Time passed quickly, and after the busy Chu Dongyue passed, Weiss sorted out the things at home.

Jiali Mu came twice this year, Keya came once after completing the beast god ceremony, and Chu Dongyue came again before Chu Dongyue. Both the tribe and Weiss exchanged enough cloth scrolls, and some things produced by other tribes.

Weiss asked Vig to send someone to the Bear Tribe to exchange a batch of pottery and return 20 jars of honey.

Garimu brought news that some bad things happened to the southern tribes. Many tribes had killed and injured many people. This made Weiss a little concerned, but Garimu didn't know more specific things.

Weiss didn't know the specifics, so he couldn't make any preparations in advance. The Gugu beasts at home began to lay eggs at the turn of spring and summer. Xideweiss ground them with tassels, mixed them with wild vegetables, and fed them. If the goo beasts eat well, they will naturally lay eggs more frequently. Every time Weiss will leave a few for them in the nest, prompting them to lay eggs continuously for the purpose of nesting.

There is no shortage of eggs at home, so Keya has no reason to drill into the forest every day, and the number of bird eggs has also maintained a certain ecological demand. The beast is about to move.

When autumn comes, the rice tree Weiss planted last year bears fruit. They are not as big as the ones bought from the old orc, but they can be eaten. Weiss picked a few ripe, full-grained fruits and planned to grow them in the tribe. Promotion, he always has good things now and wants everyone in the tribe to try them out. It’s better to be happy alone than to be happy with everyone. He has a sense of belonging to the tribe in his heart, so he naturally hopes that the tribe members can live like him good.

Wig expressed his support for Weiss' actions. After eating the steamed rice and rice porridge Weiss made, the females and old orcs in the tribe also planned to use rice as their staple food.Weiss took out all the seeds that could be planted, and each family planted rice tree seeds in their back gardens, so that next year there will be white rice to eat.

Now every house has the same vegetable garden as Weiss, and the tribes have followed suit after seeing the benefits of the vegetable garden. It also saves the number of females entering and leaving the forest, greatly reducing the occurrence of danger.Weige also found an open space in the orchard and planted the seeds of the rice tree, which can be regarded as the tribe's food reserve.

Weiss suggested that Wiger choose a well-ventilated cave in the tribe and store the excess plant seeds. If there is a drought or a year with a lot of rain, he can also save enough seeds. In the second year farming.

Weige also nodded with a smile and said, "In the past, there was not enough to eat. How can we save it? Now we can not only have enough to eat, but also save it for emergencies. It is all thanks to you that the tribe can have today's situation."

Weiss scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "I have to continue to work hard. We can't develop a tribe just by solving food and clothing."

Vig shook his head regretfully, "If only you were an orc, the tribe will definitely develop better if you lead it."

"With Uncle Weige leading us, wouldn't we be able to develop very well? I'll just give you advice as a dog-headed military advisor." Weiss' words elicited laughter from Weiger and countless voices of "Okay! Good! Good... "

This winter, all the females and little orcs in the tribe have put on warm cotton-padded clothes and trousers. The storage room of each house is full of enough food for a winter and spring. Even the old orcs and disabled orcs in the tribe All were given a lot of food.

Everyone was filled with joy from the bottom of their hearts, and the gambling venue returned to the excitement of last winter. This year, Wes made a lot of cards and dice.Mahjong even made 10 sets in the summer, basically everyone can play their favorite game, and the laughter and laughter in the tribe was extremely lively for a while.

The orcs on patrol and on guard all completed their tasks very well, and the practice of bow and arrow did not stop because of the cold.The orcs arrange their time for fun and tasks reasonably, and Weiss has recently created a new game - darts.

Considering the strength of the orcs, I made three dart boards of different sizes, and the most difficult one was the smallest one.Draw a red line on the ground 10 meters away. The orcs held up the darts, squinted their eyes and threw the darts on the dart board. Their various postures and precise hit rate welcomed the applause of the onlookers.

The hot and bustling winter passed quickly. This winter, Sethus didn't come, which made Weiss feel a little bit lost, but it was only a little bit, and he didn't spend too much energy on missing an orc. Weiss still went in and out of the gambling place every day as usual, laughing and playing with many orc men.

This year's beast tide month is later than last year, and it can be said that it has returned to normal. On the day when the winter snow melted, the beast tide struck.

This time Weiss didn't follow the crowd to hide in the underground cave, but insisted on making Wig agree to let him watch the beast horde.

With the protection of the city wall and moat, and the defense of the horn bow, Wiger reluctantly agreed to Weiss' request, but Weiger made Weiss promise not to leave him a step, and let an orc with a limp leg stay close to the left and right for personal protection, Only then did he agree to let Weiss stand with him in the watchtower.

In order to prevent Weiss from being injured, the watchtower was closed with thick wooden boards on all sides, leaving only one head position to look around.Weiss' safety is the top priority. The tribe cannot lose such a smart sub-beast. His importance to the tribe is self-evident. He repeatedly told Weiss not to approach the perimeter of the watchtower. Weiger signaled to blow the horn Orcs sound the signal for battle.

The beast tide this time was not as many as last year, but the wild beasts all over the mountains still shocked Weiss who was watching the beast tide for the first time.There were really too many, and Weiss couldn't imagine how the orcs protected the tribe under the claws of so many beasts.For the first time, Weiss deeply admired the orcs in this world. They defended their territory with their lives and blood, and protected the weak members of the tribe from being swallowed by wild beasts.

The tide of beasts soon spread across the plains and headed towards the moat. When the first beast rushed into the range of the horn bow, the archers standing in the guard tower of the city wall launched a counterattack, one by one with harsh noises. The sharp arrow roared out of the tower of the city wall, and shot through the beast's body with precision. After the stampede happened, more beasts in the front row fell down, and the herd of beasts that kept advancing continued to rush forward by stepping on their corpses.

The arrows sent out this time are all bamboo arrows that are relatively easy to make. It is too wasteful to use bone arrows to deal with weak beasts. Only the powerful beasts behind are worthy of being pierced by bone arrows.

The orcs carried baskets of polished bone arrows and bamboo arrows on the city wall. Once the arrows around the archer ran out, someone would quickly carry another basket and place it within reach of the archer. .

The rain of arrows all over the sky brought up the bloody flowers of the beasts, and they reaped their lives while exploding. War is cruel. Whether it is a war between humans or a war between humans and beasts, all that is lost is The wailing sound of the fresh life was short-lived, and then it was drowned by the herd of beasts rushing up from behind.

From the back of the beast horde, there was a sky-shattering neighing sound, and vultures with flapping wings, and various flying beasts swept from the sky towards the sky above the tribe.Wigg quickly issued an order, and at the moment when the horn sounded, some orcs put on bone arrows and launched a fatal attack on the beast flying in the air.

With a sound of "Swoosh~bang!", the bone arrow hit a flying beast with a unique sound of piercing through the air, and the flying beast flew backwards by the force of the bone arrow, and hit the vulture flying behind. Both wailed, fell straight into the beast tide below, and were trampled into a pulp by tens of thousands of hooves and claws.

Weiss looked at this scene in shock. The flying beast was directly shot through by the bone arrow he participated in making. The 4-meter-long flying beast with wings spread out was actually driven back by the power of the flying arrow. He always knew that the bone arrow However, I never imagined that the scene I saw with my own eyes was so shocking.

Too strong!With the help of bone arrows, the tribe could easily repel the beast tide. Weiss clenched his palms tightly and trembled slightly with excitement. There is no man who does not love bloody fighting.

More bone arrows shot at the flying beasts flying in the air with ear-piercing sounds. The flying beasts who had never experienced this kind of scene all dodged in panic. The huge body made it possible for the orcs to shoot one without aiming.

The flying beasts flying in the air fell to the ground with a "bang bang~" like rain, and the huge body directly killed a group of weak beasts. Even if some of them rushed past the coverage of the arrow branches, they were torn apart by the flying orcs. smash.The one-sided massacre unfolded within a distance of 1000 meters from the tribe. The orcs shot more and killed more wild beasts. Often before they finished killing the ones in front, a large number of wild beasts rushed up from behind.

The tide of beasts was blocked by the moat, and they were forced to stand on the bank and wait to be slaughtered.The suspension bridge was closed as early as yesterday, and it was blocking the two gates. The beast roared on the other side of the river, but it couldn't do anything to the beastman. The massacre lasted all morning, until a beast's roar ended the senseless impact of the beast. Many weak beasts were squeezed into the river by the herd that arrived later. After the beasts receded, there were only corpses on the ground and the corpses of wild beasts floating on the moat.

The orcs let out a roar that shook the sky. They had never repelled the beast horde so easily. It took only half a day for the leader beast to send a signal to temporarily retreat.

After being happy, the orcs immediately rested and ate to replenish their physical strength. The archers even followed the method taught by Weiss to massage their sore muscles. The continuous shooting also consumed the orcs' physical strength, but this did not make the excited orcs Putting down the bow and arrow in his hand, compared to fighting with the beast body, it is just that the muscles of the two arms are sore. How can fighting with the beast body consume more energy?Shoot continuously for a day, and they can stick to it.

Some winged orcs flew out of the tribe and cleaned up the corpses on the moat. The corpses on the ground were dragged back and eaten by the retreating beasts.

The author has something to say: I'm not so nervous this time~~ The protagonist finally showed his power!

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