[Sword Three] Lord wants to cut the cloud dress

Chapter 61 The Boss battle is about to start

As soon as Li Zheng saw Nero, he suddenly thought of the reason for his shock.Molly!Damn it, Jasmine is still in the hands of the Free Church!

Nero seemed to have lost his soul, and walked down the stairs step by step.His eyes were wide open, and he didn't even realize he had forgotten to blink.He walked up to Eschera, clenched his fists, and yelled at the middle-aged man who was obviously half a head taller than him: "You...say it again, the Freedom Church...what's wrong?"

Eschera still didn't know that Jasmine had been taken away by the Free Church, and he obviously couldn't understand why this little black man who hadn't seen her a few times suddenly seemed to have lost his mind.I can only repeat what I said just now intermittently: "The Adventurer's Guild... the headquarters... has fallen, it is very likely..."

Before he finished speaking, Nero completely ignored him.He walked to the wall with a "tsk", jumped impatiently before even listening to Eschera's words, took the cloak hanging on the wall, and quickly opened the door of the blacksmith shop.

"Nero!" Li Zheng roared.

I don't know if it was because Li Zheng had saved him, but even though Nero was burning with anxiety, he still stopped his forward steps.But even so, he could no longer listen to anyone.He could only shout before Li Zheng could speak: "Jasmine! Jasmine is still in their hands! She...I have already lost my father and mother! I can't lose her anymore!"

Li Zheng shook his head and said nothing.Instead, he quickly threw a bright light from his hand in the direction of Nero.The bright light was picked up by Nero with the sound of "Huo Huo".When he took a closer look, it turned out to be a dagger.

It was obviously a freshly punched dagger, and it looked extremely sharp.There are not many patterns on the handle of the knife, but there are strange lines on the sharp edge of the knife.It looked like a rune.

"We didn't intend to dissuade you." Bismarck waved his hand and removed the restrictions placed around the blacksmith shop.He stepped forward, looked into Nero's eyes and said, "Let's go. Let's go together."

Nero, who understood what Bismarck meant, was obviously moved by the other party's attitude, but when he thought that his sister might be in crisis, the little black man's eyes sank.He nodded, turned around, took the lead in a few jumps, then flew out and disappeared.

Seeing that Nero disappeared in a few strokes, Bismarck and Eschera also tugged on their robes, squeezed their staffs tightly and chased them out.Li Zheng looked at the scattered materials on the ground, feeling anxious, grabbed his purple smoke and followed out the door before he could tidy it up.

This time when I went to the upper city, because I didn't have Andrea's relationship, I was blocked at the guard checkpoint in the upper city.When Li Zheng and the others arrived, Nero, who was one step ahead of them, had already fought with several guarding soldiers.

As a thief, Nero's speed is his advantage.Plus he's small, agile, and very good at taking advantage of his surroundings for concealment.Therefore, despite his young age, he can still guarantee that he has the upper hand when fighting against several guards.

However, what Nero wants is not just to gain the upper hand, but to break through their defense and rush into the upper city.

Nero's dagger jingled once again across the sword in the guard's hand.Using his strength, he turned over and landed in front of Li Zheng and the others.

"Who are you, Bishop Tim has ordered that no one should enter the upper city in the near future," said the leading guard.

"I don't care whether you get in or not? My sister is inside! Let me in!" Nero stretched out the dagger in front of him. After saying this, when he was about to attack again, Bismarck blocked him.

Nero had never seen Bismarck make a move, so he naturally didn't understand what he meant.Just as he was about to speak, he saw that Bismarck's staff was already raised in front of him.

Thanks to the staff cast by Li Zheng, Bismarck's spiritual power can be perfectly integrated with elemental energy in the staff.His staff gave off a blinding light.Li Zheng didn't even see clearly whether there was a reading note in front of him, the light had already shrunk.And at the moment it closed, the several guards in front of them had all been sealed by the ice, unable to move at all.

Li Zheng's mouth has become a big circle.Although he was the maker of the staff, he never thought that the staff could raise Bismarck's spells to such a high level.

"Go." Bismarck's words were extremely concise.Several people reacted quickly, and quickly passed several guards and entered the upper city.

However, as soon as they entered the upper city, Bismarck and Eschera were stunned.Because Nero was anxious, he didn't notice what was wrong with his companions.He took the lead alone, and rushed to the front at an extremely fast speed.Li Zheng was different. He keenly noticed that Bismarck's mana had decreased through the team status interface.This meant that something must be suppressing his mental power.This is definitely not a good thing for mages.

"How?" He ran to Bismarck.

"It's okay, it should be the ghost of the dark church." Bismarck straightened his body, signaling to Li Zheng that he was fine: "The same spiritual suppression as in the forest before. Now it seems that the spiritual power has been sucked away. "

Seeing that Bismarck was fine, Li Zheng didn't say any more, but looked straight ahead, and opened a butterfly to follow up with Nero in front.

As soon as he arrived at the headquarters of the Free Church, Nero stopped in front of the gate.He took a deep breath and was just about to yell when he saw that the door of the church headquarters had slowly opened.From the gorgeous and magnificent building, a figure stepped out lightly.His pace was unhurried, as if he had expected someone to come looking for him, he walked to the door unhurriedly.

That man was Tim.With a smile on his face, his expression was completely different from the previous look of worrying about the safety of St. Raphaels.

"Everyone is so busy, and even injured my guards in the upper city. Why did you come here?"

"Damn Tim, don't play tricks on me, hand over my sister." Nero didn't care what was behind Tim's smile, he was only concerned about Jasmine's safety now, and he didn't want to care about anything else .

"Your sister?" Tim thought for a while, and quickly realized: "Oh, you mean Jasmine?"

"Who else!" Nero said angrily.

"Oh, Jasmine is fine now." Tim spread his hands and smiled, "And she will be able to walk upright soon. Of course, she won't need your brother soon..."

Nero was furious for a moment, not knowing what to say.He was about to speak again, but was interrupted by Eschera: "Bishop Tim, I advise you to honestly tell the whereabouts of Randall, the bishop of the Dark Church as soon as possible. We already know what you did at the headquarters of the Adventurer's Guild in the upper city." , there is no need to pretend anymore. Hurry up and hand over Randall, and then quickly tell us the whereabouts of the two Hesbergs, that is the right way."

"Oh?" Tim raised his eyebrows, with a completely arrogant attitude in his eyes.He suddenly looked up and laughed.There was some sarcasm in the laughter.This laughter was so familiar that Li Zhengqing couldn't help but shudder.

"Randall...Randall..." Tim stopped laughing at the sound of Randall's name.He stretched out his hand to hold his neck, and what he did afterwards shocked everyone present.

I saw him holding his chin with both hands, and slowly exerting force under his hands, making a sound of "Gada Gada".Thirty degrees, sixty degrees, 180 degrees.As the twist of his neck increased, his entire head turned in one direction.What is shocking is that the place where the head was originally the back of the head turned out to be another face!And that face was the face of Randall that Li Zheng and the others had seen before!

Tim turned his head and asked with a smile, "You're talking about Randall, but this Randall?"

That old face was too ugly to be someone else at all.And because this scene was indeed too terrifying, Li Zheng couldn't help but take half a step back and made a disgusted expression.No one expected that a face would suddenly appear where the back of the head should have been.And it wasn't until this moment that Li Zheng and the others understood: Bishop Tim was that Randall at all!

No wonder Bismarck couldn't find any trace of Randall after searching the city for so many days!Because Randall simply changed his face and observed their actions!

No wonder the teleportation array in the castle would teleport directly to the prohibition of the Free Church!Because the Free Church itself is under the control of the Dark Church!

This is simply a trap!But the person who set up this trap was watching them coldly like a spectator, and they were desperately looking for Randall's trace like a clown on stage!

However, it was obvious that the four people present were far more than the ones who were in great shock at this time.

"how can that be?"

Hearing the female voice behind him, Li Zheng couldn't help turning his head.I saw that it was Andrea and the master Anna who came.

Andrea kept stepping backwards, she seemed completely unable to accept the fact that Bishop Tim, whom she had always trusted, turned out to be Randall of the Dark Church.She didn't know what to say, let alone how to face Nero...

"Andrea." Seeing Randall's face smiled, he looked at Andrea and stretched out his hand: "My child, come here. Like your senior brother Edgar, join us .”

"Brother..." Andrea bit her lower lip, and the struggle in her heart became more intense.Her brain has completely shut down at this moment, refusing to think, so she can't react at all what happened now.She could only shake her head unconsciously, instinctively resisting the invitation of the person in front of her.

"Really? There's nothing we can do about it." Seeing this, Tim could only put down his outstretched right hand.He took out his black staff and said a few spells.

There was a light on the staff, and the originally clear and bright sky suddenly darkened, covered by thick dark clouds, impenetrable.The entire upper city seemed to be at the end of the day, shrouded in an extremely dark and terrifying atmosphere.

"Since you are so eager to know the whereabouts of Hessberg and Donald, I will tell you where they are."

The author has something to say: Ah, just like the title, the boss battle is about to start.Before defeating Xuan Jing's (wrong) boss, you must first fight the door god in front, right~~

Tomorrow I will accompany the old man to the hospital again (this time it is my grandma, who has liver cancer before and needs to be reexamined in the past two days, so I have to accompany her...), but it should not affect the update~~

Speaking of cancer, I don't know if there are any girls who have followed the grandfather Wang Zhiyang on Weibo before.Because I didn't check Weibo much in the previous week, I found out that this grandfather had passed away on the 13th today... Ah He cried very sadly when he heard the news...

Cancer is really terrible. It may be due to my grandmother's luck. This time the cancer was detected in the middle and early stages. It can be regarded as saving a life from death.Ah He didn't know what to say. Today, when I listened to the Song of Everlasting Regret over and over again, I could only silently wish that grandpa a good journey... Girls, if there are elderly people at home, please spend more time with them.Although most of them nagged a bit, they were prone to getting sick after all.If there are juniors who pay more attention, they may not be taken away by many serious diseases.

It’s a bit long-winded, it’s purely out of feeling...forgive me~

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