Gin and said, "What were you up to?"

"The FBI has appeared in Japan, those troublesome guys," he looked into Chie's eyes, and said as if looking for some answer from there, "Among them, there is Akai Shuichi."

"Akai Shuichi?" Chie was slightly taken aback.

"What? No impression?"

Chie shook her head: "Is that Vivian's acquaintance?"

Gin lowered his eyelids and looked away, but avoided her question.

"Take a good rest, the doctor will come to check your body later."

He carefully covered her with the quilt, but Chie grabbed her by the corner of the clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"you're not eating?"

"Oh yes, I don't really feel a little hungry if you don't tell me." Chie withdrew her hand, buried her face in the quilt and said sullenly, "I want Italian pizza with pineapple."

The words made Gin twitch his lips.

Fortunately, Chie spoke Japanese, otherwise, if the Italians present heard it, it would not be so easy to walk out of the hospital.

There is reason to suspect that the dead woman was intentional.

Gin nodded and left without saying anything.

Of course there is no such thing as rebellious pineapple pizza. Don’t even think about buying such a pizza in front of Italians. It’s good enough if you don’t get beaten.

After confirming that her body was correct, Chie was discharged from the hospital without losing a single hair. Joseph is a very qualified tour guide. Over the past few decades, some famous cities and scenic spots have not changed much. He even gave Chie a tour guide at the port of Naples. Ei introduced DIO's son who was beaten up by Chie that year - although the Italian mafia godfather didn't have any impression of his father.

Having had enough fun in Italy, it has been more than a week since I returned to Japan. There is already a huge backlog of work, but Chie has a kind of bewildered calm.

It's like the strange feeling of not panicking in the face of piles of homework without writing a lot of homework at the end of the summer vacation and school starts the next day. Anxiety is not anxiety.

She put her handbag on the sofa and stretched.

"Gin, what would you like to have for dinner?" He asked casually.

But the man who usually answered her immediately was a little silent today.


Chie turned her head, but what greeted her was the black muzzle of the gun, facing her eyebrows.

"Who are you? Where did she go?"

he asked in a calm voice.


The author has something to say:

one more

I've been a little emo lately, I'm not in a good mood, just, it's quite complicated

I didn’t pass the preparation test before, I thought I could write the essay smoothly, but because of some family members, I didn’t pass the political review

It is estimated that there will be no fate in the future, ε=(?ο`*)))

I can only work honestly, it's life, I can only say

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