Li Qiwu stood not far away and waved vigorously.

Standing behind him were two peers in school uniform. They looked bored, but for some reason they followed closely behind Li Qiwu.

Yan Qing felt wronged by this peerless person who helped him a lot with his game and snack library during Zuo Luoxing's restriction period... Of course, the good guy also had a good impression of him, and immediately responded enthusiastically.

"Li Qiwu? I remember Augsig is about to take the comprehensive exam, right? Why are you still in Xueman?"

Compared with Yan Qing's pure joy, Zuo Luoxing thought much more. The planet where Xuemanxing and Augsig College are located is not even in the same galaxy, and even the fastest starship takes about three days to go back and forth. He is not afraid to rush Won't you go back?

Li Qiwu waved his hands boredly: "Don't mention such a disappointing thing at this time, it's not a big problem whether you fail the exam!"

The two young students who were obviously from Augsburg College next to him didn't even have the slightest rebuttal when they heard this, and they didn't even change their expressions.

Zuo Luoxing didn't know about Augsig's examination mode, but the examination methods of the five colleges were not very different between the two important nodes of the midterm and the end of the term, at most only in terms of emphasis. The teaching based on skills and weapons is also very strict, there is no academy exam that is easier to say.

Zuo Luoxing frowned suspiciously, but since Li Qiwu himself said that it had no effect, he himself would not say anything more.

"Let's not talk about this, beauty, why did you come out of the academy? I've been here for two days..."

Li Qiwu had come to Xuemanxing as early as the school's pre-exam vacation to find Yan Qing to play with, but he couldn't find anyone two days after he came. Of course, this may have something to do with his insistence on using divine magic instead of electronic information tools to contact.

"Ah! This! Listen!"

Yan Ting listened to Li Qiwu's question, and immediately remembered the water bag Zuo Luoxing had given him, and immediately untied it from his waist and shook it twice in Li Qiwu's ear.

The ethereal music sounded in Li Qiwu's ears, and Li Qiwu said in surprise: "The fountain of singing?"

"You know this? Isn't it interesting?" Yan Qing shook again and changed to a new song.

Li Qiwu's complexion suddenly changed. He stepped back half a step, only to realize that although Yan Qing was not much different from before, there seemed to be an inexplicable charm on his body. The one who craves and refuses to leave.

"Yanyan, where have you been?"

Li Qiwu asked anxiously, his expression slightly confused.

How could he not have heard of the Singing Fountain?That is the place where the gods meet - the fetish of Grimson Forest.

According to legend, the original gods did not live in the temple as they are now, but often played in the mortal world with their identities hidden. The breath of the world was nothing more than a few breezes to them, which was completely different from today's embarrassment that could hardly even get out of the contract space.

Because of their similar interests, the gods who made good friends often get together in the mortal world. Later, they simply agreed to meet at one place every once in a while to exchange play experiences with each other.

The "Green Forest" myth passed down from generation to generation on Kashgar is the most likely land of the God's Covenant recognized by theologians, and the customs and landforms of the Green Forest handed down from generation to generation are also most in line with the God's Covenant that has been verified for thousands of years. characteristics of the land.

In addition to the gravel paved with gold and the spring water that can sing, Green Forest also has flower elves who eat the wind and drink dew, a sacred tree that can inhabit the soul, and the sun that never fades.

Of course, these alone can only show that this is indeed a beautiful fairy tale forest, but scholars have captured more crucial information in the legend of Kashi Star——

When the never-fading sun falls, Green Forest will be shrouded in a piece of silver frost and snow, which is a gentle gift from Lord Luna.

The scholars of the Moon God don't care, but the light he casts makes the scholars breathless. Isn't the so-called silver frost and snow color "frost snow"?

——When the flowers bloom, silver frost and snow will shine in the sky.

No song researcher, or even any human being, will ignore or forget this song that hints at the end of the polluters.

Many coincidences have made Grimson the focus of theohistorians and ballad researchers, which is why Kashgar, a D-class habitable star, can have the place of the greatest adventurer in the galaxy.

It's a pity that even if there is an adventurer's base and local legends, no one knows the exact location of Green Forest, and they can't even tell a general direction.

Few people, even the envoys of the academy, would take the time to understand these things, but Li Qiwu was particularly concerned about them, so he thought of many of them immediately.

Yan Qing took the water bag back from Li Qiwu's hand, hung it back on his waist, glanced at Li Qiwu whose eyes were wandering, and said in a soft and cool voice as always, "Of course it's the Forest of Green."

He spoke without the slightest hesitation, nor did he intend to hide anything, and Li Qiwu was stunned for a moment, and he didn't even notice the word "Green Forest" in the other party's mouth. That's the real God's Covenant Land.

Even Zuo Luoxing, who was standing next to him, never noticed this subtle difference in tone.

Li Qiwu's thoughts froze for a moment because of the shock, and when he reacted, his voice was hoarse because of excitement: "Green Forest? Have you been to Green Forest? Is this really not a myth? This place really exists?"

"Oops! You are so annoying!"

Yan Qing pushed him away impatiently, took two bags of snacks from Zuo Luoxing, turned and ran away.

Li Qiwu's eyes were in a daze for a moment, and then fell on Zuo Luoxing, his eyes burst into light: "He must have followed you, and you went in too, right? Green Forest really exists?"

Zuo Luoxing could feel his obsession with Green Forest from Li Qiwu's expression, but thinking of the current appearance of Green Forest, he had to say: "Green Forest... has been abandoned long ago, and now there is only one A dry river bed and a rotting dead wood."

The proprietress of the hotel on Kashgar said that the gods had abandoned them a long time ago, and it was not empty talk. Although they didn’t know the direction of Green Forest, and how they guessed that the gods had left, but there... there was indeed nothing. There are no more.

Li Qiwu's eyes fluctuated violently, making Zuo Luoxing think that he was going to collapse in the next second, but he didn't, instead he grabbed Zuo Luoxing's hand and almost begged: "It doesn't matter if it is abandoned, you tell me where it is , I’m going, I must go.”

Zuo Luoxing hesitated for a moment, and told Li Qiwu the address. After all, as a god, Yan Qing didn't hide it, so it doesn't matter if he wants to tell him.

Li Qiwu let go of his hand in a daze, and forced a smile: "I really didn't expect that Green Forest... actually existed."

If the legendary myth forest is no longer a myth, what fate will it have?In other words, what fate will it bring to them?

Seeing Li Qiwu slowing down, Zuo Luoxing turned around and caught up with Yan Qing who was soaking in the snack shop again. After saying a few words, Li Qiwu chased up from behind again.

"Looking at Luo Luo's appearance, it doesn't look like the type who likes to play. This Xueman star may not be familiar to me. Let's go, I will show you around."

Li Qiwu became the former Oggsig nobleman who talked and laughed freely and had a great bearing, and took Zuo Luoxing and the two of them for a walk on Xueman Star all morning.

I have to say that Li Qiwu's vivid and interesting introduction is indeed much more interesting than Zuo Luoxing's dry wandering, and he can also keenly perceive the interest of the two, and the explanation is detailed and appropriate. Lord, the wages of being a tour guide will not be low.

When it was approaching lunch time, Li Qiwu naturally took the two of them to the restaurant.

Although Xueman Star is an A-level livable star, it probably adheres to the nostalgic style of the first star owner. It has not realized full intelligent management and division like other A-level stars. There are still many restaurants and restaurants on the street. And the traffic is not small.

Li Qiwu operated the optical brain a few times, and a few well-dressed employees came down from a restaurant in front of Zuo Luoxing and Yan Qing, and soon came to them, leading them into a quiet but quiet road. A quiet flower-planting alley.

"If you go this way, will the food served be more delicious?" Yan Qing followed the staff and asked very curiously.

"It will be more expensive." Li Qiwu smiled.

Zuo Luoxing would occasionally follow his father through this passage specially opened for distinguished guests, but Li Qiwu's wealth still surprised him for a moment. Sure enough, is this a serious nobleman?

The few people walked for about two or three minutes, and they had already seen the white carved gate at the end of the alley. Compared with the front gate, it was even more low-key, but from the details on it to the fine carving of the veins of the petals, one could feel a calmer feeling. temperament.

The staff stopped at the door, as if preparing to remind the guests to be careful of the steps: "This is it, guest..."

"Qiwu! Save Tongtong! Save her..."

A hoarse and eager voice suddenly sounded in the alley, and a person fell in through the narrow gap inside the white carved door.

His clothes were stained with dried blood and mud, and he was holding a woman with a pale face in his arms. He looked flustered and fell in front of Li Qiwu. Yes! Tongtong, you wait for wait for me, I will save you right away!"

After finishing speaking, he carefully put down the woman, as if he was afraid of breaking her, and then looked at Li Qiwu full of hope: "Qiwu, Tongtong is dead, you have a way to save her, right?"

Originally suspecting that the woman looked like she had been dead for a long time, Zuo Luoxing was taken aback by the man's light tone, looked carefully, and found that he was really seriously begging Li Qiwu to save a person who had been dead for a long time.

Li Qiwu obviously knew this man. When the man came in with the woman in his arms, a look of disbelief flashed in his eyes, and he subconsciously took a step forward, trying to catch the two of them.

But after the man's words, his figure obviously paused, his face was gloomy, but he still bent down, and his fingers slowly touched the woman's pulse.

After a while, Li Qiwu withdrew his hand in silence, but was hugged by the man: "Qiwu! You can do something, right? Qiwu...she likes you so much...just treat it as a save her , You save her! I know you can save her!"

"Shaoyang... I know you are very sad, but Tongtong is already dead..." Li Qiwu tried to persuade him.

"I know! Why didn't I know... I saw that ice thorn penetrated her heart with my own eyes!" Xun Shaoyang said excitedly, but soon he showed a lucky smile: "But luckily you are here. Tongtong can still come back to life, can save her..."

Li Qiwu frowned tightly, and stopped talking: "Xun Shaoyang—I'm not a god, how could I save her..."

"You can! You can... I've seen it! You resurrected Chacha, right! I've seen... Qiwu... You save Tongtong, and you save Tongtong too, okay..."

Li Qiwu's face changed slightly, his fingers trembled like a twitch, but his face didn't change much, and his voice was as calm as possible: "You read it wrong, I didn't revive Chacha."

"How is it possible! I've seen it!" Xun Shaoyang became excited all of a sudden, stood up and asked Li Qiwu loudly.

"I don't have that ability, and it's impossible for an envoy to revive a dead person." Li Qiwu didn't raise his head, his voice was lowered with lowered eyes.

Xun Shaoyang seemed to hear the seriousness in Li Qiwu's tone, and his expression was stunned.

Zuo Luoxing glanced at the woman, if that person was already dead, even with divine arts, it would be impossible to bring him back to life.

Just as he was about to say something, he saw Xun Shaoyang's gaze suddenly turned towards them with hatred in his eyes.

Surprised, Zuo Luoxing subconsciously protected Yan Qing, but it was still a step too late.

The cold gun barrel pressed against Yan Qing's temple.

Xun Shaoyang, who was originally two meters away, somehow came closer, his finger firmly on the trigger, his expression calm and crazy.

"You can't, let him come—"

"For Lord Luna, who is aloof from the Yue family, saving someone is just a piece of cake, right?"

The author has something to say:

Eat melon words: Meow meow?

——If there is time at night, there will be six thousand before 12 o’clock... three thousand if it is too late

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