"Ye'er, can you talk now?" Although he said he was not worried anymore, he was still nervous and wanted to know what happened!

"Brother, let me ask a question first!" Dongfang Ziye told them to sit down, drinking water.

"Okay, you ask!" Dongfang Hao also calmed down knowing that he was in a hurry.

"Do you like children?" He said and looked at Cang Linhan, seeing him suddenly realize and then looked at Dongfang Hao nervously.

Dongfang Hao, who thought he was worried, held his hand tightly, patted his hand and said seriously, "Who doesn't like children, but for children, I like Xiaohan more! So don't mention this kind of thing again in the future!"

Cang Linhan's heart was delighted by the almost confession words, he smiled and held his hand and asked Dongfang Ziye joyfully, "Is this true?" Did he really have a child, Haohao's child?

Dongfang Ziye nodded, Cang Linhan had tears in his eyes, as long as he thought of a child who was connected with his blood in his belly, and it was conceived with the person he loved the most, tears would overflow uncontrollably, and he choked up "Then let me say it myself, okay?"

Dongfang Ziye smiled fondly and said, "Of course!"

The conversation between the two made Dongfang Hao confused, but he was not in a hurry when he heard Cang Linhan's words, he believed that Xiaohan would tell him!

So Dongfang Ziye took Cang Linshang, who was watching the show, and called the people who came to see the fun to go out, leaving Dongfang Hao and Cang Linhan alone.

"Uh..." Facing the staring eyes, Cang Linhan was also a little nervous at this moment, not knowing where to start.

Seeing his bewildered look, Dongfang Hao couldn't bear to hug him, but he didn't want to see him like this, so he said, "It's okay, I can talk about it later when I want to talk about it!"

"No!" Unexpectedly, Cang Linhan was excited, pushed him away and shouted, looking at his shocked eyes, knowing that he was a little fierce, so he took his hand on his stomach, and said a little shyly, "This, ,Here,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, and, and finally, "Here is a new life!!!!"

! ! ! !Dongfang Hao was stunned for a while, but after he digested it, he was dumbfounded and stood there in a daze without any movement.

"Are you kidding me?" The voice was in a trance, even his own feeling was extremely hazy, but he knew in his heart that Cang Linhan would not joke about such things, and according to Dongfang Ziye's serious attitude before, he also knew that this was not a fake.

Cang Linhan wrinkled his nose, raised his eyebrows, raised his head and asked, "You don't believe me?" Seeing him in a daze, some of the anger in his heart dissipated. Thinking about it, it's absurd that a man can have children, so it's true to have this reaction It's normal, so he calmed down, and said, "Aren't you good at medicine? You can just see for yourself!" Said and passed.

Dongfang Hao felt his pulse tremblingly, suddenly paused, raised his head and looked at Cang Linhan in surprise, then as if he had reacted, he stretched out his trembling hands to hug him in surprise, and even said in a trembling voice, "Yes ,, yes, really!!! We have a baby! Xiaohan!"

Cang Linhan breathed a sigh of relief, this is a normal reaction!Hearing his trembling voice, he happily hugged him back and said, "Well, we have a child, the child of the two of us!"

So the two hugged foolishly in their own room, and kept murmuring, "We have a baby!"

And outside, Yuwen Xiaoran, who had just heard the news, directly sprayed the tea in his mouth, opened his eyes wide, opened his mouth wide, looked at Dongfang Ziye who was speaking, and stammered, "Really, really?"

Although Nangong Yi wasn't that exaggerated, he could tell from his slightly opened eyes that he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface!

Cang Linshang gave him a disgusted look, and threw him a porcelain bottle, "If you want, give birth to yourself!" Then he dragged Dongfang Ziye who was drinking water away.

Yuwen Xiaoran caught the porcelain bottle in a hurry, and when he realized that it was the fertility drug, the two of them had already walked away, only Nangong Yi was left looking at him with unfriendly eyes ----- the porcelain bottle in his hand!

"Hey, Xiao Yier!" Yu Wen Xiao Ran scratched his hair, salivated and smiled at Nangong Yi.

"Throw it away!" Nangong Yi said with a cold face, then got up and left, just looking at his steps, he seemed to be running away.

Yuwen Xiaoran looked at his reddish ear tips and laughed, playing with the porcelain vase in his hand, rubbing his chin and thinking to himself, "Should we also have a child to play with?" Finally, he put the porcelain vase into the space Li, got up and stretched his waist and said, "Let's talk about it! I don't want anyone to compete with me for Xiao Yi'er's attention!"

Well, another guy with a strong desire for monopoly!

And Dongfang Hao, who was dazzled by the sudden joy, was still holding Cang Linhan foolishly, he couldn't see the original gentle and jade-like appearance at all, he just laughed like a big fool!

"Haohao~" It was really comfortable to stay in his arms, but Cang Linhan touched his stomach, then tugged at the sleeve of someone who was giggling and said, "Haohao, I'm hungry!"

"Ah? I'm sorry, I'm so excited!" Dongfang Hao reacted and said a little embarrassedly, then hurriedly put him on the bed gently and said, "Xiaohan, you have a rest first, I'll get some food! "As he spoke, he hurried out again, and looked at him on the bed before leaving.

Cang Linhan was a little funny, this was the first time he saw Haohao so embarrassed!But thinking about why he is like this, my heart is as sweet as honey!

Soon Dongfang Hao came back, with some food in his hands, followed by people behind him, Yuwen Xiaoran followed behind, watching Cang Linhan lying on the bed, staring at his stomach, finally Cang Linhan yelled at the unbearable Cang Linhan, and Nangong Yi stepped on it before he stopped.

"Xiaohan, let's eat!" Dongfang Hao walked to the bed and planned to pick him up, but Cang Linhan stopped him, "Xiaohan, your body is important now, I will carry you there!"

"No, Haohao, it's okay!" Said and jumped out of bed, startled Dongfanghao "Xiaohan!"

Facing his nervous look, Cang Linhan stuck out his tongue unconsciously and said, "It's nothing, Haohao! Don't treat me so fragile!"

Dongfang Ziye looked at the two and felt that Dongfang Hao was a little too nervous, so he said, "Brother, Xiaohan's body is very good, and he is not so fragile because he is a practitioner. Don't worry, you know medical skills, you should know!"

Dongfang Hao was a little unnatural, and felt that he was making too much fuss, and at the same time, he was a little annoyed, why did he not look like himself when he met Xiao Han?

After eating, Cang Linshang said, "Pack up and leave for Beijing tomorrow!" After speaking, he went back to the room with Dongfang Ziye.

The next day, everyone packed up and drove their horses. Because of Cang Linhan's special condition, they prepared a carriage for him, which was covered with thick animal skins, which was warm and soft, and would not make him feel uncomfortable due to bumps. Of course, Dongfang Hao, who loves his wife like his life, also sat in and took care of him.

A group of people marched forward in a mighty way. Because they had to take care of Cang Linhan, they slowed down. Two days ago, he began to have a reaction. The first thing was morning sickness. He vomited out after eating something. The round bun face also lost weight, but because Dongfang Ziye had a lot of panaceas in his hands, he didn't lose his spirit!

On this day, several people stopped as usual and rested in the open space on one side. Suddenly, several people looked around vigilantly and got ready. Dongfang Ziye held Cang Linshang's hand and said, "It's okay, my own!" All around said "Come out!"

As soon as the words fell, more than a dozen men in black appeared one after another, kneeling respectfully, "Master!"

"Ye Er, why are you here?" Dongfang Ziye asked the leader.

"Master, received the mission, assassinate!" Ye Er said respectfully.

Dongfang Ziye's forehead twitched, and he glanced at Nangong Yi inadvertently, the two of them were really... "You mean, someone asked you to assassinate us?"

Ye Er nodded, thinking that the master didn't like him not talking, so he said, "Yes!"

"Who?" He asked casually, playing with Cang Linshang's slender fingers casually.


"Oh? Still don't give up?" Dongfang Ziye said indifferently, and then waved his hand, "Go back, if she wants to find you again in the future, you just accept the task and don't worry about it!"

"Yes!" Then a dozen or so people left quietly as if they had just arrived.

At this time Yuwen Xiaoran said, "Dongfang Ziye, you are really treacherous!" Accepting the task is equivalent to accepting that person's money, tsk tsk, never forget to collect money wherever you go!

"Yuwen Xiaoran, you seem to have forgotten something?" Dongfang Ziye casually reminded.

"Forgot what?"

"A certain person still owes you 100 taels of gold, and I don't know when to pay it back?" Mu Yue said coolly.

"Uh..." Yuwen Xiaoran obviously forgot about this matter. After he reminded him, he immediately remembered what Dongfang Ziye had set up at that time, and his face was a little gloomy, but thinking of Dongfang Ziye's methods of governing people, he was ruthless. Shivering fiercely, he rubbed his nose and said, "Repay, repay, this will be repaid!" With a face full of pain, he took out the bank note and handed it to Dongfang Ziye, "Hey, it's all for you!"

Dongfang Ziye glanced at Cang Linshang, Cang Linshang automatically put it away, then smiled very happily, and looked at Yuwen Xiaoran.

Yuwen Xiaoran hated his teeth itchingly, good you Cang Linshang, just watch your own jokes!

This small episode passed in a while, and the few people packed up and hurried on the road. Perhaps because of Dongfang Ziye's arrangement, no one came to make trouble, and the few people strolled leisurely.

Regarding Dongfang Ziye's exposing his strength to them, they knew that it was because he had regarded them as his closest friends, and he did this because he believed in them. Similarly, because of his trust, they also kept silent , virtually responded to Dongfang Ziye's trust!

This friendship slowly fermented unconsciously, and when they realized it, the few of them lived together naturally, laughing and making noise!

The author has something to say: I'm back, um, a bit kavinye! ⊙︿⊙⊙﹏⊙‖∣T^T

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