Unable to use internal force?For Bismarck, doesn't this mean that he can't use his mental power?Wouldn't he be unable to use spells then?

Li Zheng hurriedly asked Bismarck: "How do you... feel?"

Bismarck had already tried to mobilize his mental power when the dryad was attacking, but after being poisoned by the dryad, he seemed unable to use spells anymore.At this moment, he didn't know that Li Zheng had learned about his status through the system, so he shook his head as if he was concerned, and signaled to Li Zheng: "It's okay. Let's go."

Li Zheng frowned, knowing that although the two had experienced a fierce battle together, they hadn't reached the point where they could reveal each other's truth.And you can't use spells, which is related to the dignity of a mage, so Li Zheng didn't expose Bismarck's lies.

He glanced at the debuff icon on Bismarck again, but he didn't see the countdown number under the icon.

In other words, this debuff is not a time-sensitive debuff.It seems that the passage of time alone cannot make the debuff disappear, and only by finding the right method can it be unlocked.

Maybe like those stand-alone games, what specific unblocking medicine is needed to get this debuff?

Thinking of this, Li Zheng pretended to change the topic inadvertently: "You don't look very good, why don't we find a way to go to a nearby town?" There are so many people there, maybe Bismarck can find an expert to help him solve this problem.

However, Bismarck pondered for a while, and rejected Li Zheng's proposal: "This forest may have been sealed by someone, and it should already be in a state where you can only enter and cannot exit."

"What did you say?" Li Zheng asked in surprise. "You mean we can't get out?"

This can't blame him for being too surprised.He is still young, and he has just stepped out of Anna's clutches, ready to experience the world he traveled through.Why did you tell him at the very first step that this dungeon can only be entered and cannot be accessed?

What about cheating?Who wrote this copy?Catch him and kill him, okay?

"The original purpose of my coming to this forest was to find someone." Bismarck seemed to have naturally recognized Li Zheng's strength in his heart after experiencing the fierce battle just now, and fully confessed the purpose of this trip: "I used to Accepted a mission to find someone. There has been no news of that person for several months. It was only recently learned that his last activity location was near this forest."

"Just based on this?" Li Zheng was somewhat disapproving of this superficial conclusion.

"No. I asked the residents there after I arrived in the nearby city where I was staying. I can only enter this forest for several months." Bismarck looked up at Li Zheng: "And when I entered the forest, I felt a wave A powerful mental shock, this kind of shock has also had a certain impact on my spells. Besides..." He raised his hand and looked at his palm: "Don't you think this mist... ...does it seem a little strange?"

Li Zheng patted his head, he still doesn't know what spiritual power is.Therefore, I have no special feeling for the "powerful mental impact" that Bismarck said.But the fog... as Bismarck said, is eerily excessive.

Wait...just in and out...so Anna...?

"But my master has only been in and out before? He's still hunting." Li Zheng questioned. "Doesn't this mean that this forest is not only for going out but not going in?"

"That's why I asked you about her whereabouts before." Bismarck said, "The Commander is the only person I know recently who can come in and out freely. Maybe she knows the way to break the seal."

"No wonder..." It turned out that Li Zheng, who had missed the point, was relieved for some reason.

"There are also those zombies, and the tree demon just now." Bismarck said: "Let's ignore the zombies for now. But the tree demon just now, I saw in the ancient monster illustration book, is called the forest banshee. It is a demon used by hell creatures. Made of strength."

"Hell creature? Demonic power?" Facing a series of unfamiliar terms, Li Zheng's mind sank into a mess.

Bismarck obviously didn't expect that Li Zheng didn't even know these words. He frowned and asked, "Aren't you a swordsman from the Northern Continent? Don't your mentors from the Northern Continent...don't teach these historical legends? Neither did your parents. told you?"

Li Zheng was ashamed. Apart from teaching him the basics of swordsmanship, that old woman Anna really didn't teach him the historical and cultural background of the mainland.All he knew was that the continent he was currently standing on was called the Twin Continent, which was divided into two halves by the Twin Sea. The southern continent was rich in mages, and the northern continent was rich in swordsmen.Other than that, there really isn't any.

Seeing Li Zheng's bewildered expression, Bismarck shook his head helplessly, so he had no choice but to explain: "At the beginning of the world, there were only heaven and hell. Angels and devils have been in constant disputes all year round. The last part of angels and devils decided to make peace because they were tired of war. The Twin Continent was discovered by accident, and humans were born there. At first, there was no problem, and then the existence of the Twin Continent was discovered. In order to compete for this land, the demons took the lead in making troubles on the continent, and opened the continent for tens of thousands of years. A history of fighting against the devil."

Li Zheng seemed to be listening to a story, his eyes fixed on Bismarck's exquisite face.He nodded, and then said with great interest: "What next?"

"These are just legends. It is said that 1000 years ago, a hero closed the portal between hell and the world. We call it the gate of hell, and sealed the king of hell who was possessed by a wise man's adopted daughter.' "

This is simply a legend of heroes!Sounds like a certain text!Li Zheng likes this kind of heroic stories the most. After all, every man has fancied that he is a hero, so he asked curiously: "Is that hero called Jesus? No, no, is it called Dragon or something? Aotian!"

"Jesus? Long Aotian? What are those?" Bismarck was obviously puzzled when he heard these weird names, and then explained: "The hero didn't leave a name, nor did he leave any information. He only knows that he is a swordsman. .People call him a hero. That's all."

"What... isn't this the same as the storybook used to lull children to sleep?" Li Zheng was a little disappointed with this vague legend.

Bismarck seems to agree with Li Zheng's description: "It is true. I heard that many people question the existence of this hero. After all, no one has seen any angels and demons."

"So, what does this legend have to do with this forest?" Li Zheng tried his best to bring back the distorted topic.

"As I said before, the forest banshee we met just now was made by ancient demon creatures." Bismarck looked at the corpse of the tree demon in front of him, and continued to explain: "But we have never seen demons, even their existence. I can’t even confirm it, so where did these dryads come from? If someone imitated it according to the illustrated book, who made such a big noise for what purpose?”

Only then did Li Zheng realize this.

He had always thought that this was the world he arrived at after time travel. Now that time travel has happened, any weird things are possible.He never thought that these strange zombies or monsters are also very strange creatures to the "indigenous people" of this continent.

It's as if on earth, human beings who were originally materialistic suddenly saw a huge and real Godzilla attacking the city in the sky one day.Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

From this point of view, Bismarck's psychological endurance is still quite high.

After admiring Bismarck's psychological endurance, Li Zheng finally brought his brain back to the topic: "So you mean, this forest is weird?"

Bismarck did not speak, but still looked at Li Zheng with his expressionless eyes.But Li Zheng didn't know why, he saw the meaning of "you finally understand after talking so much" from his eyes.

"Then who made the seal?" Li Zheng decided to pretend that he didn't understand Bismarck's eyes, and turned his head to ask.

"I don't know." Bismarck gave Li Zheng an obvious answer: "But that person must be very powerful. No matter what the purpose is, I must go and see."

Of course Li Zheng heard the subtext of this sentence, and hurriedly stated: "I'll go with you."

Hearing this, Bismarck looked at Li Zheng's eyes and blinked twice imperceptibly.His eyelashes are very long and the bridge of his nose is very straight. Coupled with his tough facial contours, he can be called the ultimate European handsome guy.

Facing Bismarck's still paralyzed but extremely delicate face, Li Zheng didn't know why he was a little embarrassed: "Look, I am walking alone. According to what you said, I guess I can't get out. If I go with you, say Maybe I will be able to go out. Besides, although my combat power is not as good as yours, I am not weak, right. Two people fighting side by side is better than fighting alone."

Bismarck was silent for a while, his eyes fixed on Li Zheng.

"That's fine, so be it." After a long time, he turned around and stopped looking at Li Zheng behind him who was still trying to persuade him.

Li Zheng was left standing there blankly.

——What does that mean?Lord, this is giving up his life to accompany a gentleman!And what's your pick!You don't even look at the debuffs on yourself!You can't even use your mental power, why are you still so dragging!Don't pretend to be ignorant!Master uses an unfamiliar Bingxin formula to protect you!Is it easy, sir!

——Pretend, you go on pretending!

Li Zheng slandered wildly in his heart, but he couldn't say a word when facing Bismarck's gaze, and followed behind Bismarck.

Thinking of Bing Xin Jue, Li Zheng quickly turned his attention to the system again.He hasn't looked at the system properly in a non-combat state yet, so he needs to take a good look at it.

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