Snake Shadow and Zilfrige are still in a team state, and the team members can see each other's physical strength through the system panel.Therefore, as soon as Snake Shadow opened the system panel, he was taken aback—Zilfrig's health bar had dropped to less than [-]%!

However, think about it!In the case of no milk, no T, no other DPS, put a DPS in a dungeon full of mobs, even if he double//repaired T's mentality, he will inevitably die slowly!

How could I have naively believed in Zilfrig's boasting in the first place, and really believed that he had a high attack, high health, agility, high defense value and strong? !

The snake shadow stared at the blue dot representing Zilfrig on the world map.The position of the blue dot was still in Rensselaer City, and his blood volume did not bottom out immediately, but it was slowly decreasing at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye, which was extremely worrying.

The snake spirit turned his head and looked at Kelanzi in embarrassment.To be honest, with her attitude, if she is allowed to go back by herself or let her wait for him here, it is probably impossible.

Snake Shadow briefly weighed between life and mission failure, and decisively decided to abandon the mission.Although he felt that Kelenz would not wait for her obediently, he still told her, "Wait for me, I'll go find Zilfrig."

Kelenz looked at him indifferently, neither shaking his head nor nodding.

Snake Shadow can no longer control so much.Just as he was about to fly back to the right and wrong place with his lightness kung fu, the blue dot representing his teammates suddenly moved from Rensselaer City to the forest in the northwest of the suburb.In other words, the two are now on the same map!

Du Ge was overjoyed, and hurriedly stepped on the purple butterfly on the coquettish bag and flew to the blue dot on the map.Next to the blue dot is a yellow dot that symbolizes a neutral character, but Snake Shadow has no time to think about what happened.

Zilfrig was held up by another person.It was too dark for Snake Shadow to see the man's face clearly, but the moonlight was bright enough to illuminate the wound on Zilfrig's body!

The black cloak has long been broken, revealing the clothes under the cloak, which have been stained with blood so that the color cannot be seen clearly, hanging on the body like rags.Naked//There are all kinds of hideous and uneven wounds on the exposed skin, as if torn by a huge beast with fangs and claws!

The blood flowed from the hairline to the temple, and dripped down the curve of the jaw into the collar.Looking at the person stepping on the moonlight falling in front of him, Zilfrig smiled wearily, he had no energy to speak.

Snake Shadow didn't dare to neglect.He quickly used Zilfrig on Bewitching All Beings, and then used Nuwa Mending the Sky, which can increase the healing ability, on himself, and began to brush the ice silkworm and pull the silk.

The so-called bewitching sentient beings is to give one's vitality Gu seeds to the treatment target, so that one's own healing effect can be greatly improved.Just like Phoenix Gu, bewitching sentient beings also has such an ambiguous meaning.But Snake Shadow didn't care about this at all at the moment, because Zilfrig's wound was really shocking.Even if Butian Jue could heal the skin trauma, it would still leave scars on his body that could not be erased.

When he met Chilfrig for the first time, he found that there were many deep or shallow scars on the other party's body, which were intertwined in layers.Although it wasn't ugly, and even added a little bit of heroism to his whole person, it was shocking.

He had only seen those scars on the body of the Tangjiabao killer, they were the proof of survival in the Asura field of Ni Zhantang.If they don't use these deep and shallow scars to prove their success, they can only flaunt their failure with death.

As for Chilfrige...

Snake Shadow looked at him somewhat complicatedly.

Desperate to go in and out of those ancient ruins... What is it for?


Even with Breathing Gu, the scars cannot be completely healed.So Snake Shadow finally put down her hand in disappointment after brushing the ice silkworm countless times.

"Snake Shadow?"

The voice finally became angry, and he should be fine now.Thinking of this, Snake Shadow took off the hood, and angrily accused: "If I had known that you were not as powerful as you boasted, I would never agree with you staying there alone!!"

Zilfrig touched his nose in embarrassment and didn't speak, but the person next to him laughed out loud: "You're so worried about him, but you still treat him angrily? Doctor, you're so cute. "

As soon as she opened her mouth, Snake Shadow immediately recognized the woman's identity.So Snake Shadow calmly ignored the teasing element in her tone, and thanked solemnly: "Miss Lan, thank you for saving him."

Hecate waved his hand nonchalantly: "His point of view is in line with my wishes. There are not many such men now, so it is naturally impossible to die in that kind of place. What's more, for this Master Wind Illusion Swordsman, I am very happy." There is something else to ask for."

...If Zilfrig had chosen to mock the woman, wouldn't Hecate have saved her, and this stupid snake would have died in the underground auction house? !

"Wait." Chilfrige suddenly interrupted, "Where is Rhea Kranz?"

"At the appointed place."

"...Aren't you afraid that she will run away?!"

"The chain on her body should not have expired yet," Hecate said. "Thieves are very sensible. She is disheveled and has no ability to protect herself. She probably won't run away."


Hecate had a purpose in being a mercenary in Rensselaer.

For this purpose, she lived and died for more than half a year, and completed many tasks that no one except Chilfrige dared to take on. The purpose was to attract Chilfrige's attention, because she knew that the Phantom Sword of Wind was the favorite Challenge the strong.

Because Zilfrig's whereabouts are erratic all year round, he often travels to major cities, or visits many ruins that ordinary people dare not approach.Naturally, Hecate couldn't search all the cities on the mainland, so he had to wait and see in Rensselaer, because the owner of Rensselaer, Fernando, was Zilfrig's good friend.

"What are you doing with Chilfrig?"

"For a treasure... I have already told Your Excellency the Phantom Swordsman."

As Hecate spoke, she watched Zilfrig's reaction.The black-haired man's expression was flat, and he couldn't see any emotion at all, but for the sword user of the Wind Illusion who always had a smile on his lips, it was already abnormal.

Snake Shadow could also see it, and felt a little strange at the same time.It stands to reason that Zilfrig has been working as a mercenary, isn't it just to find treasures for those nobles who are collectors and have nothing to do?

"What are you looking for?"

Hecate lowered her head, was silent for a moment, and said, "The heraldry stone of the moon god."

Sure enough, upon hearing this name, Zilfrig's body shook inconspicuously, and his brows even frowned slightly.Hecate lowered his head and didn't see it, but the snake shadow saw it clearly, and suddenly felt even more strange.

"People say that the heraldry stone was stolen by Kelenz, but it's not true. I know where it is, and I have to get it. It's very important to me."

[Di——The host triggers the mission "Treasure of the Moon God", do you want to check the mission introduction? 】

what happened? !This turned out to be the main mission? !

If it is the main task, I have to accept it.However, looking at Zilfrig's appearance, it seems that he is not very willing?

With the attitude of "read the mission introduction first", Snake Shadow chose "Yes".

[The Luna Emblem Stone is the redemption left to the world by the previous Luna Kleinz before her fall, and it is also a treasure she uses to select the next Luna.After Esir became the moon god, the heraldry stone was left in the depths of the Moon Forest, a forest inhabited by countless powerful monsters.The mysterious woman Hecate who met on the road hopes that the host and his teammates will retrieve the heraldry stone with her.Does the host accept it? 】

[Friendly reminder: The Luna Emblem Stone is a very important item!Whether you accept it or not, you can get plot completion, but there are plot differences in this task.Please choose the host carefully! 】

Snake Shadow was struggling, and Zilfrig had already made a serious decision for him: "No."

[Di——The host chooses to refuse.Enter branch two. 】

Wait, he hasn't expressed his opinion yet!Could it be because the system automatically defaults to Zilfrig's attitude as his attitude when the two are in a team state? !He hasn't asked what the two plot branches are, hey!

"Why? You shouldn't be afraid of the dangers of the forest under the moon. Or...that heraldic stone also has special meaning to you?"

"You should know what the Luna Crest Stone is used for." Zilfrig asked back, "Then what's the point of taking it?"

"Naturally, it has my purpose, as long as it doesn't harm the world." Hecate tilted her head, but her eyes suddenly turned to the snake shadow beside her.The corners of her lips curled up, and she flicked the black hood with her slender hands, revealing a pair of slender eyes: "Why, doctor, don't you think about it? Your healing ability is very useful."

This time the snake shadow is completely clear.He doesn't really care, but Zilfrig looks very unhappy, and he naturally can't do things that embarrass his friends: "No, I'm sorry."

"Okay." Hecate didn't stalk.She looked at the flickering moonlight, and suddenly sighed: "It seems that I still need to work hard to go back. Since you are not willing to help me, then I will leave."

The figure in the black robe walked under the moon, and quickly merged into the night, as if being swallowed.

The silvery moonlight streamed under her feet.At that moment, her leaving figure looked a little bleak.


Along the way, Zilfrig had a solemn expression on his face, and Snake Shadow was not a talkative person.Therefore, even though the two had their own thoughts, the silence along the way continued until they arrived at the previously agreed place.

Rhea Kranz was still there as expected.She was wrapped in a cloak, her eyes fixed on Snake Shadow: "Are you here to take me away?"

A metal object was thrown at her feet.Zilfrig said: "The key to the Binding Lock."

Kelenz did not show the slightest expression of gratitude.She picked up the key and opened the chains on her limbs and neck, and moved her wrists and ankles.Feeling her strength gradually recovering, she walked up to Zilfrig: "What should I exchange for my freedom?"

"Then you can go back to the Thieves Alliance by yourself. I know you don't like that place, but at least go back and 'report', so we can at least complete the mercenary mission."

This is similar to what Snake Shadow said to her before: "I understand."

"and many more."

Catwoman's figure paused: "What advice do you have?"

With the cover of the cloak, Snake Shadow took a piece of Shufeng Poison Sutra equipment from the backpack that was not particularly good and threw it to her—even the unrestrained poisonous brother couldn't accept the fact of streaking: "I Here are some old clothes, just wear them if you don’t mind.”

The unexpected care made Kelenz stunned.Finally, she nodded: "Thank you." Then she jumped up the branch lightly, and disappeared from the sight of the two of them after a few seconds.

"Snake Shadow."


Zilfrig suddenly grabbed his shoulder: "Would you like to accompany me to the forest under the moon?!"


"I must get the Luna Heraldry Stone before Hecate!"

[Di——The host triggers the mission "Son of the Heraldry", do you want to check the mission introduction? 】

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