That's an arm!

There was a look of despair on Alex's face when he opened the cloth bag.

"You killed him?" Hui asked him to stay on the western front to wait for Berg's arrival, and took the initiative to ambush Qian Xiaobai's training ground. Hui gave him too much trust, but never asked him about his relationship with Berg. !

Alex has been avoiding a lot of questions. Although he sleeps with Hui and kisses him, he never talks about their past with him.

Hui also never asked.Originally thought that it would be good for their relationship to remain silent until later, but unexpectedly, Hui left him first!

"You can't kill him!" Alex's eyes were red, but Qian Xiaobai fought back without hesitation: "What's impossible? I'm stronger than him!"

"This is impossible!"

"Then Hui asked me to cut this arm and give it to you? Don't deceive yourself!" Qian Xiaobai observed Alex's expression, and his sly smile turned in his eyes, quickly hiding the real truth. mood.

"Also, the strengthening medicine that Duke Hurt sold you is just leftovers from my research. If you guessed correctly, the effect of the medicine has basically evaporated now. Do you feel muscle soreness?"

"Bastard!" Sure enough!

"Hurt has been short of money recently (because of Lawrence's loser), so he harassed Lawrence and got some leftovers back." Gan Xiaobai smiled, "If you don't believe me, you can try it with me, now You can't beat me!"

Alex threw away Sven and ran up like a lunatic, his mind was full of Hui's bloody arm, Hui became like this because of him!He wants to avenge Hui!Immediately afterwards, under the eyes of all his subordinates, Alex was kicked away by Qian Xiaobai with a light lift...

Berg: "I didn't know when you were so powerful!" You kept it from me!

Gan Xiaobai tiptoed to Berg, reached out his hand and stuffed a handful of balls into the officer's mouth as if to please him: "After the effect of the medicine, his strength will drop by [-]%. With the help of side effects, I can't beat him." Strange!"

In other words, I have always been honest with you!

"No, you have become stronger! I can't even guarantee that I will be able to defeat him!" Berg squinted his eyes and saw Qian Xiaobai's tattered combat uniform after the fierce battle, and the white skin exposed from the hole in the clothes, his eyes changed. deep.

When Alex flew out in a whirl, for the first time, he realized that what he was thinking was not revenge, not the shit fetters with Berg, nor who would win this war, but... Hui!

That person always joked about his and Berg's past like a ruffian, but stayed by his side very attentively. Although he never felt that the fight between Area A and Area D had no reason and was a game of power by the superiors, he still stood by his side. Accompany the criminal by his side!

There is no fool who gives in vain. If he is really willing to give, the reason is that he cares about the person who gave!

Hehe, what a fool I was, I kept ignoring Hui's feelings, and actually pushed him to his demise step by step!

Alex closed his eyes, despair quickly filled his brain, and he didn't feel any pain when he hit the wall, but stared blankly at Qian Xiaobai, who was bandaging Berg's wound, motionless!

"He's looking at you!" Berg said sideways.

"Not only is he looking at me, but he also wants to cut me off!" Gan Xiaobai showed indifference, yes, this is exactly the effect he wanted!

Hui did come to fight with him, and the two fought in the aisle in the dark, but in the end, Hui didn't win either!Because he lost the fight on purpose!

Looking at this beautiful man who is proud, angry and even bloodthirsty, Qian Xiaobai's surprise is beyond words!

Qian Xiaobai was going to die with him!According to his current strength, at most he could draw with Hui, and coupled with his lack of actual combat experience, he would lose in [-]% of the cases.

"Let's be honest," Hui said with a nonchalant ruffian expression, "I'm here to make a deal with you..."

Gan Xiaobai felt that Hui's deal was not worth it, because he wanted to use one of his arms. Although Qian Xiaobai had a way to restore this arm, he would never do so when the opponent's position of being an enemy had not changed. do it!

Hui who lost his arm is equivalent to losing half of his combat power, and his purpose of doing this is to rescue Alex who has stepped into a trap and cannot extricate himself!

Hui wanted to use his anger to wake him up. If Alex had a place for him in his heart, then this kind of risk was worth it!If he was being selfish, then he would have decided to go to sleep forever, and silently wait for Alex to come down to accompany him in another world!

"Prince Jaeger has dug a trap for Alex. The beneficiaries of the whole incident are the high-level executives of District D and District A. Their secret transactions are not visible, and all of us are pawns in this transaction, or He is an abandoned son!" Hui said frankly, "Jegger has moved his mind on you, he is no longer the impulsive and simple Prince Jaeger, D area has given him the strength he wants, and now he is thinking about A area The supreme authority, and you, Qian Xiaobai!"

Qian Xiaobai felt that he had been lying on the gun countless times, and this time was the most depressing!

Fancy me?Playing politics for me?

But what is Hui talking endlessly for?

Hui Songshou shouldered and said: "You know, there are many idiots in the world, always waiting for another idiot to save him!" He himself is the latter, and the idiot he is going to do his best to save is Alex The life they wanted should not have been so ruined and vicissitudes!

"Finally, please cut off my arm!" I hope that fool can turn around when he sees it?Hui was startled, but actually smiled lightly.


"What are you thinking?" Prince Berg had regained his senses when Qian Xiaobai was distracted, leaning sideways against the wall and watching him quietly, "You seem to be thinking of other men!"

Before Qian Xiaobai had time to explain anything, Berg had already kissed him face to face!

The kiss was silent, long and hearty, so hearty that when Alex stood watching not far away with a gun, the two of them ignored him directly!

The White Wolf, who was initially victorious on the front line, rushed to the scene amidst Mei Li's scream of "the prince went to the danger alone". After seeing this scene, his whole body was in a bad mood, and then, the big fluffy tail behind him began to shake violently !

Damn, she really has a leg!Really devoted, tsk tsk, he was a little annoyed by the scene in front of him, and his tail wagged even more violently!

Qian Xiaobai blushed and panted and pushed Prince Berg away, still not forgetting his important mission, he turned his head to Alex, who was both angry and sad, and said, "There is something I want to discuss with you..."

Let's talk about the business first, and let's talk about the kiss later? !

The two walked into the confinement room one after the other with a strange aura-this is the only complete room that has not been damaged!

For an hour, the impenetrable confinement room was chaotic.

Alex, who was suffering side effects after drug metabolism, was turned on his back by Qian Xiaobai's beating man, and was kicked onto the marble table by Qian Xiaobai when he was nesting in the corner and flicking his eye knife!

"'s not fair!" Alex wailed while clutching his stomach.

"Hui said that it is not shameful to use unscrupulous means in the face of victory!" Qian Xiaobai is using his own way to deal with his own body, which is also the method they used to deal with themselves!

"What did you do to him?"

"Don't expect me to take the initiative to tell you, I will tell you after you win!"

"This is not fair!"

"You've already said this, so what if it's unfair? I don't like the way you stare at Berg's old love, and I don't like you hurting Finch, but you have done it all, haven't you?" Qian Xiaobai changed With a pair of wrist guards, he turned his neck, "Shh, let's settle personal grievances first, and then get down to business!"

Alex finally understands that Qian Xiaobai's role as a little sheep has always been a disguise!His explosive power is too strong, and his movements are as fast as lightning. The emotionally excited Qian Xiaobai directly exerted his combat power to 100%, turning Alex into a scum in seconds!

After the blow was relieved, Qian Xiaobai threw the blood-stained gloves and wristbands on the ground, tilted his head and said, "Now, let's talk about the transaction!"


Outside the door, the white wolf looked at Prince Berg who was pacing in pain, his eyeballs almost fell off!

That Gan Xiaobai is actually so powerful?Be good, the door has been dented, okay, it's a thickened alloy plate, the prince changed his usual calm and calm appearance, anxious like an ant on a hot pot, is it going to change?

"White wolf, are you busy?" Berg suddenly stopped pacing, glanced at the furry tail behind the white wolf, and became more and more upset.

"Uh, sir, I'm going to clean up the battlefield right now, right now!" The white wolf turned and disappeared, and Berg continued to pace...

The door of the confinement room finally opened, Berg was stunned on the spot, Alex's handsome face was swollen, and only the beautiful eyes told the extreme unhappiness of the client!

Being beaten up, and being led by the nose in the transaction, I was really upset, if it wasn't for Hui, hum!

"Sir Berg," Qian Xiaobai showed a sweet smile of relief, "Alex just said that he is willing to heal the wound on your heart!" He swore on Hui's safety, and he would definitely give Qian Xiaobai a satisfying answer!

Berg just stood there, his straight figure seemed to shake slightly, his eyes were amazingly bright, his eyes were very gentle when he looked at Qian Xiaobai from the side, and there seemed to be some deeper emotions in his eyes, this kind of Emotions are slowly getting out of control and slowly spreading!

Gan Xiaobai stared at his white-hot gaze, his cheeks were flushed, and the siren sounded in his heart: it seemed that there was a sense of crisis to release the wolf from the cage, was it his illusion?

Berg suppressed the strong emotions in his heart, looked out the window at the nature where the smoke was scattered but revealed a trace of warmth, and murmured: Finally, the hope is here!

A month later, the chaotic war between the two districts of AD was miraculously stifled in the cradle. In addition to the brief misfire on the western front that Prince Berg was in charge of, the training ground on the eastern front was almost rebuilt!

On this day, the sun was shining brightly. In front of the temporary laboratory gate of the training ground, Duke Hurt tried to break in and take Lawrence away many times, but was firmly blocked by Qian Xiaobai's guards!

"Why don't you let me in?" Duke Hutt, who couldn't succeed, had a livid face, wishing he could tear Hei Brun's face off!

"Sorry, Duke Hurt, Prince Berg and Captain Clark have both ordered you to be forbidden from entering the laboratory!"

"You guys are bullying others! What's the reason? I'm the richest man in the empire. Don't forget where your rations come from and where your military expenses come from. Hmph, Berg and Clark, these two heartless things!" Hurt started Lose your elegance, jump over old scores!

"Prince Berg said: If the Duke of Hutt wants to enter the laboratory, then double this year's military expenditure, he can reconsider, but in this way, I guess you have to do something about the Death Squad, after all, both the prince and the captain You are the nobles of the empire, you can't treat one more favorably than another!"

"Hey, I'm leaving..."

Hei Brun chuckled, Director Gan Xiaobai's move was really effective, Hurt just blacked out some leftovers from the laboratory, and now he has paid back tens of thousands of times!

In the laboratory, Clark was drinking tea bored, and Jane and Meili were chatting idlely. Everyone could see that the expressions of several people were drifting.

"My lord prince hasn't gone out for two days!" Mei Li poked her head in the direction of Qian Xiaobai's bedroom, "I hope our Xiaobai is not killed!"

"Qian Xiaobai is letting the tiger go back to the mountain!" Jane said firmly, "But our prince has not... for a long time!"

"No, it should be a win-win situation!" Mei Li shook her head, "Alex and that Hui left the D area to live and fly together, Lawrence rewarded Hutt for being in a daze, and the prince recovered from his old illness, everyone is really happy, congratulations! "

Speaking of this, Clark frowned slightly, hehe, everyone is happy?What about him? !

Angie, who was also depressed, said, "It's really boring, so boring!" His little baby has suddenly become someone else's wife, he, an old hen, really feels bad!

Under the fierce offensive of Prince Berg, Qian Xiaobai was in pain and joy...

A month later, the lab received a huge package from Area D!

Gan Xiaobai: "I have no acquaintances in District D!" It seems that there are many enemies.

Berg ordered without looking back: "Throw it away!"

Mei Li clamored in her heart: "I really want to know what's inside!"

Qian Xiaobai is already calmly unpacking the package, and the recipient on the package slip is Qian Xiaobai!

The next moment, everyone exclaimed: "Ah, what's going on, it's a baby? It's an orc!"

From the white swaddle, a pink and white baby crawled out, the animal ears on its head shook, and when it saw Qian Xiaobai, it screamed and rushed forward.

Qian Xiaobai's face is full of black lines, does this mean that he regards me as a mother?The little golden dragon on one side is flying around in a hurry—a rival in love, an unknown object competing with him, wants to scratch him to death!

The swaddling baby is a letter, the handwriting is clean and neat, but there is a strange sense of familiarity!

Gan Xiaobai recited his belief silently, closed his eyes slowly, and picked up the baby's plump little body.

"Berg, let's raise him!"

Everyone fell!

"This is Finch's offspring, a clone," Gan Xiaobai touched the baby's face excitedly, "He has inherited all of Finch's memories, and when he grows up, he will become another outstanding orc officer!"

"You mean, when he grows up, he might... rob my wife?" What Berg noticed was another thing, "According to my personality, I'm more willing to kill the grass!"

Little Finch started crying!

Berg continued: "Heh—I was just kidding!"


Area D, in the center of the rough palace, is a large rose-gold reclining chair. On the blond man, a slender boy is crawling like a cat, lazily like an aristocrat, with a touch of charm.

Jaeger touched the boy's slender waist, and asked puzzledly, "Xiaoya, why do you want to intercede for Berg?"

The boy chuckled, raised his eyes and glanced at the white clouds outside the window: "If you really get dry, what should I do?"

"Hehe, are you jealous?" Jaeger was in a very good mood!

The boy who suddenly appeared in front of him made him gradually come out of the previous anxiety and jealousy, and with the departure of Hui and Alex, it seemed that the most important thing was not the power and war that he had said before, but Quiet living right now!

Although Qian Xiaobai is beautiful, the Xiaoya in front of him also has a special flavor and is considerate. He is not at the same level as the group of friends he usually gets along with!

The point is, he really likes it!

"I'm not jealous..." Luya lowered her dark eyes, and said in her heart: I just want to do something for my brother!At the same time, I also want to fight for something for my own destiny.

The resolute look in the black-haired boy's parting eyes still appeared in his mind. In his small drawer, there were still remittance slips and unsigned letters sent by Qian Xiaobai all the way. A security was sent to him from a distant place, his brother, fighting hard for his destiny!

Thinking of this, the corners of Luya's mouth curled up beautifully...

"Has the gift I sent earlier arrived?"

Jaeger hurriedly said: "Xiaoya, when did I break my promise? I don't know what's so good about that cloned child. If you want, I can get you a dozen and play with it!" It also kept Finch's memory together!

"I don't need it!" If one day a person's mind is filled with my shadow, that will make sense!

In the herb library laboratory of the Oufei Empire, little Finch was babbling and holding Gan Xiaobai without letting go, drooling all over the floor.


"Hey, little thing, let him go!" Prince Berg ordered cautiously.

"He doesn't like you, that's a fact!" Clark captured a beast's cub from the battlefield, and he is currently learning to recognize his mother under the leadership of the little golden dragon!

"Why are you here? Is the Death Squad idle?"

"I was on vacation recently, and Angie was seconded to the Expendables, helping me with a lot of work!" Clark stretched out his hand to tease little Finch, and was bitten hard by him!

Shaking his hands away, Clark leisurely tasted Gan Xiaobai's pastry and new potion and left!

"Come on, little Finch, he's dad!" Gan Xiaobai pointed to Berg and said to the little baby.

"I...uh, I'm also dad!" Gan Xiaobai pointed to his nose again and said!

Little Finch looked at the two fathers, showing his toothless mouth, and crawled towards Qian Xiaobai!

This dad is indeed my favourite!

The sky was blue and the wind was light. Berg looked at his "wife" and "children" and smiled slightly. The days went on as usual, and happiness flowed...

The author has something to say: It’s finally finished, let out a long sigh of relief, and thank all the girls who came to join us, sincerely~

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