The sun shone through the lush forests and showed mottled patches on the grass. Di lay lightly on the grass panting heavily, staring at the treetops in front of him in shock.

She... was alive again.

Di Qing was born unlucky, she lost her parents when she was born, and every couple of adopters who tried to adopt her would change their minds in the end, and finally got admitted to a double first-class university, and was hit by a car on the way to practice before graduating.

Diqing wakes up after being hit by a car, and finds that she has come to a completely strange world inexplicably, and has become a little girl who is almost unconscious in the cold and snow.

The optimistic Diqing used her identity as a little girl to make a living in a different world. After being tested as a defective guide, she finally found a place to live.

As a result, during a mission to strangle a monster, Di Qing died on the spot.

3 minutes ago, Di Qing was torn apart.

2 minutes ago, Diqing briefly returned to the original world, and before she could react, she was pushed down from a tall building.

1 minute ago, Diqing woke up here.

The mottled sunlight fell on Diqing's body, bringing her some warmth. Diqing sat up, looked at herself in a hospital gown, and blinked her eyes in confusion.

where is this?

Finding out where you are now is the first priority. Diqing stood up and stretched. After pinching to make sure that there was no trauma on her body, she chose a dirt road to walk along.

After walking a few steps, Diqing met three mature men dressed as hunters carrying machetes and carrying tools on their backs.

When the three people saw Di Qing, they were taken aback for a moment, and then asked in surprise: "Little girl, are you here to hunt too?"


Diqing's round and bright big eyes blinked twice in a panic, and the words came to mind instantly:

"I got separated from the hired mercenaries."

The three nodded, as if they were worried that Diqing, a thin girl, would be in danger deep in the forest. They sent Diqing to the outskirts of the forest, and pointed her in the direction to the town.

After Diqing said goodbye to the three of them gratefully, she turned around with a look of disbelief.

Judging from the flute of those people just now, this is the different world she is so familiar with. The last time she penetrated into someone else's body, this time she directly penetrated the whole body.

"Now that you're back, let's find a way to make money to solve the problem of survival."

Di lightly comforted herself, took a long breath, and walked quickly towards the town.

Entering the town, Diqing was pleasantly surprised to find that this was the city of Sai, where she had lived for more than ten years. The familiar streets made Diqing feel at ease, and she quickly thought of a way to make money.

Pharmacists need materials from monsters, but most of them are weak and unable to hunt. Most of them will choose mercenaries, and a few who want to save intermediary fees will post tasks at the door of their pharmacies, waiting for passing hunters or mercenaries to pick them up.

When Di Qing hadn't awakened her talent as a guide, she used to earn living expenses by exposing and killing monsters everywhere. This was a bit dangerous for an ordinary human being, but it was more efficient.

Wandering around the streets of the town, Diqing finally found a mission at the door of a remote pharmacy.

The owner of the pharmacy wanted the body of an iron-toothed wolf, and Diqing revealed the task and walked into the store without hesitation.

She is familiar with the iron-toothed wolf, the monster she has hunted the most.

Because the whole body of the iron-toothed wolf is useful, at least six out of ten missions are about it.

The pharmacist saw that Diqing had accepted the task, and the joy on his face faded instantly. He frowned and looked at Diqing's slender body with doubts in his eyes.

But maybe it was because of the urgent need for this iron-toothed wolf. After Diqing repeatedly promised that he would complete the task, he gave Diqing a machete, and followed Diqing silently to the forest.

Di Qing didn't mind the attitude of this pharmacist, she had met too many people who regretted seeing her before.

In the end, she was very grateful to anyone who was willing to let her have a try.

Iron-toothed wolves are not difficult to find. This kind of monster likes to live alone in places with flowing water. The two found one by a small stream.

"You stay here and don't move and don't make a sound. I will let you go there and you go there."

Diqing asked the pharmacist to hide outside the bushes, while she cut off a piece of cloth, tied her long black hair, held a machete, and approached the iron-toothed wolf lightly.

The iron-toothed wolf's hearing is good, and it noticed this slight movement when Diqing was ten meters away from its back. When Diqing got closer, it suddenly turned around and rushed towards Diqing.

But Diqing reacted faster than it did, stepping on the boulder at the side and leaping up, far surpassing the iron-toothed wolf.

Di lightly looked at the direction, and when the whole person landed on the back of the iron-toothed wolf, the machete pierced deeply into the back of the opponent's neck. While the iron-toothed wolf was struggling violently, he held the machete tightly with both hands and pulled hard.

Accompanied by the ear-piercing cry of pain, a large amount of blood splashed out from the back of the iron-toothed wolf. Diqing was blushed by the flying blood, pulled out the machete and rolled to the side.

After rolling twice, Diqing stood up, the iron-toothed wolf was completely enraged, his eyes were blood red, and he howled angrily and ran towards Diqing.

While Diqing is avoiding the iron-toothed wolf quickly, the machete in his hand will cut down mercilessly when he sees the opportunity. Diqing's fighting style is fierce and urgent, but any mistake will be fatal.

The pharmacist looked terrified and couldn't help worrying about her.

After fighting for a few minutes, Diqing was ready to give the scarred iron-toothed wolf a final blow.

The iron-toothed wolf, who had already lost the strength and fell to the ground, suddenly rose up and opened its mouth towards Diqing's arm when Diqing's final blow was about to fall, piercing Diqing's arm with its sharp giant fangs.

Di Qing endured the pain and wiped the iron-toothed wolf's neck.

It wasn't until the iron-toothed wolf under him was completely dead that Di Qing pulled out his arm from the giant teeth without changing his expression. Looking at the blood hole on his arm, Di Qing took a deep breath.

Is it too long since I haven't fought?

"Too dead, come here."

Diqing called the pharmacist over, and the terrified pharmacist walked out from behind the bushes. Seeing that Diqing was covered in blood and the injury was not serious, he asked, "Let me bandage you first?"

Di lightly glanced at the wound that was still oozing blood, nodded and thanked: "Thank you, sorry for the trouble."

While bandaging, the pharmacist let out a breath of fear and said, "This is the first time I've seen such a desperate way of fighting."

"No way, it's not easy to make money."

Di endured the pain lightly and looked at the iron-toothed wolf's body.

It was even worse when she first took on missions to ask for a living. There was almost no good meat on her body, and most of the rewards for taking on missions had to be spent on medical expenses.

Speaking of which, the day her guide awakened, she was also hunting the iron-toothed wolf.

That day, Di lightly accepted the task of the iron-toothed wolf, but mistakenly identified an iron-toothed ice wolf as an iron-toothed wolf.

The iron-toothed ice wolf is three levels higher than the iron-toothed wolf, and can use ice spells. Diqing almost died in its mouth. Fortunately, he met Stein.


Diqing repeated the name gently in her heart, this is the sentinel assigned to her by the tower after she awakened the guide.

Stein is powerful and can control her emotions and perceptions without a guide.

The two were brought together purely because Di Qing was flawed and useless, but he was indeed a guide, and it would be difficult to get through without arrangement.

After Diqing was bandaged, he helped the pharmacist dispose of the iron-toothed wolf's body after receiving the reward. The pharmacist didn't expect Diqing to help, and said a lot of words in gratitude.

But Di Qing didn't listen to a word.

At the thought of Stein, Di Qing's thoughts became chaotic.

His chest was tight, as if he was being pressed tightly by something.

The indifferent and powerful Stein had always looked down on herself, who was flawed in ability and poor in physique, and the forced pairing of towers made Stein loathe herself even more.

Diqing suddenly recalled the scene when the two first met.

She fought hard with the iron-toothed ice wolf, and was attacked by the iron-toothed ice wolf's ice magic several times, half of her body was frozen, and the numb and stiff right half of her body could not be driven by her.

Di Qing wanted to continue fighting with his left hand, but was slapped to the ground by the iron-toothed ice wolf's paw. His left hand included three deep scratches on his chest.

Di lightly gritted her teeth, watching the iron-toothed ice wolf bite towards her, she wanted to raise the knife to stop it, but she had no strength.

Seeing the fangs attacking, Di gently closed his eyes.

After a few seconds, the expected pain did not strike, Di lightly opened his eyes, and met a pair of ice blue eyes.

There is no emotion in those eyes, looking at Diqing as if looking at a dead object, but the owner of these eyes is extraordinarily delicate and beautiful, with long golden hair against the light, shining with a dazzling luster.

Di Qing's mind was blank for a while, just looking at her.

"You are a guide, don't stay in the tower well, run out to kill the iron-toothed ice wolf..."

She spoke softly, her voice was cold and pleasant, and the words of accusation made Di turn pale.


Recalling this, Di lightly realized.

Stein hated her, but she was doomed from the first sight.

Central City, in a silent room in the tower, Steinan was sitting on a soft bed, holding a tube of wizard in his hand.

She was not as radiant as Di Qing remembered, her face was extremely pale and thin, her chin was thin, and there were dark circles under her half-opened eyes.

Even the formerly shiny and smooth blond hair seemed to have faded.

The whole person was depressed and gloomy from head to toe.

Stein carefully unscrewed the guide tube, and the fresh floral fragrance overflowed instantly, filling the silent room.

Smelling the smell of guide element, Steinan's frown slowly relaxed, she lay down, and barely fell asleep in the fragrance of flowers.

In an uneasy sleep, Stein dreamed of Diqing after a long absence, which was the first time she and Diqing met.

That day, Ta sent Stein a mission to kill a ferocious iron-toothed ice wolf.

When Stein found the iron-toothed ice wolf, he found that the iron-toothed ice wolf was fighting with a slender figure.

Stein was shocked that an ordinary human woman could survive under the iron-toothed ice wolf for so long. She was unconsciously fascinated by the stubbornness of the man's fight, which symbolized that every time her weak body struggled to fight back, she would be shocked. swing.

Seeing that the man was in danger, Steinan hurriedly acted.

The long sword pierced the iron-toothed ice wolf, and Steian stepped on its corpse, looking down at the black-haired woman below.

The man slowly opened his eyes, and his dark and bright eyes collided with Stein's gaze. Stein's heart became hot, and his mood fluctuated rarely.

The breeze blows, sending a faint floral fragrance to Steian's nose, and the cool comfort wraps Steian.

In an instant, Steinan felt that time stood still, and everything around her gradually disappeared, and she could only see this person in her eyes.

Stein has a secret.

She fell in love with Di Qing at first sight.

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