Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 49 Keya's New Toy

The next day, Weiss woke up from hunger. He hadn't eaten all day, and his stomach pouches were all stuck together, throbbing and throbbing.

Weiss lifted the pot and saw that the broth inside was still hot. He guessed that it was reserved for him after Ke Ya cooked it in the morning.I filled a bowl and drank it slowly, something filled my stomach, which also relieved the pain and hunger.

The Gugu beast had already been fed, so Weiss mixed some mud and grass clippings to cover all the gaps outside the Gugu beast's den.I changed the grass in the nest again, strengthened the fence, and used the remaining wooden boards at home to cover one-third of the space above the net rope. up.

After finishing these, Weiss went to look at his small vegetable garden.Cut the cabbage and pile it in the cellar.

It was noon after finishing all the work. Weiss washed his hands and made a few simple dishes. After Keya came back and the two ate, Weiss took Keya into the woods again.

The storage of winter months has already begun, the orcs are busy catching more prey, and the females are also collecting all edible food, the whole tribe is in a busy state.People who are acquainted with each other just meet and nod, and go about their own business in a hurry. At night, every family will blow out the candles and go to bed very late.

Driven by this atmosphere, Weiss also became nervous, and kept going in and out of the forest, searching for all the plants that could be picked.The branches were neatly stacked in bundles in the yard, and the spare part of the storage room was filled with chopped firewood.

When the first winter snow fell, Weiss nestled on the recliner next to the fireplace, watching Koya comfortably skewering meat with branches, and eating meat by the fire in the fireplace.

"Brother, here" Keya handed over a skewer of cooked meat.

Weiss ate the meat and drank a sip of tea made from fragrant leaves. It was really comfortable!Winter should be so leisurely. After a year of busy work, I can finally have a good rest.

Keya was wearing cotton-padded clothes and trousers, just like a big-headed doll walking out of a New Year picture, the tiger-headed and tiger-headed cuteness exploded "Keya, come here, give brother a hug"

Keya put down the meat skewer in his hand, obediently nestled into Wes' arms and let him rub it.Pulling her deformed mouth and acting like a baby, "Brother, I'm so bored, it's been snowing all day. There's no point in being bored at home, let's go and play with Di Jia~"

"It's a bit cold outside." Weiss didn't want to move.


"Okay then, bring the coat"

"Brother is the best." Keya put a big saliva on Weiss's face.

"Little bastard, kiss me again." Wes wiped the saliva off his face, feeling helpless.

After putting on the coat and putting the hat on the back of the fur coat on his head, Weiss opened the door and went out.Winter had just begun, and the weather wasn't too cold, and Weiss, who was fully armed, didn't feel cold either.

The little snow was still falling slowly, and as soon as it fell to the ground, it was melted into one piece by the snow on the ground, and it was impossible to tell which piece was newly fallen.The creaking sound followed the two people's footsteps all the way to the door of Lesman's house. He pushed open the courtyard door and stood at the door and stomped his feet. The boots made of animal skin protected his feet very well.

"Ah Chia, Uncle Raisman" Weiss shouted and knocked on the wooden door again.

"I've heard your footsteps a long time ago. It's snowing and you run outside, so you're not afraid of catching cold." Lesman opened the door and taught the two cubs a lesson.

"Hey, it's not cold at all when we wear so many clothes." Keyapipi smiled at Lesman.

"It's just you talking too much." Laisman gave Keya a slap straight away, causing him to shrink his head, bypassing Laisman and throwing himself into Chia's arms. I"

"I will sue. Which little orc likes to be coquettish like you? I was beaten more than you when I was young!" Lesman quickly explained, or Chia would twist his ears again later.

"You're an adult and you're not ashamed to compare yourself to a cub." Ama Chia rubbed the place where Keya was beaten and trained Lesman.

"Hey~ I'm just teasing him, besides, I'm not at home in the cold weather, so I can't teach him a lesson when I run out."

"Then talk about it, what are you doing?" Qi Ya glared at her

"Okay, I will definitely not let you see me beat him next time." Lesman made Chia happy by playing with Bao, and Chia took advantage of the opportunity to give him a punch.Raisman just smiled and was willing to be beaten.

Weiss picked up Di Jia who was obediently watching the fun, "Little guy, you will watch the fun, and when you grow up, I will also find a female to teach you every day."

"I don't want to find a female. Females can beat people. Brother Weiss is better. Cooking is also delicious. When I grow up, I will find a gentle sub-beast like Brother Weiss," Dijia said seriously.

"Hahahaha" everyone in the room laughed together, and at the end Chi Ya Ah really beat Di Jia a bit, "Is Ah Mo very fierce?"

"Ah, it's not fierce," Dijia said aggrievedly, and another burst of laughter arose.

After staying at Lesman's house for an afternoon, Weiss took Koya home before it was dark.

After eating, I nestled on the reclining chair as usual. Life is a bit boring. I am so busy every day that I just want to take a break. Now that I have really rested, I am not used to it.

In modern times, there are TVs, computers, and mobile phones for entertainment. Although Weiss has no money to buy them, it is good to go out for a drink when you are bored.

Thinking about getting something to pass the time, Weiss suddenly had an idea, hehe~ Got it!Can make dice and poker to play it!These are very simple.

Weiss took out the gum and green liquid stored a few days ago, dug out another piece of animal hide, shaved off the hair on the back of the animal hide, and cut it into a rectangle measuring 15 centimeters long and 7 centimeters wide.Then use the diluted green liquid to lightly apply a layer on the back of the animal hide. After it dries, feel the hardness. Well, it's a bit hard, so pour more water.I tried it on another piece of animal skin, and after it was dry, I folded it and it was done!The playing cards are ready, how to paint the suits and patterns on it?

"Keya, besides the dark brown dye juice, are there any other colors of dye?" Weiss beckoned to Keya.

"Brother, what are you going to do again? Grandma Chia's family has red flowers for dyeing animal skins, but those are only used by females to dye animal skins." Keya tilted her head.

"Hehe, the red one is the best. You can ask for some from Qi Ya tomorrow, and you will tell me that I want to use it. There is also the dark brown dye juice. Didn't I give it to Uncle Laishman to make furniture last time? I also want to order it." Come back. My brother will make you a toy to pass the time." Weiss flicked Koya's brains.

"What kind of toy? It's made of animal skins. What's the fun?" Keya held his forehead to prevent Weiss from attacking him again.

"You will know tomorrow. Bring a few more boards, and my brother will make you a wooden horse. It doesn't need to be too big."

"Hey~" Xiaobing got the order and quickly carried out the order.

Weiss continued to smear the animal skins with green liquid, and made three decks of playing cards, one with 54 cards and three decks spread all over the floor.

After it dries up, I put them away in three thick stacks. The animal skins are still a bit thick, but the animal skins he cut are also larger than normal poker, which is just right for the orc to hold in his hand.

I mixed green liquid with gum, made more than 20 dice, and modified them bit by bit with a bone knife. The dice were also made very large. The main reason is that they are too small to carve, and the bone knife is too big to hold in my hand. It's also very inconvenient. To save trouble, Weiss makes big dice.

After engraving more than 20 dice with points, it was time to go to bed.Weiss grabbed Keya by the collar and dragged the cub who still wanted to play with him to bed.

By the next morning, the snow had finally stopped.Keya rushed out of the house a long time ago, and went to have a snowball fight with some good little orcs.Weiss could only warm the prepared breakfast in the pot, and waited for Keya who was hungry to come back to serve it for himself.

Sitting on the animal skin carpet, Weiss used a bone knife to cut the wooden horse to be made for Keya. He made half of it. Looking at the snow outside, Weiss thought that he could make a northern sledge for Keya. Branches, props slid on the ground.

The sledge is very easy to make. There are two wooden strips at the bottom, one of which is bent upwards at the forward position, and four short wooden strips are nailed vertically on it to raise the sitting position of the buttocks.In order to be strong, two wooden strips that are slightly shorter than the wooden strips below are nailed on top of the standing wooden strips. Finally, a square wooden board is nailed horizontally. After polishing and smoothing, I tried it on the snow outside.

The wooden strips used to slide on the bottom will not slide fast after sticking to the snow. After thinking about it, I used green liquid to brush a layer along the bottom side. After drying, the hardness of the wooden strips increased and became smoother. I made two ski poles out of a branch with a sharpened end.

As soon as Keya came back, after dinner, he gathered around Weiss and asked how to play the sledge. Weiss sat on it and demonstrated it.

Weiss stopped Keya, tied a hemp rope to the sledge, and let Keya drag him away. He told him that he could find a slope that was not too steep and slide down from the top, but the rope had to be tightened so as not to fall from the slope. fell off the sledge.

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