back in love with a girl

Chapter 1 My name is Jian Shi

"My name is Jian Shi, I have money, a house and a car.

The people around me are very friendly, and they are more accommodating to me in everything, not too embarrassing.

Since childhood, due to the superior economic conditions, I never felt that survival was a very difficult thing.

In this face-conscious society, I can also meet many people who [appreciate] me.

Smooth sailing is almost a habit.So I rarely feel redundant malice. "

Jian Shi, who is 25 years old this year, feels how precious the things that he was accustomed to have before the age of 22, but was not satisfied with wasted by him.

It's a pity that everything that should have been cherished was wiped out at the age of 22, after she made that stupid flash marriage decision that she thought was crazy and exciting, just like the festive firecrackers on the wedding day.

The ex-boyfriend ran away from marriage, and he was still with a person of the same gender.

What Jian Shi didn't understand the most was that she was obviously cheated into getting married as a spare tire, but in the end, the cries of sympathy and true love fell on the couple.

Having been deceived by same-sex marriage, he became the third party of "beating mandarin ducks with sticks".

What followed was the news of the bankruptcy of the parents' company.

The two who rarely cared about their daughter for 20 years finally returned home.

But apart from the constant quarrels and scolding, there is no family warmth anymore.

Even so, Jian Shi never thought of dying.

She often hypnotizes herself that these worlds of difference are just the experience that God made her mature.

Even the way of self-introduction remains the same.

In this horrific first-tier city, I can’t afford a monthly salary. Although I applied for the job successfully, I found out that this is an ordinary to scumbag small advertising company. Looking at what is in the bowl, thinking about the nouveau riche boss in the pot;

Living alone in a cheap rental house, occasionally worrying about water and electricity when I am too shy;

The car to go to work is a bus that can accommodate nearly a hundred people.

As for the people around me...

She Jian Shi was not very popular at first, but fortunately, with the halo of being a former young lady, a genius girl and various Olympiad champions, at least people mentioned that she was a good impression of "school belle", "inviolable" and "cold".

For a college student like her who "graduated from a famous university majoring in financial management", after graduation, her classmates either went to their own company or went to their relative's company to change from the second generation of rich to the first generation of rich.

It's just a pity that when I was studying, I was too rich. After graduating from the so-called famous school, which is actually recommended for admission as long as the family has money or power, Jian Shi fell from the clouds to the bottom of the valley after four years of graduation.

The funniest thing is that because of her pampered personality when she was in school, even if she was in a deep quagmire, those who usually rush to call her brothers and sisters all realistically swarmed away.

She realized that she was so poor that she had no friends, so she struggled again for three years.

Honed to become a 25-year-old Xin Jianshi who has experienced ups and downs.

When I ran into former classmates by chance on the street, they would say that she was like a different person.


Jian Shi didn't know if this was a good thing or a bad thing.

The face in the mirror looked less youthful and energetic than in previous years.

He patted the delicate face sprayed with cucumber water twice, and finally covered up the vicissitudes of life with a smile.

——Even if the world is against you, you have to fight with your head held high!

This is the reason why Jian Shi is proud, and she doesn't want to be looked down upon.

Today is her 25th birthday and her promotion day.

In any case, being alone in such a first-tier city for a long time is something worth celebrating, isn't it?

It is said that the company is actually just the facade of a small office building with only a dozen employees.

The boss's assistant finally handed in his resignation because he couldn't bear to work overtime every day, which led to the fledgling Jian Shi having the opportunity to "reach the sky in one step" and jump three levels in a row.

Intrigue is also indispensable in a small place.Who will believe it if it is not an unspoken rule?

When Jian Shi pushed open the glass door, the two who were whispering in the cubicle immediately fell silent with guilt.

Of course she knew what the "director" who was a young lady was talking about with the "designer" who just graduated from college.

Why don't you choose to give the benefits to a troubled daughter instead of a "hero" with professional advantages or an experienced "veteran employee"?

The reason is obvious, it is just to covet people to be young and beautiful.


Jian Shi brushed her long hair without leaving a trace, sat in her seat, turned on the computer and started working as usual.

It seemed that he couldn't see the two unkind eyes cast by him at all.

——Well, you've already gotten used to it anyway, haven't you?Not the first time.

The innermost glass door was pushed open, and it was obvious that the intern, who had been scolded again, held a stack of documents dejectedly, and said to Jian Shi who looked indifferent: "The boss asked you to go in."

This time, the director didn't shy away from it any more, and let out a strange "hum" in a daze.

Knowing that she could no longer ignore her, Jian Shi didn't say much, but just turned her attention to her.

There was nothing more calm and calm in those eyes, which made the provocative people lose their confidence.

Smiling again, and fascinated the unknown intern, Jian Shi slowly walked to the manager's office...

"Bang" the sound of closing the door.

The fat-headed and big-eared Di Hao saw a capable and mature woman in professional suits coming in, couldn't help swallowing, and said with a smile on his face: "Jian Shi, are you at work?"

Jian Shi nodded slightly as a response: "What's the general manager?"

"It's nothing important. Sit, sit, sit. Sit down first and let's talk slowly. Anyway, there's nothing to do recently." Di Hao stood up, sat on the sofa, and pointed to the opposite seat by the way.

Jian Shi hesitated for a moment, and said, "If there is nothing important, I'll go out first. Didn't I pick up a few orders yesterday? I'm going out to deal with it."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Di Hao quickly got up and blocked the door, and locked it behind him: "Just let them do those things for nothing. You have been working under me for so long. I know you very well. You are too reluctant, now you are my secretary, as long as you are responsible and take care of me, it will be fine."

"As far as I know, the work of a secretary does not include having to be in the same room with the boss during working hours." Jian Shi took a step back vigilantly, dealing with him has always been an inevitable part of her military affairs, but today's Di Hao's eyes seemed to be hotter than ever, making her feel uncomfortable.

Sure enough, when she was on a errand, Di Hao no longer concealed the fact that she had been coveting for a long time: "Yeah, I don't want to be ambiguous anymore. I just want to get you. I have been thinking about it for a long time. Do you know how beautiful you are? I The first time I saw you, there was a feeling of deep-rooted love a long time ago, you know?"

This raid made Jian Shi lose half of his soul, and his first reaction was to remind: "General manager, please show some respect! Are you not afraid that I will tell Zhu Zhu like this!"

She thought Di Hao would be merciful if she moved out her old classmates.

But obviously not the case.

Not only did Di Hao not stop talking, but he also approached her even more presumptuously. He touched her buttocks with his salty pig's hand, and the stinky smell of tobacco and alcohol penetrated into Jian Shi's nose: "Miya, you won't tell her, You have nothing, I gave you today, you are so beautiful, why do you always work hard? You are my woman, I can give you money, give you everything, in the future you will not worry about food or worry wear, as long as..."


A loud slap landed on Di Hao's face.

Jian Shi trembled and looked at him with disgust: "Disgusting!"

"You..." Di Hao didn't expect that Jian Shi, who has always been submissive, would have such a big reaction, and couldn't help but feel very embarrassed, "You dare to hit me? Have you thought about it? If you don't follow me, not only Secretary position, I can make you unable to stay in the whole company."

"Then goodbye." I don't know where the courage came from, and Jian Shi also felt that he had really had enough.

Although I know that I may never find a suitable job again, it is better than staying here.

The eavesdroppers outside the door didn't realize that Jian Shi would come out suddenly, so it was quite embarrassing to meet each other.

They are clearly colleagues who get along with each other day and night, but at this moment, seeing that they are in trouble, they are all watching the excitement, Jian Shi sneers in his heart, and also shows displeasure on his face, arranges his clothes, and goes out.

The streets are bustling with traffic.

The world is spinning fast.

But there was no place for her anymore.

Jian Yi felt wronged.

Sunshine fainted a few times, and took the No. [-] bus to go home.


My friend Qu Zhuzhu called at 09:30 in the evening.

At that time, Jian Shi, who was covered with a mask, was lying on the mat and sketching various recruitment information in front of a mountain of newspapers.

In fact, she regretted it quite a bit. It was really hard to find a job with less work and more money. She should have chosen a more tactful way instead of being so extreme.

So when the phone rang, Jian Shi thought that there was still room for maneuver in this matter.

Moreover, Qu Zhuzhu seemed to be on her side, constantly apologizing, and said: "I heard what happened that day, it was my uncle who was wrong, he has regretted it now, and begged me to apologize to you, and said that in the future Never again. Just forgive him."

Jian Shi felt weird when she heard her say this, but she still refused: "Forget it, it will be awkward when we meet in the future..."

"I'm sorry, Shishi, I asked you to go..." Zhu Zhu on the phone changed the subject and said again, "I will also help you find other jobs, you won't blame me, will you?"

Jian Shi had no choice but to say: "It's okay, it's over."

"Hehe, you have been beautiful since you were a child, so it's not surprising that you attract bees and butterflies. Don't say that my uncle is full of blood, even if I am a girl, I can't help but look at you all the time!" Qu Zhuzhu looked at her. Getting angry, he also joked, "By the way, there is a class reunion this weekend, why don't you go with me?"

Class reunion stuff...

Isn't it just a place for good students to show off and bad students to cry silently?

Obviously, it is impossible for Jian Shi to catch a cold: "I happen to have something..."

"I knew you would say that!" Qu Zhuzhu was a prophet, "I said you, because you are too housebound, you can't find anyone to help you at critical moments, and I can't give you much help, so you fall into my uncle's place." In the hands of that jackal! The day after tomorrow at eleven noon, Oriental Hotel! See you soon, remember to dress up nicely, someone has been waiting to see you for a long time!"

Before he had time to refuse, the other side had already hung up vigorously.

Listening to the beeping busy tone, Jian Shi had no choice but to tear off the mask.

The cupboard was empty, and when she looked in the mirror, she looked like she was in a loose suit. In just three years, from a wealthy daughter to a street person, all that time left her was that still beautiful face.

Not knowing who to tell it to, she stroked the mirror, and when she saw herself inside, she said with the same distress: "Jian Shi, who are you showing pity to?"

Finally, she opened the notebook.

——At the very least, it shouldn't make people feel how miserable they really are.

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