Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 126 The Pride of Sessus

Time passed extremely slowly. All morning, Weiss stood quietly at the door, neither eating nor drinking. Even Sessus had to react to him for a long time before answering.No matter how Koya and Sesers tried to persuade him, Weiss refused to leave the gate of the temple.

Sesers touched Weiss' tense body, but he had no choice but to hold him up and put him in the shade. Weiss wanted to struggle but was suppressed by Sesses force, "Don't worry, they will be fine, if you fall down Well, that's the big deal for me."

Weiss took a deep breath, blinked, looked at the disapproving eyes of Sessus and Keya, pursed his lips and said nothing, and slowly closed his eyes to rest.

The moment the gate of the temple opened, Weiss jumped up and rushed towards the gate. Sessus and Keya also watched the direction of the gate nervously. The cubs stumbled out one after another. On the altar, those who did not succeed in transforming also returned to the crowd under the comfort of their father and mother.

Weiss stared nervously at the door, but he still didn't see his cubs and Sean. His body seemed to have lost his strength, and he almost fell to the ground. Sethus hurriedly supported Weiss, and looked forward with a frown. This time, even the sacrificial offering didn't come out first.

"Galileo, Sean~" Weiss screamed and wanted to rush in.Being held down jointly by Keya and Sethus, Weiss kept struggling in an attempt to enter the temple to pick up his cub.

"Calm down, Galileo hasn't successfully transformed yet, don't disturb them, wait for them to come out by themselves." The priest heard the voice and walked out, she couldn't help much inside.

"What's the matter? Ah? Tell me? Why don't you come out? What happened to Galileo and Sean?" It's about his own child. Weiss' eyes darkened and he almost fainted. asked in a series of voices.

"Galileo ran to the front to help Xiao En transform. The divine light in that place was too strong. Galileo's transformation retreated. Even if he succeeded, he might not be able to keep his vertical pupils." The priest shook his head and looked at Sessus helplessly.

Sessus' vertical pupil shrank suddenly, his cub's transformation failed?This means that Galileo cannot become a strong man in the future, but can only be an orc with ordinary strength. That is his cub of Sessus, how can he be?

"How could this be..." Weiss let go of the priest's hand, and squatted on the ground with tears streaming down his face.

"It's long as the two cubs are transformed, Sean don't have to worry anymore," Sethus said with difficulty.

"No... what about Galileo?... He is our cub..." Although Weiss was very happy knowing that Sean transformed successfully, Galileo was his own cub. Only when something happened did he realize how sad he was .There are both self-blame and guilt. Recently, for Sean, Weiss neglected his cub. The baby failed to transform in order to help Sean. It was all his fault, but for Sean, Weiss didn’t know what to do. Say, why is this happening?

"It's going to be fine... My Sasuke's son, even if he doesn't have vertical pupils, he can become a strong man!" Sasuke comforted Weiss, and he also comforted himself.

"Come out..." Keya tugged at Wes's clothes, bringing him back to his senses.

Weiss looked up and saw a half-sized beast with fur on its back but its claws were covered with scales, dragging a miniature version of Sessus towards the door. The small beast that was dragged on the ground also waved its claws with difficulty. The power of half a big beast crawled out.

", come to daddy...Come on..." Weiss burst into tears, encouraging the little beast that was struggling to crawl, as if returning to the day when Keya transformed into a form, and his heart was so anxious that he was about to burst into tears don't open your mouth.

"Sean, let him go and let him climb out on his own. Only by relying on his own strength can he become a strong man. Even if he doesn't have vertical pupils, my cub of Sessus can climb to the top!" Sesses ordered domineeringly.

Sean let go of Galileo's fur, slowly walked out of the door, lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry..."

"This...isn't your fault... Dad is very happy that Sean can become an orc..." Weiss hugged the shamed half-sized beast tightly, and opened his other arm in the direction of Galileo "Baby, come to can do it...Dad believes in you!"

Looking at his father with tears in his eyes, Galileo stood up tremblingly, moved his limbs, and moved to the door step by step. As soon as he stepped out of one foot, he let Sessus hold the fur on his neck and hugged him , this is the first time Sessus hugs his cub since Galileo grew up.

"Well done! You are a brave orc! Father Beast is proud of you! Roar~" Sethus raised his head and roared to the sky.Venting his depressed emotions, no one is more sad than him. The beast father is the most disappointed when his cub loses a symbol of great strength, but he is also proud that he can help Xiao En transform into form.

"Ah~~~" The cub being held in his arms let out an immature roar to the sky, echoing the beast father's beast roar.

Weiss stood up and hugged Sean, hugged Sessus and his cub, and cried bitterly ~ "It's good to be alive! It's good to be alive... woo woo woo..."

Keya patted Sean and Galileo's heads to comfort the two little guys. Remembering the day he transformed into a human form, his brother also cried very sadly. He hoped it would not happen again. He couldn't bear this kind of scene either.

"Don't you just cry like this every time your family transforms into form? Shame on you! Besides, it's a good thing~ Sean was able to transform into vertical pupils a few years later. That's the gift of the beast god, even though Galileo lost the power of vertical pupils , but with the teachings of Sessus, he will still become a warrior of the tribe, and no one would say that a cub who helps others transform is a coward!" Wigg said excitedly.

Although the tribe lost a vertical pupil, it welcomed another vertical pupil, and the cub that Weiss took care of was not forced to become a sub-beast. Everyone was really happy for him, but it was a pity for Galileo.Hey~ This is probably the meaning of the Beast God!

"Whatever you gain, what you lose~ What you gain, what you lose! Galileo, do you regret it?" Weiss raised his head and looked at his son in a daze. He didn't want Galileo to regret helping Xiao En today, but he lost his vertical pupil power .

"I'm the elder brother! I promised my father to take care of my younger brother. I am a responsible orc, and I will stand proudly in the ranks of the brave like the father of the beast. I don't regret it!" Galileo said his thoughts loudly.

"As expected of me, Sessus' cub! With my teaching, you will become a strong man!" Sessus proudly raised the cub, and roared in the direction of the tribe, "Roar~"

All the orcs roared to the sky, for the future strong of the tribe, and also for having such a cub who bravely faced setbacks.

"Dad is proud of you!" Weiss wiped away his tears, looking proudly at his cub.

"Sean! Even if I'm not vertical, I can beat you! If you dare to steal my things, I won't let you go! Even if you are a younger brother!" Galileo turned to Sean who looked up at him. Waving his little paws, baring his deciduous teeth, he looked fiercely at the half-sized beast nestled in his father's arms below.

"Brother! I won't...give it!" The half-sized beast grinned in the direction of Galileo, then stretched out its paw and waved it in the air. He likes this brother!It's nice to have a brother!I like to see him blowing his hair out of anger, so he will continue to grab his things.

I was still moved at this moment, but Weiss heard Sean's "brother" and thought tangledly: Sean~ Do you know that you are older than Galileo......

"Pfft~" Keya couldn't help laughing, this is really a cub raised by her brother~

During this one-month transformation period, Sessus practiced the two little beasts hard. Although Galileo lost the power of vertical pupils, he was still stronger than ordinary little beasts. Under the guidance of Sessus, Galileo's progress soon.

To say that what surprised Sethus the most was his adopted son. After two or three years of late transformation, his strength value was not affected at all, but became more fierce. Every time Galileo and Sean fought, Sean was able to stabilize It is better than Galileo, except for the size of body and strength, and the value of pure force, Sessus has to say strong.

Sessus was very satisfied with the performance of his other cub, but he had even higher demands on his own cub, which often made Galileo complain to the sky.

However, Galileo, who refused to admit defeat, aroused his fighting spirit even more, and had to spend more time training movements every day.Weiss also secretly gave his cub a little trouble, trying to let Galileo regain his confidence in the battle with Sean.

Weiss also secretly said to Sean that Galileo has a good temper for not admitting defeat, but he can't suppress him too hard, for fear of hurting the little guy's self-esteem.

Sean cooperated with Weiss's request and constantly stimulated Galileo. Sean's stimulation level was well mastered, and he left Galileo with the motivation to win as long as he worked harder every time, prompting Galileo to constantly think about new tactics and work harder. Practice hunting moves.

Weiss watched Sessus drill the two cubs every day, and also took on the task of cooking, serving delicious food and drink every day, hoping that the two cubs would become like Keya when he was a child Chubby.

After training, it was time for Weiss to enjoy.Touching this one, rubbing that one, you can't put it down.Galileo was originally dissatisfied with his father's ravaging behavior, but when he saw Xiao En lying on his back and snoring as he was touched by his father's hand, Galileo felt unbalanced, and acted coquettishly and flirtatiously together, which attracted Weiss to change his target again. Come and get close to yourself.

Galileo waved his paw proudly at Sean. Sean twisted his buttocks, stretched himself on the ground, wagged his tail and took small steps, and sat down next to Galileo, his big head pressed against Galileo's belly and began to doze off.

Weiss looked at the two cubs who were peacefully coexisting with each other with a funny face, kissing each other passionately, and Sessus almost smashed the door frame when he stood at the door, glaring at the two cubs angrily.It seems that the training in the afternoon has to be doubled again, hum!

Sean can master all kinds of hunting skills proficiently without practice. After living in the forest for so many years, his behavior has basically reached the level of beasts, and he can quickly understand the meaning of hunting taught by Sethus. Can master the timing of the attack very well.

Compared with Sean, who lived like a beast since he was a child, Galileo was born in human form. All beast behaviors, from walking to catching, have to be trained the day after tomorrow, from adapting to the body to being able to run, jump, and jump freely. For a long time, both Weiss and Sethus were pleased with their cub's efforts.

With Sean's encouragement, Galileo made faster progress. Compared with other little orcs, it was simply not at the same level. With Sean and Galileo's current learning results, they are not weak against the one-year-old cubs.

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