Even if Prince Berg didn't want to, he was still invited to the VIP table by the superior when the reception officially started!

Meili, who stayed behind to eat, drink and gossip at the scene, was naturally in the middle of everything. Qian Xiaobai hid silently at the corner of the dining table to eat, trying not to look at the vicious eyes shot at him by those two beauties. Still polite, after Mei Li's "education", the attitude of the two sisters has changed dramatically, and their faces are full of unbearable anger!

It's not my business!Gan Xiaobai generally looked at the guests around him, while enjoying the food, many people turned their heads from time to time to look at this fringe man who suddenly rose to power when they were talking. The arrest warrant a while ago left a deep impression on people. The next second he became a guest at the reception?

Hehe, the smiles on everyone's faces reveal that they know it well.

Even so, everyone felt the tense atmosphere on the scene. After Prince Berg left Gan Xiaobai and sat down, his face remained unwell. Duke Hutt whispered something to him from time to time. Although Berg had disgust on his face, he did not push him away. As if not listening...

As the crowd poured in one after another, Gan Xiaobai seemed to gradually disappear in the lively scene, and after the secretary of the military department reported to one of the elders with a dark face, the atmosphere of the whole reception fell into a delicate state.

A regiment of the orc legion that came to the battlefield not long ago was trapped in the cannibal valley, and the other party only used dozens of people to kill the orc legion that the empire was proud of in seconds!

It is said that the means are very cruel!

At this time, Qian Xiaobai had been forcibly dragged to a corner without any monitoring by the man behind him. Prince Jaeger saw Qian Xiaobai staring at him with nothing but disgust!

There was no panic as expected!

No one spoke first, Gan Xiaobai's mind was in a moment of confusion, but he knew that this was the territory of the military department, even if Jaeger had a deep background, he would not be stupid enough to do it directly, besides, he is still here. Qian Xiaobai had predicted this situation before coming here, but he didn't expect Jaeger to be stupid enough to kidnap him directly!

"Let me go!" Gan Xiaobai stared at Jaeger coldly, no matter how good his appearance was, he couldn't hide the fact that he was a scum!

"Qian Xiaobai? Finally caught you!" Jaeger sneered, "I can tell you never forget me!"

"You can smell your bird/beast breath from hundreds of miles away, who can forget it? You are still a beast in clothes!" Qian Xiaobai shot back unceremoniously!

Jaeger was stunned for a moment, it seemed that the guy in front of him was a bit different, Hui said he was stupid and weak, but he was not soft-spoken at all when he scolded people, or did he just get it wrong?

"Don't say that, are you playing hard to get?" Jaeger's hand strengthened, Gan Xiaobai felt that his wrist was about to break!

"When you, a good-for-nothing with a force value of zero, want to insult the prince, you'd better watch the scene!" Jaeger looked around, very well, the people around seemed to be paying attention to the greetings at the venue, and those who just reported The battle situation that came up, hehe, enough for the old guys in the empire to be busy for a while!

"Useless firewood? The force value is zero..." Qian Xiaobai held back his anger and looked at Jaeger's malicious face, met his gaze very calmly, and paused every word, "Go away!"

"What?" Jaeger finally frowned, and lowered his head to look at the wrist that was pinched by himself, which was about to bruise. It was slender and fair, and the arm was so smooth that there was no hair on it. At the junction of the arteries and veins of the arm, except for the clearly visible blood vessels, It was just a few needles that caught the eye, and when Jaeger found this, the cold smile on Qian Xiaobai's face disappeared in an instant!

It's too late!

"What did you do to yourself?" Jaeger is not stupid. He understands that the imperial medical class and researchers usually use injection guns when injecting drugs, and simple injections have been eliminated for a long time!Coupled with Qian Xiaobai's special researcher status...

"..." Gan Xiaobai glared at him, what did he do to tell you about this traitor?Think I'm a fool!I am not only a researcher, but also an intellectual with a bit of past life background...

The injection Gan Xiaobai injected into himself was the purest derivative of blood chrysanthemum. He had only developed a rare fifty milliliters in such a long time, and gave a little bit of it to Finch Squadron Leader who participated in the war as a gift, and now his own The highest dose that the human body can bear is active in the blood. Although two milliliters is not much, it is enough to transform a person!

Jaeger underestimated Qian Xiaobai too much. Although his rampage last time shocked and panicked many people, many details were suppressed by the upper echelons as secrets. Bai is even more obsessed with it. Apart from the cannibals, many people probably want to know what the origin of this mysterious guy is!

Otherwise, what would he do in the military headquarters at the risk of being locked up all the time?

Originally, he just wanted to test and frighten him a little bit, but when he saw the new function suddenly appeared by Qian Xiaobai, Jaeger decided not to do anything, and he couldn't wait for a moment!

He wants to take Xiao Bai away!immediately!

Thinking of this, Jaeger saved a lot of steps, and the sudden murderous aura brought a hint of determination, Qian Xiaobai couldn't help trembling, and immediately calmed down!

calm!Feeling the rapid absorption and metabolism of the drug in the blood, and then slowly climbing towards the peak, the strength of the whole body gushes out uncontrollably.

Stretch out your hand to wipe it, and two tubes of nosebleed meander down!wipe!Except for the time when he saw Berg, he had a nosebleed on his own initiative. I wonder if he would be frightened by the officer seeing him like this!

Wanting strength, but not being a burden to the body, Qian Xiaobai understands what will happen when he is overwhelmed—running away!

The two-way regulating effect of the blood chrysanthemum can improve the function of the human body on the one hand, and replenish the blood volume on the other hand. With the support of Qian's theory, Qian Xiaobai also added some other ingredients to the essence: gene fragments, orc genes The fragment, as well as the blood extract secretly drawn from Finch's body, which retains the original genetic components of the sample to the greatest extent, including muscle strength and physical advantages...

In short, Qian Xiaobai is risking his life this time. The things he researches in the conventional way have little effect, and he can't deal with emergencies at all in a fast-paced war. He doesn't have time to go to the gym every day to train his muscles. The medicine is stewed!

This is dangerous, but... the effect is surprisingly good!

Because Jaeger was stunned by Gan Xiaobai's explosive arm strength at the moment of the fight. The wrist he was pinching just now was slender and weak, and it was completely different from Gan Xiaobai who could slap an adult sergeant against the wall with a single slap in front of him. people!

During the reception, the guards have confiscated all the weapons of the guests. Except for some unrefined small daggers that can be brought in, all lethal weapons have been confiscated!

With no hope of subduing Qian Xiaobai with his bare hands, Jaeger pulled out the black steel saber strapped to his leg without hesitation. The half-foot-long blade is double-sided, and it can easily cut off small laser guns in close combat. body!

Qian Xiaobai regretted that he didn't have a weapon on him!But he didn't eat free food during this time!

Although the research task was heavy, he still learned weapon combat with the help of Finch and others.

People always panic when facing a sharp blade, and Qian Xiaobai is no exception, but this kind of panic is less when facing a gun. Finch said that this is the influence of the characteristics of the weapon itself, especially Qian Xiaobai himself. A little bit of sharp-point fear, eyes dizzy after seeing the cold light of sharp knives...

Now, Qian Xiaobai thinks that the terrifying sharp knife is actually not as ugly as Jaeger's face!

So when many angers turned into strength, Qian Xiaobai became merciless!

Jaeger has been trained by the military for many years. His movements are not gorgeous but have direct lethality. Compared with Prince Berg's smooth and gorgeous attack, the aesthetic feeling is much worse, but the destructive power has not weakened at all!

Although Qian Xiaobai had some basic skills when he followed his master, fighting is not a profession after all. His specialty is poison making, so he was very excited under the new attempt, and his movements were particularly ignorant!

Coupled with the power of the medicine, Qian Xiaobai's vigorous and rough attack caused Jaeger a lot of trouble. He was hit in the face twice, and blood was drawn from the corner of his mouth. Jaeger felt that Qian Xiaobai might not want to If you want to go with yourself, you have to pay a small price...

Gan Xiaobai also analyzed the pros and cons of this potion by the way!

"Do you think Prince Berg will treat you as a treasure?" Jaeger started to be mean, he saw the relationship between the two, Berg's old face was cold to the Pacific Ocean, when did he see him treat a rookie like this? enthusiastic?Besides physical catharsis, what is more important than status and power?

"Hehe, wake up, follow me, and you will see how the entire military headquarters rotted from the inside." Jaeger glanced at the silent dry Xiaobai, and continued to increase, "Berg is Will not fall in love with you, he has never loved anyone except himself!"

Qian Xiaobai smiled suddenly: "Jegger, you are the scum who plays with those children casually on the bed, don't tell me you seem to know everything!"

Jaeger's eyes were gloomy, Qian Xiaobai sighed in his heart, it seems that a person's beauty is really indispensable inside and out, "I won't go with you!"

"Oh?" Jaeger, who was rejected so directly by Qian Xiaobai, was extremely upset, "The weak have no right to speak!"

Gan Xiaobai raised his chin slightly, jumped back lightly, pulled out the microinjection gun in his pocket and gave himself a slap on the neck!

"What are you doing!" Jaeger sneered, his entire face paler against the background of the blond hair, "The more you show in front of me, the more I will not let you go!"

Throwing away the injection gun, Qian Xiaobai smiled indifferently, "I just don't show it, don't you all want to pester me?! The injection just now will definitely make you like me more!" Qian Xiaobai's eyes can be seen with naked eyes The speed of identification changes color...

Jaeger took a breath, "You don't want to run away here, do you?"

"In order to prevent you from taking me away, I would rather run away!"

"I didn't expect you to do this for the sake of your chief!" Yegma was fully engaged, he didn't want to waste time, "You trust him that much?!"

Qian Xiaobai laughed heartlessly, "Before others betray me, I choose to believe!"

Prince Jaeger, do you know that there is an old saying in China——Compare your heart to your heart? !

The same prince, why is the gap so far away!

The author has something to say: Basically, it will be updated every day, and occasionally it will be updated every other day. After all, there are some undeniable interference factors, such as a few days every month...

Kam Ang, North Nose~~

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