"Protect the prince!"

"Formation B..."

"Sir, the security defense of the base in Area C has been hacked!"

"Attention, attention, it is confirmed that it is the D-block hackers and their killer group!"

There was a lot of noise in the communicator, and Gan Xiaobai only saw a ray-like red light coming towards him. Immediately afterwards, the white wolf's particle cannon threw a light ball over without hesitation, and with a bang, a mushroom cloud rose on the ground. Everything around started to vibrate!

Meili held her forehead, and took out the test kit while thinking "My door is broken and it will cost money to repair", "Ah, I don't like bloody massacre scenes..." There is no more civilized way to do it. resolve conflicts? ?

But the white wolf chuckled: "Your syringe is better than a laser cannon. You melted an orc last time. What a hypocritical woman!" !

"Don't worry, I just let the troublesome kids down there sleep for a while!" Mei Li winked at the dumbfounded Gan Xiaobai, and pulled the trigger resolutely. After a puff of smoke, the shots below disappeared!

Meili showed an expression of "it really is so useless".

And Prince Berg, who held Mickey in his arms and jumped up and down to avoid the artillery attack with a calm face, patted Gan Xiaobai's back lightly to comfort him: "Don't worry!" There are very few white wolves Things that can't be solved with Mei Li!

Qian Xiaobai shouted silently in his heart: How can we not worry that the rapid ascent and descent just now has exceeded the acceptable range of human beings, and now the whole brain is starting to sway! Weightlessness is very uncomfortable!

Well, His Excellency the Prince has already gestured for Mickey to dive down! Qian Xiaobai lost control of his jaw and head...

The whistling wind in the ear, together with Qian Xiaobai's horrified scream, was drowned in His Excellency's... mouth!

Berg rode the horse with one hand and with the other, he snapped Qian Xiaobai's head to the side, and sucked it lightly!

The crowd who were busy fighting around forgot about the two who were falling rapidly!

Gan Xiaobai opened his eyes wide, looking at the approaching thin lips in disbelief, until his lips were cold and trembling slightly!

Berg is literally kissing me!! This...

It's just that the other party only made a posting gesture, and then squeezed Gan Xiaobai's clenched teeth away without any emotion, and there was a bloody smell in Gan Xiaobai's mouth!

During the rapid descent just now, Qian Xiaobai bit his tongue without any preparation, and the entry of Prince Berg saved his tongue from being bitten off, and his breathing became much smoother!

The prince's tongue swirled in his mouth silkily for two weeks, and then withdrew, his dry breathing began to be unsteady, this time it was because of this kiss without warning—or it wasn't even a kiss at all!

"Newbie, next time, remember to control your tongue, otherwise you will be dumb when you come back from a mission!"

The prince stared straight ahead, he had already put a safe distance away from Qian Xiaobai, his coldness remained the same, as if nothing had happened just now!

"Yes...sir!" Gan Xiaobai lowered his head, his face was almost burned to death, he even forgot to think about whether it would be dangerous for the prince's tongue to stick into his mouth

Cursing his own cranky thoughts, he realized that the part between his legs was, shamefully, hard!

The damn cold prince actually has such a soft tongue! This is the only imprint left in Gan Xiaobai's mind, it is very deep, so deep that he can clearly recall the slippery touch!

"Attention, we are going to clean up the big guys!" The prince said, seeming to be smiling, "Wait any longer, the white wolf will blow up the entire checkpoint!" The lazy tone reveals a sense of pride, " As the highest intelligent creature, I will soon show you the luxurious performance of the empire's best race!"

Qian Xiaobai continued to fly down. This time, he controlled his tongue, but his mind was not idle for a moment to think about a question: Why would I react to the prince's kiss? If it was someone else's kiss, I would hard ?Will it be hard? !

The roar of the white wolf came from behind: "Yahoo!!"

Immediately after was Mei Li with a helpless expression: "Xiao Bai, look quickly, a certain idiot's tail is excitedly exposed! Such a cute thing grows on a body like a white wolf, tsk tsk, what a waste of money!"

Gan Xiaobai opened his eyes and took a closer look. Sure enough, there was a fluffy white tail that kept shaking behind the white wolf's buttocks, which was particularly eye-catching in the dark night.

"Orcs will show the characteristics of beasts when they are emotional. You have seen Finch's state before. The more beastly the sergeant is, the stronger the fighting ability is." The prince introduced, "Of course, this kind of person's consciousness control ability It's very strong, it's better not to provoke the orcs, otherwise, they will fuck you until you can't get out of bed!"

Gan Xiaobai couldn't speak for a moment! That tail instantly became scary! In fact, this kind of topic can also be completely ignored...

Jane followed closely beside Berg, and Qian Xiaobai finally changed his original view of this elegant secretary. His sharp eyes and arched back all showed the rich combat capabilities of a regular soldier!

Except for him who is very cowardly, everyone is amazing!

"Newcomer, we are going down. Your task is to sit on the horse safely and not fall off!" Berg lowered the center of gravity of his body, and Mickey's obese body fell miraculously in one direction. Inside, a spherical spire is vaguely exposed!

Gan Xiaobai: "Airship!" Like the one that appeared in the Colosseum!

The prince snorted coldly: "It's naive to hide here and think it's safe!" Stopping in the air, the prince stepped on the horse's head and volleyed in the air, folded his arms and stared intently, a faint milky white halo appeared on his body!

Gan Xiaobai felt a kind of viscous liquid secreted from his body and spread out, the two buttocks/petals wrapped by the tights made the prince's figure even more beautiful!

Qian Xiaobai lowered his eyes, not knowing why his eyes always lingered on those parts of the Prince...

Mei Li, who caught up with her, admired it sincerely: "Your Excellency's consciousness control power, it's always a pleasure to see it! It's like the essence of power concentrated, giving people a silky texture!"

"Is it amazing, does it look like that?" In fact, it looks good even in normal times!

Mei Libai's eyes were dry and Xiaobai's face was full of "your man is very powerful" as a matter of course!

Then, Prince Berg slammed into the airship with his toes!

Excited, the white wolf yelled, wagging its tail and carrying the cannon: "Come on, just blow them away!"

The speed was as fast as lightning, and the black figure that could not be caught by the eyes disappeared in an instant. Qian Xiaobai had the illusion that the prince had disappeared for a while, and in the middle of the airship below, a shining slash line was drawn and broke apart !

Ten seconds before and after, the winner or loser is determined in one game! This is strength! The right to speak of what Prince Berg said!

With a sharp whistle, Berg apparently gave Mickey an order, and the hulking Pegasus snorted, leaned over and charged at its master!

I have to say, as a newly purchased mount that has been trained for a short time, such a reaction is really amazing, but Mickey forgot that before picking up his omnipotent master back, there was still a waste watching the excitement sitting on it!

It was originally a simple dive, but the inexperienced Qian Xiaobai suffered a disaster.

Dozens of meters high, diving, without any comprehensive protection like a roller coaster... Qian Xiaobai decisively fell off Mickey!

Turning around many times enchantingly, the eyes are full of stars, the whistling wind and the faint shouts in the ears...

Mickey, who lost his things, still rushed towards his beloved master heartlessly, wagging his tail while flying to invite rewards...

When Prince Berg flung himself up, Qian Xiaobai's figure had turned into a beautiful splash, and fell into the moat with a plop!

Qian Xiaobai, who has not yet fully understood the seasons and temperature, his first feeling is - it's freezing cold!

Bone-cold water squeezed in from all directions, the eyes and nasal passages felt like needles, and the angle of entering the water was very good, with the belly facing down—the most painful position! Qian Xiaobai felt that his appetite and internal organs were about to bleed!

When he touched the bottom of the water, mud and unknown long-leaved plants clung to his ankles one after another, and he couldn't hold it open!

Trembling, he took out the small dagger on his ankle, and without hesitation, Qian Xiaobai swung it towards the leaves. If the time passed, the heat from his body would lose ten percent! He didn't have the confidence to survive until he surfaced.

Breathing became short of breath, the leaves on the ankles retreated knowingly, when Qian Xiaobai grabbed the last handful of long leaves, he swam with all his strength towards the faintly bright sleep above his head!

The panic before his death invaded his brain again, Qian Xiaobai seemed to see Master's mocking smile, Master, look, I can't do it again!

In this world of beasts and supermen, my existence is as small as dust!

The cooling body, the hands stretched upwards, the sudden warmth from the palms...the godlike Prince Berg...

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