In a blink of an eye, three years have passed.

Weiss opened his misty eyes, stared at the dazzling sunlight outside, covered his eyes with his arms, and smiled helplessly. Three years have passed, and the changes are really great. Obsession, with the passage of time, the relationship between the two not only did not turn into family affection, but made Sessus even more clingy to him.

Stretched, thumped the numb lower back, turned slightly left and right, and could still hear the crisp sound of "crack~crack~".Damn Seth, so energetic every day.

Weiss went down and opened the window, and the breeze was blowing in. It was almost noon again, and the tribe was so lively today. Weiss smiled lightly and walked out of the bedroom as he heard the noise that filled the tribe.

To talk about the changes in the past three years, I really need to chatter for a while. The entire range of the tribe has expanded 500 meters, but the gate of the tribe has not moved, but has extended to the back and side of Weiss’ house. After the dry season, A large area of ​​the woods behind was dead, and after felling, there was just enough space to build houses for the cubs who would grow up in the future.

Now there are a lot of new houses next to Weiss’s house. As for the distance, they are all 200 meters apart according to Sessus’ requirements. As for how to occupy such a large area in a tribe with tight land, Weiss does not know the specific reason, but Just seeing Sessus come back with bruises all over his body, it is not difficult for Weiss to guess that Sesses must have been won by force.

The beast's behavior of grabbing the territory also made everyone laugh, but who made Sessus powerful by force, since he couldn't beat him, he should obediently give up the territory and settle down in another place.

Jialimu still comes to the tribe for exchange every spring and autumn every year. To Jialimu’s blessing, the species of plants planted in the tribe have become richer, and all kinds of fresh vegetables and fruits are planted in the vegetable garden and the fields outside the tribe. Recipes Some dishes have been added.Weiss is most satisfied with this.

The Dager tribe is now a medium-sized tribe. Although the number of adult orcs has not increased, the number of cubs can be said to be the one that has increased the most in recent years among the major tribes around.

They can be seen jumping happily everywhere, and a group of younger cubs form a circle, shouting continuously towards the middle position.

"Galileo! Come on! Galileo knocked him down..."

Responding to the sound of cheering, a small figure vigorously punched and kicked the cub who was a head taller, with ruthless moves and punches to the flesh.Finally, with a whip leg, he slapped the tall boy hard on the waist.

The tall boy was so embarrassed that he blocked from left to right, and was whipped to the ground at last, stood up, patted the dirt on his body, and said "I lost"

The little orc wiped his nose with his thumb, and let out a "hum~" from his nostrils. He raised his head and accepted the admiration of his friends.

Galileo was waving his hand, when he heard, "Baby~ brother told you to go home for dinner! He said that if you tear your clothes again, he will spank your ass!"

Keya squinted, looked at the little guy who broke away from the crowd and ran over, and said what Weiss told him maliciously.

The baby immediately lowered his head, covered the hole in his buttocks, walked to Keya's side, lowered his head and said angrily, "Uncle, don't tell Dad! It hurts a lot!"

Keya lowered his head and fumbled for his chin, his eyes signaled what was my business?

"Help me hide it! Please, please..." The baby lost his arrogance in an instant, and flattered Keya like a pug.

What he was most afraid of was not the beast father Sethus. Although the beast father was strict, as long as he learned the hunting skills, the beast mother would not bother him.

But when Weiss was naughty, he would chase him and beat him all over the place, not to mention losing face, and it really hurt.

The beast mother has a feather duster made of Gugu animal hair. Although I don’t know why it’s not called a Gugu feather duster, the baby still knows how painful it is to hit the butt with the feather duster!Not only is it painful, but the hairs are flying all over the sky.Thinking of the feeling of the feather duster falling on his buttocks, the baby trembled all over, his fleshy little body was shaking randomly, and Keya couldn't stop laughing at it.

As long as he gets into trouble, or his clothes are torn due to a fight, the beast mother will chase him and beat him with the feather duster. , Said that the orc cubs are healthier.

"Hehe... I don't! It's no good to help you, so just ask yourself." Keya is already 11 years old, and she is almost as tall as Weiss, and her delicate face has begun to take shape. The lines of the body, the streamlined muscles of the body, are constantly undulating as he walks.

The little females in the tribe like to watch Keya very much, but Keya has not shown any affection for any little female so far, which made Weiss wonder for a while whether Keya also has a tendency to disturb the sex. frowning.

"Uncle~ you love baby the most! Dad is the worst~ at most I won't tell dad that you accidentally broke the glass in Uncle Booth's house yesterday." Baby rolled his small eyes and hugged Keya with a sincere expression. said with a smile.

In fact, the villain in his heart laughed treacherously, "If you don't help me, you will have to be beaten. Even if you grow up, Dad can't beat you, and the beast father will teach you a lesson."

"Uh~" Keya stared at this little thing who squinted his eyes and smiled at him. As expected, like father, like son, "Okay ~ just this time!" Keya sighed and told the little guy In the name of negotiating.

"Pull the hook!" The baby bent his eyes, smiled and stretched out a little finger, shaking it at Keya.

"Childish! At this age, I still believe my brother's tricks..." Keya muttered and stretched out his finger, hooked it and shook it, and then gave the baby thumbs up.

"Hey, hey, hey..." The baby smiled proudly ~ smiled proudly again~

"Oh~" Clutching his head, he stared at the uncle who rewarded him with a chestnut.

"Even if you're happy in your heart, you can't show it! Otherwise, won't people know that you are plotting against others?" Keya taught the baby in a funny way that tricks should be played for fun.

"Huh~ You're right..." Baby rubbed his aching head and complained, Keya thought in a good mood, there was a reason why his brother loved to play him the most.

It was so much fun to see the little guy suffocated, he gave the baby another chestnut with itchy hands, and before the little guy got mad, he ran with his long legs.The baby waved his short legs and chased after him with all his strength, and he still called Uncle Keya a villain.

After running into the yard, Keya pestered Wes, who was cooking, to talk, waving his hands behind his back, telling the baby to go into the house and change clothes.

Weiss was talking through the open window blocked by Keya, and out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a little mouse sneaking into the room. With a cold smile, he dropped the cooking spoon and went to the living room to block people.

Keya slapped his head, "It's over!"

Weiss is in a good mood today, thinking of cooking something delicious to reward the three orcs in the family, but after waiting for a few guys to come back, he asked Dijia to inform Keya to catch his disobedient son and go home Have a meal.

The baby is four years old, and the older he gets, the more mischievous he is. It is much more difficult to manage than when Keya was young. There is nothing this kid dare not do.

For the sake of Weiss, it is not allowed to peek at the female bathing.Under the baby's questioning, Weiss, based on the principle of education starting from the doll, said that the body length of the little female and the little orc is different, and this little thing curiously ran to peep at the little female taking a bath.

In the end, he was caught, he was beaten up and refused to speak, and even brought him to Wes's house to ask for an explanation.Naturally, Weiss gave the little guy a hard ass in front of the grown-ups again before he was done.

Now that the baby is sneaking around, I know that there must be another fight and trouble. Weiss jumped up and gave birth to this kid just to anger him. He has to get angry about this little thing every day. His temper has become irritable.

"Where do you want to go?" Weiss folded his chest coldly, standing in front of the baby who had just rushed into the room.

"Well~ I'm going to wash my face. Look at how dirty my hands are. I have to wash my hands before eating. Dad, you taught me that." The baby quickly waved his dirty paws.

"Galileo! You've learned to lie? Huh? What are you doing in the house instead of washing your hands in the yard!" Weiss raised his eyebrows.

"Ah? Ha...haha...I...I just...want to change clothes." The baby looked at his father in embarrassment, and wanted to explain, but Weiss face sank, he quickly admitted his mistake, and made the appointment with his head drooping.

"Hmph... fighting again!" Weiss said with certainty.

"Hmm~" The baby covered the hole in his buttocks with his hands, and rubbed the ground under his feet.

"What's wrong?" The baby had no choice but to turn around and move his hands away, revealing his snow-white buttocks.

"Pfft~ Why is the spanked butt exposed? You're really getting better and better!" Weiss finished laughing, and carried the baby's ears into the bedroom.

The baby rested on tiptoes, grinning in pain and followed, begging for mercy, "Dad, Dad, I was wrong, but it hurts, and my ears are about to fall off... Hiss~...ah..." The little hand wanted to snatch it back. The pinched ear didn't dare to wave it indiscriminately.

"Pfft~hahaha..." Keya clutched his stomach, squatting in the yard laughing tears bursting out.

"Say it! Do you dare next time?"

"Papa papa..." Weiss took off the baby's pants, pressed them on his thighs, and slapped the baby's round buttocks.

"Don't dare! Ahhhhh..." The baby howled loudly, so loud that it almost pierced Weiss' eardrums.

Finally, he covered the baby's mouth, and gave him two hard slaps.Only then did he pull up the baby and put on new pants for the aggrieved little thing who wiped his tears.

"Don't you know that Dad's sewing is not good? Every time the clothes at home are broken, I have to ask you, Qi Yazu, to mend them. Her family also has a lot of work. Even if you don't feel sorry for your dad, you have to feel sorry for him." Are you a grandma?" Weiss reluctantly brought out the baby's favorite grandma to educate him.

The author has something to say: Quack~~Children are difficult to discipline~~The last chapter of the main text tomorrow~~What are you guys~~

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