Two small things happened in the tribe during this month. One was that the female partner of the Goss family gave birth to a little female, and the number of little females in the tribe increased to 8.

Another thing is related to Weiss, if we say it was Weiss' bad luck, Weiss just came back from the field and passed the square that day, and ran into Lunia who had met in the fruit forest. Of course, Lunia couldn't let Wes go, so she told a little orc beside her who had been pursuing her aggrievedly, and planned to let the little orc teach him a good lesson.

The little orc smiled for the Pomeranian, and naturally patted his chest and promised to get justice for Lunia, so Wes couldn't avoid a fight with the little orc who was about the same height as him.

Although Weiss was also punched twice, the little orc was injured a little more severely by Weiss' desperate punches, mainly because Weiss' fists only greeted the head and hit the head. The little orc has a bruised nose and a swollen face, looking quite scary.

Originally, the little orc was worried that Weiss was a sub-beast, so he hurt him so hard, he just wanted to give Lunia a break, but Weiss was so cruel that he said he would stop beating him, and even died Riding him and beating him.

The little orc who was beaten hard forgot the rule that females and sub-beasts should not change into animal form, so he insisted on changing into animal form and bit Weiss' arm.As a result, it was naturally restrained by a passing adult orc and turned to the patriarch.

Weiss's injury was not serious, just a cut from his teeth, but it still made Weiss's heart ring the alarm, and he should accept it as soon as he is better.As a result, he was almost bitten on the neck, and it was really only a bit away from Mimi's bite. He could even smell the stench from the little lion's mouth.Even if the little orc is not yet an adult, that head is almost the size of a calf.

The little orc was still young, and was imprisoned in the cave behind the altar for a month under the plea of ​​his father and mother, while Lunia was locked at home, and was not allowed to leave the house for one hunting day as punishment (one hunting day ten days).

Speaking of which, the punishment for orcs who made mistakes in the tribe was very severe.The heaviest thing is to do harm to females, especially those who bully females with animal form, and even be expelled from the tribe in severe cases.

As for Weiss, one reason is that he is a sub-beast, and the other is that the little orc is still young. Considering that everyone is at fault, he lightened the little orc's punishment.

Naturally, this matter spread among the tribe. Everyone said that Weiss had changed, and some said that he had become cheerful and brave.There are also some people who say it is ugly, saying that their temper has changed and become more irritable, a sub-beast fights with a little orc, it is too unreasonable, and the sub-beast is still rolling with the little orc, it does not know shame and so on.

These Weiss heard it and pretended not to hear it. As a big man, does he have to learn how females avoid orcs?

Not only did this matter have no effect on Weiss, but it made him feel that it was more beneficial. At least now, no little females and little orcs who don't open their eyes will come to him, pointing at his nose and laughing at him. Less trouble Weiss was very happy.

After this happened, Keya became even more attached to him, no matter where he went, Keya followed him, saying that he wanted to protect him.This made Weiss a little headache and heartwarming, the little guy was caring about him.It seems that my brother's pain is not in vain, and Weiss grins his teeth every time he thinks about it.

It was another group hunting day, Weiss did not go to the square to join in the fun as usual, he was afraid that his little heart would not be able to bear the stimulation.

Weiss still has a feeling of fear for the shape of the beast. Anyone who sees a group of wild animals as big as elephants will be afraid. This is nothing, no shame!Weiss comforted himself in his heart.

Now Weiss is relaxing in the sun on the deck chair he made himself.There have been quite a few changes at home this month. There is an extra stone table and four wooden stools in the yard.The stone table was made by Uncle Raisman, which made Weiss embarrassed again.

A wooden table and two chairs with backrests are placed near the stone bed in the room.A wardrobe made of wood, although there are not a few animal skin clothes in it, but the optimistic Weiss thinks there will always be more.There is also an extra row of wooden shelves with partitions in the storage room, which are full of food that has been dried or dug up these days.

To say that Weiss is most satisfied with the five Gugu beasts. After this month of feeding, they have become fatter than the big one caught at the beginning. Looking at the color of the feathers, Weiss can distinguish I bought 5 females and 3 males (usually the feathers of males should be brighter, in order to attract females~)

This month, Weiss took Keya into the woods behind countless times, and successfully caught two big Gugu beasts.

I also dug a few more traps, and caught Materia rabbits and gazelle cubs.Of course, it is not called a gazelle here, but a horned beast.These meats have been eaten directly in the past few days.Thinking of Weiss, the corners of his mouth twitched, thinking that the ancestors here were so lazy, the ones with horns were called Horned Beasts, and the ones with long teeth were called Toothed Beasts just like a nickname.There are a lot of weird names, and Weiss doesn't bother to remember them. If you don't know them, you can just name them that you can remember.

There were a few more animal skins at home, and Weiss gave them to Chia to make animal skin clothes for Keya to wear. The little orcs grow fast, and the animal skin clothes can show their belly in two months.The feed has been good for a while, and Keya has not only gained weight but also grown a lot taller, and now he can hug Weiss' waist, while the previous Keya could only hug his thighs.

Just as he was thinking that he would have to take back the crops in the field in a short time, Keya went home with the animal meat he had received.

Pushing open the door, "Brother, be careful lying in the sun and getting dizzy." Keya looked at his brother angrily. His brother was so disobedient. He fell headfirst to the ground when he got up from the sun for a long time two days ago. Weeping in fright, Weiss laughed at him afterwards.After taking a break these two days, I dragged a deck chair to lie in the sun, and said it was for calcium supplementation!

Keya doesn't know what calcium supplementation is, but he knows that it must be an excuse used by his brother to prevaricate himself.The excuse is also the new term Weiss taught him. Now Keya's vocabulary has been enriched a lot, and sometimes Weiss laughed for a long time when he used idioms indiscriminately.

"Hee hee~ Keya is turning into a little old man, so I think about it every day!" Weiss got up from the recliner, took the meat that Keya carried back, washed it, rubbed salt on it, and hung it in a ventilated place to dry.It's not bad to have some sausages to eat if you have a chance, but you have to wait until autumn to make them, and it won't last long in the hot weather.

Keya gave his brother a blank look, and squatted down to practice calligraphy.Now that his brother taught him more and more words, he had to spend more time to memorize them. From afternoon to evening, he had to learn hunting skills from Uncle Raisman, and Keya was also very busy.

Seeing Keya practicing calligraphy, Weiss took a stone shovel and began to sharpen it. The land will be reclaimed in two days. The tools must be sharpened first, and a few more bamboo baskets must be woven.Wouldn't it be better to dig a cellar at home?In this way, the food can be stored for a longer time. How about going to Uncle Raisman to discuss it in the afternoon?

Weiss considered the feasibility while sharpening the stone shovel.There should be more farm tools, just a stone shovel, which is really simple, like sickles, hoes, and pears for plowing can all be made.

Thinking of Weiss, he threw away the stone shovel, and ran to Uncle Raisman's house after telling Keya.

"Uncle Raisman~" he shouted, and he opened the door and entered the yard on his own. Now that Weiss and Raisman's family are very familiar, there is no need to wait politely for someone to open the door, and just come in by himself.

"Why are you here at this time?" Uncle Raisman asked lazily, squinting his eyes on the recliner.

Since Lesman took a noon nap on the deck chair, every time after hunting, he would lie down in the sun and take a nap after lunch. This is probably the habit of animals.Lesman's animal shape is a lion, and lions love to sleep most, especially when the sun is just right, a nap can soften a person's bones.

"I disturbed your sleep~" Weiss said shyly.

Lesman directly gave him a look that knew you were still here at this time, and took a breath, "Tell me, you must have something to do, or you wouldn't run to our house!"

"How can it be, don't I come here often when I have nothing to do! I really have something to do," Weiss explained with a blushing face.

After talking to Uncle Raisman about the usefulness and general shape of the tools, Raisman ran out to find materials out of interest.

Orcs value useful tools very much. After all, this tribe is not advanced and its productivity is backward. The main food is still obtained by hunting by orcs. Every useful tool is of great benefit to the development of the tribe.

On the way home, I ran into Arthurs whom I hadn't seen for a long time. "Hi~ Weiss, long time no see!" Arthurs greeted enthusiastically. He accepted the task of the patriarch a while ago and went to the exchange day held by the big tribe to exchange furs.I just came back yesterday and wanted to see Weiss.

The last time Wes taught him how to weave the dustpan, he got a lot of good things on the exchange day, so he wanted to take something to thank Wes.

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