Evolution through the end times

Chapter 111 Survival of the Fittest

There is also a restriction on the exit. Collect all the energy stones to open the exit, but not everyone can go out. This is also the reason why the competition for energy stones is becoming more and more fierce. However, I don’t know where these news came from. No one knows here. Whether people have actually gone out, at least they have never seen it, but compared to being trapped here, there is hope that no one will sit still waiting to die.

Fighting and fighting made the seemingly peaceful environment here worse. Gong Lingfeng and Qiao Zixuan finally followed the people in the tower to the depths. When Xiaoqi and the people in the tower were talking just now, Gong Lingfeng The two of them have been observing the expressions of the men, and saw that they looked at Xiao Qi with a kind of kindness in their expressions. When Xiao Qi talked about the female wizard Lai, their expressions were somewhat sad. It shouldn't be bad for people to treat Xiaoqi and their tribe. It's always good to have someone lead the way when the two of them just came in.

"Tower!" They entered a jungle not long after they walked. Qiao Zixuan was startled as he walked. Many wooden houses look old and dilapidated.

As soon as the few people stepped into the edge of the prairie, they saw some people coming out of the wooden house one after another from a distance. Two dark-skinned men waved at them and called Tali's name. Raising his hand and making a gesture, the two men ran towards them quickly.

"Xiaoqi!" The two were equally surprised when they saw Xiaoqi. After Tali told the two of them what Xiaoqi had said to him, the atmosphere became dull again until there was a scream not far from the wooden house. Qi nervously raised his hand and grabbed Qiao Zixuan's clothes. Qiao Zixuan looked down at him. For some reason, he suddenly remembered the dead Xiaocheng and Xiaoyu. look up at him.

"It's like this every day here. You'll get used to it in two days. Let's go back first." Tali saw the actions of Xiaoqi and Qiao Zixuan, his throat rolled, and his voice was a bit dull, even though it was commonplace for human beings They kill each other, but every time I see him, I feel bad.

Take the person they chased and killed just now, the energy stone they snatched back was actually theirs, but that person used his skills to snatch it when they were few and unprepared, so they guarded the energy stone All three of them died.

The wooden house was very empty, except for some animal furs and skeletons, and a stone pot in the middle of the ground, there was nothing else. Gong Lingfeng saw Qiao Zixuan holding Xiaoqi and said nothing, but stretched out his hand to hold Qiao Zixuan With the other hand, Tali said something about the danger zone in the wooden house. Qiao Zixuan asked them if they had seen people like them, but Tali shook his head.

"How big is the dangerous area? Probably?" I didn't expect much before, but when I saw Tali shaking his head, I had to admit that I was still a little depressed. Gong Lingfeng gently squeezed Qiao Zixuan's hand, and then Looking up at Tali, Tali was taken aback when he saw Gong Lingfeng speak.

"I don't know, the dangerous area is very large. We have been staying within this range from the entrance. The level of alien beasts in the jungle is not high. Most of them are safe to stay here, but at the other end of the grassland, anyone who wants to go The people in the past are all dead, and the edge over there is full of bones, we dare not try it." Tali shook his head, no expression could be seen on his dark face, but Qiao Zixuan was stunned to see it from this person's eyes terrified.

Qiao Zixuan and Gong Lingfeng spent lunch and dinner in their wooden house in the tower. At night, each of them lay on the ground with a piece of animal skin to sleep. Pi, the two lived next to each other for the whole night. In an unfamiliar environment, the two tacitly took turns to watch the night. Gong Lingfeng was awake in the first half of the night, and Qiao Zixuan was awake in the second half of the night. The next day, he was still in good spirits. After Feng handed Xiaoqi to Tali, he left the wooden house. They planned to go to the other side of the grassland to see the pile of bones and find out if there were any clues about Xiang Qin and the others.

"Uncle Tali, can you help me find my father?" Xiao Qi watched Gong Lingfeng and Qiao Zixuan leave, the little hand on his right kept rubbing his fingers, looking at the backs of Gong Lingfeng and Qiao Zixuan.

"Yes, we've been looking for him, let's go in." Tali raised his hand and touched the top of Xiaoqi's head. His big dark hands even smelled of blood. They had been stained with blood for a long time, and it was troublesome to fetch water. I'm not used to it, but now I seem to be numb to this bloody smell. Many times after a big battle, I start eating without shaking my hands.

"Let's rest first." When they killed the third beast, Qiao Zixuan panted slightly and pulled Gong Lingfeng to a low slope, checked the ground, and then sat down without hesitation. Tired, the alien beasts here are somewhat similar to the mutated animals they encountered in the Green Continent, but they are also somewhat different. They are more powerful, and even have some IQs. At least this alien beast obviously wanted to escape at the end. He even knew that he was attacking Qiao Zixuan who was obviously a little weak. Fortunately, Gong Lingfeng reacted in time, otherwise Qiao Zixuan would have to get some new injuries.

"Your strength seems to have become stronger." Gong Lingfeng sat down next to Qiao Zixuan, Qiao Zixuan looked Gong Lingfeng up and down with his head sideways, and expressed his guess, Gong Lingfeng nodded.

"Well, after coming here... I didn't expect to have such an impact in just one day. This place is very suitable for improving abilities, especially when fighting against strange beasts." Gong Lingfeng thought for a while and added another sentence, which is rare after the accident Hearing Gong Lingfeng say so many words, Qiao Zixuan's mouth curled into a smile, and the faintly visible white bones under the short slope were noticed by the two of them.

"The alien beast is very powerful, much more powerful than the mutated animal." Qiao Zixuan pointed to the corpse of the unknown alien beast not far away, Gong Lingfeng nodded, and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

"What's the matter?" Qiao Zixuan asked Gong Lingfeng when he saw Gong Lingfeng's rare expression of hesitation.

"This is like a testing ground." Gong Lingfeng looked into Qiao Zixuan's eyes, and expressed his guess, "The strange beasts here are like the mutant animals before us. Many mutant animals and plants jumped into it before us." That vortex, if... we had a deviation when we landed and landed on the edge of Difeng Lake, and the real destination should be the vortex at the entrance of the dangerous area..." Gong Lingfeng guessed that he didn't say anything here. After speaking, he believed that Qiao Zixuan could understand what he said.

Qiao Zixuan really understood. Thinking about it this way, the possibility is extremely high. At the beginning, those mutated animals and plants jumped into the vortex, and there was a similar vortex at the entrance of the dangerous area. The place where they were unconscious was also near Difeng Lake. Very close to the danger zone, Qiao Zixuan looked at Gong Lingfeng when he thought of this place, and the two felt faintly that this might really be a proving ground, a proving ground for them to lead to another existence, to select the real evolutionary.

At this time, Qiao Zixuan thought of Yiyun again, he said that they would meet each other, and at the place where they were supposed to go, Qiao Zixuan stopped panting, looked at the corpses of strange beasts on the ground, and the corpse held by Gong Lingfeng. Energy stone, suddenly took Gong Lingfeng's hand and continued on his way, he always felt that all this was coming to an end.

After solving the fifth difficult alien beast, they finally saw the other side of the grassland. On that side were tall and tall mountains, stretching endlessly, but they couldn't see any green trees, and what they saw in front of them was indeed like what Tali said They are all bones, but the strange thing is that these bones are really on the edge of the grassland, and the boundary between the rocks and the grassland seems so obvious.

Gong Lingfeng and Qiao Zixuan took a step cautiously, stepped on the rock, and then they were attacked. Qiao Zixuan fell on the bones, and saw a skull with a sideways glance. He hurriedly stood up, and Gong Lingfeng beside him also fell to the ground. But when they stood up, they found nothing, but their feet retreated to the grassland.

It's weird, the two looked at each other, and they both saw the meaning in each other's eyes. When Qiao Zixuan stood up and was about to test again, he was stopped by Gong Lingfeng, "This is... protective clothing!" And it was Xiang Qin and the others. The protective clothing on Qiao Zixuan's body was tattered when Qiao Zixuan and the others fell down, but fortunately they were still hanging on their bodies. Naturally, Xiang Qin and his team might also wear theirs, and although Green Continent's The protective suits were all similar, but Qiao Zixuan added a safety talisman to the protective suits of their team, which was stabbed on the sleeves with needles and threads.

The piece of protective clothing in Gong Lingfeng's hand happened to be the thread that Qiao Zixuan used at the beginning. Qiao Zixuan was used to using needles as hidden weapons before, and later he harvested things for drawing symbols. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not enough to just give them a wooden symbol. Later, he casually added a rune pattern on the cuffs of everyone's protective clothing, and injected some spiritual power into it. Although it was only a fragment now, he made the line by himself, and he recognized it at a glance.

It's just... "Let's take a rest here and go to the mountains later." Qiao Zixuan and Gong Lingfeng stared at the protective clothing for a long time, and finally Gong Lingfeng stuffed it in his pocket. The two sat quietly in front of a pile of dead bones. Qiao Zixuan I don't know if the bones here belong to Xiang Qin and others, but since we have really found the clues and come here, naturally we have to keep looking.

They took the last beast they killed with them, and Gong Lingfeng and the two lit a fire to roast it and ate it. They almost couldn't stand it together, the meat was a bit unpalatable, and it was too old, but the two of them prepared for the next battle and ate the whole strange beast. Tali said that the food here is only the strange beast , and humans are also food for alien beasts.

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