Temptation Emperor

Chapter 115 "Tasting Vegetables" [2]

Puyang Nanxuan must know that Puyang Xiyue seems to be explaining to herself, but in fact she is explaining to others, especially to Shui Zhilan, but on the other hand, she is also qishui Zhilan, no, Puyang Nanxuan He and Puyang Xiyue could clearly see from the corner of their eyes that Shui Zhilan, who was sitting not far from them, was looking at Puyang Xiyue with a ferocious expression of gritted teeth.

And they naturally don't need to pay more attention to it, the good show has just been staged, and the later scenes are more worth looking forward to, aren't they?

Puyang Nanxuan and Puyang Xiyue held each other's hand quietly, and they both stopped talking. They watched the auctioneer who had recovered his normal color on the display stand, introducing the auction item No. [-] calmly and passionately. The subsequent calls from the crowd in the hall also returned to their previous excitement, as if the frightening bidding by Puyang Xiyue and Shui Zhilan had been like a cloud of smoke in the past and had no effect on them at all.

And look at Mi Jialun and Xiang Lan sitting behind Puyang Xiyue and the others, what about them?

Xianglan was still lying on Migalun's shoulders, being served by Migalun leisurely, feeding him food and tea, while Luopu and Wang Yu didn't change their facial expressions, they both looked extremely indifferent , sitting on the seat, watching every move on the display stand without squinting, and at the same time observing everything around them.

As for the woman Shui Lian, she is obviously more relaxed and more relaxed than the four in front. She sits in the middle of the four, neither needing to be waited on nor waited on by others, let alone facial paralysis. Enjoy Mo Yang eating melon seeds leisurely, watching the auction process on the display stand and in the hall like watching a play.

{Xiyue, this auction item No. [-] is about to be finalized, and the finale auction item No. [-] is coming up soon. What is your so-called rare commodity?Can you tell your father about it? }Puyang Nanxuan does not know the specifics of the fifth auction item this time. There are two reasons. There will be surprises, but he is really curious, what can make Puyang Xiyue so confident that Shui Zhilan will automatically be fooled.

{Hehe, father, please be more patient. The surprise will not be felt until the moment it is announced. Now that I have told you so early, the feeling of surprise has quietly passed away. Look, this No. [-] The auction item has already left the stage, isn't number five going up soon? }Puyang Xiyue obviously didn't intend to tell Puyang Nanxuan by herself, but hung on Puyang Nanxuan's appetite, letting him enjoy the surprise feeling at the moment of revealing the secret.

However, in fact, Puyang Xiyue thinks that when the moment when the secret is revealed comes, after that, Puyang Nanxuan should not be happy, but rather shocked...

At this time, the auctioneer on the display stand did not call the maid to come on stage, but stood alone on the display stand, and shouted to the people sitting under the display stand.

"My lords, lords, and adults, everyone must know that there are a total of five items to be auctioned in Sunflower Lane today, and four of them have already belonged to the buyer. Then there is the last one left, which is the one that will be auctioned in Sunflower Lane today. A rare item!

Because its value is too high, Boss Ping Yingping decided to bring auction item No. [-] to the stage to protect it until one of the people present bought it.

Please invite our Ping Boss. "

After the auctioneer finished speaking, Ping Ying, who was dressed in a Chinese robe, slowly stepped onto the exhibition stand, and walked to the position behind the auctioneer, which is where the auction items are usually displayed, with a casual warm smile on his face. He is generous, and his gestures show the gentleness of the boss of Kwai Lane.

The auctioneer on the stage asked Chao Pingying for a few words, then turned his head and said so to everyone in the audience.

"Boss Ping wants to personally introduce the No. [-] auction item. Please stop talking and listen carefully to Boss Ping's introduction."

After the auctioneer finished speaking, the little chatter accompanied by Ping Ying, who had come to the stage empty-handed, gradually subsided, and the silence in the hall was restored. What is it.

"Hehe, everyone must be talking quietly when they saw that Pingying came to the stage with nothing in their hands. Then Pingying will stop whetting his appetite."

After finishing speaking, Pingying slowly pulled out a rosewood brocade box from her sleeve, which was only about the length of a palm, and the width was only about an inch in length of a knuckle, and then carefully placed it on the small display stand in front of her, then raised her head, said leisurely.

"This is the paperweight used by the Mistress of the Palace of Love. I know that the adults must not know what this so-called paperweight is. Simply put, a paperweight is something used to hold down paper when painting and calligraphy.

Hehe, everyone, don't just hear the usefulness of this paperweight, just look downcast.Do you want to come to who is the owner of the Palace of Love?How could the thing that the grown-up used be made of ordinary things? Everyone raised their eyes and looked at it. "

After Pingying finished speaking, she opened the red sandalwood box lightly, and then carefully took out the paperweight from the box.When they got the light outside, everyone in the hall couldn't help but gasped.

I saw two small paperweights resting steadily in Pingying's palms. The blood-red paperweights were covered with strange tooth-white ripples. Not only that, but the shape of the paperweights was also extremely surprising, a kind of They have never seen a strange beast with a mouth like a horse, eyes like a crab, whiskers like a sheep, horns like a deer, ears like a cow, a mane like a lion, scales like a carp, a body like a snake, and claws like an eagle. It is the dragon in Puyang Xiyue's previous life, the national belief, but the dragon here is very different from the dragon in the previous life, that's it.

"What kind of strange beast is this?!" Under the exhibition stand, someone finally couldn't help asking Ping Ying.Ping Ying guessed that someone would definitely ask him this question, so he answered calmly.

"When Ping saw the shape of this paperweight, he also asked the person who sent it. The person did not tell Ping what the name of the strange beast was, but said that the shape of this object combined many animals. Its characteristics are the head of all beasts and the symbol of the Almighty God. At the same time, it represents endless power."

As soon as the words were finished, the hall suddenly burst into voices, some who didn't believe it, and some who believed it, making a lot of noise and appearing extremely chaotic.

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