Evolution through the end times

Chapter 1 Became an Orphan

In the ward full of the smell of disinfectant, the person on the bed slowly opened his eyes. The black eyes were filled with confusion for a moment, and then he was startled, his brows were furrowed, his face was full of grief, and tears flowed down silently. The corners of the eyes slipped.

"You..." The door of the ward was just pushed open, Qiao Zixuan looked over, and a doctor in his thirties in a white coat looked at him hesitantly.

"Where are the dead bodies of my parents?" Qiao Zixuan straightened up, his head was still dizzy, his chest hurt even without saying a word, and his stomach was churning all the time. This was the sequelae of a concussion.

"...There is no body left, it has already been cremated." The doctor was stunned when he heard Qiao Zixuan's words, and he pushed the gold-rimmed glasses frame with one hand habitually.

"Who allowed the cremation? Who allowed you to cremate their bodies without my consent?!" Qiao Zixuan got up and jumped out of bed and rushed to the doctor when he heard this. It mixed with blood red and dripped on the ground along the fingers.

"Calm down!" The doctor had just regained his composure when Qiao Zixuan pulled his collar with both hands, and the bloody liquid stained the white coat very conspicuously.

"This is your conspiracy, right? Give me a sedative, and cremate their bodies while I'm asleep to destroy the evidence, right? I'm going to sue you, I'm going to sue you for your life!" Qiao Zixuan said excitedly As he spoke, his pale face looked a little frightening, and the expression on his delicate face looked a little hideous at the moment.

"Qiao Zixuan, calm down, let go of Dr. Zhang first." Perhaps the noise here was too loud, a nurse rushed over from the door, and through the glass window, there were still a few patients hovering around the door of the ward pointing At one point, the two nurses tried to pull away the crazy Qiao Zixuan.

"Calm down? Killed two people for no reason, you tell me to calm down, has your conscience been eaten by a dog? How much did that man give you? How much did he give you to buy your conscience?!" Qiao Zixuan punched the doctor On the face of the doctor, the doctor never resisted from the beginning to the end. In fact, they secretly sympathized with this young man, but... it was only secretly sympathized, because the perpetrator was not something they could provoke.

"Your parents tried their best to save you, so you have to live a good life for them. Things have to be taken care of. The dead are dead, but the living have to live well. Think about it." The one who was beaten Doctor Zhang pursed his lips and walked out of the ward. The two nurses looked at each other and pulled Qiao Zixuan, who was stiff and upright, back to the hospital bed, re-inserted his drip, and wiped the wound on his hand that was cut by the needle.

"Actually... just listen to Dr. Zhang. You are the only one who still has to go to college. That person... gave you a high amount of compensation, which can be regarded as... your parents sacrificed their lives for it. I'll take it, and no matter how much you make a fuss, you won't be able to make a fuss..." One of the nurses, who was younger, sympathized with Qiao Zixuan's experience, looked at Qiao Zixuan who was full of empty eyes and a dull face, and couldn't help but whispered something. A nurse glared at him before hurriedly shutting up. Seeing that Qiao Zixuan didn't respond, the two sighed helplessly and walked out of the ward.

"Accept your fate...Accept your fate...Go fuck and resign yourself to your fate!" Qiao Zixuan gritted his teeth and cried obscenely, obviously he managed to get into a prestigious university, and his parents happily pushed back the day's work to celebrate for him, obviously it was a pedestrian At the green light, a black car suddenly crashed into the three of them. They went back a little late that night because they were celebrating outside, but they obeyed the traffic rules. As a result, their parents protected themselves, but they were arrested. He was killed in a collision. He woke up a day ago and learned that his parents died on the spot. He made a fuss desperately. He saw the license plate number of the car. Whether it was the car or the license plate number, it was obviously not for ordinary people to drive. But someone told himself that he was a civil servant in his 40s who was drunk driving and had already turned himself in and was sentenced. Qiao Zixuan remembered that the car passed by the driver at that time, even though he didn't see his face clearly, he knew that it was a young man. look!

Although he is only, although he is only a student, he still understands some things. He clearly bumped into someone like the second generation of officials and the second generation of rich people. A high amount of compensation was clearly intended to keep his mouth shut.

"Student Qiao." When Qiao Zixuan was gritting his teeth and wiping tears, he was searching for someone who could help him, when he heard a voice, it was his high school principal.

"Principal." Looking at his kind face, if Qiao Zixuan hadn't gone through the incident the day before yesterday, he would have thought that he really cared about him, but... thinking of this person who claimed to be an educator but said those words without conscience, he still handed him Qiao Zixuan couldn't swallow the sigh of giving himself that bank card.

"Student Qiao, it's like this. Since your relative just passed away and the hospital diagnosed you with neurasthenia, I've already contacted the university you applied for to help you take a year off from school. I hope you can recover from your illness this year." Hypocritical smile , wrinkled face, Qiao Zixuan looked at it and wanted to beat him, but...he couldn't, now he has nothing, it has been three days since the accident, except for this person who has become the other party's lackey, there is no one Looking at myself, the people in their company should have known about such a big thing happening to their parents. Even if no one came, there should be a call, but there is nothing now. Qiao Zixuan knows that the other party may be a rich and powerful person, and he can't fight , I can't fight...but I'm not reconciled.

"Neurasthenia? Do you want to simply say that I can't bear the blow and become mentally ill?" Qiao Zixuan choked on a word, turned his eyes and swept the cup by the bed on the ground, the principal was not angry , continue to laugh.

"If Student Qiao continues to be irrational like this, the only option is to ask the hospital doctor to make another diagnosis to see if he is really mentally ill." After speaking, the principal turned around and left, Qiao Zixuan threw the pillow under him at the disgusting back view.

"Dad, Mom... I won't let you die in vain, definitely not." Qiao Zixuan gritted his teeth and tears flowed down his chin one drop after another.

Three days later, Qiao Zixuan was discharged from the hospital quietly. To be exact, he was asked to leave the hospital. The other party arranged for someone to take care of him. He said that he had just lost a loved one. He was not in good health and spirit. He needed someone by his side. Qiao Zixuan didn't know who the other party was. The person who arranged for him was a man in his thirties. Surveillance 24 hours a day, we must first be calm and not impatient, a little intolerance will lead to chaos and big plans.

Staying in the original warm house every day, with two spacious rooms and one living room, without the hot meals and dishes of the past, mother's nagging, father's serious teachings, and no father who can't help telling himself how to become an excellent jade carving Teacher, how to design and carve jadeite patterns, mother joking aside, mother is a junior high school teacher, and father is an engraver for a jewelry company, every day when Qiao Zixuan thinks about them, he can't help but hold his neck The blood jade unicorn on it, the blood jade was accidentally obtained by the father in an accident, the pattern was chosen by the mother, and carved by the father himself, now...

Locked in the house every day, eating food and ordering takeaway, not having to go to school, not wanting to go out, and no one talking to him, the person who arranged to monitor him lived opposite him, Qiao Zixuan wondered if they installed surveillance in his home However, he could only live his days cautiously, enduring indefinitely, and the indefinite silence made him wonder if he was really going to have a nervous breakdown, because he hadn't spoken for several days. The eyes can always dream of strange dreams, the empty world is filled with blood-red smoke, just like when my parents were hugging me and lying on the ground, I struggled with nightmares every day, and my spirit became a little trance.

"I should find something to do, I must find something to do." Qiao Zixuan reminded himself that the room must not be quiet anymore, so he began to tidy himself up, changed his clothes and took his wallet to go out to buy groceries. To cook a meal for himself and use the fur crafts he learned from his mother, he needs to use his own way to remind himself that his parents' revenge has not been avenged, and he can't just fall down like this.

"Mr. Qiao." Sure enough, just as he locked the door, he turned around and saw the man on the opposite side come out. He still had a calm face, addressed himself and followed behind him. Qiao Zixuan acted as if he didn't see him and directly pressed the elevator.

"How much did they pay you? I'll pay double. You just need to tell me who ordered you to spy on me." Qiao Zixuan stared at that person for a while in the elevator, only the breathing of two people in the silent space, Qiao Zixuan spoke casually, this was the first time he had spoken to this person since he was discharged from the hospital.

"Mr. Qiao, the elevator is here." The man turned his head and put his hands on the door of the elevator, and gave Qiao Zixuan a blank look, signaling that he could get out of the elevator.

I went out for a walk, the weather was fine and the air was fine, but... I was in a bad mood, carrying the heavy vegetables in my hands, Qiao Zixuan lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking, and he ignored it when he got home. A person directly opened the door of his own house, and his network and mobile phone network were monitored and tracked, but they must have not investigated his details, or there are some small details that they cannot investigate, that is, he is a master hacker, But in a short time, he didn't want to act rashly, because now he doesn't even know who the other party is, and now he can only find a way to find out who the murderer is. He cooked three dishes, two of which his parents loved, and his own Similarly, the appearance is not good, and the taste should not be very good. Qiao Zixuan set up three sets of bowls and chopsticks, turned on the TV, and said to the empty place next to him that his parents had eaten, and picked up his own with red eyes. rice bowl.

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