Yu Wenrui has already started to try to stand up on the bed. The first few times it was very difficult. His calf was limp and weak, and he trembled. After a while, he was so tired that he gasped for breath. Later, he slowly leaned on the bed railing and walked against the edge of the bed. Can stand without relying on any external force.

Exactly eleven months, which is about the same time as an ordinary baby.Because Yu Wenrui spent a lot of time observing the world in the first few months of her life, researching the plot trend, analyzing the personalities of various characters in the world, the time when she might appear in front of her, etc. On the other hand, she still kept a low profile. She didn't learn to walk so quickly because she didn't want to draw attention to herself during that time.

Now almost no one pays attention to her. Everyone thinks that she is a waste, and she can do some things without being discovered.

But the baby's physical strength is really weak, especially her little body that has been poisoned by the golden python and is less than one year old. It seems that she will have to exercise more every day in the future.

After making a quick decision, Yu Wenrui started today's exercise - sit-ups.

[Eleventh, twelve, thirteenth, fourteenth...fifteen—huh, so tired. 】

Yu Wenrui counted silently in her heart. When she reached No. 15, she was already dead. If she continued to secrete too much lactic acid, her body would be very sore tomorrow.

We can only go from less to more, and gradually figure it out.

Then she simply stretched her legs a few more times and concluded today's exercise.

In the following days, she insisted on exercising every day, and her physical fitness has improved a lot. She also spent her first birthday during the time of exercising.

In the past, princes and princesses would hold a grand banquet to celebrate their first birthday, and invited people from various occupations from all regions to come to express their joy, blessings and expectations.But Yu Wenrui, no.

Father Huang Yuwen thought she was a good-for-nothing, fearing that she would lose face to the Yuwen royal family, so he deliberately ignored her, while Lan Guifei Lan Tong and city lord Lan Ao basically didn't pay attention to this daughter, as if she didn't exist. In their eyes, there is only Yu Wenxiu.

But on this day, two uninvited guests suddenly came to the side hall, one was Concubine Lan Gui, and the other was a strange man.

Concubine Lan is dressed very dignifiedly today, she even put on the imperial concubine's formal attire in her Lanzhi Palace - as if she was welcoming a very distinguished person.

Lan Tong's white and tender hands lightly supported the long skirt meanderingly, her hair was coiled up with golden hairpins, and the beads on her forehead were swaying.With slender eyebrows and eyes, a little makeup, earrings swaying slightly, red lips slightly pursed, and a smile that is just right, not too enthusiastic, but not alienating.

She turned her head and said politely: "Sir, please sit down, please help Ben Gong to check on Rui'er's situation."

The strange man looked about 40 or [-] years old, and his clothes looked like an imperial doctor in the palace, but Yu Wenrui could see something from the hostility in his eyebrows.

The man had a strong body, vigorous steps, and a murderous air all over his body. His temperament was not like that of a pampered doctor in the palace.

The man was very powerful and had killed people.

That should be the person sent by Lan Ao to check her physical condition.

Yu Wenrui's mind turned, and he quickly made a decision - pretend.

She put her right index finger into her mouth and sucked it expressionlessly, making a gesture that a baby should have.

But her heart is full of tears, and her thoughts make people extremely speechless:

[It's so dirty, so dirty, the baby's resistance is so weak, how many germs should be in the stomach now!Will there be roundworms?Will the bugs lay eggs in it? 】

[What to do, what to do, I can't learn to smirk happily like a baby, what kind of trouble do I want to learn from this kind of expression that destroys the lower limit of Sanguanxiu? 】

[Although I really don't have any three views at all, I am an adult after all! 】

[Forget it, just pretend to be crazy, sell stupid and die without making a sound! 】

"The imperial concubine, the situation of the third princess seems a little strange?" the man spoke with a puzzled expression.

"Then trouble Mr. to take a look."

"How old is the third princess?"

"Well, it seems to be one year old?" Concubine Lan Guifei seemed to have some uncertain doubts when she said this sentence, it seemed that she seldom asked about Yu Wenrui's affairs.

The corner of the man's mouth twitched speechlessly, before he said: "Then I can only use perspective magic to check."

Perspective magic is a kind of light magic. It is used to check the physical condition before treatment, a bit like the modern color Doppler ultrasound.

The man took out an elemental ore necklace from his chest. The necklace was crystal clear, and it looked good at first glance.I saw the man holding the necklace in his palm and reciting a spell silently.

"My lord, the great creator god Wilmisus, you represent kindness and healing, and represent the light of all mankind. Your servant, here and now, I solemnly beg you to grant me the power of light perspective, May your glory keep each of us safe."

Yu Wenrui listened with a blank expression on her face, but her heart was extremely broken: high-level and intermediate-level light-type spells, why did she think of such a strange high-level spell format when she wrote "Element Continent", suddenly there was a kind of The feeling of an atheist who strayed into the church and saw the priest leading the congregation to recite prayers.

I saw that the necklace was suddenly enveloped by a burst of soft white light, and then those substantial white lights condensed into a small light ball, flew towards Yu Wenrui's direction, and then sank into the center of her eyebrows.

Heh, I smell the nasty light element.

So Yu Wenrui quickly said in his heart: I am a fool, I am a fool, I am a fool, I can't speak, I can't speak.And trying to make your mind believe it for a short time is kind of like self-paralysis.

As far as Yu Wenrui knows, strong thoughts will affect the detection effect of perspective magic. If Yu Wenrui silently thinks that he is a fool in his heart, resulting in a short-term cognitive disorder, then the conclusion drawn by the caster may be: this person may have a brain. Something is wrong.

So when the man who looked very powerful finished casting the spell and came to a conclusion, he frowned helplessly, and said with some regret: "Your Majesty, the third princess... There seems to be something wrong with her brain. It is very possible to become a fool, or even a mute. But it is not certain." The man tried to be as tactful as possible.

"In addition, the three princesses were poisoned by the golden python. They should have been drugged during the fetal period, and this poison can make people unable to awaken any element for life...It cannot be solved."

Concubine Lan Gui widened her eyes in shock and said: "What?! Is she really poisoned? Or she may become disabled? Is there really nothing you can do, sir? As long as she can be cured, my father will definitely do his best to achieve your goal. Request!" Her voice expressed eagerness and even promised great benefits.

"Then I would like to ask my lord, does the third princess usually make a sound similar to 'babbling'? A newborn baby can't speak and can only cry. If she has been quiet since birth, then it can basically be concluded It is a congenital dumb disease, even the strongest healing magic cannot cure this kind of disability of human beings."

[You dumb sister, you quack doctor!I'm just an adult who doesn't want to talk. Why has I been so cold since I was a child? ! 】

A certain person was nonchalantly doing things that misled the doctor's judgment one second, and shamelessly complained about the doctor's incompetence in the next second.

"Indeed, she never made any sound, except... when she awakened her talent that day, the queen..." She didn't finish her sentence. When she awakened her talent that day, in the Temple of Light, Empress Pei hugged Yu Wenrui, that Sometimes Yu Wenrui could still make a sound, but after that, there was no more, Yu Wenrui was not as quiet as a baby.

The more Concubine Lan Guifei thought about it, the more she felt that the empress was playing tricks on this matter again, and her hatred for the empress escalated to a higher level, but she didn't know that this was an oolong trouble, and that matter had nothing to do with the empress at all. It was Yu Wenrui who spoke in the Guangming Temple , just to tease her by the way to enhance the queen's sense of existence, and now she pretends to be crazy and stupid, which is also a temporary idea, but after the two things are connected together due to various coincidences, Lan Tong misunderstood her.

"Then what about the poison of the golden python? Is there no way?" Concubine Lan Gui still did not give up, and hurriedly asked.

"Forgive me for my incompetence. I can't help you. If you need any help in the future, just come to me. If you are not talented, you can only leave first." The man was a little embarrassed by the question, so he could only change the subject and leave. .

Concubine Lan Gui saw that the other party still had no choice but to send the man away after the huge benefit was given. Before going out, she gave Yu Wenrui a hard look, and closed the door forcefully with a bang.

Yu Wenrui, on the other hand, had a serious expression on his face.

This Lan Tong seems to be giving up on her completely, she only cares about whether she is favored by Yu Wengan and doesn't treat herself as a daughter at all!Also, as an adult soul, it's okay to stay in the body of a weak baby.

Perhaps for Lan Tong, the bloodline is just a tool she uses to gain status and the emperor's favor, and Yu Wenxiu is just because she is a boutique, so she is especially doted on; and she is just a scrap product, or a three-no product (waste Chai, dumb, fool), so I abandoned her like a shoe.


The matter of Yu Wenrui being a "dumb and fool" somehow caused a commotion again. Concubine Lan Gui was very angry, and some talkative person spread the news again, but Concubine Lan knew in her heart that there was nothing else about this matter except the people inside Lan Zhi Palace People know, could it be that a certain concubine in the harem bought the people around her?It can't be Su Han, she doesn't have that kind of thought!Will it be queen?

The more Lan Tong thought about it, the more she felt that the empress was responsible for this matter, and her heart became more and more uncomfortable. She wanted to find a way to remove all the nails that the empress had placed in her Lanzhi Palace, otherwise her own people would still die. was bribed.

Could it be that he also tried to bribe the people around the queen?But what's the use of that, the queen has been very cautious in the past few years, most of the people around her are her natal family's cronies, who have been with the queen since she was a child.

Looking for someone to frame the queen?Impossible, she has no way to bribe the people around the queen, the first step will not work, and the queen's palace, Chenyang Palace, is strictly guarded all day long, so there is no chance at all!

The more he thought about it, the more resentful he felt, and his chest felt tight, so Lan Tong began to hate Yu Wenrui again, unconsciously comparing her two daughters.

Yu Wenxiu has awakened the three elements of light, wind, and thunder, while Yu Wenrui is a waste with no talent.

When Yu Wenxiu was young, she was cute and cute, but Yu Wenrui was a fool and an idiot.

Yu Wenxiu has a sweet mouth and loves to act like a baby, while Yu Wenrui is a mute and just has that expression all day long.

It's true that contrast creates distance, and that gap turns into tragedy.

After this incident, Lan Tong doted on Yu Wenxiu even more, and almost pinned all her hopes on her. As for Yu Wenrui, hehe, who is that?

From the beginning to the end, she never found the reason on herself.

If Concubine Lan Gui hadn't hooked up with Yu Wenqian while Empress Pei was pregnant and raising a baby at home, the Empress wouldn't have hated her so much.

If it wasn't for Lan Tong always competing with the queen in front of Yu Wengan, and going too far every time, the queen wouldn't be depressed and finally explode.

The fate of the women in the harem is always rough; even if the women in the harem become the final winners, it is very sad.

People living under the system of polygamy or polyandry are always forced to change themselves in order to obtain some kind of special favor from the Lord, thereby destroying themselves indirectly.

The harem is full of turmoil, and the fear is guarded day and night. If one is not careful, it will be lost forever.

But in the final analysis, it is only because the emperor seems sentimental, but he is actually the most ruthless one in the world. He can spend the day and night with you, but he can ignore you in the next second and abandon you like a pair of shoes.

In the end, you're still no different than a dog that reads its owner's mood.

The author has something to say: swollen and broken, I feel more and more like Ruirui, and now I want to complain about everything, but when I want to be expressionless, I just laugh out loud, Installing X failed.

In fact, the author is obsessive-compulsive, and likes to count zebra crossings, floor tiles, license plates, and store names when walking on the road.

Hmm, I feel cute.

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