No matter how broken the mood is, what should be done must continue to be done.

Even if he saw Zhongyuan Zhongye get the God's Eye like a child's play, the "boy" on the opposite side only frowned slightly, and then turned back expressionlessly again.

"Let's go," he said.

Zhong Yuan, who was in a good mood, also snatched his grass-attribute god eyes with a detached expression, and followed like sleepwalking.

Osamu Dazai, who was left behind, shrugged and followed leisurely behind.

When they actually walked, the two realized that they were not on a plain grass, but on the hillside of a mountain.It is only because the platform is too big and the field of view is limited that there is an illusion of grass.

The "boy" who was leading the way didn't seem to care at all whether the two people behind him kept up, and he didn't look back all the way. After walking for a while, he even jumped off the cliff directly.

Nakahara Chuya turned his head to look at Dazai Osamu, and Dazai Osamu turned his gaze to Nakahara Chuya's God Eye.

"...I knew you were uneasy and kind." Zhongyuan Zhong also looked at him with disgust.

"After all, Chuya's ability will be invalidated." Dazai Osamu said with a smile, "Hurry up Chuya, let me see your grass."

Zhongyuan Zhong also gave him a middle finger, and tried to drive his God's Eye cautiously.

He has secretly longed for the "God's Eye" that Mr. said for a long time.

"When the desire is strong enough, the gods will cast their gaze", "external magic organ", "guiding element power", these labels are given to the eyes of gods along with the stories in the mouth of the husband, and the rock elements that the husband usually drives are also the eyes of the gods. A manifestation of the eye.This also made Zhongyuan Zhongye more and more curious about the wonderful item "God's Eye".

If it wasn't for the overwhelming impact of not being able to write a thesis before, and the rush to follow, Zhongyuan Zhong'an would have been too impatient to give it a try.

After possessing the God's Eye, he has a certain perception of some things in the air that he couldn't see before, but now he is just trying to communicate with his spirit and release his thoughts.

A long vine grew on the edge of the cliff under the gaze of the two, extending all the way to the bottom of the cliff.

Osamu Dazai was silent for a moment, "...Chuya, you don't mean to let me use this, do you? You don't need plants that won't be nullified to take me flying?"

"Heh." Nakahara, who didn't forgive Osamu Dazai so easily, sneered, "Climb by yourself."

"Chuya! It's too much!"

When the two were arguing on the way to continue on the cliff, the "boy" at the bottom of the cliff who was still secretly watching them quietly withdrew his gaze.

It seems that these two mortals still have a lot of skills, but it saves him the effort to carry it.

In the end, Osamu Dazai, who lost the initiative because he had no choice, slid all the way down the vine.

After a mountain, there is another mountain.

This place seems to happen to be a mountainous landform, and the endless mountains are measured under the feet.The "boy" in front didn't stop along the way, and even Xianxin used his gun to kill several monsters on the way.

There are grotesque dragon lizards, and other unknown monsters, but there is no wolf-like creature that appeared for the first time.

On a mountainside full of unknown red-leaf trees, the "boy" stopped.

"I'm going to report to Master Yan Wang, you just wait here." Still looking like he was not afraid of them running away, the "boy" said this and was about to leave.

Osamu Dazai suddenly said, "Is this the first time you saw that wolf just now?"

The "boy" disappeared into the mountains as if he had not heard Osamu Dazai's question.

Guessing that the "young man" had indeed left, Nakahara took a look at Osamu Dazai, "What do you mean?"

After walking for so long, Osamu Dazai was a little tired even after systematic exercise.The black-haired young man found a clean-looking stone and sat down, tilted his head to look at Zhongya Zhongya and said, "Chuya thinks, what time are we in now?"

"'Devil God War'?" Zhong Yuanzhong also frowned and pondered.

Osamu Dazai didn't comment on whether it was right or wrong, but said slowly: "Actually, at first, I thought we were in Kerria."

Zhong Yuanzhong also said sharply: "Because of that wolf?"

"That's right." Osamu Dazai nodded, "Nakaya should also remember the story of the 'gold' that created those beastland hounds."

"The Alchemist of Gold" Reindot, according to the timeline of the story told by Mr. Zhongli, is indeed a person from the Kanria period.

"But judging from the adult's reaction, he has never seen these creations." Osamu Dazai thought about the scene at that time, "Otherwise, with his ability, he should have killed the wolf directly instead of doing anything else. escape from it."

They encountered a lot of monsters along the way, and the reaction of the "boy" has always been to kill them directly and mercilessly. It didn't make sense that the dangerous wolf beast was let go alone.

"After I discovered this, I began to pay attention to his words." Osamu Dazai said, "He called Mr. Zhongli 'Lord Rock King', and we all know that Mr. Zhongli changed from 'King of Rock' to 'Emperor Rock King' It was during the Demon God War."

"So I did an experiment to see if Chuya could successfully get the Eye of God."

Zhongyuan Zhong also understood, "You want to see if the environment we are in is not fake."

The brilliance of the "God's Eye" is extremely difficult to imitate. Even in this land, the only one who has successfully imitated it over the years is the Queen of the Winter Kingdom in the story, or the "Evil Eye" with great side effects.

"Obviously, judging from the results, we are indeed standing on real land, not some strange illusion or distorted space." Osamu Dazai shrugged, "If the wolf's situation is classified as an example, then Coupled with us who have traveled through time in the same area, perhaps the land boundary called 'space instability' is the key for us to return to the correct timeline."

Chuya Nakahara, who was concerned about the thesis, immediately wanted to get Osamu Dazai up, "Then why have we walked for so long!"

Go to the correct timeline and let him go home and write a paper! !

"Chuya, don't worry." Osamu Dazai smiled and signaled him to calm down, "Let's not say that we have no way to break through time and space for the time being, aren't you curious about Mr. Zhongli during the Demon God War?"


Within a day, Zhongyuan Zhong also had a shameful heartbeat again.

Osamu Dazai deliberately covered his mouth and said in a low voice: "Chuya said just now that if you trust me again, you are..."

"Shut up." Zhong Yuanzhong also put his hands on his face expressionlessly.

At this time, the "boy" who had disappeared before finally reappeared.

He blankly glanced at the unfriendly gestures of the two, and said as if he hadn't seen anything: "Master Rock King has given permission, you can go up."

"Let's go." Osamu Dazai patted his buttocks and stood up, "We'll talk about everything after meeting that gentleman."

The "boy" looked at the movements of the two humans, and suddenly said, "My name is Mandrill, Yasha under the seat of Lord Rock King."

"If I find out that you have any actions that threaten Lord Yanwang, I will not let you go."

"Don't worry." Osamu Dazai smiled friendlyly at the fierce young immortal, "According to your classification, among all mortals, we probably hope that Mr. Wang can be safe forever."

When approaching the top of the mountain, there was a little accident.

A chubby little dumpling shivered shiveringly while hiding in the grass by the side of the road, but it looked straight at the two people on the mountain road with extremely obvious eyes.Zhongyuan Zhong also subconsciously turned his head to look, and heard the little dumpling making a small cry as if startled, and rolling down the mountain road at an extremely fast speed.

Nakahara Chuya just took a look: ...?

Mandrill made an indistinct inhalation sound, turned to the two of them and said, "The rest of the road is not far away, you just walk down the mountain road."

After finishing speaking, the young immortal jumped off the cliff, looking in the direction to fish for the dumpling.

"...Looks like a little girl?" Nakahara Nakahara scratched his head apologetically, and walked up to the top of the mountain with Osamu Dazai.

The moment I walked through the mountain road, my eyes suddenly opened up.

The unreasonable small lake sinks quietly on the top of the mountain, sparkling in the sun.Surrounded by some just right vegetation, and in the very center of the lake, a small island rises against the background of lotus.There is a maple tree, a stone table and three stone chairs on the island.

And the three figures looking over from afar.

Chuya Nakahara's eyes were attracted by one of them in an instant.

There are so many differences.

As soon as he saw it, Zhong Yuanzhong was keenly aware of the difference between the god in front of him and "Mr. Zhongli".

More majestic, more extroverted, and more impersonal.

If it is said that Mr. Zhongli still needs to get along with him carefully to find the difference, the god in front of him can be called sharp-edged.The inhuman black and golden arms can feel heavy and heavy just by looking at them, and the golden eyes that look over faintly seem to gather the brilliance of the whole world.

While still in a daze, Nakahara heard Osamu Dazai next to him say: "Hi, it's the first time we meet, Mr. Zhongli from the past~"

Zhongyuan Zhong also suddenly looked at his little friend who came up and blew himself up.

On the other hand, the gods on the opposite side were quite calm, and the god who looked like a girl even chuckled, "I never thought it would be such an honest child."

The fairy with the appearance of a crane pondered for a moment, "'Zhongli''s a very suitable name for you, Lord Rock King."

"Absurdly praised, Master Liuyun." The black-haired deity withdrew his eyes lightly, looked at the two friends, "I have something to say to them."

The girl god with a high emotional intelligence let out a laugh, and stood up gracefully, "Then let's avoid it first, Master Liuyun."

The crane uttered an uneasy cry, but still left the mountaintop together with the girl god.

For a moment, there were only two young men in inappropriate clothes left on the top of the mountain, and the black-haired god sitting under the tree.

Zhongli—maybe it should be called Morax—raised his hand, and immediately a cloud-shaped stone platform rose from the water, extending all the way to the lake.

That's what it means to bring them closer.

Looking at the two children who had never met before, but with a familiar aura everywhere, Morax asked softly, "What will I look like in the future?"

Osamu Dazai bowed his body slightly, "The majesty is supreme, the sea is clean and the river is clear. The world is peaceful."


Morax's golden pupils were still calm, and the lake-like pupils seemed to contain all the waves, but there was a subtle smile on the corner of his mouth.

"That's good."

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