"...So, you suspect that their destination is also Rome?" Scuvaro's loud voice seemed to be less piercing through the phone, but Risut remained vigilant, holding the phone a little further away from the eardrum.

This road is the only way for Naples to go to Rome, and they will arrive in Rome in at most another hour.Even if they are just a way, they are bound to stop in Rome. "

Risut analyzed calmly and said: "If this is the case, I think we can cooperate. You intercept them first in Rome, and we chase them from behind. Since our goals are the same, we should not allow failure."

"Hee hee." The characteristic laughter obviously came from the guy with short blond hair, too long bangs, and juggling with a knife, "Aren't you afraid that you can't handle it? Are you here to ask the prince for help? Hee hee, although the prince hates it Skillful servant, but hunting sounds like fun!"

Mamon added: "Hmm. It was agreed before that your team will complete the task by yourself, but now we need to do it? You need to pay more."

Risut didn't answer, and continued: "If their destination is really Rome, you should understand what it means, right?"

"What does it mean..." Scuvaro smiled excitedly, like a shark declaring to eat the bait, "Of course. This means that Diablo himself is in Rome."

"Diablo? Is that the boss's name?"

Risut chewed on this name, walking in the world in the name of a demon, really like the style of their elusive boss, arrogant and cautious.But soon, this nightmare for many years, the man who put the collar on them will completely disappear from the world.

This made him both happy and melancholy, feeling a little unsuited to suddenly lose his biggest goal when his long-cherished wish was about to be fulfilled.

However, he quickly put this emotion behind him.

"That's right. We've already learned his name, his past, his appearance. And, most importantly, what you're talking about—the stand-in ability."

"What is it?" As calm as Risut, he couldn't help but squeeze the phone tightly, asking urgently.

The other three members of the assassination team who had been listening—Gaccio poked his head in through the car window, Iruso parked the car on the side of the road, and Bessie held up his mobile phone so that Prosciut and Hall, who were in the hospital, could Maggio and Meloni could also hear it.

This is the boss!It is the target they have most wanted to kill these years, the reins tightened around their necks.

After investigating for so long, they finally found the day when they learned the boss's secret. They were filled with anticipation, wishing to witness this man's defeat immediately.

Scuvallo didn't catch them, and said simply and neatly: "Predict the future and cut time."

"What!" Bessie exclaimed, a head resembling a carrot popped out of fear.

"No wonder..." Garciu whispered, "No wonder Solby and Gerald died so badly..."

If they were replaced, facing such a powerful and unknown ability, the consequences would probably be the same.

But fortunately, although their abilities are terrifying, they have more advantages than before when they have mastered the information. The unknown is the most terrifying.Moreover, Diablo's stand-in must have weaknesses. With such a strong strength, the range may not be impressive. As long as they set up targeted traps, their winning rate will definitely be greatly improved.

In this regard, the assassination team still trusts the Pengo Lie family, after all, they are the kings of the world in Italy. If they say they have no research on substitute messengers, it is a lie that even children would not believe.

If they had been before, they might still have been worried that the most important advantage of stand-in messengers against other ability users is actually "invisibility", but since they are about to become Peng Lie's subordinates, of course they hope that the organization is as strong as possible.In this way, their wages are guaranteed.

Moreover, at any rate, the sky is falling and there is a tall man to support it.

"Since we have news about the boss, do we still need to arrest his daughter?" Bessie asked weakly, his face was very pale due to the injury, "Even if we catch her, will it really threaten the boss? ?... I feel that the boss is not the kind of person who values ​​blood relationship."

This makes sense. The reason why they hunted down the boss's daughter was because she was their only breakthrough at the time. Diablo was so good at hiding that there was no trace of his existence.

In fact, even if all goes well and they capture the girl, at most they can infer the boss's past from her mother's life.

They never expected that this wandering little girl really had any key clues, otherwise, with the sick behavior of the boss, they would never tolerate her existence.

But now, they are the ones who have taken the initiative.

"... Just in case." Risut decided, "The boss's whereabouts are weird, only blood can sense his location. If his daughter is caught, maybe he can be caught off guard earlier."

Knowing nothing about the undercurrent situation, Dobbio, a dedicated young man, continued to search for Polnareff's whereabouts, "Hello, have you seen a French man in a wheelchair nearby?"

Dobbio curled up his fingers and scraped off the freckles on his face, looking very shy, disappointed to see the old lady sitting in the shade of a tree shaking her head, saying that he hadn't seen a disabled person pass by all day today.

He had no choice but to leave and continue to ask passers-by.

After asking several times in a row, when he asked about a gangster on the street, the sleazy guy dusted off his cigarette ash on his purple topless sweater, "Huh? What wheelchair man? Not at all. I’ve seen it! Compared to this, should you say you have eyesight or no eyesight? Just happened to be when I had no money. Since I have answered your questions kindly, don’t you want to be mean? What I want is also Not much, just give me some money to buy cigarettes."

"What—!" Dobio was pushed and shoved by him, furious, "You bastard! What nonsense are you talking about? You don't have any help at all?! You still want to ask me for money!"

"Hey, that's not the case. I've been thinking hard for a long time to help you think about that wheelchair man. Isn't it worth a little money from you?" The gangster responded confidently.

"Nonsense! It's because of people like you that my task is so difficult! You maggot in the sewer, you still want to blackmail me, go to hell!"

The polite young man stabbed the knife into the gangster's eye, "Ah----!!! My eye!!!"

Panting from the pain, he didn't dare to move the knife, so he could only hold it blankly, the bright red blood flowed from his hand, "Wait, wait! You, don't be impulsive! I, I remembered, I want you to The man I'm looking for is impressive! He's a silver-haired man with glasses, isn't he? I know where he lives! Really! I can take you there right now!"

"Really?!" Dobio withdrew the next knife that was going to be stabbed into the gangster's waist, but he still gestured, "Where is it? Don't lie to me! Or—"

"Don't dare, dare not." He waved his hands again and again, lamenting today's bad luck in his heart.

Could this guy be the mafia?

A phone call from Yoshikage Kira.

Chuan Pingyu looked at the caller ID on the screen, without much hesitation, told Mista to stop the car, grabbed the phone and walked for tens of meters, making sure that no one else could hear him before connecting.

"What's the matter?" He listened to the noise coming from over there, the signal in Arakizhuang was not good, so the electronic sound was serious, but fortunately he could barely hear it.

Through the phone, Yoshikage Kira's tone was not very clear: "Diablo is gone. Dio insisted that he didn't eat him, Katz denied that he did it, and Valentine also said that he used D4C's ability."


Chuan Pingyu did not expect that his roommate, who was not considered a living person and could not leave the house, would have such troubles.

"Not necessarily." Yoshikage Kira said, "Pucci said that Diablo asked him for help to take out his own disc, which is a memory disc. Didn't he ask you to send something before?"

"You mean...he sent himself to 'himself.'"

No wonder.

Chuan Pingyu's eyes froze.No wonder he got involved in the mafia struggle and became one of the mission targets of the escort team.

He vaguely knows that Diablo is the boss of an Italian gang organization, and he also has a daughter who is the biggest failure of his mouth.

However, due to inertial thinking, he always thought that the people at Araki Village would never be able to leave, so he did not expect that all of this was arranged by Diablo. When he found that reality and Araki Village were out of sync, he planned everything.

"Very likely. Anyway, you'd better be careful, if Diablo succeeds, he won't keep you."

Yoshikage Kira reminded that they all knew what kind of scum Diablo, who seemed to be at the bottom of Araki Village, was.

Of course, if it was him himself, it would be absolutely impossible for someone to know his secret without doing anything.

Everyone is not a good person, otherwise how could they be trapped here.

"Okay." After clearing up the situation, Chuan Pingyu breathed a sigh of relief, facing an unknown enemy and a known "old friend", the feeling is completely different, "Thank you."

After hanging up the phone, Yushi Chuanping returned to the team and expressed his gratitude politely.

Although they were curious, this was what the boss wanted, and they all had an unknown respect in their hearts, so they didn't inquire about anything.

And Trixiu knew that she and Chuan Pingyu were just strangers, and that he was able to treat him patiently and gently was already a sign of high self-cultivation, and she should not touch other people's privacy.

Giorno wanted to ask, he had an extremely strong interest in Chuan Pingyu's secret, but it was difficult to open his mouth due to the current environment.

The vehicle started again, and Yushi Chuanping leaned against the window, the retreating clouds reflected in his pupils.

Diablo, I'm coming for you.

The author has something to say: After watching Hepburn's "Dragon and Phoenix", the movie in 1954 is so powerful, it's so good to watch, it's so sweet ww


Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 8 bottles in a row;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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