In the 14th year of Tianbao, the Anshi Rebellion broke out, and the top ten sects in the rivers and lakes made their best efforts, vowing to win the head of Anlu Mountain.

Snake Shadow also took orders from the leader of Quyun, and as one of the Five Sacred Envoys, he went to the war-torn area to lead the disciples of the Five Immortals who were away from home.However, most of the time, he still chooses to return to the Five Immortals Sect and continue to study the medicine that can restore his mother's consciousness.

For so many years, he visited Wanhua Valley, and even Pei Yuan, the head disciple of the king of medicine and known as "the living can't be cured", was helpless against the poison of his mother's corpse.Just when he was almost desperate, Xia Qifeng, a traitorous disciple of Wanhua Valley, approached him.

"You are the Spirit Snake Messenger of the Five Immortals Sect." The black-haired genius doctor held the dead Taoist priest in his arms, looking at himself anxiously.After Snake Shadow nodded, the world-renowned Miracle Doctor Xia actually held his arm with tears streaming down his face on the spot:

"Master Spirit Snake, please use the blood gu secret art taught by Tianyi to keep Qing Xiao alive...even...even if he becomes long as he still has a breath, Master An Lushan can use the secret medicine to save his life he!!!"


The scene changed rapidly.He was seduced by the secret medicine of resurrection in Xia Xifeng's words, and when he came back to his senses, he was already facing the knights who came to attack him.After years of temptations, he has long understood that the dead cannot be brought back to life; his mother...has absolutely no possibility of recovery.

This thought made him gradually let go of his resistance.He led those knights deep into the hinterland of Futu's Underground Palace, trying to convince the other ten traitorous disciples that they were all deceived by An Lushan because they chose to crazily believe in some impossible things.

Li Jingxian from Tiance Mansion and Ye Yishan from Cangjian Villa, Shen Qiuning from Qixiufang and Hui Chi from Shaolin Temple, Tang Jianling from Tangmen and Lan Lin from Five Immortals, Guo Yao from Beggar Gang and Lu Fenying from Mingjiao...

Xuan Qingxiao from Chunyang Palace...and Xia Qifeng from Wanhua Valley.

He watched them fight those knights and get seriously injured.

It turns out that among the traitors in the Futu Underground Palace, he was the only one who chose to surrender in the end...


"Have you ever hated fate...? Spirit Snake Envoy?"

The golden young master Ye once asked him this before he closed his eyes.

Snake Shadow wiped the blood from his lips for him, but did not answer.

"I've been thinking about this question since I left Hidden Sword Villa. Until today... no, I didn't understand it until now."

His gaze shifted to a Tiance sergeant in red and silver armor lying beside him.Several crossbow bolts had already been inserted into his body, there were countless wounds all over his body, and a pool of blood flowed from his body.

"For a long time, I have been fighting against Jing Xian. He loves Datang wholeheartedly, and he did not hesitate to use the "destroyer" style of "destruction" in An Qingxu's stop... However, Li Tang framed him everywhere , causing them to betray their relatives..."

Snake Shadow silently listened to the words of a seriously injured man who was about to die.After a while, he suddenly asked, "What about you?"

"I..." Ye Yishan sighed and laughed, "I don't hate any more now. Jingxian and I have made too many mistakes in this life...but as long as we think about the end of our destiny, he will still Waiting for me at the bridge of Naihe, it’s too late for me to thank fate... What else is there to hate?"

Blood gushed out from Ye Yishan's lips. He stretched out his hand and covered the abdomen pierced by the long sword, his breath was already a little unstable.Under the flickering lights of the underground palace, this Young Master Ye from Hidden Sword Villa suddenly asked him: "Spiritual Snake Envoy, please help...let me and Jingxian get that okay?"

Snake Shadow was silent but carefully lifted him up.Ye Yishan stretched out his hand with difficulty, as if he wanted to grab Li Jingxian's fingers that had lost strength.However, Ye Yishan's injuries were too serious, and he couldn't even grasp... Gradually, he couldn't do it.

The Spirit Snake Envoy put Li Jingxian's hand in his.Ye Yishan exhausted all his strength to hold Tiance's arm, with a satisfied and calm expression on his face, as if he had finally grasped the belonging of his life.

Leaning in Snake Shadow's arms, he sighed and said with a smile:

"That's fine. At the end of fate, I will walk up the Naihe Bridge with him, enter the Department of Reincarnation together, be sent to the hell's mountains of knives and seas of fire together, and suffer the piercing torture together..."

"When we have redeemed our sins together, drank Mengpo soup together, and reincarnated together... Even if we can't become adults, it would be good to become flowers, birds, fish, insects, birds and beasts together..."

All the blood had disappeared from his handsome face, and the pale phantom of imminent death had been reflected in his black eyes.Ye Yishan chuckled lightly, closed his eyes in Snake Shadow's arms, and only a sentence that was almost indistinguishable drifted into the wind——

"Finally... I can do it... thanks to my fate..."


"Snake Shadow..."

A hoarse and weak voice came from behind, interrupting Snake Shadow's memories immediately.The spirit snake came back to his senses in surprise, only to see that Zilfrig had awakened at some point.At this moment, he was supporting his trembling body, covering his chest, and looking at himself worriedly.


Snake Shadow immediately ran back to him and carefully lifted him up.The wounds all over Zilfrig's body have healed, but the medicine that Tinas poured into him can not only absorb his mind, but also further suppress his strength.In this way, even if the magic lock has been released, Zilfrig is still unable to fight for a short time.

" woke up...?!"

Zilfrig gave a weak smile.He is clearly dressed in rags, his long hair is disheveled, and there is still dried blood on the corner of his mouth; but Snake Shadow feels that the man's smile is bright and clean, like the sun hanging high in the sky, as if it can sweep away all the emotions in his heart. haze.

...because he is the Guardian of the Light.

Even though he leaned there with all his strength lost, his smile was still as bright as sunlight, able to shine into his heart.

"What kind of expression do you have..."

Although Zilfrig lost his strength, it did not mean that his sanity was still unclear.After a brief glance at the surrounding environment, he already understood what happened, and Snake Shadow's expression made him understand even more - now Tinas has an overwhelming advantage, and the current situation is very difficult for him and Snake Shadow. Extremely unfavorable.

"Ziel..." Snake Shadow held his hand, and pressed his cheek tightly against his chest, with such strength that he almost trembled.At this moment, he did not choose to hide his despair, but conveyed all this to Zilfrig without reservation.Because he knew that Zilfrig would face it with him as usual.

"I...I..." He closed his eyes in pain, "I'm useless...Maybe I can't beat—"


Snake Shadow was flicked on the forehead.He opened his eyes, and saw Zilfrig's pale smile: "You really have no way to defeat her, just die here with me, let's go to the end of the River Styx together."

Let's go to the end of the River Styx together.

"At the end of fate, I will walk up the bridge of Naihe together with him, walk into the Division of Reincarnation together, be sent to hell with knives and seas of swords, and be tortured to the bone together..."

Seeing that the snake shadow was stunned suddenly, Zilfrig continued to smile and said: "In the next life, we will be reincarnated together, regardless of race. If you are a human, I will accompany you to be a human; if you are reincarnated as a beast... I will be an orc with you..."

"When we have redeemed our sins together, drank Mengpo soup together, and reincarnated together... Even if we can't become adults, it would be good to become flowers, birds, fish, insects, birds and beasts together..."

Everything Zilfrig said overlaps with Ye Yishan's dying words.Snake Shadow suddenly trembled all over, he held Chilfrig's hand tightly, and asked the question that haunted Ye Yishan's life and his own life——

"Ziel, do you... hate fate?"

Zilfrig was obviously stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "Ah, yes. I did hate it at first."

Why was he born with the coat of arms on his back?Why was he born into such a family?Why doesn't his elder sister take care of his younger brother and younger sister like an ordinary older sister?Why did his mother leave him prematurely?

"But... since I met you, I gradually figured it out."

"It was fate that guided you to come to this world and meet me in the dark. Every moment I was with you, I felt very happy, very happy..."

Having said that, his fingers have slowly climbed onto Snake Shadow's jaw, and his slender fingertips follow the perfect line with nostalgia.

"I thought this world was full of filth and darkness, and my heart would never open to anyone or anything. However, your arrival made me understand the meaning of love... It was you who saved me from hatred and darkness. rescued from..."

As he spoke, tears slowly rolled down from the corners of his eyes.It's not pain, but gratitude—if it weren't for the identity of this "savior", the snake shadow would not have appeared by his side.No one will rescue him when he is seriously injured, and when he is in a desperate situation, there will be no purple figure beside him...

He really resented his dark past, but sincerely thanked fate for allowing him to meet Snake Shadow.because--

"It's's your appearance...that made me understand how to love everything around love someone..."

His voice was still weak, but his tone was sonorous and powerful, and every word fell directly into the bottom of Snake Shadow's heart like a huge boulder.The Spirit Snake Envoy looked at him blankly, and suddenly smiled——

Snake Shadow indeed resented her own fate.He resented his own life experience, resented his inability to do anything about his mother's situation, and resented himself for being An Lushan's executioner.but……

"It was you who made me leave behind the unfortunate past and took me all over the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains in Cresia."

A kiss landed on Zilfrig's forehead.The phantom sword user closed his eyes with a smile.

"It was you who allowed me to live with a brand new identity, without being bound by the drag of the past."

A kiss landed on the tip of Chilfrig's nose.

"I shouldn't resent fate."

His kiss moved to the phantom sword user's lips, and the tears of the two mixed together and fell down Chilfrig's cheek.

"It is fate that arranged for you to appear in my life. And it is you... that appeared in accordance with fate..."

"Give me a... free heart!"

Snake Shadow suddenly put down Zilfrig, and the white insect flute spun a dangerous luster on the fingertips——

You have always stood in front of me and protected me.

But now, let me protect you for the rest of your life!

The author has something to say: Has anyone been abused by the young master?If you have one, can you come and press a paw print~ But don’t worry, after all, Master Ye is the boss of the dungeon, and he can be resurrected after death. Back to Datang! !In the next chapter, Du Ge is about to transform into Du Jing Papa and start hanging out cruelly to abuse people!

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