my god is from hell

Chapter 61 Seriously

Li Qiwu, Zuo Luoxing and the others used Seventeen's extraterrestrial account to find an underground channel to buy an empty rail car, and the other party kindly presented a corresponding on-board system as a gift, which can hide from the star network and general road inspections .

Not to mention, the presented system is really not superficial. It has very complete navigation and radar functions. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for a few people to drive the car to the destination with only the optical computer on the wrist that dare not open the positioning.

Shi Qi didn't even bother with this gifted system at first, he was able to fill the navigation into the blank system by himself.

As a result, after the navigation was opened, Seventeen observed for a while, and suddenly he was lying on the screen, his eyes were full of covetousness.

"What about you? Isn't it just a navigation system?"

Li Qiwu was so crowded by him that he even stopped his hands and feet while driving, and pushed him in disgust.

"You don't understand! The precious thing about this system is not the navigation, but that it can be perfectly integrated with the satellite navigation as a counterfeit product without being detected by the star brain. Even my teacher can't do this!"

Shi Qi was still excited, but at least she was no longer in the way.

Li Qiwu didn't bother to pay attention to him, and focused on his surroundings again.

Although they had escaped from the arrest of the previous batch of hunting teams, the scope of the B-level or perhaps A-level arrest warrants was too large, and the entire planet was not very safe. Li Qiwu was almost always on guard.

It was precisely because of this vigilance that when he was about to arrive at Xinggang, Li Qiwu discovered that there were indeed two empty rail cars following from E11 area to D8 area, and when they were about to enter D9 area, they gradually narrowed the distance .

"Have those two cars been following us?"

Zuo Luoxing also noticed the two light spots on the radar screen that had been falling behind them not too far away.

"let me see."

Shi Qi bit the lollipop tightly, his ten fingers fluttered on the light screen, and his slightly baby-faced profile showed a stern charm.

After 3 minutes, Seventeen stopped tapping.

"How? Is it the hunting team?"

Zuo Luoxing asked with concern, he took a look at Shiqi's unshielded light screen, but it was a pity that it was full of blue data streams, and he couldn't understand anything.

Shi Qi pinched the stick of the lollipop, took a sip of the candy in his mouth, calmed down the shock in his eyes, and then took a deep breath and said, "Those are indeed the cars of the two hunting teams."

"Come here at this time?" Zuo Luoxing frowned and looked at the D9 Xinggang logo not far away on the screen.

Shi Qi stared at him with stiff eyes, then clicked on the light screen, and the string of blue data streams turned into conspicuous red dots.

Zuo Luoxing took a look and found that there were red dots on it except for the green dot where they were. He couldn't help wondering: "Are all these cars going to Xinggang in District D9? There must be too many people here."

"That's not a private car." Seventeen swallowed and said.

"What do you mean?" Li Qiwu also saw the picture of light spots, frowned slightly, and turned to look at him.

"We seem to be swallowed!" Yan Qing followed everyone's line of sight, and found that the dense red dots around them almost completely surrounded the green dots representing them, without a single gap.

"Don't tell me, these are all from the hunting team?" Li Qiwu also took a deep breath, and slowly looked away from the radar, looking at the empty rail cars and some small aircraft driving around.

I didn't notice it before, but now I see that the models of these empty rail cars and aircraft give people a familiar feeling, like products produced from the same batch of assembly lines, and the styles are unbelievably close.

The routes are also surprisingly consistent, all heading towards the Xinggang in the D9 area.

Seventeen tremblingly said: "Well... they don't seem to realize that we have noticed something is wrong, why not... try to retreat quietly?"

In order to conceal themselves, the final destination of the red dots around them is the star port they are about to go to. From the perspective of the route alone, it has nothing to do with them, which is why Shi Qi has not discovered it before.

Li Qiwu withdrew his gaze and said in a heavy voice, "It's too late."

They are already too close to the D9 area, so close that there are no large parking spots around them, once the car diverts, they will be spotted immediately.

Li Qiwu lowered his eyebrows and continued to drive forward, the speed of the car was slightly accelerated.

Unexpectedly, even with such a small speed difference, the empty rail cars around him didn't give in at all, and quickly speeded up to be parallel to him again, maintaining the previous state.

Li Qiwu glanced at it, then lowered the speed a little calmly.

The cars then slowed down again. All in all, they formed a vague encirclement circle around the car they were in from a certain distance.

Li Qiwu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Seen from the air, the empty rail car where Li Qiwu and the others were sitting was in a big race with the surrounding empty rail cars that were almost the same in style.

A series of streamlined empty rail cars are scattered high and low, tightly surrounding the car in the center on the suspension track, and slashing across the sky track like a meteor shower.

Li Qiwu's lips suddenly curved into an arc, and the empty rail car suddenly pulled the speed to the extreme, and rushed into the D9 area in one fell swoop!

"No, they are going to escape!"

The moment Li Qiwu and his group's empty rail car rushed into the D9 area violently, the car behind it that Li Qiwu saw immediately accelerated.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late.

When it rushed into the air traffic area of ​​D9 area, the white empty rail car had already mixed into the traffic flow and disappeared for a while!

"Get rid of it?" Seventeen looked back.

"Not far."

In the car, Li Qiwu's smile had been put away again, and his face became serious again.

He didn't expect the hunting team to dispatch such a large convoy as if they knew their location in advance.

Even if they briefly throw off the people behind, it is only a matter of time before they are caught up again.

"So, this battle is inevitable?"

There was no trace of fear in Zuo Luoxing's eyebrows, and his right hand calmly pressed on the long sword at his waist.

"Are you going to fight?"

Lin Ze's calm eyes fell on the empty rail cars coming and going outside the window.

Li Qiwu was staring at the radar on the car at first, when he heard the voices of the two, he turned his head and found that including Shi Qi, they had fully adjusted within a short period of time, with firm but indifferent expressions.

He smiled, and when he was about to say something, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind.

"By the way... have you tried team combat before?"

Li Qiwu looked at the few people in the car who were in completely different directions of magic, touched his chin and spoke in a strange tone.

"Team out missions? Once or twice."

Zuo Luoxing answered, recalled the previous experience once or twice, and nodded.

Lin Ze on the side also agreed.

Although they are first-year students who have no training tasks, neither of them are ordinary students, and they have already experienced team formation once or twice.

Li Qiwu shook his head inexplicably: "It's not the kind of low-level mission that separates each other's actions, but... a precise combat with the assistance of a control-type envoy."

"What do you mean?"

Zuo Luoxing finally turned his head and realized that what Li Qiwu said about the team battle seemed to be different from what he understood.

Li Qiwu raised the corners of his lips and smiled, his tone was rarely sharp and confident: "A rookie in the first grade, let me show you later, what is Oggsger."

Shi Qi seemed to understand Li Qiwu's meaning, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said immediately, "I'll help you!"

Yan Qing, who had been playing a small single-player game on the light screen, suddenly raised his eyes at this moment, and glanced out the window.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Zuo Luoxing paid close attention to Yan Qing all the time, seeing him straighten up suddenly, he quickly dropped his curiosity about the team battle that Li Qiwu was talking about, and looked at Yan Qing.

"someone is coming."

Yan Qing stared at the faint red outside the window and replied.


Just as Zuo Luoxing was about to ask further questions, the car body suddenly shook violently, and the huge inertia almost threw him onto the window glass!

"what happened?"

Shi Qi had just readjusted the optical brain interface, and didn't notice the situation outside the car for a while, so he shook it abruptly, even with the restraint of the seat belt, he was still shaken severely.

"They did it."

Li Qiwu said quickly, manipulating his fingers hurriedly, hastily avoiding another wave of missile attacks.

The loss of the body suddenly reached 50.00% in that moment, almost destroying half of the body!

I have to say here that the quality of the black car they bought was not bad. Only half of the hood was blown off during this level of bombardment, and several people in the car were intact.

"It can't be spent in the car anymore. They have hand-held missiles in their hands, and air combat is much more convenient than ours."

As Li Qiwu said, he unfastened his seat belt, and after turning the car 180 degrees in the air again, he put his palm on the door button.

Several people in the car were stunned by the upside-down jerk, feeling sick.

"I'll count one, two, three, let go together, Yan Yan remembers to hold everyone!"

Li Qiwu didn't give a few people a chance to think at all, and immediately started the countdown after saying this sentence: "Three, two, words!"

After Li Qiwu counted to two, he suddenly raised the volume with the last call.

Yan Qing's eyes flashed, his fingers opened and then clenched tightly, his tight body instantly outlined a thin waistline, and in the next second, the figure was already hundreds of meters away.

It was also at this moment that the empty rail car that several people were riding on exploded in the air!

The fire-like mushroom cloud expanded in the air, and the shock wave pushed back the surrounding vehicles for hundreds of meters. The surrounding air instantly became hot, and the high temperature melted the metal into gas and evaporated.

The surrounding empty railcars and aircraft had been prepared for a long time, and they were basically kept out of the range of the explosion. At this time, the flames dissipated, and hundreds of empty railcars surrounded Yan Qing and others again.

Standing behind the billowing smoke and dust, Li Qiwu's honey-colored eyes slowly showed a different expression, looking at the empty rail cars approaching all around, his tone was serious with a smile: "Later, listen to me."

The author has something to say:

Words:? →! →( ̄▽ ̄)~*→No brain paddling.jpg

Thank you Nunu little angel for the nutrient liquid duck~

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