my god is from hell

Chapter 11 Delinquency

"Then what should we do? Can we just watch Kane's magic take effect? ​​Is there no other way?"

Zuo Luoxing saw that Kane had already bent down to pick up the sapphire cufflinks that the young man threw on the ground, and felt anxious.

According to the man, the scope of this kind of magic is far more than pure inanimate objects, then the cufflinks thrown by the boy may not be treasured objects in the true sense.

You can tell from the other person's expression that this cufflink may be the most precious thing on him, but it is definitely not the most precious thing.

The man is also watching the movement over there.

But different from Zuo Luoxing, Mingyou's gaze not only fell on Kane, but also on the blond man in breeches and boots beside Kane.

Since Kane appeared, it seems that in order to leave enough stage for Kane's magic, he spontaneously stood behind Kane's side, showing a natural obedience posture.

But Mingyou knew that this person was also performing magic.

"Kane's magic is not without flaws." Mingyou stared at the bored man behind Kane who was fiddling with the scabbard with his thumb, and explained gently.

"What do you mean?" Zuo Luoxing really didn't know anything about Kane's magic.

"His magical function is to take away what is most cherished by the liar, but what if the recipient chooses not to lie?"

"If you don't lie, you must hand over what he really cherishes. Isn't the result the same?"

Zuo Luoxing also considered this problem, but there was no solution.

Mingyou shook his head: "Kane's magic is only aimed at liars, and it is actually not binding on whether the recipient respects the agreement."

Zuo Luoxing's eyes lit up: "That is to say, we can choose not to lie or hand over anything."

"That's the problem." Mingyou looked solemnly, "You can't break the agreement."

"What do you mean?" Zuo Luoxing was stunned.

"Do you know why Ezio was the first to enter the hall instead of Kane?" Mingyou said.

"...I haven't thought about this problem." Zuo Luoxing thought that it was normal for important people to appear in the finale, and the younger brother usually took the lead.

Although Ezio looks awe-inspiring, at present, it seems that Kane is the central figure of the Kane Star Thieves.

"It's for Ezio to be the first to perform the divine spell—the promise to be heard by the gods. The effect is to say what you say, and you can't go back on it, otherwise you will offend the gods and suffer eternal punishment from the gods." Mingyou said.

There are actually quite a few people who know the effects of Ezio's magic, but because Kane beside him is too dazzling, and since he joined the Kane Star Thieves, Ezio has gradually restrained his own arrogance and focused on cooperating with Kane.

So much so that many people forgot that this man with honey-colored eyes who often followed Kane was once cruelly called the Executioner of God, and he was also a rare holder of regular divine spells.

Zuo Luoxing put Mingyou's words into his mind and turned a corner, suddenly realized, and said in shock: "So if you refuse the deal from the beginning, you won't actually get anything taken away?"

If you don't plan to exchange the most precious things in your body to leave from the beginning, you don't need to cover up the most important things in your body. Whether it is silent resistance or fearless outspokenness, the effects of the two divine spells will not be triggered.

And once a lie is told, there is no turning back.

Zuo Luoxing couldn't help looking at Mingyou, who was always calm and rational despite his serious eyes.

If the facts were told from the beginning, wouldn't so many people fall into the trap of the Kane Star Thief Group in order to leave?

Zuo Luoxing couldn't help feeling a bit of resentment in his heart, and was shocked by his own dark thoughts!

wrong!What was he thinking about!

Kane has at least five god-calling powers in him, how can he ask others to put himself in danger for the safety of others?

Telling the truth will bring Mingyou into Kane's sight all of a sudden...

Zuo Luoxing felt ashamed of his momentary thoughts, and was afraid to look into Mingyou's eyes.

But Mingyou said at this time: "When Kane starts to draw the gods to summon the gods, it is the time when his energy is the most concentrated and the spiritual power is consumed the fastest. At that time, we will take action together, hoping to create at least a little chance to escape. "

The power of the five summoning gods is not a simple superposition, but a proportional increase. After all, a person's spiritual power is limited. Even if the contract space can accommodate five summoning gods, the power that can be used in the end will not exceed the limit of spiritual power.

We can only hope that when his spiritual power is the most scarce, the combined power of the two can break through a gap.

The bearded man heard the conversation between the two, but showed disapproval.

These two people don't know what it means to have five summoning gods in one person!

Not only the increase in power, but he can also use the core magic of five summoning gods at the same time!Even if a summoner can only comprehend one kind of core magic, there are still five kinds of magic!

escape?There is only one posture to escape, but there are five ways to die without escaping!

The bearded man once witnessed how Kane treated a person trying to escape on a starship, and the way of death was tragic!

The man's flesh and blood cracked and rolled, and blood-red flowers quickly grew on his blood-drenched body. In just a few seconds, the roots of the flowers penetrated deeply into the blood vessels of the man, following the other's every move. There was joy in his arms, stomach, back and thighs.

The appearance of that human-shaped flower mud, the bearded man feels sick to his stomach now thinking about it, he would rather be drawn to summon the gods than die like that!

However, the bearded man didn't want to lose his spirit and become an ordinary person. He carefully recalled what happened on the starship last time, and soon his eyes gradually darkened.

Last time, he also fell into Kane's trap. Because of lying, he lost the most precious thing on his body-a string of ivory necklaces given to him by his mother.

He thought about it carefully, and the reason why he was not found to summon the gods was because he had just possessed the summoned gods at that time, and he did not trust the power of the summoned gods, so he held the necklace tightly and prayed for the blessing of the illusory gods on it It can withstand a fatal attack for him, and therefore, the necklace is judged to be his most important thing.

But now, Summoning God has brought him too many things, and he can no longer give up on Him.


The dark and lustful eyes of the bearded man gradually fell on the little girl beside him.

This girl is something he bought with his own hands. Her eyes are pure and innocent, her body is soft and cute, and her voice is like a cat moaning, which is endearing. He cherishes her very much, maybe...

The bearded man's eyes became more and more revealing, and he restrained himself a little only because he felt uncomfortable looking at the girl.

He has to wait, offering it up is too suspicious, and Kane will definitely suspect it. He has to wait for the two people in front of him to make a move before finding a chance to hand it over as a last resort.

After such a short time, Kane has already walked in front of the fourth person.

In front of this person, three people have already lied, and all have been taken away from things that are really important, but for the time being, they are not important, at least one of them has lost his thick hair, which does not look sympathetic, but rather Very funny.

So no one realized the horror of the divine arts, and they were still trying to deceive Kane.

Only the boy at the very beginning held the returned sapphire cufflinks in surprise.

He didn't think that Kane was joking with everyone. On the contrary, the red string that Kane had just taken away was indeed the most important thing in his trip.

It was made up for him by his sister when he was just born, and he kept it carefully and never left it, and few people knew the importance of this thing to him.

Kane will really take away what he thinks is the most valuable from everyone!

That is to say-

"Wait, what if a person thinks that the most valuable thing in him is himself?"

Zuo Luoxing looked at Yan Qing, who was silent for some reason beside him, and suddenly thought, since the other party can take away the "thing" between the entity and the void, can the other party also take it away? A person's life?

Mingyou's eyes didn't fluctuate at all: "That can only be considered his bad luck."

Zuo Luoxing's pupils trembled.

At this moment, the fourth passenger handed over a silver ring, and Kane's sea-blue eyes were half-smiling: "This is not your most cherished thing!"

The man didn't feel the danger, and said brazenly: "This is what I cherish the most. My partner and I have a very good relationship! I haven't even taken off this ring in the shower!"

"But how can I see that your most cherished thing is this?" Kane smiled slightly and spread his palms.

On the white palm lay two bloody severed fingers.

"Ah, ah... ah ah ah ah!"

Only then did the man come to his senses, holding his right hand missing two fingers and screaming, his voice was shrill and piercing!

The pain of breaking the middle finger and index finger at the same root is not something ordinary people can bear!

"Ahhh! You don't keep your word! I...I'm going to kill you!"

The man seemed to lose his mind because of the two severed fingers, screaming and rushing towards Kane with red eyes, the blood drops from the severed fingers splashed from the air, some even fell on Kane's face.

A "clang" sound——

The sound of the long sword being unsheathed only rang for a moment, followed by the muffled sound of the heart being pierced by the point of the sword.

When the sword was retracted into its sheath, there was even time to twist the blade slightly, blocking all the blood drops falling towards Kane.

The man who tried to pounce on him lowered his head in a daze, only to see a circle of bright blood stains on his chest, and then he coughed earth-shatteringly, and what he choked out was all the scraps of viscera.

His heart couldn't be broken any more at that moment.

Ezio pushed the last inch of the sword into the scabbard with his thumb, raised his head, and the blond hair on his forehead moved slightly: "Is anyone else trying to challenge the dignity of the Kane Star Bandit?"

Everyone was frightened by the bloody smell that seemed to be solidified on Ezio's body, Qi Qi looked at the motionless Kane, trying to find some comfort and explanation from his gentle blue eyes.

Kane's eyes flicked slowly from everyone, and he smiled: "Just now, this gentleman cherishes his two fingers that can make countless partners scream. Originally, he gave these two things to me, and he could leave. , It's a pity that he didn't cherish this opportunity. Please don't be impulsive, you can leave after handing over the things, don't waste the opportunity that your favorite things gave you in exchange for."

The eyes of everyone moved from Kane to the dead man with the silver ring, and subconsciously stopped on the other's severed finger, their eyes trembling in shock.

A woman shook her body, looked at Kane with a smile on her face, and said boldly: "So, it turned out to be a shameless thing who cheated in marriage! How dare you say that you cherish this wedding ring the most, You deserve to die!"

"Yes, yes! This kind of scumbag, it is best to die!"

"The thing in my hand is definitely the most important thing to me, it's different from this kind of person!"

The intermittent voices, I don't know if they are spurning others or comforting themselves.

In short, the transaction continued, but the atmosphere in the central hall was obviously much heavier, and the pairs of frightened eyes did not know how to place them.

Among them, several people's eyes were particularly frightened.

They are newborn envoys who are about to go to Snowman Star, and they have already been exposed to divine arts, so they already have guesses about the frightening and frightening scene in front of them.

What's more, smarter people have already guessed what they will encounter next.

Zuo Luoxing's pupils constricted.

He is not like those nobles who grew up in the shade of their ancestors and enjoyed all the privileges, but have hardly seen the real cruelty. Although they are frightened in their hearts, they have no deep understanding of death. Behavior doesn't make much sense.

Zuo Luoxing was different.

His father is the priest of the country who protects the safety of civilians in Tianqing Continent, and his elder brother is the general who leads the side of the fringe battlefield. He has been educated since he was a child that human life is precious. Don't easily judge the death of a person, even if it is a heinous person. Except for the judge, no one has the right to decide the other party's life.

He couldn't comfort himself like those people, he was just a scumbag who didn't want to die.

This is a living life!

Zuo Luoxing can ignore him, but he is a scumbag today, a thief tomorrow, and a child who grabs food from others because he is hungry, he can give up at will for those seemingly sufficient reasons!

Zuo Luoxing grabbed Yan Qing's hand violently.

Yan Qing's hands became extraordinarily cold for some reason, Zuo Luoxing rubbed them a little, causing Yan Qing to look over in doubt, his slightly widened moist eyes were very expressive, as if asking "what's the matter".

Zuo Luoxing sniffed, his voice was dry due to nervousness, and there was a bit of crying in his tone: "Master Yan, Yan Qing...I...I might have to let you down!"

"You're looking for another g... have you summoned God?" Yan Qing almost blurted out the classic lines from his previous life, but fortunately his reaction was a bit slow due to excessive mental exhaustion, and he stopped the car in time.

"! All my life I have only served Lord Yan Qing as a god." Zuo Luoxing immediately said with a sonorous tone.

"Oh...then why are you sorry for me?"

"I might cite..."

Yan Qingxuan thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes widened in disbelief: "Don't tell me you want to renege on your debt! You said you'd make fried chicken for me after getting off the starship!"

The author has something to say:

Lolo: Unexpected error angles have increased.

——Sorry for being late!Try to update before 12 o'clock in the future!

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