In front of Ye Ying is the Excalibur Tomb in Hidden Sword Villa.

Li Zheng took a bite of the chocolate bar in his hand, and yelled at Mai near his mouth: "That savage sword hidden in the fourth team, is he acting stupid against you Zhuang Hua? Why didn't you listen to the line on the ground when you said close combat! Die now! Where is Bingxin Liuxu? Bring back this idiot of yours."

After yelling, he glanced at the damage statistics in the upper right corner, and he gave the main T Tiance a continuous blood boost, and then threw a Queen Mother at Mingjiao, who was losing blood for some reason: "Where's your DPS? Are the flowers soft? The table I just placed was for nothing or something? With this DPS, how dare you call yourself a member of the top [-] regiment? Let alone a member of my Xiuye ​​regiment, I would be ashamed to go out. "

Seeing that Ye Ying's blood volume was approaching 70.00%, Li Zheng gave the main T a continuation, and also finished a few melee continuations, and then commanded: "The first wave of swords is ready, and the melee is in place. Standing in front of the sword, there will be no red envelopes if you die. All DPS are ready to explode. Dudu will open Nuwa, and prepare for the first thousand butterflies."

Just as he finished speaking, six swords suddenly appeared around, flying towards Ye Ying slowly.And under Li Zheng's reminder, the output professions of the team also took their positions obediently. After a wave of explosions, the swords were knocked out before halfway through.

"The DPS will reduce the damage, and the poisonous and poisonous butterflies will rise!" Before he finished speaking, Ye Ying released a penetrating range skill.For a while, the blood volume of all the staff almost bottomed out, but they were gradually pulled up because of the timely reminder from the commander.

Li Zheng waved his hand and gave a few bites to the crispy people who hadn't had time to replenish their blood, and then calmly said: "Very good, no one is dead. Continue to export Ye Ying."

After repeating this twice, Ye Ying finally made a concession when her blood volume was only 30.00%.As for what Zhuang Hua said after that, no one cared to pay attention to it anymore, and cheers erupted in the originally quiet channel.

"Emma is finally finished, congratulations leader!"

"Master Xiu is sending out red envelopes! The first milk orange weapon in the whole server!"

"Master Xiu! I don't want red envelopes to be your love!"

"Go away, pervert!" Li Zheng smiled into the microphone and scolded the male voice who was begging for love: "Labor and capital don't care about sex."

"Don't do it~~ It's okay to be a bonded milk instead of love~~ The Chengwu University wants to bond with you 22."

"Go away." Li Zheng continued to scold while handing in the task: "Labor and management have been playing Sword III for so many years, and still don't know where the entrance to the arena is. The professional dungeon party is trustworthy because of its professionalism."

That's right, Li Zheng is a standard dungeon party from beginning to end.He is not only a dungeon party, but also a dungeon party who only plays nanny.For example, his big sister Qixiu whose ID is "Xiu Ye", or his small adult male five poisons whose ID is "Don't run away after school", without exception, only have milk costumes-this milk costume is amazing. It's not an ordinary milk outfit, but the ultimate equipment of milk orange weapon plus the latest copy.There is no other reason, because he is the leader of one of the top five regiments in the whole server.

If you want to ask why Li Zheng became the head of the regiment as a nanny, it starts with the complaint he saw on the sect channel one day.

At that time, Li Zheng was still a standard violent DPS, his name would never appear after the fourth place in the damage statistics, and he was keen to try all kinds of equipment with swords and slant fronts-either high understanding or high defense .And on that day when he was discussing with the seniors in the sect how to maximize the damage of the skill "Taixian Jiqu", a girl's cry suddenly appeared on the sect channel.

"When you beat Dihua Palace, you were scolded for being the bottom HPS! But he is a conductor! How could it be possible to milk the number one HPS!"

At that time, Li Zheng was busy figuring out what his seniors were discussing on the sect channel, "Will the sword energy of the Yangtze River interspersed in the tortoise-string jigsaw affect the DPS?" Naturally, he didn't take this obvious "seeking comfort" to heart. superior.However, when he looked up, the seniors who were harmoniously discussing the harm suddenly turned their heads to comfort the nanny commander, completely forgetting about the issue just discussed.

It's just a matter of lust, this group of people with fishy lips!

So Li Zheng sneered at the girl in a rage: "What's wrong with the nurse commander? The nurse commander can still milk the first HPS."

The girl who had been coaxed to calm down saw Li Zheng's words, and instantly felt like an aunt's relapse, and opened her mouth in a rage: "Master Xiu, you are known as the DPS of ten thousand years, how can you be a nanny?" Hard work! Youcanyouup! NocanwhyBB!"

Li Zheng threw the table: "Who the hell said that labor and capital can't do it?"

As a result, there was one less ruthless Bingxin holding Youyue·Scattered Flowers in the rivers and lakes, and one more benevolent dancer who held hands lightly.

Li Zheng looked at Qingli, who had used nearly the entire Candle Dragon Palace and the imperial palace, somewhat reluctantly: "Hey, Qingli, Qingli, you will leave me eventually."

The people on the YY channel who hadn't dispersed yet and were about to take a peek at the first nanny level 90 Orange Weapon in the whole server shouted: "Master Xiu, you heartless man~ Hey, you have a new love and no old love~"

"Death to death! You bastards. Be careful and I will release you in the future." Li Zheng threatened, and finally replaced Qingli with the unrefined Ziyanchen.

"Okay, okay, you should have seen enough. I'm going to the airport." Li Zheng looked at his watch, and it was only five hours before the plane to Japan took off: "When you see me again, I will The big traitor who stayed in Japan, hahaha!"

"Go away you~"

"The head of the group is headed against the wind~ There have been a lot of plane accidents recently~ Don't leave forever."

"Come on, Liu Xu, you crow's mouth." Li Zheng turned off the game after distributing the red envelopes to the members of the group: "It's really done, thank you all."

"Leader, let's go~"

Five hours later, Li Zheng was on the plane bound for Japan.

All luggage was checked in, except for one bag.The bag is also very empty, just a computer and a piece of clothing.That dress was still a pain, and what hurt was the daughter of the Southern Emperor Qixiu whom he loved.

The air conditioner in the cabin was turned on a little cold, he took out the sweatshirt to cover his body, and felt a little drowsy when his body gradually warmed up.Li Zheng put on his seat belt, took off the blindfold on his eyes, and prepared to sleep for a few hours before heading to Japan.

But what he never expected was that what he saw when he woke up was not Narita Airport in Japan, but a woman.

Li Zheng was obviously taken aback by the woman's face that was almost pressed against him, and reflexively wanted to yell.As a result, the sound he made brought him even more fright.

It was clearly not his own cry, but the voice of a young man.

Li Zheng opened his mouth to speak, but found that he couldn't speak a complete sentence except for the sound of "babbling".He looked at his shrunken hands and body with an expression of disbelief.

The woman in front of her snorted coldly, and looked at him with disdain: "You are still alive. You are lucky. You didn't die in the ice spring. Since you are not dead, then I will give you a chance to choose. Look at you No father loves no mother love, do you want to follow me?"

Li Zheng was still in great shock in his heart, and after hearing the woman's question, he looked at her with hostile eyes without hesitation.He complained in his heart: Nima, who is this dead woman with sagging breasts?Bingquan is a fucking bird thing?

The woman obviously misunderstood Li Zheng's eyes, she turned around, not afraid to expose her back to Li Zheng: "Don't get me wrong. I'm just a passerby, and I haven't had the time to throw you into the ice spring .And then again, if I hadn't found you, you'd probably be dead by now. How? I'll only give you 30 seconds to think about it."

It took Li Zheng 20 seconds to realize that he might have time-traveled, and another [-] seconds to realize that he had time-traveled to a young man. He heard the woman say, "Really, if that's the case, then I'm going. Take care of yourself."

After speaking, the woman raised her foot and walked forward without looking back.

Just kidding, labor and management haven't figured out what the hell this is, how can you let you leave in a cool way?Thinking of this, Li Zheng struggled forward a few steps and grabbed the woman's hands.

The woman stopped in her tracks, showing an imperceptible smile, then opened her hand and held Li Zheng's cold hand: "Have you thought it through? It's very hard to follow me."

Li Zheng's head was pounding like garlic, he grasped the woman's hand tightly, and said in his heart: a man can bend and stretch, can fight and resist, time travel is nothing, survival is the last word!

The woman who didn't know Li Zheng's thoughts took off her cloak, and gently wrapped Li Zheng, who was still cold from head to toe, "Let's go. I will make you a real Northern Continent swordsman."

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