The sweets in this shop are not bad, but the portions are too small. Gluttony was carrying a large package in one hand and gnawing on a snack in the other.Bring some to Wu Jie, he likes sweet things very much. Gluttony looked back at the shattered corpses all over the floor, the meat ones should not be used.He ate too many times, Wu Jie seemed to be tired of eating.Although he's not picky...

In that dessert shop, a man whose waist was cut open moved his fingers slightly, his mouth opened and closed in horror, and then he just uttered a few sounds before dying.

"Hahaha..." Gluttony walked halfway and heard laughter in the nearby shop, so he walked over without any fear, carrying the bag.The gate was locked, but such a hindrance was no different from an open gate in Gluttony's eyes.He just pushed lightly, and the door flew open.

The few people in the room were still joking, they were startled when they saw the person who broke into the door suddenly, and looked at Gluttony with their weapons in their hands. Gluttony glanced at the beheaded bodies around him, then at the scattered merchandise in the store.

The leader of the group looked Gluttony up and down, confirmed that he was just unarmed and alone, and relaxed a little.He raised his voice and said, "Is this person here to buy something? It seems that your luck is not very good, this place is mine now." He scanned Gluttony and felt that the other person's appearance was not bad: "Of course if you can let me ..." Before he finished speaking, his head was cut off and fell off.The people around him were shocked to realize that Gluttony had already appeared behind them.

Those who reacted well immediately picked up their weapons and took a step back to be vigilant, while those who responded poorly and timidly basically sat on the ground, motionless.

This is a shop that builds gear. Gluttony glanced at the weapons and equipment with magical attributes. In his eyes, these were like egg shells, which would break when pinched, without any defensive function at all. Gluttony's eyes flicked to the dagger engraved with a spell in the man's hand again, such a thing might give Wu Jie... Forget it, even the thing between Lust's legs can't be cut off.

Gluttony sighed, better go find something to eat elsewhere.

Or, find a few females, these are all males, the meat is too tough.

Gluttony walked slowly towards the door, and those people also turned around to guard against him as he walked, but when Gluttony stepped on the threshold, their lives were harvested silently.

Wherever he goes, no one is left alive.This is the common characteristic of the seven of them.Well, except for Sloth, that guy is kind of lazy, no, lazy!

It's been a long time since I came out to look at the sky. Pride stood at the highest point of this place, looking up at the sky, and behind him, a group of guards surrounded him with weapons under the house.

The highest point is naturally the roof of the emperor's office.

Pride gave the group of people a look, he just sighed a little, he didn't have the idea of ​​killing yet, this group of people, are they just looking for death in such a hurry?

He slowly spread his snow-white wings.Huge wings wrapped around him, Pride sneered and flew towards the sky.The wind from the flapping of the wings turned into a wind blade, which cut the necks of the group of people.

inside the house.The emperor squatted under the table and shivered. Could the nightmare that happened 1000 years ago be staged again?Can he escape this disaster?

Pride didn't pay attention to the humans in the house, he just wanted to take a good look at this long-lost world now.

"Gems, gold coins, antiques, Sorcerer's Stone, books, potions..." Greed looked at the treasure piled up in front of him and shook his head: "Is there any more?"

And the man in front of Greed trembled and knelt on the ground: "The auction, everything in the auction...all, all are here." He didn't dare to tell lies, otherwise he would be like those people, turning into a corpse .He is the only living person left in this auction, which also shows that he is very discerning.

"Well, good. I heard you know a lot about these identifications?" Greed rubbed his chin and thought about it.

The man nods.

"Other than that, what else do you want?"

"I, I..." The man suddenly said, "I can do anything, and I'm very good at learning!"

Greed nodded: "Okay, take these things and follow me."

The man nodded tremblingly.

In a residential area, it was quiet without a single sound.Some houses are still lit, and even hot water is still burning on the stove, but no one will go to extinguish the fire in the stove.Because there is no living person in this area.Blood stained the floor and walls.There were tortured corpses everywhere.There was a strong smell of blood in the wind.A red-haired man, covered in blood, was resting on top of a dead body.

"Remember to wash yourself before you go back." A young man who was still playing with the Rubik's Cube happily came over and looked at Wrath with disgust: "You smell really strong."

Wrath didn't even give him a look.

"No matter how many people you kill, you can't appease your anger." Envy jokingly said, "So I advise you, it's better to save your energy. You were betrayed at the beginning because you were too stupid!"

Wrath glared at him.

"After venting, go back to Endless Island to meet up." Envy said, "From now on, there will be our base camp." He looked up at the sky.

"From there, turn the world upside down!"


Shi Liang didn't know how long he ran before he stopped, his nose twitched, and he smelled a very bad breath, quite strong.

This... is the smell of blood.He looked to the side in fear. According to Reina, there should be seven people, right?

Next to it, there is a cake shop that is open.They half covered it, the smell of blood came from inside the door, Shiliang tremblingly moved a step over there, trying to lift his foot in, then he lowered his head and saw dark red blood slowly flowing out from the crack in the door.

Goosebumps all over Shi Liang's body, he took a quick step back, then turned around and ran away.

When he came here, he personally came into contact with war.But that time was different from this time. At that time, he didn't dare to look at it, and it was obvious that the target of both parties was not him. He could survive only by luck.But this time, it is guaranteed that the other party will kill him when he gets angry.He is now only one step away from death.

Shi Liang suddenly didn't know where to go, and whichever way he went would be dangerous.Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching slowly.Shi Liang felt his hairs stand on end. He stood motionless, knowing that he heard a familiar cry: "Oh, help..."

Shi Liang turned his head and saw the dusty Reina running towards this side while crying.

"what happened?"

"It's Lust, it must be him!" Reina cried out of breath: "I saw it, he killed my father and that woman, and after that... he, he..."

"What's up with him?"

"My sister wanted to kill him, and he took off my sister's clothes..." Reina cried.

Shi Liang instantly understood: "Then did he see you?"

Lei Na nodded, Shi Liang was frightened immediately.

"He, he didn't have time to talk to me." Reina cried.

"Let's go!" Shi Liang decisively pulled Leina and started to run wildly. God bless, let that Lust not be interested in Leina!

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