Crazy for me through another continent

Chapter 88 Preparations Before the Drought

Weiss stopped recording, looked up and saw Gail and Wiger studying the words he wrote on the animal skin with great interest, and suddenly cold sweat dripped down his face. He has never shown the words he knows in the tribe, and he is afraid of being treated as a different kind .Even if he now has the identity of the beast god messenger, he is not sure that he will not be suspected.

This time, the whole mind was focused on the matter of drought resistance, and subconsciously made the usual action of thinking and recording, hoping to get past it and not cause trouble to myself.

"What kind of symbol did you draw? It's different from the symbols used in the tribe, and it's more complicated." Elder Gail observed carefully for a while, and found that Weiss' recording method was very special and smooth, and it seemed to be well described. Get used to it and use it often.

Facing the puzzled eyes of Weiger and Gail, Weiss scratched his head nervously and said, "I created the recording method myself, um~ it's the symbol, hehe, let me tell you."

Wigg smiled and patted Weiss on the shoulder and said, "Don't be nervous. You are the messenger of the beast god. You are born with a mission. It doesn't matter if you know more. I can accept these as long as they are beneficial to the tribe, but For the sake of unnecessary trouble, don’t teach the tribe to learn, and these symbols are very complicated, even if you teach them to the tribe, they may not remember them, the tribe has a record method of the tribe, you can keep it yourself.”

Gail also looked at Weiss amusedly and said, "Can't you trust us two old things? Don't worry, Wig and I will take care of things for you."

Wes gave a wry smile gratefully and said, "I'm really worried that I will be caught and burned as an alien."

Weige lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head again and said solemnly, "Actually, in the beginning, there were incidents of using fire to burn demons after discovering alien species. At that time, tribal civilization was not yet developed... There were some wise messengers, After being punished by the tribe, the beast god was furious and punished, and the tribes who used the fire torture gradually declined. Later, after the confirmation of the ceremony, I realized that the messenger was sent by the beast god to help improve the tribe. Slowly burn to death It was banned by the tribes, and the envoy was not persecuted again, but the clansmen still fear the ability of the envoy, and you also know that most people will choose to escape or reject unforeseen things."

Weiss nodded and admitted that it was true. Fortunately, the Dager tribe is a small tribe with simple folk customs. If he passed through a backward and primitive tribe, his actions today would kill him. Thank you for your maintenance.

Wigg smiled and continued, "Actually, the inheritance of our tribe is not long, and we can't even hold the ceremony to confirm the envoy. If you didn't mention it when you came back from Riva, I really didn't know that the envoy could be used to hold the ceremony." The method is determined by the beast god."

"Hey~ I was the first to suspect that you were an emissary! Hehe~ I have the best vision when everything falls into place. What do those old things know? They only care about immediate interests. If it weren't for Weiss's good heart, he wouldn't care about so much How could our tribe develop so well!" Gail boasted about his feat.

Wigg also nodded frequently with a wry smile, praising Elder Gail for his wisdom.Weiss was so moved that his eyes turned red, because he thought that without the support of these two people, even if Weiss had great abilities, he would not have been able to successfully promote various events.Even a thousand-mile horse, if it is not appreciated by Bole, is nothing more than an unknown horse, living an ordinary life.Not only did I safely become the envoy of the tribe, but also many of my ideas were recognized by the tribe. Among them, Wig and Gail were the ones who contributed the most.

"Hey~ Little Weiss, don't be too moved. If you're really embarrassed, send some delicious food to the old man." Gail blinked and began to ask for favors.

Weiss smiled brightly, and said with a grin, "It's a beautiful idea! You have also enjoyed the benefits, and you are ashamed to ask me for something."

"Ah~ this can't be done, who was moved to tears just now? Hmph~ I don't want me to say that the messenger is a crying bastard, so hurry up and take out your home-made fruit wine to honor me" Gail cocked his nose and threatened proudly With Weiss.

Wigg also laughed at the nonsense of the old and the young, thinking that if it wasn't for Weiss, Daggle would not have survived so many crises safely, and he couldn't help but thank the beast god for the gift. In fact, they didn't do much. It is to support Weiss' various ideas and rely on Weiss' wisdom to better grow the tribe.Regardless of whether Weiss is an envoy or not, as long as he is dedicated to the tribe, it doesn't matter if he is an envoy or a demon!

Weiss and Gail messed around for a while, dissipating the emotions in his heart. Whether it was gratitude or survival, he wanted to work hard to help these people who treated him sincerely, so that they could live a better life.With a straight face, Weiss continued to talk about his specific measures to fight the drought.

"First of all, the Pai tribe rushed to the Bear tribe immediately, and exchanged candles and animal skins for pottery pots, no matter how big or small, the bigger the better, if not, let them rush to make them, and we will send people to get them. Pottery pots can better ensure moisture To not be evaporated is to be lost.” Seeing the puzzled eyes of Wigg and Gail, Weiss changed another word they could understand.

Wigg nodded and wrote down, saying that he would immediately organize the orcs to set off.

"There are still two months before the summer harvest. On the premise of ensuring that we can receive this season's food, we should save all the seeds and plant all the drought-resistant eggs in the ground. The food stored by the tribe last year should not be moved as much as possible. If there is really nothing to eat, you can take it out to eat, but you must ensure that there are enough seeds for next year, and you must keep two copies. If the drought continues next year, you can also ensure that there are still plants to grow when people survive.” Wei Hearing what Gervais said, he also knew that things might be serious, and there was no loss in being more prepared.Just nodded in agreement.

"Then, all the orcs went into the woods to cut down trees, and made wooden barrels to store clean water, covered with animal skins and then paste mud, to preserve clean water just like brewing wine. The water in the clay pots was put in the back for drinking, Some of the water stored in the wooden barrel will be lost, so drink the water in the wooden barrel first.” Weiss frowned, although it may not happen, but if it happens, many people will die.

Weiss said seriously, "In order to prevent the plague caused by the drought, which is a disease that both animals and people can be infected. We must raise animals in captivity. When the orcs hunt, try to catch them alive, and store enough water and grass in the tribe. It is used to feed living animals. There is also the problem of food hygiene. Many orcs and females are used to eating meat with their hands. This must be changed. Diseases come from the mouth, especially when the weather is hot. Diseases are more likely to occur. Can not drink raw water , you must drink boiled cold water. The cubs are weak, don’t let them run wild in the sun to avoid heatstroke, store more sour fruits, and drink water boiled from sour fruits can prevent heatstroke. There are also herbal medicines, no Do you know if there are any herbal medicines to prevent diseases? The ones that can prevent diseases if you drink them?"

"Yes, in order to prevent diseases in winter or summer, the tribe will drink a kind of water boiled with herbs for weaker females," Gail said.

"Wendy's got it," added Wiig

"Let's inform Wendy later that this herbal medicine is stored in large quantities. If there is an epidemic, we need to drink the water boiled from this herbal medicine every day." Weiss thought of another point after speaking.

"The feces in the tribe are placed uniformly, the toilets of each family must be covered with plant ash, and the ground must be swept with plant ash every few days. I haven't thought of other things. I will talk about it later. Uncle Wig first Inform these few things, and by the way, notify the tribe of Riva, so that they can also make preparations in advance."

"Those bastards let them die of thirst." Gail said angrily, Weiss just wanted to remind them at this time because of his good intentions.

"You can't say that. Once there is a drought, many people may die. If they are forced to rush, they may come to our tribe to plunder. Besides, aren't we a friendly tribe?" Weiss said with a smile.

"If they really dare to rob a friendly tribe, the Beast God will punish their tribe." Gail thought of that shameless tribe, who might come back to rob them, so he trembled with anger. The matter of Weiss being kidnapped has been suppressed On the hearts of everyone in the tribe.

"Regardless of whether the beast god will impose punishment or not, for the sake of our people, we must take precautions in advance and notify them. It is their own business whether to prepare or not." Weiss said blankly.Thinking of the humiliation he received in Riva, Weiss felt angry.

"Speaking of this, I thought again, when the drought comes, it's best for everyone not to cook at home, but to cook together, and don't let other orcs passing by know that we have enough food and water. When it is necessary, we may only be able to cook at night, and everyone must learn to act," Weiss said treacherously, touching his chin.

"I know that cooking at night is because I want to use the bonfire to cover up our cooking. When there is no food to eat, the smoke from the cooking in the tribe during the day is indeed too conspicuous. So what is acting?" Old Urchin Gail also said Interested, I already knew that Weiss was smart, but I didn't expect to have thought of so much.

"You'll know when the time comes." Weiss smiled mysteriously, and finally he could only say it under the pressure of Wigg and Gail.

"It's just pretending to be weak. If the famine comes, everyone will be very weak from the heat, hunger and thirst. If you see that everyone in our tribe is healthy and strong, do you think that our tribe has enough food and water? ?” Weiss continued, looking at the two seriously thinking.

"So we have to act, to appear very weak, to go out as little as possible, to let others see that we have died like them, and the rest are weak and dying. In this way, they will not Come and plunder our tribe, after all, there is nothing in our tribe, and they will not benefit from starting a war."

"That's wonderful! You're right, I'll tell the tribe to prepare now," Wigg stood up and said.

"And tell everyone, don't bring strangers into our tribe, and don't mention the tribe's situation to anyone," Weiss reminded.

"I will inform everyone." Wigg nodded solemnly. They must guard against any evil-minded orcs trying to attack the Horde.

It’s been a month and a half under the heat and preparation. The creek behind Weiss’ house has dried up, exposing the dry and cracked riverbed below. The water level in the moat is less than one meter high, and the water flow is already very slow. up.

"It seems that it will be completely dried up in less than a month. This is the water brought in from the main river." Weiss said to Sethus worriedly.

"The plants in the field are well watered, and they will be harvested in ten days. Don't worry too much." Sessus used big leaves to block the sunlight on Weiss's head. The sub-beast's body cannot withstand the harsh sunlight for a long time. of irradiation.

"Let the clansmen try to store more water and fill the other two big caves in the underground cave. In a few days, the water will be too muddy to drink." Weiss said to Sessus, "Let's go and see Look at the farm." Sethus nodded and took Weiss's hand, and walked towards the farm again.

According to Weiss' request, Weige encloses a piece of land near the forest of the tribe as a breeding ground.A wooden roof is used to shade the prey, and each game is tied to a wooden fence and placed separately, with a trough and a wooden bucket for drinking in front of it.

Sessus and the orcs in the tribe not only had to catch a large number of wild animals every day, but also caught live prey. Although the difficulty increased, they still caught enough for Wess.A whole two hundred live prey, large and small, can save the tribe for a month even in the days of food shortage.

After seeing the condition of the farm, Weiss went to the cave where the tribe stored food.

There is a large amount of dried meat and cured meat piled up in the cave, which is most of the food reserves of all the clansmen.Each family also placed food that could last for two months. Weiss asked the tribe to prepare the amount according to the amount that could survive the winter. Fortunately, the water in the moat attracted a large number of wild animals on the plain to come to drink water, otherwise, It is impossible to prepare the grain reserves for winter.

After seeing the situation of the food reserves, Weiss asked everyone to step up the storage of clean water.

Two days later, the tribe's underground cave was full of clay pots and large wooden barrels.

The trunk part of the intercepted tree is hollowed out in the middle, and the opening is sealed after filling it with water. Each large wooden barrel is three meters high and filled with several caves, which is enough for the daily water needs of tribal people and animals. According to Weiss' request, the cave was also filled with wooden barrels filled with water.

When everything was ready, the Dager tribe began to harvest plants. With the water from the moat, even in the scorching sun, the plants in the ground grew well, and the food was stored well. The whole continent ushered in a real harvest. drought.

Plants are dying in large areas, and animals are constantly migrating because of thirst.A large number of animals migrated north along the dry river, and all the carnivores were hunting and killing these migrating herbivores.

The Dager tribe also seized the opportunity to store more meat food. Salt was continuously shipped out from the salt mine to marinate the raw meat. Even if it was marinated in hot weather, it was easy to burn. All of them were dried in the sun and collected in the tribe's caves as food reserves.

The author has something to say: This chapter returns to normal direction~~

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