back in love with a girl

Chapter 37 The Iron Tree Blooms B

After connecting the last line, Wen Yi casually wiped the sweat from her forehead.I happened to see the stains on the gloves. I don't know if it's cleanliness or obsessive-compulsive disorder. I always feel stuck.

Taking off the gloves casually, the partners either left or went to the duty room to rest. The boyfriend who said he would wait for her to go with her also fell asleep on the side table.

It's better not to wake him up...Wen Yi stopped when she was about to drop her hands, took off her white coat and put it on for him, and then opened the door.

The lights were not turned on, and under the moonlight pouring down from the glass window, the frozen red bridge of the beauty's nose and the magazines on her arms were like a magnificent picture that was breathtaking.

Why do so many people pursue art?Is it useless?

She couldn't figure it out.

It's just that this picture has a magical power that makes people can't help but get close. When Wen Yi realized it, Yin Zhenqian's face was already close at hand.Her heavy breathing hit her face, and even the few fine bangs that fell on her forehead were blown up.

Wen Yi was startled, and sat back heavily on the carpet, panting in the quiet room.

What am I doing... we are all girls... I actually, would want to possess her?

After finally slowing down, Wen Yi felt that she must be crazy, she took two steps back, stood up and wanted to leave, but her hand was grabbed from behind.

The two of them stood in a strange posture for a while.Yin Zhenqian, on the other hand, was annoyed by this indifference, and exerted all her strength with hatred. Wen Yi staggered and fell on the cushion next to her, leaning her back against the sofa, and was forced to look at her against the starlight, before admitting her mistake: " Sorry...I don't know why..."

"Yeah, why..." Yin Zhenqian didn't understand why, but she just stepped forward, her whole body pressed on Wen Yi.

It's that kind of smell, mixed with it so close, Wen Yi couldn't tell whether it was from Yin Zhenqian, who acted recklessly on her body but never offended her, or from herself.

Why?I will like you that much?

A pretty girl will be chased by many boys, and Yin Zhenqian is no exception.As the campus belle of X University, she lived every day boringly, but no one would ever think of her as a vase.

She is smart, able to deal with boys with ease, and is also popular among girls.

Ordinary girls are like flowers competing for beauty, blooming in groups, and when there is a unique tree that stands out in the forest, they will be rejected, but Yin Zhenqian avoids this.

Even if the promising student of X University confessed to her, Yin Zhenqian would refuse without hesitation with the most suitable reasons, making her lose her face and repeatedly hitting a wall, but she had no way to blame her.

The reason Yin Zhenqian used as a shield was: "I like girls."

Yin Zhenqian has always had an "imaginary girlfriend", her long hair and curvy eyebrows are exactly the same as hers. Surrounded by X big, although no one has seen it, but there is no evidence to prove that this person does not exist.

Whether there is such a person, only Yin Zhenqian knows.

But before today, she absolutely didn't know that one day, she actually fell in love with a girl while talking.

Moreover, this girl is not the same as the template I described. She is unkempt, cold and distant, timid and wise, but it is always difficult for people to guess her thoughts.

With her outstanding appearance and aura, Yin Zhenqian always feels that it is very easy for people to get close.But recently, she found herself under the spell of a person who couldn't see her at all.

Even if we were with her, we would always talk about Newton's fixed-rate Hawking theory that we couldn't understand, and I would think that the way that person talked about flying was cute.

Love cannot be explained by science.

The moment the incandescent light switch was pressed, Wen Yi suddenly pushed away Yin Zhenqian who was pressing on top of her wantonly.

The boy looked at the two flushed faces angrily, and said in a bad tone: "What are you doing?!"

Yin Zhenqian didn't expect to be pushed away, and hit the back of her head on the coffee table. She was dizzy for a moment, and then she looked at Shang Wenyi's puzzled, flustered, trembling eyes.

She is restless.It was the first time for Yin Zhenqian to see so many emotions on Wen Yi's face, which was as plain as water, and then she was also drawn into her thoughts - is she hating me?

The boy helped Wenyi up and sat on the sofa, and took off the white coat with Wenyi's name printed on it: "I woke up and found you gone, and I was a little worried that something happened to you. I didn't expect..."

Wen Yi didn't answer, but this scene made Yin Zhenqian feel extremely dazzling, patted the messy long skirt, and stopped looking at them: "I'm leaving."

There was a cold echo after the door was closed, Wen Yi hadn't reacted yet, she just felt that she, who did bad things in the dark, was openly exposed to the air like this, and felt a little ashamed of herself.

"I didn't tell you before, this Yin Zhenqian is a pervert who likes girls. She must have a purpose in approaching you! Wen Yi, you have to be careful of her in the future!"

The boy's voice echoed from Wen Yi's ears like sharp glass passing through the blackboard.

"I'm tired, I'm going back to sleep." Wen Yi broke free from his embrace and went home.

Although she became a little slack in her boring studies and went shopping occasionally, Wen Yi never met Yin Zhenqian again.

It seems that everything that happened before was just the end of summer, and at the most depressing moment of spring, it suddenly seemed like an icehouse.

Wen Yi walked under the bulletin boards of the micro-movies that she had participated in before, bit her lip, and suddenly someone called her, "Hey, isn't this Wen Yi?"

A woman with heavy make-up but still charming said to her in surprise, and standing next to her arm in arm was Yin Zhenqian who had not seen her for a long time with a smile on her face.

When I was feeling sentimental, it seemed that this person was not affected at all.

Wen Yi felt sour, she said "um" and was about to leave, but the woman who seemed indomitable murmured and stopped her from behind: "Zhenqian also said that you are very busy recently, don't you have time?" ? Come on, I can also ask you personally, would you like to participate in my TV series? The pay is very high!"

When did Yin Zhenqian come to ask herself?Just as Wen Yi was about to speak, she heard Yin Zhenqian evade for her: "She is not a professional actress, Aunt Li, you should hire someone else."

Maybe it's anger, maybe it's resentment, maybe it's fate.

Wen Yi didn't even ask what kind of TV series it was, and just accepted the task like this: "I want to participate in it!"

================================================== =====

One person and one dog listened with gusto, and before they knew it, it was dawn. When Wen Yi said this, Jian Shi naturally thought: "Is it "Golden Branches in the Harem"? I didn't expect you to shoot that work at such a young age."

Wen Yi nodded: "Well, the two of us actually liked each other at that time, but both of us were not mature enough. I always felt that Yin Zhenqian deliberately made things difficult for me, but Yin Zhenqian always felt that I liked my boyfriend at that time, so the two of us fell in love with each other. They are more similar to the characters in the play, I don’t know if it’s because of this, that TV series has also become our famous work..."

"Then..." Jian Shi couldn't figure it out. It stands to reason that Yin Zhenqian is a film and television major, and Wen Yi should be just a hobby. But after that TV show, Yin Zhenqian hardly had any new works, but Wen Yi became a hit. tidy.

"Maybe my role is more likable. Zhenqian has a wide range of roles, but poisonous tongue women are always unpopular. After that time, I was really popular. Soon some dramas adapted from romance novels came to me, and the school also spread It doesn't sound good, saying that I was promoted based on Zhenqian's relationship, but in the end I was beaten back, and the female director, who is also my immediate boss, is a lesbian who has come out publicly..."

Jian Shi immediately made up some unspoken rules, but was shattered by Wen Yi: "We are friends."

"Oh..." Jian Shi was dubious, and suddenly remembered something, "We have talked so much, what does it have to do with my time travel?"

"Oh..." Wen Yi thought for a while and said, "It must be related."

Jian Shi: "Why do I feel that you don't quite understand?"

Wen Yi said: "In short, when we confessed our hearts to each other, there were many misunderstandings... For example, that stinky boy, who was my boyfriend at the time, is now Yin Xiao's father... He got it from him. Get in the way."

"You mean? Yin Xiao's father??" Jian Shi was in a bad mood.

At the crucial part, Obama interjected, "Don't interrupt."

"The most important thing is the existing problems between us..." Wen Yi fell into pain, "We are all people who keep secrets in our hearts and never communicate, so we are always suspicious of each other. Yin Zhenqian I was jealous of him, and took him away from me, thinking that I would be very sad. But I just endured it, thinking of fulfillment. Feudal education made me lack emotional intelligence. I always think that falling in love with the same sex is an unforgivable sin. Therefore , When Zhenqian got married, I realized my mistake. I really want to go back in time and do it all over again."

"Oh, I get it, you want to get back together with Yin Zhenqian and counterattack the scumbag!" Jian Shi said smartly.

Wen Yi smiled lightly: "No, after Zhenqian's death... I did regret it, but it was not because of anything else, she was the only child, and because of my special status, I was under more pressure than ordinary people and had to hold back. Everything we faced made us destined not to be together from the very beginning. But I always believed in something, and while hesitating, I couldn’t always reject her well. How should I put it? I think I am her disaster Uh, she should have lived dazzlingly, but I brought those bad hazy things into her life, which caused her to turn the cart before the horse, and eventually she died. I want to go back to the past, not to tell She I still love her, but let her not fall in love with me again."

"If she hadn't met me in the first place, wouldn't have fallen in love with me carelessly, she wouldn't have ended up like this. She would have found someone truly worthy of her liking, and lived this life dazzlingly, instead of perishing in a tsunami at a young age."

For this reason, Wen Yi, who was in love for a while, also put down her acting career and locked herself in the laboratory.

From the information left by her grandfather, Wen Yi knew that such a thing as a time machine was almost a paradox, but she still refused to give up.In the end, she searched for many years and learned the legend of the Wen family's totem.

Originally, Wen Yi never believed in these things, but an unexpected visit gave her the honor to pay respects to the totem of the Wen family at that time, which was the Tibetan Mastiff.

Tibetan Mastiff heard about Wen Yi's research on the time machine, and persuaded her: "You are a very talented person, why don't you use your wisdom where possible?"

Wenyi got to know the talking dog a lot, but she still said stubbornly: "If I don't go back to the past, I will live in self-blame forever, and I won't rest in peace when I die."

It turns out that the Tibetan mastiff has the ability to predict the future of others, but for some unknown purpose, it leaked the secret to her: "The research on the time machine has begun to show signs, but this thing is very unstable, so I suggest you, get this physique suitable girls as test subjects."

"So you put the time machine on me??" Seeing that the matter finally came to him, Jian Shi was also drunk, "No, if it was me, would it be me? Is it me or her or... No, I'm from ten years later, how did you manage to send me here in 2014?"

"To be honest, I don't know why you time travel." Wen Yi said, "Maybe in 2014, the development of the time machine was really successful... But who sent you here, whether it was me or someone else, I will I don't know, because of the experiment ten years ago, I failed."

ten years ago?So ten years ago, Wenyi conducted a cruel experiment on 15-year-old, who was only five years old? ?

"I'm sorry, I thought I must have been crazy at that time. I couldn't get rid of the self-blame brought about by Zhenqian's death, so because of a word from the Tibetan mastiff, I attacked you... Fortunately, it didn't succeed at that time .But I have never given up on research until today..."

Five-year-old Jian Shi also stayed in the time and space ten years ago. Ten years later, Wen Yi met Jian Shi from 2014 by chance, and could not help doubting the feasibility of traveling through time and space again.

So, she was moved again.

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