Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 4 The First Delicious Meal

On the way home, I met no one.It's no wonder, it's time for dinner, and the orcs who went out to hunt have all returned.

Weiss, who sneaked home, always had a feeling that he was too careful.Cursing his lips secretly, he scooped up a bowl of water and gulped it down, feeling like he was alive again.

After a day in the forest, both of them were exhausted.Seeing the smoke rising from the yards of every household in the tribe, Weiss could only stand up again and continue to fight for the stomachs of the two.

He had had enough of the half-cooked food that Keya got every day, and today he got the mushrooms and Gu Gu Beast, so he could make some delicious food for the little guy and himself.

I took out the biggest Gugu beast, and asked Keya to pluck out the feathers on the wings of the other smaller ones, and locked them in the storage room next to the bedroom to see if they could be fed. I would consider building a chicken coop tomorrow. What.

Although it is a pheasant, isn’t the domestic chicken also domesticated from the pheasant? Maybe there will be eggs to eat in the future. Even if you can’t eat eggs, it’s good to be a food reserve or something.

Although the tribe now grows some edible plants, they do not raise livestock. This behavior of Weiss can be regarded as a precedent.

Regardless of what other people think, Weiss first dragged some dry wood from a corner of the yard to light the stove.The stove is nothing more than a stove built with a few stones, and a stone pot is placed on it. There are also pottery at home, but pottery is still very precious in the tribe, and people basically use stone pots for cooking.

Add water to the pot, and when the water boils, Weiss has killed the chicken with a stone knife, and released the chicken blood in a small wooden bowl.This Gugu beast is as big as a goose on the earth, and an adult Gugu beast is enough for two brothers to eat a meal.

When the water is boiled, scoop it into a wooden basin with a wooden spoon, throw the whole Gugu beast into it, and pull off the fur of the Gugu beast directly with the hot water.Chen Yu has done a lot of this work, not to mention in the countryside, even if he went to the city to improve the food, Chen Yu also directly bought the work and killed it when he went home. He thought it was so fresh, and everyone in the city felt that Please buy it directly.

Keya also learned how to help Weiss pull the chicken feathers, screaming and screaming while pulling, and Le Weiss drove him aside to wash the mushrooms and eggs.

He disemboweled him, took out the heart, liver and gizzards, and asked Keya to bury them.Seeing that there was still some chicken oil in Gugu Beast, he pulled it off and threw it into the pot to melt it, and then threw the cut pheasant into the pot to fry.After the surface of the pheasant is browned, add water, then throw the shiitake mushrooms and the cut earth eggs (potatoes) into the pot.

Asking Keya to bring the clay jars for the salt, Weiss got tangled up, is this salt?It seems to be mineral salt, but is the salt mixed with gravel and sand the salt they usually eat?No wonder the food made by Keya these days tastes weird.

"Keya, what do you usually do with this salt?"

"Process?" Keya looked at Weiss suspiciously, not understanding what the word brother meant, but after thinking about it, he still said, "Just wipe it on the food."

"No wonder..." Weiss muttered, and asked Keya to bring water from a small clay pot, poured half a pot of salt into the newly brought pot, stirred it, and waited for the salt to melt After opening it, looking at the slightly yellowish salt water Weiss is really powerless.

Will I have to eat this kind of salt in the future?No matter how entangled it is, it is impossible not to eat salt. We can only see if we can think of a better filtering method in the future.

"Keya, where did you get the salt? Does our tribe produce salt?" Weiss wanted to go to the place where the salt was produced and see if there was any better quality salt.

"Yes, to the south of the tribe, there is a salt mine to the west next to the fruit forest, which is guarded by orcs. But if the tribe wants to use it, they can dig it out by themselves." Keya thought while talking, looking at it After coming here, I have to watch my brother more. The brother who has forgotten where the salt mine is, will lose himself if he walks around one day.Weiss didn't know that his younger brother had already classified him as a cub that needed to be taken care of. If he knew, he would definitely go crazy~ hee hee

"When we have time, let's go there and dig some more salt back."

"Well, okay. Brother smells so good." Keya squatted beside the stove, stuffed a handful of firewood, and then squatted there. He was really hungry.

Little orcs are very hungry.Moreover, he only ate two earthen eggs at noon today, and he was already hungry, but he didn't tell his brother, after all, their family's food was always not enough, and he was often hungry.

"Little greedy cat, open your stomach and eat after a while" Weiss said, but secretly made up his mind, from now on, no matter what he says, he must make Keya full. The distressed little guy is hungry.

Pour out the precipitated salt water, and Weiss found the remaining dregs in an old wooden basin, and put it in the corner of the house, maybe it will be useful in the future.

Pour some of the filtered salt water into the pot, and throw half a bowl of chicken blood into the pot.After stuffing two more firewood, the dinner was finally cooked, and the smell made me feel even more hungry.

Weiss took two wooden bowls and wooden spoons from the wooden shelf, filled two bowls, and the two brothers sat on the wooden pier in the yard and ate.After tasting it, although there are no seasonings such as onion, ginger, and garlic, and the taste of salt is a bit bitter, overall it can be said to be delicious compared with what they ate a few days ago.

Seeing Keya stuffing it into his mouth regardless of the heat, he still found time to say to Weiss, "Goodness, goodness..." The corners of Weiss' mouth curled up, feeling that the day's hard work was worth it.

Waking up after a good night's sleep, Weiss turned his head and glanced sideways at Koya, who was obediently sleeping beside him, in a small ball, still tightly clutching the corner of Weiss's clothes.

Carefully pulled back his animal skin clothes from Keya's hand, pressed the animal skin quilt for Keya, bypassed Keya and got off the bed.

Stretching vigorously, he gently opened the door and walked out, taking a deep breath of the exceptionally cool air.Weiss thinks that it is also very good here. It is really a happy thing to sleep without the roar of cars and wake up naturally.

While calculating what to do today, he quickly cleaned the pot.I chopped up the leftover chicken giblets from yesterday, cut some wild vegetables picked yesterday and stir-fried them with the chicken giblets, and then took out the soil eggs buried in the stove, and breakfast was ready.

I went to the creek to fetch a wooden basin of water and poured it into the pot. The sparks in the stove heated the water, and I went into the house to wake Keya up.

The dazed Keya washed his face with hot water and became more sober. He blushed and sat down on the wooden pier with his elder brother. His hand was stuffed into a wooden bowl. Xiang Qingcai "Brother wakes up early tomorrow and calls me, I can also help my brother."

"Children just need to eat and sleep more every day, let's eat," Weiss said seriously as he glanced at the awkward child with a smile.

"Oh" didn't get a satisfactory answer, the child replied lazily, but was distracted by the delicious food in a blink of an eye, it turns out that green vegetables can be so delicious.Brother is amazing!Sure enough, children are very forgetful.

After breakfast, Weiss proposed to go to the field to see the crops they planted.

Little Keya acted as a guide to lead the way, and Weiss followed lazily behind.

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