After returning to the tribe, Weiss stared at the two cubs in disbelief, and Sean was wondering if Weiss would not agree to his partnering with Galileo, but Weiss turned his head dryly and said to Sessus, "I Could it be that he picked up a child bride~"

Sessus rubbed his chin, looked Sean up and down and said, "Honey, we really have the foresight to retrieve a child bride with vertical pupils, hehe~ Not bad! Galileo, you are also very pleased that you can bring back your runaway partner! Beast father! Have a good time!"

Sitting in Keya's arms, Feilin asked suspiciously, "What is a child bride?"

Keya burst out laughing, coughed a few times before seriously answering, "A child bride is a guy who was raised at home since childhood to be a companion for future cubs."

"Oh?" Feilin glanced up and down at Sean, and then said excitedly, "Keya, let's raise a child bride in the future, how good it is, if we give birth to a little female, we don't have to give her to someone else as a partner in the future, It’s better to be your own family at a lower price!”

Sean looked at the unscrupulous family with a black line on his forehead, and punched Galileo hard. Galileo still nodded with a smirk and said, "Dad is the most wise! I like this child bride very much! If you had told me earlier that Sean was me Future partner, I will treat him better when I was young, and I can also be with him earlier..."

Sean looked at the squinting Galileo, and let out a long sigh with his hands on his forehead. It seems that Galileo's complacent behavior must be stopped in the future, otherwise all tribes will proclaim that he is his child bride, and then he will not be a joke for everyone?Besides, is he, Sean, willing to be oppressed for the rest of his life?Thinking that Garth can't let this situation continue to develop, it seems that a good conspiracy is necessary...

The return of Galileo and Sean naturally aroused heated discussions in the tribe. After three years of experience, Sean returned with Galileo. The tribe was naturally very happy. Knowing that the two were about to form a couple, many little females were secretly sad.

The elders, including Wig and Gail, were frowning. They originally thought that there would be more vertical-eyed cubs in the tribe, but who would have imagined that the two vertical-eyed cubs would form brothers and companions, and then there would be no vertical-eyed cubs in the tribe in the future? Hitomi cub?Although it was very happy to see the two guys being together, it inevitably made Wig and the elders feel a little sad.

"Hey~ Why didn't you find out that they have such a sign, if you knew it, let the little females in the tribe take the initiative, what a good seedling, and now they are disturbing the foundation" Gail lamented.

"Then what can we do? We're all together now." Wigg also sighed. Although he has relieved himself of the duties of the patriarch, as an elder, he still has to worry about the future development of the tribe.There is no doubt about the strength of the vertical pupils. When these vertical pupils are old, who should take the responsibility of growing the tribe?

"No matter, let these two cubs figure out their own way. Since they are together, they should make a little contribution to the development of the tribe. Hehe, if you want to be together, let's take the position of patriarch." Yandi smiled sinisterly, trying to get rid of himself The burden on the body.

"Cut~ Which of them do you think can take your position? If you want to be tough, you have to look at your strength." Gail sneered at Yandi's little calculation.

"Brothers are not bad, but they have to be taken care of when they get old. Otherwise, Galileo and Sean will know the disadvantages of brothers and sisters when they get old." Weige is really worried about the two cubs, and now the brothers are in the tribe. There is nothing unusual in the village, but it is always a pity to have no cubs. No matter how much the tribe takes care of them, it can't keep up with having cubs to support them.

"That's hard to say, wouldn't it be good to let them adopt a cub?" Weiss said from behind the door.

"Brat, you're an adult and you're still eavesdropping," Gail scolded.

"Tch~ you want to plot against my son behind my back, do you think I'm stupid? Hmph~ take back your little thoughts, the three vertical pupils are all in my house, and if you want to plot against them, they have to see if I, a father, are the same Agreed, I knew you were dissatisfied, so I came to discuss with you." Weiss touched his nose and firmly refused to admit his eavesdropping behavior.

"We're not plotting against them, we have to think about their future, and although our tribe is already a medium-sized tribe, the deterrent power still depends on the vertical-eyed orcs to support other tribes so that we don't dare to take Dagger's idea, let alone wait for them to grow old , without the support of the cubs, life will be more difficult after all." Wig told the truth, knowing that Weiss would not be unreasonable, so he expressed all his worries.

"Besides, how can there be extra cubs in the tribe for them to raise?" Gail also sighed secretly.

"Why don't you regenerate one, Weiss? Anyway, your family has three vertical pupils, so it's easy to find the holy fruit, so you can give birth to a vertical pupil cub, so that it can be used for Galileo's retirement in the future." Yandi came up with a bad idea.

"Don't talk about it! It's enough to suffer once, and I'm sure I won't have another one. Even if there is no cub in the tribe to adopt, I can go out and pick one up!" Weiss said with narrowed eyes.

"Where did you find so many wild cubs for you?" Gail gave Weiss a white look.

"Anyway, I support Galileo and Sean as partners, you all give me a break, and don't think of any crooked ideas!" Weiss waved his hand and left after finishing speaking.All the people in the room were blowing their beards and staring in anger.

"Come out!" Weiss yelled towards the roof in a low voice, and saw two sneaky figures emerging from the roof, laughing and jumping to the ground.

"Hey~ You said that I am a father, and you can't stop being together, and you have to solve your troubles." Weiss knocked one by one.

"Father, you are the best. With you, no one would dare to object to my partnering with Sean. If anyone objects, I will beat him until he agrees!" Galileo laughed while rubbing the back of his head.

"Will there be any trouble?" Sean stepped forward to hug Weiss, leaning his head on Weiss' shoulder, it seemed that he had added trouble to Dad again.

"What trouble can there be? Gale and the others are at most regretting that the tribe will not have vertical-eyed cubs in the future, and they will not really object to you being together." Weiss rubbed Sean, this thoughtful cub is afraid of causing him trouble.

"Well, I know they are all kind-hearted, and they are all for the sake of the tribe," Sean said in a muffled voice.

"Sean, don't worry, at worst, we'll go pick up a vertical-eyed cub and come back?" Galileo said indifferently.

"Where are there so many stray vertical pupils for you to pick up?" Sean kicked sideways, Galileo stood still and obediently kicked, now Sean dared not fight back when he beat and scolded Galileo, who made him feel wronged, besides, his partner is the biggest He still understands this truth. The consequence of making your partner angry is to sleep in the cold bed at night. Galileo would not be so stupid as to do that.

"Then go and grab one back," Galileo said eagerly.

"Uh~" Sean was speechless.

Weiss' eyes lit up and said, "Good idea, Xiao En, didn't you say that the outside world is still disgusted with vertical pupils? It doesn't matter if it's stolen or abducted, it doesn't matter whether it's vertical pupils or not. They are all our sons!"

"Dad, are you serious?" Sean blinked, and asked his dad as he watched people come crazy.

"Dad, do you agree? Well, tomorrow, Xiao En and I will set off to snatch the cubs." Galileo excitedly punched his fists, wishing he could set out to find the cubs immediately.

"Nonsense, what are you stealing a bastard! That's what others don't want, even if it's stealing, you can't make it loud! You idiot!" Weiss cursed in a low voice, and even glanced left and right for fear of being heard by the tribe.

Xiao En covered his face speechlessly, Dad really dared to think, this pair of living treasures is really powerless, but what Weiss said is also a good way, he has been wandering for three years, and he has seen the dark side of many tribes on the way , Some cubs were excluded by the tribe because they had no parents, and they were not well taken care of, and there were also orcs who took their cubs to wander.

After thinking about it, Sean said, "Even if the cub is kidnapped, the cub must be willing to come back with us, and you can't start with a cub who still has dad and dad."

"Of course!" Galileo vowed, as long as Xiao En agrees, raising cubs is a little troublesome, but as long as they can stop the mouths of the old guys.

After the matter was settled, Galileo and Sean embarked on the journey of looking for the cubs after the Beast Tide Moon, of course they said they were continuing to practice.

Galileo returned to the tribe after less than a year of experience because he met Sean by chance. This time, Sean accompanied Galileo to practice, and the partner ceremony was held after the two experienced.

When seeing off, the Weiss family, including Chia's grandma, came, and Chia said goodbye with sobs, "You two bastards are really disturbing. You have to go out to practice again within two months of coming back!"

"Ah Zu, we will come back soon this time, at most one year, I promise!" Galileo comforted Chia softly while hugging her.

Raisman stared angrily at the side. The bastard dared to hug his partner even though he was an adult. If it wasn't for Qi Ya's sake, he would have to beat him up.

Weiss said happily, "Okay, just know that you miss us, pay attention to safety on the road, Xiao En pays more attention to Galileo, this brat still looks unreliable when he grows up!"

"Dad, I'm an orc, how can you say that I'm unreliable!" Galileo immediately muttered in dissatisfaction.

Sean glared at Galileo, who was playing with a bad temper, and hugged Qi Yazu and said to his father, "Don't worry, I will take good care of him, and I will return soon after completing the task."

Weiss nodded knowingly, but he worriedly ordered, "Even if you don't complete the task, you have to get out of here in a year!"

"Understood." Sean smiled warmly. Dad is the best. In fact, it doesn't matter whether there are cubs or not. As long as the family can live happily together, this experience is all about travel.

"Huh! Hurry up and leave when you've had enough hugs, so I won't be an eyesore." Sessus turned his head and drove away.One or two are worrying. They should not have been raised in the first place, but as an adult, they still hold Weiss and never let go. I don’t know what I owed these two bastards in my previous life. They can cause a lot of trouble when they are together. .

Galileo and Sean glanced at each other, grinned, and jointly attacked Sessus. Sesses raised his eyebrows, opened his posture, and used human form to fight the two cubs. Lesman took the opportunity to step in, and the two cubs He beat the two cubs hard.

Raisman rubbed his fists and bared his teeth and said, "If you want to beat us old guys, you youngsters need to practice more!"

Sessus also had an expression of how weak you are, sniffing and despising the two guys.

Galileo rubbed his waist and eyes, and said angrily, "I can defeat you old guys when I come back from training!"

Sean kicked Galileo, and then said sincerely, "Dad said that we have to learn more from our parents in order to grow, and one day we will surpass you and become strong!"

There is always a moment to say goodbye, and the two of Sean waved and embarked on a new journey.

Weiss looked at the two cubs who were drifting away and sighed, "We have grown up, we are all old!"

"Cut~ We won't be rivals in two years, Sessus" Lesman and the others walked away before sitting on the ground and panting heavily. , Dissatisfaction always dies.

"Well! They are already among the strong ones now." Sessus also stood with his hands back, looking at the distant figure with a relieved smile.

"If you ask me, you're just going to save yourself and suffer. Even at your age, you still want to fight people, and you're not afraid of getting hurt if you have old arms and legs!" Chia rubbed the bruises on Lesman's body and scolded with a smile.

"This is saying, I'm not old yet! You're questioning my ability! I'll let you know what a sword is not old when I get home! Is that what you say, Sethus?" Lesman yelled unconvinced, You can't lose your momentum by saying anything in front of your partner.

"Hehe~ Yes! Wes, do you also think I'm not good enough?" Sethus asked with a shy face in front of Wes.

"No, you're still young! Absolutely, I can't do it because I'm old!" Weiss took two steps back, turned his head and ran away, this guy with a brain and a brain wanted to set a trap for himself to drill, he was not stupid.In the past two years, it is obvious that his physical strength cannot keep up with Sethus. If he is caught, he will not think about it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

"How can you be old? I'm still obsessed with your name... Ah, mesmerized!" Sethus strode after his partner who fled in a panic. The two cubs were not at home, so they couldn't let go Take this chance.

Chia and Raisman glanced at each other and laughed, "These two guys are still so noisy!"

After Chia and Lesman left together, the haystack on the side squirmed for a while. Gus squinted his eyes and got out of the haystack, rubbing his chin and thinking. Feeling unexpectedly bumped into such an interesting scene, Gus rubbed his chin and smiled meaningfully...


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