After she said this, Lu Fenye realized that this happened, and what he "saw" was just a nightmare from the past.So he also let out a sigh of relief, and apologized to Shen Qiuning:

"Sorry, it's me..."

"Young Master Lu must have had a nightmare." Shen Qiuning looked at him understandingly, then gathered her dress, sat on the side of his bed, and looked at him with concern, "I was seriously injured. Everyone has nightmares, I understand. Mr. Lu, do you feel better now?"

Lu Fenye nodded, and said again: "Where is Miss Tang? How is she?"

"Miss Lan rescued her, but..." At this point, Shen Qiuning looked a little weird, as if she felt that it was bad to talk about others, but she couldn't help it.She fought between man and nature for a while, and seeing "Lu Fenying" who was covered in injuries and just woke up from a nightmare, she found an excuse for herself to gossip as a friend—she was helping the patient relieve their emotions!

"Her mask was thrown away, her face was swollen a lot, and there were slap marks... It's... It's... A little..."

Before she finished speaking, she covered her cherry lips and giggled.When Tang Jianling and Lan Lin came back, everyone's jaws were about to drop to the ground.Although Tang Shuling's appearance was indeed pretty and glamorous, but the eye-catching slap print on his swollen cheek really made people...

I find it slightly funny.

Lu Fenye was curious about Tang Shuling's true face under the mask.Thinking about that scene, he also laughed: "It's good that she's fine. Is the information useful?"

"Well, it's useful. What's recorded there is how they wanted to block the news of An Lushan and An Qingxu's death, as well as their next military deployment." Shen Qiuning nodded happily, "Wang Dujun has sent someone to contact Commander Li, who has entered the Tiance Mansion, believes that the next battle will be very beneficial to us."

"Great." Lu Fenye smiled, "You healed my injury? Thank you Miss Shen."

"You're welcome. Anyway, the ten of us have lived and died together, we have shared weal and woe, and we have understood each other a lot. We have even been to different worlds. What are you thanking me for?"

Shen Qiuning checked his injuries, and after finding that there was no serious injury, she put back the things he had swept to the ground.After finishing all this, she said to him: "Mr. Guo has gone out, and he won't be back for a while. Don't be too anxious, Mr. Lu. When he comes back, I will let him come to you as soon as possible."


Thinking of the earth-shattering "Guo Yao" that he had just woken up, Lu Fenye felt a little hot on his face, so he could only thank him in a low voice.After Shen Qiuning said "I told you not to be so ostentatious", she closed the curtain, extinguished the candle, and Lu Fenye fell into sleep again.


He dreamed of Guo Yao again.

He dreamed of the days when he and himself were in the palace of the Buddha.

The accusations from fellow disciples, the scorn from the knights, and the corpses that fell in the holy fire array did not die under his hands.

He didn't want to use the Fenying Sacred Art to kill the righteous men of the Tang Dynasty, so he had to use Mingzun Liuli Body to defend Guo Yao from that deadly move.Every time Guo Yao pushed his palm, there was the sound of dragon roaring, majestic, masculine and upright, but it took the lives of the heroes of the top ten sects.

After the last person fell, Guo Yao put away the dog-beating stick and stared at the front in silence.

Lu Fenye followed his gaze, but only saw the tunnel of the Futu Underground Palace.One after another torches are guarded on the stone wall, and the passage is hidden in the dark depths.

In front of him is endless darkness.

Lu Fenye withdrew his gaze and looked into Guo Yao's eyes.The endless night is reflected in those pitch-black pupils, which is the endless dark sea of ​​sin and the edge of suffering.Once in, there is no possibility of climbing out again.

"Guo Yao, have you avenged your parents and sister's revenge?" He asked him.

Guo Yao raised his head, and looked at Lu Fenye with pupils condensed with the sea of ​​sin, as if he was looking for whether he was laughing at himself or questioning himself.However, Lu Fenye really didn't mean that. He just wanted to know whether his soul entangled in hatred could be freed in this endless and aimless revenge?

"Reported." Guo Yao said, "When the magic villain who robbed my sister died, their revenge has already been reported."

"If that's the case, why do you still rely on Anlu Mountain?"

"In order to overthrow the rule of Datang."

"Even if the successor of Tang Dynasty is a country that is more stupid than the previous emperor, and the soldiers are more brutal and bullying men and women?"

Guo Yao didn't answer, nor did he show any sarcasm, sarcasm, or even a self-deprecating smile.His eyes turned to the dark distance again, and then looked into Lu Fenye's two beautiful pupils, one golden and one blue.

"Fen Ying, I can't turn back, and your life can still be on the right track. You shouldn't have come back, otherwise you would never have to suffer like this. You should have lived like them, with your head held high. In this world, even if you die, you die for the righteousness of your family and country, and with your own ideals in mind."

"Then become your enemy, and you will be at odds with you, will you die or live?"

These words did sound like sarcasm, but Lu Fenye swore that he really didn't mean that.Guo Yao looked at him, something profound flashed in his eyes.That thing - or rather - the look flashed too fast.Lu Fenye didn't catch it, and Guo Yao, once again, raised the corners of his mouth cynically.

"Fen Ying, if I confront you, I must be the one who dies."

"My Mingzun mentality may not be worth your dog-beating stick."

"No, you misunderstood." Guo Yao took off the flagon from his waist and held it in his hand, but he didn't raise his head to drink. "If there is such a day, I will stand here and let you kill me."


"Because I owe you so much."


"I owe you so much."

Guo Yao's words still echoed in his ears, and Lu Fenye slowly opened his eyes.

It gets dark very early in winter. At this moment, the sun has already set, and the tent is completely dark.Lu Fenye, who practiced the Fenying Sacred Art since he was a child, has excellent eyesight and can see things in the dark, so this little darkness is nothing to him.

The abdominal wound is not as painful as before.Lu Fenye touched the injured part, but still felt dizzy.

He dreamed of guarding the Underground Palace of the Buddha with Guo Yao.At that time, Guo Yao said to himself, "I owe you too much."

He thought, what Guo Yao said was to "Lu Fenying".

The person who owed An Lushan a favor for him, and who, after escaping from the mountains of swords and fires, stepped into the abyss without hesitation because of himself; man.

In this way, he really owed "Lu Fenying" a lot.

It's just that Guo Yao owes "Lu Fenying" so much, but whether it's the dead Lu Fenying or the current Lu Fenye, everything they do is out of their own will, not any coercion.

Lu Fenying's request to An Lushan was voluntary. Lu Fenying came to rescue Guo Yao at night, betrayed Datang, betrayed the Ming religion, and bore a lifetime of infamy. Volunteer.

With Guo Yao's heartless temperament, he thinks that the reason why he owes "Lu Fenying" should not be these.

Or, more than that.

So, what is it?

With this in mind, he fell asleep again.


Futu Underground Palace, Holy Fire Formation.

As soon as Guo Yan, the leader of the beggar gang, made a move, dragons roared all over the sky, and Guo Yao was defeated steadily.It's not that Guo Yao is powerless to fight back, it's just that he quietly bears Guo Yan's anger, which is what he should bear.

His attitude made Guo Yan even more angry.The head of the beggar gang hit Guo Yao hard with a stick, and the moment he was about to break his ribs, he was held back by the sun and moon swords!

For the first time, in the Futu Underground Palace, he changed into the mental method of the Burning Shadow Sacred Art.

"Fen Ying, don't!!"

Guo Yao's shout came from behind.The voice lost its former free and easy willfulness, and actually trembled a little, looking pitiful.

——No, it’s just cutting off the mentality of the attack, so why make a fuss about it.

"No, Fen Ying, you go, I have already paid off what I owe you, and if you cut Fen Ying's mind... I owe you even more..."

- I don't know what he's thinking.It's just a matter of thinking, what does it have to do with whether you owe it or not?


In the end, "Lu Fenying" was defeated by Guo Yan, the leader of the Beggar Gang, and was captured by Lu Weilou, the leader of the Ming Cult.

Lu Weilou wants to abolish his martial arts, unless he atones for his crime and kills Guo Yao, he can be punished lightly.

Guo Yan has committed many crimes and deserves to be killed.

With such thoughts in mind, the scimitar easily sank into Guo Yao's heart. Guo Yao didn't resist at all, but there was endless relief in his eyes.

——What expression is this?Thinking that with one life, everything owed to "Lu Fenying" could be paid off?

With this in mind, and some other inexplicable emotions, he stared at Guo Yao, and plunged another scimitar into his heart!

The eyes of the people around them widened, including Lu Weilou and Guo Yan, their expressions seemed to be in disbelief, but Lu Fenye didn't feel that he was using his life to "sensation", he just felt that such a If he does, he won't regret it.

Warm blood splashed on Guo Yao's face, and the corners of his lips finally lost the cynical and hateful curve that seemed to suit him unexpectedly.Guo Yao looked at him in shock, but could no longer speak.The two just stared at each other until a black reflection appeared in front of their eyes because of the approach of death, until their souls fell into the sea of ​​sin and suffering together.

——Sure enough, seeing Guo Yao's shocked expression, there is indeed nothing to regret.

With such feelings, he stretched out his hand to Guo Yao with the last of his strength, but he froze in mid-air, and finally fell powerlessly to the ground.

The moment his consciousness disappeared, he heard a sacred and distant voice. It was a voice that was so familiar to him that he felt strange. It was his elder brother who had passed away and tied his fate with Guo Yao's.

Lu Fenying's voice was deep and distant, singing the teachings that every Mingjiao disciple was so familiar with.

"Burn my remnant body, the blazing holy fire. What joy is there in life, and why bother in death."

"For the sake of good and evil, only the light is there. Joy, sorrow, and sorrow all return to dust."

"Have pity on the people of the world, there are many sorrows. Have mercy on the people of the world, there are many sorrows..."

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