When it came time to harvest the plants, Weiss saw someone he didn't want to face.That's right, Seth.Still standing on the ground with a sullen face, watching Weiss coming from a distance.

"Wes, long time no see"

"It's best to never see you again! What are you doing in our tribe again? Did you change your mind and plan to come here to ask for the method of making candles and glass?"

"That's not it, I'm just here to help you harvest the plants in the field." Sethus explained seriously. After so long, Weiss has not calmed down, and has become even more indifferent to him.

"No need, Gus will come to help me in a while." Weiss replied lightly, since he didn't come to ask for the production method, then he had nothing to say to Sethus.

"I greeted Gus, he has a patrol mission today, so I'll help you. I heard that Koya has transformed, I'm very happy, he is really a good cub." Sethus pulled out a touch The smile disappeared in an instant.

"Hmph~ You really are a good brother! No need, I don't have much land, and I can finish it myself." Weiss rejected Sethus.

"It's my fault, forgive me, these days have passed. I... miss you very much"

"That's your business, not mine"

"Can't you really forgive my mistakes? I have already reflected on it, and I will ask for your approval for everything in the future"

"No need, you don't need to do this, because I have nothing to do with you"

"Wes...I won't give up"

"You..." Anxious Weiss turned his head and went down to the ground, intending to ignore this guy.

Seeing Sessus who came in to help, he yelled in a low voice, "Get out! Don't make me angry!" Seeing the inquiring eyes of other tribesmen, Weiss pushed Sessus away in a low voice.

"No, I'll leave after you finish collecting it for you." Sessus also stubbornly replied, with so many people watching, Weiss would definitely not be able to lose his temper, so Sesses roguely refused to leave.

There was nothing he could do about Sessus, and he couldn't beat him up in front of his clansmen. Weiss held back his breath and said, "Then you take it yourself, remember to send it back to me." After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth and left.

Passing by the clansman, he was grabbed by an orc, "Do you want me to teach him a lesson?"

Weiss thanked this clansman for his kindness, "Forget it, let him do it if he wants to, and I will save some effort."

After Weiss and Sessus had a falling out, the clansmen knew something about the reason, and they were somewhat dissatisfied with Sesses's open behavior of entering the tribe to rob people. Although he helped the Dager tribe, it did not mean that they He could tolerate Sessus's attempt to take Weiss away with the interests of the tribe, so this time Sesses was not warmly welcomed by the tribe, and everyone just nodded to him and left.

Sessus collected the plants in the field silently, and sent them to Wes's home. Wess didn't even leave the house, and just cooked his and Keya's lunch in his own kitchen. Of course, Sesses would not be there. share.

Sessus didn't go into the house to make fun of himself. He went to the forest to catch prey and roasted it. Orcs often hunted in the forest, even eating their prey raw.

After harvesting the plants in the afternoon, he took the wooden plow from Weiss's family to plow the ground. At this time, Sessus was in some trouble. He couldn't use the wooden plow by himself. Looking around, everyone was busy with themselves. The job in hand, those who have good faith just look at him with interest, waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

Sessus sighed, and turned into a beast shape to turn over the ground with his paws. Some members of the tribe felt sorry, so they came to help Sessus hold the wooden plow.Sethus nodded gratefully, then pulled the rope in front of the wooden plow and flipped over the ground.Speaking of it, the clansmen are still very simple, and they will not really embarrass those who have helped the tribe.

When the fields were fertilized, Sethus was gone.

A few days later, he reappeared in the tribe and planted all the land in Weiss's house. From the beginning to the end, Weiss didn't say a few words to Sessus, and put most of the things in the yard for Sesses to pick up by himself.Sessus didn't say anything, and returned to the tribe after planting silently.

The clansmen were indifferent to Sessus at first, but after seeing his pitiful appearance, they began to sympathize with him. Some orcs invited Sessus to have dinner together, and Sessus did not refuse.However, everyone dared not tell it clearly, and never mentioned the matter of Sessus in front of Weiss. Let the young people solve the young people's affairs by themselves.

A few days after the Sesers incident, the Garth Lavez family naturally suffered a lot of ridicule, and they didn't show Gus a good face for several days, and Gus could only lick his nose when he touched it. His face turned upwards, hoping that this matter would pass quickly. Wes had deliberately put a lot of spicy oil in his meal several times, but Gus swallowed it without saying a word. Be careful with a smile.

In the end, Keya couldn't stand it any longer, so he pleaded for mercy in a low voice, and finally released Gass.It can be seen how serious Weiss loves to hold grudges.

Gus thought, Sessus would obviously be at the top of the list for several years this time, and Wes had to deal with such a small matter for so many days. With his serious condition, a few years is not much. After a moment of silence for his brother, Garth let it go.

During the slack time, Weiss tossed about the issue of tribe defense again. After thinking about several plans, Weiss discussed with Wig and Gale, and after confirming the part that could be implemented, the orcs in the tribe began to work hard. The work started, all the orcs voluntarily contributed their strength to the safety of the tribe when they were not out of the tribe. With the example of spring, they absolutely believed that Weiss' method could better protect their tribe.

The walls outside the tribe have been thickened and raised, and even covered with a thick layer of gum. The walls are covered with sentry towers. Even in rainy days, you can hide inside to observe the situation outside the tribe. At a position of 10 meters, a 30-meter-wide moat was dug out, with a depth of 15 meters. Even a big man like a mammoth could never easily cross the moat.

A wide wooden bridge that can be folded is suspended with wooden planks on the river, and it is pulled up when in danger to block the gate of the tribe.The gates of the tribe have also been improved, and the doors on both sides are made of hard granite, which are usually closed.The orcs all walked through the small 3-meter-high gate opened next to the granite, and only when the prey was large would the gate be opened to let the tribesmen in.

In order to prevent wild beasts from entering the tribe from the side, walls were built in all open places, and the whole tribe was surrounded by walls like an iron barrel.

The sentry tower standing in the middle of the tribe was also heightened, and a gazebo was built on it, which is also convenient for the tribe to have a place to rest when they stand guard on it.

Weiss also led Carpenter Tan and several other clever orcs to develop a crossbow. The lethality of the bow and arrow is still too small for the beast with thick skin and thick flesh. It was made for females to play with. , but it also aroused the female's interest in catching small animals.

Led by a few orcs, they shot and played randomly in a small area of ​​the back mountain. Some orcs couldn't stand it anymore, and drove the prey such as Materia rabbits to the range for the females to play. A shot indiscriminately killed a few small animals, and the females also found a suitable hunting method, which also gave the females in the tribe an additional hobby. In their free time, they would gather in the square to practice archery Accurate, not even playing mahjong.

The performance of several sub-beasts is particularly prominent in the female group. They are males, and they are more talented than females in hunting. After a period of hard practice, they can even hunt and kill small animals in the forest alone. Let a few Asian beasts regain their pride and self-confidence, and practice archery in the tribe every day with high spirits.Females come to learn experience, and can also laugh sincerely, which is a scene of joy and harmony in the tribe.

The production of crossbow bolts has been researched for a long time without success, and Weiss only occasionally knows some general methods from books and TV. However, Weiss, who only knows the fur, can make exquisite crossbow bolts successfully, but it is still for everyone to see. hope.

Weiss and several orcs made an upgraded version of a bow and arrow, using the horns of longhorns to create a horn bow with a longer range and greater penetration.

The orcs with strong arms need to use force to bend the horn bow to a certain angle. The bowstring is made of a main tendon in the body of the Selina beast. It is super tough and not easy to break. After shooting the arrow, it will buzz sound.

The arrows are all made of hard Dada animal bones, with barbs and blood grooves on the arrowheads, and feathers on the tails of the arrows, so that the arrows can be shot more stably and at a longer distance.

The orc took the horn bow and went to the plain for experiments. The bow and arrow could easily penetrate the thick-skinned rhinoceros and penetrate deeply into the body, leaving only the tail of the arrow exposed outside the hide.The range of the horn bow has reached 500-1000 meters, and the orcs with super strong arms can shoot through a longhorn beast at a distance of 1000 meters.

The successful development of the beast horn bow has greatly improved the defense of the tribe, and also made the orcs more confident in the beast tide month next year.

The length of the animal horn bow is 1 meters, which is about the height of a female. Each bow and arrow is a standard 8 meters long.Compared with the modern compound bow, it has stronger penetrating power and requires greater arm strength. Weig selected orcs who were suitable for using horn bows, and trained them every day.

The other orcs were doing tactical training under the arrangement of Weiss. Weiss used the trumpet blown by the horn to guide the orcs to arrange the battle positions, replacing every battle, and Weiss had to shout loudly to change tactics. Methods.Attacking, defending, returning reinforcements, retreating, including changing the formation, all have special voices, and Vig can command the battle of the entire tribe as long as he stands on the watchtower.

Weiss even told Wig how to use fire attacks and throwing stones to deal with beasts bullying the fence, and the bows and arrows were even coated with nerve paralyzing venom.The extraction of the venom was done with the help of the witch doctor Wendy. Every time an orc was seriously injured, Wendy would use the medicinal liquid of this plant to relieve the orc's pain, so that the painful movements would not affect the recovery of the wound.

Weiss and Wendy worked hard for two days before refining the venom that could last longer and have better effects.After the successful development, Weiss even suggested to extract the venom that can see the blood seal, but Wendy refused.She is a witch doctor, even in the face of wild beasts, she can't be cruel enough to kill with poison.

Weiss could only sigh and think that Wendy is still too kind, but after considering what Weiger said, dead beasts can also be food, Weiss gave up the idea of ​​making poison, after all, the poisoned beasts, It also loses its function as food.In this backward era, food is the fundamental need to keep people alive, and it is shameful to waste food.

Most of the tunnels in the underground cave were destroyed, but Weiss originally planned to use the underground entrance once, so it can no longer be used.Another location was chosen, and the orcs dug a new tunnel leading to the underground cave. After all this was done, the autumn harvest began again.

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