Invincible I want a dream

Chapter 25 Collaborators

Rome, Balia temporary stronghold.

In the spacious room, there is a precious sandalwood and expensive desk, which looks brand new, as if it has just been put into use.

On the contrary, the walls also have traces of refinishing and repainting, with slight paint marks, but there is no pungent smell of inferior paint, probably due to the use of high-grade materials, which deliberately avoided such problems.

On the wheelchair, Polnareff looked at him and speculated on the content of the conversation.

A few years ago, with a heart of justice, he found the clues of Diablo, the behind-the-scenes boss of the "Passionate" organization, and planned to eradicate the moths in this country.Because he suspected that this person had an arrow in his hand-for a mafia organization, the content of substitute messengers was too high-he decided to tell this to his best friend Kujo Jotaro in the United States first, so as to seek the necessary help. help.

However, what he didn't expect was that when he was looking for clues, Diablo also found him and caught him off guard on the cliff.

Polnareff, who lost his right leg and eye and fell off the cliff, really felt the passing of his life, but unlike Diablo's imagination, he did not sink to the bottom of the cold river, but held on , Crawled out wet and covered in blood, and hid in the farm downstream of the river.

In the past few years, he has recuperated in a secluded and remote countryside, and he has gradually recovered to his current state.

Maybe his life was hard, in Egypt, he was able to survive from the mighty monster Dio, and in Italy, he also survived serious injuries and illnesses.

It's just that he suffered a great injury and was trapped in a corner of the countryside. He couldn't get the best treatment, and he couldn't deliver the news.

Even so, he never gave up the idea of ​​returning to the other world and defeating Diablo.

It is obviously not realistic enough to let him do it alone.He has neither the previous strength nor a powerful companion, and even his identity needs to be concealed, not daring to be found abnormal.

Therefore, he approached the assassination organization under the name of the Pengelie family, Balia.

When he was roaming the Internet and looking for opportunities, he discovered Balia's movements, and he quickly thought of their purpose.After several struggles, he offered an olive branch.

Naturally, Balia would not let go of such a good opportunity. They learned Diablo's name from Polnareff and conducted an in-depth investigation. After confirming that it was true, they confirmed the possibility of cooperation. After that, The assassination organization made a request for a meeting.

This is exactly what he wants.

Polnareff has an important clue in his hands: he knows Diablo's stand-in ability, and he has also figured out a way to crack it.

And it is absolutely impossible for him to reveal these secrets on the Internet, meeting and communicating is undoubtedly a better choice.

Originally, his preferred meeting place was the Colosseum in the evening, which was under maintenance and was a closed area.

But Balia said that they have a better way - illusion.

This is not the first time Polnareff has heard of the existence of illusions. The power of fire is prevalent in the world in Europe, and illusionists can be regarded as one of them.But it was indeed the first time he saw with his own eyes that this weird kid in a cloak could actually help him cover up his figure. Passers-by along the way subconsciously avoided them, but they were not there in their eyes.

"Is this illusion..." the French man exclaimed, "You are so good, kid. All illusionists are like you, are you born?"

The little friend Mamon floated over from under the hood and glanced: "Not all of them. Most illusionists are the result of acquired practice, but I was born with supernatural powers, so I am also very talented in illusion, the strongest in the world." Illusionist, one of them. Also, I am not a child, this is just an appearance."

"I see." Polnareff nodded in understanding, "So you're actually an adult? You're just pretending to be like this."

"It's not a disguise." Mamon said coldly without much explanation.

He led the undetermined collaborators to the secret base, and under the cover of illusion, he did not make any detours.He didn't confuse Polnareff's senses, because even if he betrayed him and leaked his address, he should be worried about those who plotted against him. Moreover, this service is a different price.

Balia's stronghold in Rome is a small villa in the suburbs, which is attached to the name of a low-level family member, and is actually "enshrined" to them by a real estate businessman.

The villa has four floors, and the wooden stairs are carved with exquisite and gorgeous patterns. Polnareff is pushing the wheelchair, frowning. He has limited legs and feet, but he is unwilling to show weakness in front of Balia. It seems that he can only force it.

At this time, a Balia member in ordinary uniform came over, paid homage to Mamon, and pressed the button on the wall behind the shelf, the wall moved back slightly, and an elevator opened in front of him.


Polnareff was silent for a moment, he didn't understand why such an arrangement was made, maybe this is the hobby of rich people.

After getting on the elevator, Mamon led him into the room at the end of the corridor, where Xanxus worked.

The day before yesterday, the tyrant boss got angry once inside, and threw the innocent Levi, who always came together at such times, against the wall.

The busy logistics department dispatched again, repaired the walls, and replaced them with new desks and chairs—because Xanxus only wanted the best character, they had to knock on the door of the owner of the luxury furniture store overnight.

Luckily, they've gotten used to it, and they've done it all overnight with great efficiency.Otherwise, I have to let the illusionist go on top first to create the illusion of integrity.

Polnareff saw that the room had just been renovated, but didn't think much of it.

Not long after, a man in uniform with scars on his face came in, with the smell of gunpowder smoke on his body.He has a tough and handsome appearance, sharp eyebrows and eyes, with a fierce look on his face, and his whole body is full of difficult to get along with, like a young and strong lion, it makes people tremble.

He sat straight on the soft leather seat, and the hem of his coat drew a chic arc.

Polnareff knows without introduction that he is the BOSS of Balia, the rumored parent and son of the ninth generation of Vengley, and the tyrant of the inner world, Xanxus.

I heard that Pengelie's next position has been decided, but it's not the man in front of him. As for who it is, Polnareff, who is hiding and hiding, doesn't have much energy to find out.

However, now he has aroused curiosity - what kind of ruthless character can defeat this beast?

"It's you trash, you want to meet me?" Xanxus said unceremoniously, "Since you said you have critical information in your hands, then go ahead, I don't like wasting time."

Polnareff didn't care about his impolite words, and said, "I do have important information, but I must first confirm your cooperation intention. Are you sure you can kill Diablo?"

Xanxus scoffed disdainfully: "The offal of a small family."

He stared at the man in the wheelchair with scarlet eyes, "Only trash like you would regard him as an invincible devil*. In front of Balia, he is just a shivering prey."

"But the position of the prey and the hunter is never absolute. Isn't it?" Polnareff was not intimidated, "If you are not careful, you may be backlashed at any time. Diablo's demon name, It's not just a joke. He really, has demonic powers."

The silver-haired man let out a sigh of relief and revealed his biggest secret: "He has the ability to cut time."

"I know that you 'orthodox' mafia despise substitute messengers and think that we are just opportunists, but you can't see that the flaws of substitutes are fatal weaknesses. Apart from Diablo's strange abilities, substitutes are also very powerful. Are you sure you can get it?"

Hearing Diablo's stand-in ability, Xanxus became interested. Beasts under the law of the jungle respect the supreme power.

Just like at the beginning, if Tsuna Sawada was really a mediocre coward, even if he was rejected by the Vengley Ring, he would not be able to give up, and he would definitely seek power again.But since he lost, he restrained his thoughts, accepted his "father"'s conditions, returned to Balia, and continued to be the king in the shadows.

Because he has only one purpose, and that is to make Vengley stronger.

Tsunayoshi Sawada beat him, and the beast was willing to back down.

When he first received the order to assassinate the leader of "Enthusiasm", Xanxus lacked interest. When the stand-in messenger first appeared, he took action to eliminate a few guys who were overwhelmed. Although the invisible stand-in was a bit troublesome, other than that In addition, the ability is mediocre, too weak to withstand a single blow.

So he was not very enthusiastic about this goal, but after learning about his abilities, he knew that this would be a really difficult opponent, and his bellicose factor was mobilized.

Facing his collaborator's doubts, Xanxus responded confidently: "Of course. Even if he has such abilities, Pengo Li will never be defeated. I will crush the offal of "enthusiasm". "

The flames of anger were blazing, Xanxus raised his gun, and the bullet with concentrated power flew out from the gun path, grazed Polnareff's ear, hit the wall, and burst open, forming a huge hole.

Its momentum not only frightened the partners who came to negotiate, but also attracted the attention of all Balia members.

They don't need to go upstairs, they also know that this is the boss's attack again.

This has been tearing down the wall for two consecutive days. It seems that the boss has been really angry recently.

Scovalo, who was processing the paperwork report, broke his pen, "This bastard BOSS! Do you know that the wall was repaired just yesterday?!!!"

Thinking of the continuous hints from the logistics department—referring to a group of people staring straight at him with resentful expressions like ghosts, a pure gold piggy bank was given as a New Year gift.

Scovalo: Yup.

The author has something to say: *Diablo has the meaning of the devil.

Speaking of anger, playing Summon Dragon made my fist hard.

Don't get close, dears, and have a happy New Year!

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