The five of them walked all the way, and finally found a bright light in the depths of the aisle, indicating that it would lead to the ground.

This light was very faint at first, but as the distance shortened, it could gradually be seen to increase continuously.Everyone could even hear the sound of wind coming from behind the bright light, urging them to keep approaching.

Li Zheng rushed out almost excitedly.After walking in this broken tunnel for so long, it is really good not to suppress death.What's more, this road was very weird, which made him feel a little unhappy.So he took three steps and two steps towards the exit, and even made the pace of the four people behind him a little faster.

"I didn't expect this place to be quite nice." Li Zheng looked at the scene in front of him after taking a few breaths of fresh air.

Authentic Unicom is a garden-like place.Different from the wide lawn and lined trees in the free church garden, the garden in front of you is more like a graceful garden.The garden is full of flowers of various colors scattered in an orderly manner, swaying in the air with the breeze blowing slowly.On the edge of the garden, several sweet-scented osmanthus trees were planted.The flowers on the tree are in full bloom, and there is a refreshing fragrance mixed with the smell of the soil.

Such a beautiful place made everyone relax their tense nerves.Even the haze on Andrea's face, who had experienced a series of blows, dissipated a little.

I don't know if it's because of the soothing scent of flowers, but Eschera, who has been unconscious for a long time, also moved at this time.Her Lady Queen naturally sensed the apparent awakening of the man on her shoulders, so she raised her hands and easily put the big man on the ground.

Seeing that Eschera was about to wake up, the others naturally stopped paying attention to the nearby scenery.Instead, he turned to look at Eschera who had just woken up on the ground.

The middle-aged man shook his head and finally opened his eyes.As soon as he woke up, he was shocked to see so many people in front of him.Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly coughed.

"Oh my neck, why does it hurt so much?" Eschera coughed and rubbed the back of his neck.Although he couldn't see it himself, everyone on the side could clearly see that there was a very obvious bruise there.

Li Zheng thought of Anna's slam before Eschera passed out, so he straightened his face and pretended to look at Her Lady Queen casually.But Anna seemed to have nothing to do with it, her face was not blushing and her heart was beating, and she patted Eschera's back without changing her expression.

Li Zheng could only secretly give his Lady Queen a thumbs-up: Master's acting ability is at the level of a movie king, no, it's at the level of a movie queen.

After Eschera felt a little better, he finally remembered belatedly that he was not in his own home.He straightened his collar, and his small mouse-like eyes began to sweep over Anna one by one.Finally, it stopped on Bismarck.

"Bismarck?! Why are you here? No, what is this place?"

Eschera turned his head and looked around.Only then did he realize that apart from Bismarck, he was surrounded by strange people and things.I don't even know how I got here.As if a piece of memory is missing, there is no clue at all.He patted his head, as if remembering.

Bismarck, who was named, had no choice but to stand up: "I will explain to you why Senior Eschera is here in a while. I just ask Senior to tell me the whereabouts of the master."

"Your master?" Eschera's brows were obviously frowned, as if he was thinking: "Old Mr. Hessberg...I remember we set off from the southern continent to the northern continent to participate in... .correct!"

I saw Eschera jumping up from the ground, hastily pulling Bismarck away from the crowd.Then he forcefully took Bismarck to a small corner away from Li Zheng and the others.This is obviously the momentum of whispering, leaving the other four people in place.

"What?" Li Zheng curled his lips, feeling very uncomfortable with this kind of discrimination.He looked to the side, and Andrea and Canruila on the side didn't say a word, and didn't show any expressions.This made Li Zheng, who was about to seek support from other companions, unavoidably a little helpless.

Anna, on the other hand, saw all the thoughts of her apprentice.She stepped forward and patted Li Zheng's shoulder, then ruffled Li Zheng's hair and said: "Maybe there is something secret and important to discuss between their mages, don't worry about it."

"I don't care!" Li Zheng didn't dare to pat off His Lady Queen's hand, so he could only let her make a mess of the sea above his head.He shook the long ponytail behind his head, touched the purple smoke around his waist unconsciously, and muttered a few more words: "I really don't care..." I don't know if he was explaining to Anna Listen, still justifying yourself.

Simply Bismarck came back soon, and he went straight to Li Zheng without saying a word.He didn't explain to Li Zheng why Eschera called him alone, nor told him what the two of them said just now, but stroked the black hair on Li Zheng's head that was messed up by Anna, Then he looked at the woman beside him with eyes of unknown meaning.

Li Zheng was baffled by Bismarck's series of actions, and just about to ask him, he saw Her Lady Queen's playful eyes.He didn't shy away from the hostility in Bismarck's eyes, but greeted him directly, as if he was arguing with him with his eyes.

Li Zheng is not a fool, seeing this scene naturally had a seemingly absurd guess in his heart.

No way?I should be being self-indulgent.

The young master said that the young master is not gay? !

Bismarck saw the scene of Li Zheng shaking his head desperately out of the corner of his eyes. He felt a little funny in his heart, but he still said calmly: "There is news about the whereabouts of the master."

As soon as he heard that he was going to talk about something serious, Li Zheng naturally put all the messy things in his heart aside.He looked up at Bismarck's glowing blue eyes and asked, "Is it really that devil's fault?"

Bismarck nodded, affirming Li Zheng's statement: "Senior Eschera said that the demon probably gathered a group of humans in secret. They call themselves the Church of Darkness. Although the number is small, their strength has developed extremely fast for some reason." After he finished speaking, he paused, lowered his voice and said in Li Zheng's ear: "It was this group of people who attacked the master and Senior Eschera in the secret meeting before."

The development of strength is extremely fast?There is always something wrong.Li Zheng frowned, thinking to himself.

At this moment, Andrea, who heard key words such as "devil" and "darkness" in Bismarck's words, also stepped forward.Obviously, Bismarck's words aroused everyone's curiosity. After Andrea, Canrila also followed.Bismarck was suddenly surrounded by the crowd.

Seeing this, Bismarck simply opened his mouth and said: "The number one figure in the Dark Church is a dark mage named Randall. According to the seniors, this person is likely to have the strength to surpass my master. They seem to surrender to the devil, Treat that demon as a god. And researched a series of dark arts that have been lost."

"The art of darkness?" As a standard outsider, Li Zheng once again deeply realized the shortcoming of being blind to history.

"According to what you said," Canrila analyzed through the interface, ignoring Li Zheng's question: "The zombies we have encountered so far, as well as the forest banshee Andrea mentioned, and the control of Edgar and others, are all The masterpiece of this group of people and this demon?"

Bismarck nodded and stopped talking.

Li Zheng, as the person present who knew Bismarck best, naturally quickly understood the reason why Bismarck did not speak.This man must have put the current situation in front of everyone, and let the people present choose whether to continue to walk together.So he said without hesitation: "I'll go with you."

As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I felt that there was a serious ambiguity in the words.Li Zheng had no choice but to quickly add: "I mean, I promised you to find your master before, and I will accompany you to the end."

When Bismarck heard this, he nodded to indicate that Li Zheng understood.

After hearing Li Zheng's statement, the others naturally knew what to say.Andrea followed up with Li Zheng to express his choice: "Leaving aside the matter of Brother Edgar who needs to be investigated to the end, this group of dark church guys and that demon are a huge threat to Raphaels. I must mention What Bishop Mu told me is this dark church. I will naturally be with you."

Canruila followed closely behind and took a step forward, her tone full of firmness: "I came here for my missing sister Daisy. I can feel that her disappearance must be caused by these dark cultists, Take me one."

Although these words are indeed speculations based on insufficient evidence for Canrila himself.However, Li Zheng, who had peeked at Daisy's diary, had only one sentence for this crooked speculation: he deserves to be the head of the mercenary regiment, and he has an accurate sixth sense.

Li Zheng looked at his team panel, so most of the people present decided to continue to follow Bismarck all the way.just...

Everyone looked at Anna who was the only one who didn't make a statement.

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her, Anna raised the corners of her mouth in a calm manner, and said with the same arrogant look: "My disciples have decided to go on. How can a master be left behind?"

Li Zheng's three black lines fell from his forehead. He was a big man in love, and he couldn't protect him as a woman's master when he went out to fight monsters.This is too much of a loss of face for him as a man.

"Ahaha, since that's the case, let's go. Why don't we ask the owner of this garden where we are now." Embarrassed, Li Zheng had to find a way to change the subject.Li Zheng, who walked forward with hands and feet because of the embarrassment in his heart, naturally did not see Anna's words blurted out, and Bismarck's eyes on Anna's body became even more hostile.

He seemed to have deliberately not followed Li Zheng, but stayed at the end after everyone left and lowered his voice to Anna, his tone full of warning: "Even if you are his best friend for many years, I will not let Li Zheng go." for you."

Anna couldn't help being taken aback when she heard this, and then sneered: "You can't help this, Li Zheng is not a toy." After she finished speaking, her voice softened for some reason, as if she had exhausted the greatest tenderness in her life: "As for You said him...Although I don't know what happened between you, how did you know about him. And you and him...are completely different, but... ...."

There was a pause in her words, as if she was speaking to Bismarck, but also as if she was talking to herself: "I... don't know how to face him. Maybe this is something I can't solve in my life Open your mind."

Hearing this, Bismarck glanced sideways at the woman beside him.He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he quickened his pace without saying a word, and walked to Li Zheng's side.

Anna looked at the two people walking in front, and couldn't help sighing: "Hey, it's nice to be young."

The author has something to say: =. = The jujube tree at home bears jujubes. Although it is a bit dry, it tastes good.While gnawing dates and typing... I feel like I'm more motivated (not at all

Well, here comes the big villain.Hurry up and embark on the journey of killing the big villain with the leader~

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