Time flies, fleeting.

For Lin Qi, this month should be regarded as the most fulfilling month in his life.Half a month ago, he had passed the examinations of Wind Whisper Priest, Soul Priest and War Priest.Lin Qi also finally got the reward from the system - the blessing of the God of War.

This time, Shui Wuyang really didn't trick him again. The so-called God of War space was indeed as big as he said, unbelievably large.

And Shui Wuyang is indeed very familiar with the interior of the space.Lin Qi originally planned to study this space carefully before the sacrificial ceremony, but this time the problem was his own.

His mental strength is simply not enough to support the long-term connection between space and the real world.Not to mention going in to get acquainted with the environment, even taking a brief look at it almost took Lin Qi's mental strength.

This made him extremely depressed.

The reward that was finally obtained has become a tasteless existence at this time.

"Shui Wuhao, isn't there any way to immediately improve my spiritual power?" On this day, Lin Qi asked helplessly after his mental power was emptied by the space link again.

The light and shadow of Shui Wuyang appeared in front of him, and he said calmly: "Do you think I am an omnipotent robot cat?" He did not expect that the God of War space would put such a heavy load on Lin Qi's mental power.But how can improving mental power be achieved overnight and only by external force?

Lin Qi pursed his lips, and asked unwillingly: "Is there any way?"

Shui Wuyang pondered for a while, and said with some hesitation: "It's not that there is nothing we can do, it's just..."

"Don't just say it, hurry up!" He couldn't wait to master the space.Just the short link before, Lin Qi has already felt the huge power of the God of War in the space.If he could enter and stay inside for a day or two, it would definitely be several times more than the power of the God of War absorbed outside.

Moreover, during this period of time, he also heard a lot about the sacrificial ceremony.Although it is said that the three clans have strict arrangements, as long as it is a competition, it is inevitable that they will be damaged.At the sacrificial ceremony, there is never a shortage of people who are not strong enough, but hate the people on the spot.

For the orcs, the power of the God of War cannot be comprehended, but they can absorb it.With such a concentration of God of War power, he would of course think of bringing Yue Ye into it to improve his abilities.

Shui Wuyang threw him a hygienic eye, and then said: "If you want to improve your mental power, there is no way now..."

Lin Qigang wanted to scold him, but was stopped by Shui Wuyang's eyes, opened his mouth, and finally swallowed the words that came to his lips.

"You find a way to win the place in the sacrificial ceremony, and then enter the space of the God of War through the passage opened by the orcs. I will guide you to find the seven-color flower. As long as you can find the seven-color flower, I think your spiritual power should be able to carry it. The energy required for the passage."

Lin Qi almost yelled out, the water is safe, saying it is the same as not saying it?But he also knew that it was no wonder that Shui Wuyang was incapable. Who said that he was incompetent?

"What is the seven-color flower?" Since there is no hope of entering the space before the ceremony, he is no longer entangled.It was just the seven-color flowers that aroused his curiosity.

Shui Wuyang: "The seven-color flower is an ancient fairy grass, which can expand the tolerance of the spiritual space and enhance the degree of concentration of your spiritual power."

Lin Qi nodded thoughtfully, he is no longer the original Wuxia Amon, and his understanding of these strange things is not what it used to be.

"That's the only way to go..." At this moment, there was a knock on the door, followed by Yue Ye's voice, "Stupid fox, it's time to go to the temple."

Shui Wuyang dissipated into the air, Lin Qi stood up, opened the door, and was pulled into his arms before he could clearly see Yue Ye's appearance.

"Stupid fox, how do you feel?" Today is the day when Lin Qi will assess the priest of the scepter. To prepare, Yue Ye hasn't seen him for three days.

When the time came, he couldn't wait to run over.

With a smile on his lips, Lin Qi lightly poked his chest with his hand, "Does Yue Ye not believe me?"

Gently kissed his tender lips, "You are betting on me with Satin, can I not worry?"

The beautiful big eyes were bent even deeper, both hands hooked his neck, tiptoed, Lin Qi gave her red lips.

For his initiative, Yue Ye was a little flattered.Since the breakthrough in the relationship between the two of them, Lin Qi has always been very shy, and will no longer tease him like before... Well, everyone understands the reason...

This sudden kiss only made Yueye lose his mind for a moment, and then the big hand hugged him tightly, and then unscrupulously sucked the sweetness in his mouth.

After a while, Lin Qi's cheeks were dyed a layer of bright red.He felt the scorching heat between his legs against him, as well as Yue Ye's heartbeat that gradually accelerated, and the restlessness in his hands...

"Yueye...I still have to take the test..." After finally getting rid of his plunder, Lin Qi's voice became softer and weaker, and when he finished speaking, he realized that his feet had left the ground.

Hugging him horizontally, Yue Ye's eyes were dark, and her voice was slightly hoarse: "You know you're going to test, but you still seduce me?" The raised eyebrows made him look evil, and the slightly frivolous tone was not only not It makes people feel annoying, but with the slightest throbbing.

"I just want Yue Ye to rest assured that I didn't promise Satin to bet you. Those words are all his own wishful thinking, and I have never admitted it." Lin Qi grabbed his lapel with one hand and turned his head Buried in his arms, said softly.

The curvature of Yue Ye's mouth became more pronounced, and she looked at Lin Qi more earnestly, "Stupid fox, are you planning to play tricks?" Although this seems shameful among orcs.But why did he feel that it was so natural for these words to come out of his mouth?

"This is not cheating!" Lin Qi looked up at him with a serious face, "Yue Ye is not an item, not a commodity, how could I allow him to use you to bet?" Bright eyes are full of sincerity at the moment, "Even if I lose, the right to choose is not in his hands at all. Will Yue Ye not want me because I lost a match?" Lin Qi asked such a question without any pressure, because he believed I also believe in Yueye with my own feelings.

Yue Ye carried him to the bed, didn't move too much, just sat down quietly and hugged him in her arms.At this moment, there was no lust in his eyes, and all that was left was tenderness.

Rubbing his back, she buried her head in his neck.Lin Qi didn't urge him to answer his own question, but quietly let him hold her, feeling his steady heartbeat and his warm breath.

"You're so stupid, without me, you still won't be caught by the wind wolf?" After a long while, Yue Ye raised her head from his neck, without any provocative words, even with a hint of teasing in her tone.

Looking at each other, Lin Qi was not angry because of his teasing, instead, there was a deep smile between his brows and eyes, "Even if I was taken away by the wind wolf, Yue Ye would find me, wouldn't he? "Although it is a question sentence, the tone is extremely certain.

"En." He responded softly, but it made Lin Qi happier than any love words.This is his moonlit night, he doesn't say sweet words, but he has been guarding him in his own way.

Lin Qi was moved in his heart, looking at his handsome facial features, his heart had already turned into a ball of softness.The slender fingers gently brushed his thick eyebrows, ran down the bridge of the nose, and pressed on his lips.

Yue Ye opened his mouth reflexively to enclose his index finger, and the tip of his tongue slid across gently, before the blush that subsided sneaked up on his cheeks again.

The desire that had been suppressed by him was gradually revived at this moment.The big hand passed through the clothes and stuck to his soft body.Accurately found the two protrusions on his chest with slightly callused fingertips, and rubbed them lightly.With his hard work, the buds that were just about to bloom finally bloomed beautifully...

Lin Qi's face was flushed, and he wanted to withdraw his fingertips, but was blocked by his teeth.The tip of his tongue was entangled with his fingertips, and the transparent thread was winding along his fingertips.

Leaning against Yueye's arms, he could clearly feel his tense muscles.Somewhere in the body, a powerful attack is brewing...

"Yue Ye..." Lin Qi gently pushed his chest, his whole body was stiff in his arms, not daring to move in the slightest.

The teeth were slightly loose, allowing him to pull out his fingers smoothly, and then turned to hold his slightly parted red lips.The arms around the waist tightened even more.He seemed to want to rub him into his body.The two are tightly fitted together, everything looks so harmonious, there is no extra gap, just like the hearts of the two tightly bonded together.

The fragrant and rich honey liquid filled his mouth, like a passerby who had been dry for a long time, Yue Ye frantically sucked the sweet body liquid in his mouth.

It wasn't until the air in Lin Qi's lungs was completely squeezed out by him that Yue Ye reluctantly let go of his red and swollen lips.

Lin Qi was about to speak, but was hugged tightly by him.The scorching breathing, as well as the swelling under his body, were clamoring for his longing.

But he didn't make any further movements, just hugged him quietly like this until his breathing gradually became smoother and his heartbeat gradually slowed down.

Yue Ye quickly put him on the bed, then got up and stood by the door.With his back to Lin Qi, it was not difficult to hear a trace of forbearance in his hoarse voice: "I'll wait for you outside, pack up, and we'll go to the temple." Go out the door.

Lin Qi was taken aback for a moment, then immediately lay down on the bed without temperament and laughed loudly.

Yue Ye leaned against the door, heard his moving laughter from the room, looked down at her own swelling, and swore in her heart that after the sacrificial ceremony, the stupid fox's mouth must be able to utter no more utterances except groans other voices...

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