As the name suggests, the central city is located in the center of the Mo Nai continent, so no matter where you go to the central city, it is not too far away. Di Qing rented a carriage and arrived in the central city in less than three days.

After entering the central city, Diqing felt both familiar and unfamiliar. Everything was very different from before she came back. There were many strange buildings on the familiar streets.

Seeing this, a question popped up in Di Qing's mind - how many years is it now?

After she came back, she has been busy making money to live, but she didn't explore this issue.

The central city is culturally prosperous, and bulletin boards can be seen everywhere. There are daily news, monthly top ten sentinel guides, various commissions and other information on the bulletin board. August 25, Ji 8.

"Exactly three years?"

Di lightly stroked her chin. Her last body sacrifice happened to be in August of the 22nd year of Fengji, but she didn't remember the exact date.

Three years, if you say it is long, it is quite long.

Diqing continued to look up, and found that the top sentinel was a name she didn't recognize, and she couldn't help but feel drummed in her heart. Could it be that Steinan was really mentally injured?

Di Qing didn't believe what Ke Luni said.

She has never seen a stronger existence than Si Diane, how could Si Diane have a nervous breakdown.

Although she didn't believe it, but out of worry, Di Qing still rushed to the central city, eager to verify the authenticity. After seeing this list, there is a [-]% probability that Steinan's injury is true.

Di Qing couldn't help feeling a little anxious. She had never seen Stein get hurt. To what extent could she let those rumors fly?

Trying to suppress the anxiety in his heart, Di Qing raised his head and saw the notice at the top, and was stunned.

[On August 8th, the Dark Sentinel Stein will be re-paired with guides. If you are willing to participate in the pairing, please report to the tower and participate in the Compatibility Identification Conference on the 25th. 】


Diqing tilted her head in confusion, and after carefully studying this passage in her heart, Diqing only felt an unknown fire ignite in her heart.

She has been dead for three years. It is normal for the injured Stein of the tower to find a guide again. Diqing can understand what the tower did, but she still can't help but get angry.

As for why you are angry...

Di Qing thought about this, blinked in a panic, his eyes drifted to the mission entrustment aside, hurriedly took off a suitable one, turned and left.

Di Qing spent all the money on her body in the past few days, and she had to do some tasks to make money.

As for Stein's matter...

Then, go to the tower in a few days to have a look.

Di Qing felt that something was pressing her heart tightly, making her breathless, oppressed and irritable.

When she and Stein went to register on the second day after confirming their partnership, the introducer in the tower didn't know the situation of the two of them, so she glanced at them and said strangely:

"The compatibility between the two of you is almost non-existent. This is the first time I have encountered such a situation. If it is not from the perspective of love, then think about it."

Her compatibility with Stein is close to 0, they don't match at all.

Now Ta can choose someone with high compatibility for Stein who can help Stein.

So in fact, her departure is a good thing for Stein...?

Thinking of this, Di Qing, with drooping corners of her mouth, walked slowly towards the client's address listlessly.

The client lived outside the city, and Di Qing went out of the city against the flow of people.

Facing Diqing about ten meters in front, the two of them were holding hands, each carrying a large box in their free hands.

"He Lila, can these herbs come in handy?"

The curly red-haired woman tugged at the person beside her with a worried face.

"It's fine if it doesn't work. What if it has the opposite effect like last time? Her body can't stand the toss."

"It's okay, don't worry, Cora."

The short brown-haired woman named He Lila grinned and comforted her partner.

"Didn't I ask someone to mix up the scent of that wizard? I don't know if the others will work, but this one will definitely work."

"That's good."

Ke Na smiled with relief, and after sighing, saw He Lila staring at the front in a daze, so she looked along suspiciously.

Seeing this, Ke Na was also stunned for a moment.

Di Qing was in a low mood, she lowered her head and didn't notice these two acquaintances at all, and passed them directly.

"Flower fragrance..."

After Diqing passed by, He Lila stood still, murmuring in ecstasy.

After regaining her senses, she turned around and saw the person walking away. He Lila nervously held Ke Na beside her, and hurriedly said, "Kona, have you seen that girl?"

"She also has that faint floral fragrance!"

Ke Na nodded cautiously, then turned her head to look at the slender figure, "Well, she looks somewhat similar to that one."

The same black hair and snow skin, the same round and bright black eyes, the difference is that this girl's facial features are a bit more refined, at first glance she will recognize her mistake, but on closer inspection she can easily distinguish.

He Lila had an idea in an instant: "You said..."

Ke Na raised her hand to interrupt He Lila, she shook her head seriously and said, "Find someone similar, it will only be worse."

He Lila opened her mouth to refute something, but when she thought of Stein's obsession with that person, she finally shut up, nodded in agreement, and took Ke Na again, and the two walked towards the tower.

As soon as they entered the tower, the two were surprised by the countless guides filling the hall.

Guides are a minority among the few, and only the condition of being paired with the Dark Sentinel can attract so many people to gather in one place.

"For the first time in my life, I met so many guides."

He Lila was fascinated by all kinds of guide elements, and hurriedly grabbed her partner beside her.

After Ke Na led He Lila through the group of guides, she reported to the administrator, and followed an administrator straight up to the fifth floor to find Stein.

"Has Stein's condition improved?"

He Lila asked the administrator leading the way ahead.

The administrator shook his head when he heard the words, and sighed: "It got out of control again a few days ago, and I managed to calm it down after giving the guide element that was left behind. I guess I'm still sleeping now."

During the conversation, the three of them stopped in front of a white door. The administrator bent his fingers and knocked on the door lightly twice.

He Lila and Kona waited patiently. They often visited Steian and knew her situation very well. It was good if Steian opened the door. If Steian didn't open the door, the two had to put down their things and leave.

The door was slowly opened, and an extremely pale face appeared behind the door. For a moment, people couldn't tell which side was whiter, the face or the wall.

Seeing that it was He Lila and Ke Na, Steinan slowly raised her half-closed eyes, moved her bloodless lips, and said hoarsely, "You are here."

"Come in and sit."

He Lila and Ke Na looked at each other and saw the joy in each other's eyes.

Steinan can have the strength to meet them, which shows that she is in good condition.

After the two entered the silent room and closed the door, there was only white noise in their ears, and it was so quiet.

"Stayne, you look better."

Kona looked at the thin Steian under the baggy clothes, and greeted against her will.

He Lila smiled cheerfully, and said eagerly: "It's much better than last time, what's wrong with it? I brought some medicine this time, it might be useful."

Three years of torture turned Stein into this fragile and haggard appearance. As Stein's friend, it is impossible for the two of them not to feel sorry for them.

"Thank you."

Stein sat on the edge of the bed and thanked her softly.

As if remembering something, Steinan slowly raised her drooping head, and her originally empty blue eyes gradually became brighter.

"There are three days left, which means three years."

Stein smiled wryly, her eyes were flushed, which was particularly glaring on this pale face.

In three days, it will be the day when she loses Diqing. She has lost Diqing for three full years. Stein can't imagine how she survived these long three years.

"Three years."

He Lila tried her best not to let the smile disappear, she racked her brains, then her eyes lit up, and she said, "Yes, then you have to get well soon, go and see her, right?"

"Yes, I'm going to see her."

Stein turned her head to see what the weather was like outside the window, but forgot that the window was removed during the room renovation, and there was only a white wall in sight.

He Lila breathed a sigh of relief. On this day, Steinan always became more energetic and took a bouquet of white wild flowers to see Diqing.

The two stayed for a while, and Stein's mental state gradually deteriorated. Seeing this, He Lila and Ke Na hurriedly bid farewell to Stein.

As soon as she got out of the room, Ke Na beat He Lila hard twice.

He Lila clutched her chest in pain and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ke Na frowned and said angrily: "It's okay, what did you ask her to go out? Wait until Steian sees the group of guides below, and knows that the tower will force her to re-match, guess she will lose control on the spot and tear up the group of guides ?”

Only then did He Lila think of this, and she grabbed Ke Na tightly in panic, her face lost half of her color.

Although Stein looks weak now, if she loses control and runs away, the consequences will be disastrous.

He Lila stomped her feet anxiously, and complained: "Are all the administrators of this tower stupid? Stein is already like this, and she wants to find a new guide for her."

"After all, except us, no one really knows how much Stein loves Di Qing."

Ke Na sighed, patted He Lila on the back, and led He Lila away.

"Even Di Qing himself doesn't know."

August 8th is the most important day for Stein.

It is the day when Si Diane loses Diqing, and it is also the day when Si Diane and Diqing register their partnership.

Stein lay down on the bed, staring blankly at the flawless white ceiling.

On that day six years ago, she repeatedly read the partner certificate and was so happy that she stayed up all night.

On that day three years ago, she secretly swore that she would confess her feelings to Di Qing after finishing the task.

And three days later, she could only take Diqing's favorite flowers to a sunny place and miss her alone.

"The flute is light."

"I can't hold it anymore."

The author has something to say:

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