[Sword Three] Lord wants to cut the cloud dress

Chapter 49 The Captain Enters the Castle Again

William III's castle was full of time and antiquity just like the last time the two came.However, during this period of time, no matter whether it is the sculpture in Vanner Square or the crystal ball in the strange dark room, all of them have revealed an important message-William III is by no means as simple as it is recorded in history.

After realizing this point clearly, Li Zheng couldn't help but feel that seeing the castle this time was three points more gloomy and seven points mysterious.It may also be due to his psychological influence. Li Zheng even felt that there might be something dirty around him.This made him touch his arm involuntarily.

Although this set of Bing Xin Jue clothes seemed to cover the skin on his body, the light and gauzy cloth could hardly resist the cold.In addition, I don't know if it is the sequelae of soaking in the ice spring, Li Zheng's body temperature itself is several points lower than ordinary people.Therefore, at this time, Li Zheng actually felt a little chill in this gloomy castle.

"Cold?" Bismarck, who was walking on the side, leaned closer.He obviously saw Li Zheng's actions.

Li Zheng shook his head forcefully, signaling to the other party that he was fine.However, after a few seconds, Li Zheng still felt something extra on his body.

It was Bismarck's mage robe coat.

"Thank you." The temperature on the jacket made Li Zheng really greedy, so he quickly gave up the idea of ​​returning the jacket in order to save face, and instead thanked the blond man who had stopped looking at him.

"I remember here."

At this moment, Eschera's voice came from behind Li Zheng.The middle-aged man obviously seemed to have remembered something, first stopped on the spot, and then quickly walked to the front of the line.In front of him were two extremely similar doors.The two exquisite and antique doors happened to be facing each other, and they were both tightly closed.

Li Zheng didn't remember that there was such a place when they came last time, but then he thought that William III's castle looked very huge from the outside, obviously it should not only have the few rooms and corridors they visited last time.

"This should be the place where the previous demon imprisoned us!" Eschera blurted out after a moment of thought.

This sentence shocked everyone present.Obviously, none of them expected to enter the core of the enemy so quickly-although this is definitely a good thing for Bismarck, who is concerned about old Mr. Hessberg.

"But there are two doors here." Canruila said, directly throwing a question: "The two look very similar, is it a trap?"

Eschera shook his head: "No. All of us were locked in a room at that time. Everyone was in a state of consciousness but unable to exert strength. I remember that there was indeed a room opposite the door where we were locked. A room. It's just that the door there has been closed, and I don't know what's inside."

"Can you tell where is the room where you were imprisoned?" Bismarck asked.

"it should be OK."

As he spoke, Eschera walked slowly to one of the doors.

The difference between the two doors is indeed very subtle.They are almost identical in color and size.The only difference is probably the pattern on the door frame.A door is dotted with golden patterns, which looks extremely precious and precious.The other fan is relatively simple, with only some sporadic patterns and carvings.

According to Eschera, most of the time when he and the others were imprisoned, they tried their best to resist the dark church personnel who tried to mark them with the demon mark.So it's very possible that he wouldn't recognize the difference, which only a close look could tell.But no matter whether Eschera chose the right door or the wrong one, it is very likely that there are traps laid by demons.Everyone did not dare to relax, and they clenched their weapons tightly.And wait for Eschera's choice with [-] points of caution.

Eschera lingered in front of both doors for a while, and after careful observation, he took the handle of one of them.That is the door where the curlicues are more repeated.He shook the handle and glanced back at Bismarck.

Bismarck motioned to him: "Please open it."

Li Zheng was somewhat suspicious of Eschera's behavior of repeatedly asking his junior Bismarck for instructions.This most likely shows that Bismarck's identity in the Southern Continent is indeed extremely special.Thinking of this, and recalling his previous suspicion of Bismarck's motives for entering the forest, Li Zheng's irritability popped up again.This feeling made him scratch his head, especially since he knew that the current situation didn't allow him to be distracted.

What was Bismarck hiding?Even he has to hide it?

Li Zheng shook his head, trying to get rid of these messy thoughts.The long black ponytail behind his head dangled, but it attracted the attention of the people around him.

"What's the matter?" Bismarck whispered into his ear.

Li Zheng shook his head slightly.

"It's nothing."

Hearing this, Bismarck stopped asking.And Eschera in front had already pressed the handle and slowly opened the door.


Even though the door was only opened with a slit the size of a palm, Eschera, who looked through the slit, was surprised and speechless.

Seeing this, Kanruila walked over without hesitation and opened the door.Everyone filed in, seeing the scene in front of them but didn't know what to say.

The room behind the door is huge, it looks like a ballroom.However, all around the room were pitch-black circular cages.Each cage is only about the size of one person, and it does imprison one person.Most of the people in the cage stood upright, but their faces were livid and their eyes were closed, so it was hard to tell if they had lost consciousness.Most of their hands were folded and locked together with the cage with iron chains. The four of them were stunned by the obvious state of imprisonment, and they didn't know how to react for a while.

Most of these people are equipped with traveler's equipment, and some of them look very strong, and they can be seen as adventurers from the Adventurer's Guild at a glance.And if you want to say that they have something in common, I am afraid that most of them are covered with blood, and they have obviously experienced one or even several fierce battles before being locked in the cage.The number of cages is very large, almost covering the entire huge dance hall.Li Zheng didn't even need to count to see that hundreds of people were imprisoned here.

And in the next moment after seeing these cages, Canruila's mind has been turned back and forth.The footsteps also involuntarily stepped out faster than the brain, searching in these neatly arranged cages.

"Daisy...Daisy...where are you?" Kanrila couldn't help shouting, although she wasn't sure if it would be useful.

After Li Zheng was greatly shocked, he soon came back to his senses.He followed Canruila slowly from the first row of the cage to the last row, his eyes scanning the cages round after round.Then he said to Bismarck who had been following him, "Did you find anything?"

Bismarck nodded: "Yes."

"I think we think the same thing." Li Zheng said.From just now, he found that the placement of these cages was very particular.This kind of attention is not only reflected in the neat arrangement of the cages.More is reflected in the people imprisoned in the cage.

"Most of the people in the first row just seemed to be resting their eyes with their eyes closed. From the second row, their complexions gradually turned green. And in the last row..." Li Zheng narrowed his eyes: "Besides closing their eyes, almost Like the zombies we met."

"Have you ever encountered zombies?" Eschera frowned.Seeing Bismarck nodding towards him, he quickly speculated: "If this is the case, it is very likely that someone is deliberately creating zombies. Creating zombies is also a kind of dark art. It is rumored that after a person dies, the corpse is killed by a demon or The messenger of the devil recycles and exerts the power of the devil to form a zombie without self-awareness. These zombies obey the orders of the creators and become their tools."

"But these are all living people?" Kanruila, who came back at some time, couldn't help shouting, and her inner worries about Daisy gradually turned into fear as Eschela said.

"Have you found it?" asked Bismarck.

Kanruila shook her head, she looked in the direction of the cages, her brows were tightly furrowed.

"It's not that living people cannot be made into zombies." Eschera said. "I read it a long time ago in a book that recorded the battle between the hero and the king of hell. It said that living people can also be made into zombies. It's just that living people who can resist and consciously can't make zombies The manufacturing process went smoothly. In that era when demons danced wildly, corpses were always seen everywhere, so most of them used dead corpses to make zombies."

Eschera paused, glanced at Canruila, and then said with some embarrassment: "It is recorded in that book that although the zombies made by living people have the same power as dead corpses. But because the souls of living people are Imprisoned in a rotting body, he will be tortured continuously, and he will never be able to escape."

As if feeling that these were too cruel for Canruila, the elder sister who could not find Daisy, Eschera quickly added: "But that book is just unofficial history, and many things in it are recognized as bizarre, not enough Believe it. So it may not be true."

Kanruila shook her head, and said as if mocking herself: "Maybe it's true. Before entering this forest, I was like everyone else in Raphael's country. I didn't believe in legends of heroes, angels and demons. Don’t believe in that jihad either.”

"Don't be discouraged." Li Zheng stepped forward and patted Canruila on the shoulder: "It might be a good thing if there is no news. Maybe Daisy has already escaped from the forest?"

"The possibility is relatively low." Bismarck said coldly: "Remember what I said? This forest can only go in and out. Unless she also happened to encounter the teleportation array we encountered last time."

Hearing such cold words, Li Zheng had no choice but to raise his head and roll his eyes at Bismarck: Can you not be so disappointed?Although I know you're telling the truth.

But at this moment, Li Zheng suddenly saw a blackness in the cages at the end of the first row.Because of the distance, he was not very sure about his inner guess.So Li Zheng took a few steps forward.

"I'll go, that's Nero." Li Zheng almost jumped up after reacting.

"Who?" Bismarck frowned.

"Nero! Jasmine's little girl's brother! Come and help me." Li Zheng rushed to the cage.

It really was the little black Nero.Like everyone else, his eyes were closed, and there was no expression on his face.There are fewer scars on the body than others.The stinky face that once arrogantly called Li Zheng a "woman" has no life at all, and there is no sign of life or death.

"Oh my god, you must be alive." Li Zheng couldn't help praying silently.It would be troublesome if this kid died.Not to mention the failure of the mission, he was completely unable to explain to Little Jasmine.

But now the actual problem facing them appeared again - how to unlock it?

The author has something to say: Thank you for giving me QUQ, the girl who caused the dust again.I'm so sorry!Be sure to let me hug and kiss you!Thank you so much~~

The author of the previous chapter had something to say, but it didn’t show all of it! *Is it really good to smoke like this OTL~

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