Li Zheng raised his head, and the surroundings turned into a white mist at some point.

He tightened his hands, but suddenly found that Bismarck, who was in his arms, had disappeared at some point.

what happened?Li Zheng stood up involuntarily.He took two steps back and forth, only to find that everything around him had disappeared.It was as if he had suddenly entered into a world of nothingness, as far as he could see was a vast expanse of whiteness.

Did he time travel again?

No, this won't work.Bismarck is still there, he must go back, back to the Twin Continents.

He took a few steps forward, but suddenly bumped into someone's arms.

The temperature and smell of that person were all too familiar, making Li Zheng feel a little dazed for a while.He raised his head to see the other person's face clearly, but found that he couldn't see anything.

It's right in front of your eyes, why can't you see it?

Li Zheng frowned, and before he had time to think about it, he felt the other party grab his hand.

Suddenly a flame appeared on his chest.The flame was extremely small, but it easily became the only light in the white mist.Li Zheng's hand was pulled up by the opposite person, and held under the flame.

The man's hand forcefully moved towards the direction of the flame and slowly closed, Li Zheng didn't even have time to think about whether he would be burned, he had already received the flame in his palm.

At that moment, the surrounding white mist was suddenly blown away by a gust of wind.The person in front of him showed his figure.

It was a very handsome blond man, with some resemblance to Bismarck.He looked at Li Zheng with a smile, his eyes were full of tenderness.

Obviously, Bismarck and Bismarck are two completely different people, but Li Zheng still called out in a strange way: "Bismarck?"

The man shook his head, then nodded again.He opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.But Li Zheng couldn't hear anything.

Although he couldn't hear it, Li Zheng still understood what he wanted to say.Just like before, even though Bismarck's face remained unchanged, he could still tell what the man was thinking from his expression.

"I am indeed Bismarck, but my original name was Tarla."

Li Zheng looked around, only to realize that the place where they were was a huge square.This square looks a bit dilapidated, but it gives Li Zheng a very familiar feeling.

Bismarck didn't speak anymore, he took Li Zheng's hand and started to walk forward.

where is this place?

Why did Bismarck become what it is now?

What happened to the king of hell?

There are more critical things, are they... still alive?

Li Zheng's heart was filled with doubts.After being silent for a while, he finally quickened his pace, and when he was about to go forward to inquire, countless blue and yellow female corpses suddenly rushed out from around him.

These are real female corpses, different from the zombies Li Zheng has seen before.They were disheveled, skinny, with weird vomit flowing from the corners of their mouths, exuding a stench that made people shy away from home.They dangled around the two of them, and they were extremely flexible whether they were walking or running.One even roared over Bismarck's head.

Li Zheng subconsciously wanted to draw his sword, but suddenly found that his skill bar was dark.Only then did he realize that his waist was empty, only a pair of scabbards, and he could not see the purple smoke that he had never left.

What should I do?Li Zheng held Bismarck's hand tightly.

If you can't escape...if you can't least let Bismarck...

However, just when Li Zheng was flustered, Bismarck in front turned around.He glanced at Li Zheng with a smile, then stretched out the index finger of the other hand and put it in front of his lips, making a silent movement.

Wait... That female corpse is already crawling in front of you...

Didn't you notice?She's coming... run away!

Just as Li Zheng was about to push Bismarck away, he suddenly heard a sound coming from around him.There was a "whoosh" in the air, and the female corpse in front of Bismarck had already severed her head.The ferocious head fell to the ground with a "bang", and two men appeared in front of Li Zheng at the same time.

No, it's not quite accurate to say it was two men.Li Zheng looked over carefully and found that even though one of them was wearing a loose robe, he could still be seen as a woman disguised as a man.Li Zheng looked up slowly, only to realize that he was very familiar with these two people.

The male one was Bismarck, more precisely Tarla.And it was Anna who disguised herself as a man.Even though she looked younger and fatter than the Anna in Li Zheng's impression, she was indeed Anna, true to form.

Li Zheng blinked, not quite understanding what was going on now.

It's fine for Anna who is disguised as a man, but why are there two Bismarcks who look exactly the same in front of him?

While wondering, Anna and the other Bismarck—it might be more accurate to call him Tarla—had wiped out all the female corpses in the square.Anna rubbed her shoulders, as if complaining about something.Because of the distance, Li Zheng couldn't hear clearly, but he heard a scream from a distance.

The faces of Anna and Talla suddenly became serious, they said something to each other, and ran towards the direction of the screams.

Bismarck, who was leading Li Zheng, sighed, and then walked slowly towards the direction where the two disappeared.Li Zheng followed behind him, trying to sort out his thoughts.

However, when he saw the scene afterwards, he found that he could no longer think.

It was full of creatures he hadn't seen before.Red, green, yellow.Strong and thin.With horns, without horns.Those who fly in the sky and those who walk on the ground.Although they are different, they are equally terrifying and ferocious.And they, just like their names, are doing things that are worse than beasts.

Those who swallow people whole in their mouths, those who burn people with a torch, and those who hover in the sky just to catch human beings and throw them on the ground, these demons turned Li Zheng's eyes into a place of purgatory, and he couldn't help but His feet softened, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

But it's not just demons. Behind those domineering, Li Zheng saw several mages wearing black robes, continuously releasing spells representing darkness and hell.Their target is not demons, but human beings.

"How is this going?"

When he was wondering, a demon with a red body came over holding a hammer in his hand.Li Zheng didn't have time to stand up, but found that the demon walked through his body.

This feeling is very strange, as if Li Zheng is a soul body.He can see the demon, but the demon cannot see him.

Purgatory on earth, demons, Talla... All of these gave Li Zheng some clues.He didn't look up, he still sat down on the ground, staring straight at Anna and Tarla who were fighting in front of him.

"This is what happened thousands of years ago...Is that so? Anna, that hero?"

Bismarck nodded, confirming his conjecture.

"You said... If you don't kill someone, you will be killed." Li Zheng's words were choked up: "Is that how it is?"

Bismarck still didn't speak, but Li Zheng knew: that's how it is.This is how the Twin Continents looked like thousands of years ago.There are no civilians here, no one without a chicken.Because most of them have already died at the hands of the devil.Those who can survive must be constantly fighting with demons and dark mages.In order to survive, they have to keep killing.Monsters, dark mages, and everything that might threaten their lives must be eradicated with their own hands.

Li Zheng finally remembered why he found this square very familiar - yes, this is Fanna Square.Thousands of years ago, Vanna Square became dilapidated precisely because of the rampant monsters in the mainland and the lack of a fixed place for human beings.Until...until heroes appeared, until the king of hell was sealed, until people gradually settled here, until this place became prosperous, until they forgot how difficult the struggle was.

The surrounding fog spread up again, surrounding Li Zheng and Bismarck, making the monsters and humans in front of them gradually disappear.

When the fog cleared again, Anna and Tarla were still in front of Li Zheng.Only this time, what they faced was a huge black beast.

Without Bismarck explaining to him, Li Zheng knew who this huge beast was—a demon with blood-red eyes that made people feel terrifying.There is no other choice but the king of hell.

This is a very tough battle.It was the same for Tara or Ana.But fortunately, they are still victors after all.

However, just when they wanted to seal the King of Hell, they discovered that there was absolutely nothing in this world that could withstand the darkness of the King of Hell.

Li Zheng saw the two hesitating people in front of him, and saw Talla's smile restrained on his face.Perhaps it was because he knew this man too well, and Li Zheng, who understood what he was thinking in his heart, trembled involuntarily.

" fool." Li Zheng squeezed the hand next to him.Although knowing that this is already a thing of the past, it is an ironclad fact.But his heart was like a knife, as if it was bleeding.

Bismarck still didn't speak, just smiled and watched what happened in front of him.

"I don't agree." Anna's voice in front suddenly increased, she bit her lip, and turned away from looking at Talla beside her.

"It's too late, Anna!" Talla didn't put his usual smile on his face, but bent over Anna's shoulder, and forced Anna to look at him: "The king of hell must be sealed. You know it well, Only a strong-willed person can serve as a sealed container against the power of the king of hell. You must do this."

"There is nothing necessary!" Anna shouted excitedly to her best friend, this was the first time they had such a big dispute, and it was destined to be the last: "If one of us has to die If so, why not me!"

"Listen, listen to Anna." Talla's words softened: "Even if I leave here, no lover will cry for me. The Talla family is the largest mage family in the mainland, even without me You can't do it alone. But you are different, Anna. You have to think of your family. You have your child, the beautiful Swordsman of the Rose, think of her. You can't stop thinking about it."

"Rose Swordsman, what a beautiful name." Talla's expression seemed to be softened by thinking of something: "She is really a little princess, and she will definitely become a great princess when she grows up." A swordsman. Of course, it would be great if she doesn’t have to disguise herself as a man all her life and carefully become a male swordsman like you.”


"There is no but, Anna! There is no but!" Talla looked at the king of hell who was knocked aside: "We must act immediately, the king of hell may recover at any time if he is not sealed. At that time, all previous efforts will be wasted .”

"But I can't do it!" Anna suddenly yelled, "How are you going to let me do it for you!"

While Anna was yelling, Li Zheng closed his eyes.

The moment he closed his eyes, he heard the sound of a sharp sword piercing his chest.

The author has something to say: ah, I haven’t vomited my bento yet =u=

I didn't mean to get stuck here!Don't hit me TUT.

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