Just before dawn, Weiss got up to cook the pimple broth, and quickly baked four meatloaf and four full-faced pancakes.

Eat two slices of meat stuffing in the morning, and save two slices for lunch. The stuffing of meat is easy to spoil, and the noodles can be eaten after the second meal.After thinking about it, he stuffed another noodle into the back basket.

After eating, they carried the baskets on their backs, and the two of them covered the bamboo baskets with candles yesterday and tied them tightly with ropes.It's not that he is stingy but that he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble.

He told Uncle Raisman that he was going to change the candles, but Uncle Raisman nodded in agreement without asking what the candles were.Uncle Raisman was not a talkative orc, but he didn't want to be known to the tribe so early about the existence of candles.If he hadn't really wanted cotton cloth for winter clothes, he'd planned to make candles next year.

After a while, Raisman and Amo Chia came over to help move Weiss's two large bamboo baskets to the square. Raisman is worthy of being an orc, and it didn't take much to carry a bamboo basket as high as Weiss' chest in one hand. strength.Weiss looked enviously at Lesman's tangled and undulating muscles.

"Has Weiss reached the age where he wants to be a beastman?" Qi Ya has become more and more lively recently, and even made a joke of Weiss.

"What's the use of having an orc? How can a female be so soft and cute!" Weiss also deliberately squinted at Chia.

Chia blushed when he saw him, forgot what she wanted to say, and chased Wes and wanted to beat him.

Lesman smiled good-naturedly and watched the two of them circling around him, and Keya also learned to join the circling ranks, reaping a lot of good-natured laughter along the way.

Orcs and females who were going to exchange things gathered in the center of the square.The patriarch didn't say anything this time, but he just told everyone to pay attention to safety, etc., and finally added a sentence: "A female without a mate can abduct a strong orc, and the orc must work hard to try to please the female of other tribes. tribe!"

Amidst the roar of laughter, as soon as the patriarch waved his hand, the orcs transformed into animal shapes one after another, and put all the goods tied with ropes on their bodies, and obediently lay down on the ground, waiting for their partners and relatives to sit on their backs.

Keya grabbed Weiss who was still in a state of shock, "Brother should go."

"Oh" Weiss came back to his senses, not daring to look around, grabbed the hand that Grandma Chia handed over, stepped on the cargo and climbed onto Raisman's back.

This time, because he wanted to take Wes and Keya to the exchange day, Di Jia was left at Zu'amo. There was no fuss, and he stayed in the tribe.

Weiss agreed to go this time and bring back something fun for Dijia to make up for him, and the little guy happily nodded and agreed.

Weiss was a little nervous when he took the beast as a vehicle for the first time.Ama Chia sat in the front, Keya in the middle, and Weiss in the back.

Aunt Chia didn't notice anything wrong with Weiss, but Keya, who cared more about her brother, felt it. She squeezed her brother's hand tightly and comforted her in a low voice, "Brother is fine. Uncle Raisman can run very steadily. Once it’s done, the fur won’t fall off.”

Weiss' nervous palms were sweating, and he grabbed the fur under his body with his hands, and nodded calmly, reminding himself constantly in his heart, this is Raisman, this is Raisman...

My heart gradually calmed down, and my thighs and buttocks felt the warm touch from the strong muscles of the beast. Weiss took a deep breath and before he could breathe out, the beasts roared and rushed forward.

Weiss yelled directly, "Ah~" The exclamation was mixed with the roar of the beast, how clear and loud!

There were bursts of laughter from around Weiss, his face flushed in embarrassment, and he buried his head in Keya's neck.

Qi Ya also turned around and laughed and joked, "Wes was scared the first time I sat on it~ hahaha, when I sat on the father of the beast for the first time, I was so scared that I cried, but I was only 3 years old at that time haha Ha ha……"

"Chia, you bastard~" Weiss scolded Chia fiercely in his heart, but he didn't have the guts to speak out, for fear that Uncle Raisman would throw him down directly.

After this incident, Weiss wasn't so scared anymore, and now he was in the mood to feel the coolness brought by the orcs running.

The surrounding scenery kept flashing backwards. They had already left the tribe for a certain distance, and there were bursts of kicking sounds from the running of the orcs, as if more than 30 drums were beating at the same time, and the earth followed. Shake up.

Raisman ran not fast, but was very stable, and he didn't even feel too much vibration on his back, which was a result of frequent training with piggyback females.

"Young orc's back, don't climb up easily, or your butt will hurt from bumping up." Chia said to Weiss and Keya proudly.

Looking up at the orcs flying in the air with flapping wings, the speed is very fast, and some single orcs without females even quickly circled around.

Weiss lowered his head and looked at the surrounding scenery. He just saw the orc thing again.It’s big enough when it’s in human form, but it’s not that big when it’s in animal form, it’s huge~!

Thinking about the difficulty of being a female here, Weiss took a deep look at Chia's back. Chia, who felt weird, looked back, then turned back and continued talking to Raisman in a low voice.Orcs have very good hearing, and they can hear them without making too much noise when they are on their backs.

Passing through a plain, the surrounding animals made Weiss' eyes almost blurred. Few of them knew each other, but the unified sign was that they all had horns and were very big, some even twice the size of orcs. size.

Keya called the names of the animals he knew, and Lesman, who didn't know, would tell him loudly that this was a rare opportunity. By the way, he would talk about the habits of various prey. Keya listened carefully, while Weiss It's a great mind-wandering.

Is this world really a world he can live in?Once he left the tribe, he thought that he might not be able to survive at all. Those beautiful ideas before were also "snapped" like bubbles, like an explosion in his ears, and Weiss couldn't hear anything. .

It took him a long time to come back to his senses, listening to Lesman's explanation and Keya's questions.Weiss took a breath, he still has Keya, he can train Keya to be a better hunter, so that he can survive even if he encounters danger in the future.Even if Keya has a partner in the future, he will still rely on their family. He raised him, and his elder brother is like a father, so Keya has to take care of him in the old age.

Temporarily suppressing the uneasiness in his heart, Weiss also listened carefully to Raisman's explanation.He whispered in Keya's ear, "Keya must work hard to become a brave orc, brother will depend on you from now on."

"Well, I will work hard, and Keya will protect my brother for the rest of my life." Unexpectedly, Keya could hear such a low voice, Weiss smiled and hugged his small body tightly in his arms. It's nice to have a younger brother.

When the sun was high in the sky, the orcs entered a large forest.Looking from the slope of the soil, there was no end to the greenery, and Weiss was once again deeply shocked by the vastness of this continent.

Following the road that the orcs ran for many years, the orcs ran for more than an hour and finally stopped on an open grass.

The females and cubs jumped off the backs of the orcs and moved their arms and legs.Weiss and Keya also climbed down, and some single orcs were responsible for hunting the food for lunch.

You can't waste it when you go out, as long as you catch enough for lunch.The rest of the orcs unloaded their loads, some of them scattered around to watch out, and some of them sorted out the things on the ground and lit a fire to prepare for the barbecue.

The females also found their own jobs and did their jobs in an orderly manner. Weiss and Keya also helped to collect firewood.

After a simple barbecue at noon, Weiss took out the meatloaf he had brought, shared one with Keya, and gave the other to Chia, and Weiss planned to save the bread for dinner.

There is no river nearby, and everyone drinks the water they bring.Weiss also brought two bamboo tubes and handed one to Keya. He drank a few sips and saved it until he got thirsty on the road. He could only find a foothold with water at night.

After a short rest, everyone went on the road again. Taking advantage of the female's good health two days ago, the orcs planned to rush more. In the next few days, because of exhaustion, the orcs had to spare more time for the female The female rests.

At night, even Wes, who has good endurance, feels exhausted.Although I just sat on the back of the beastman, as time went on, the wind that I felt comfortable at the beginning would also cause pain in the ears, numbness in the buttocks, and a feeling of pain in the hands from grasping the fur of the beast. A little stiff.

Getting off Raisman's back, Weiss pulled Koya and walked slowly.Chia sat down on the ground, "You two came here for a rest, why are you walking around?"

"Ah Chia, you should also get up and move around. If you stay in one posture for a long time, the blood in your body will not flow. It's good for your body to move around, and the fatigue will disappear quickly," Weiss said slowly.

After hearing what Weiss said, Chia felt that it made sense, so she stood up with the support of Raisman, and walked slowly following Weiss' movements, occasionally shaking her hands, kicking her feet, etc. After a while, she felt It's really not as painful as it was at first.

The female sitting on the ground and resting curled her lips in disdain, so she didn't want to imitate his movements. It was so ugly, and there were also one or two who had a good relationship with Chia and learned to walk for a while. Advise those who are still lying on the ground.

After some persuasion, even the immobile female was forcibly lifted up by the orc and walked slowly.The female, who was usually immobile for at least half an hour, was able to run and jump again in a very short time this time.

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