my god is from hell

Chapter 66 Coveted

Ten minutes later, a black mask appeared on Yan Qing's face, covering his swollen mouth along with his fingers.

Shi Qi glanced at his facial features that became clearer after putting on the mask, then looked at the part of him covered by the mask, blinked, and said in surprise, "I thought you wouldn't want to wear a mask."

After all, Yan Qing usually doesn't care about his appearance at all, he never hesitates to climb a tree, and has no self-consciousness in maintaining his beauty.

If it wasn't for Zuo Luoxing watching, Shi Qi had reason to suspect that he would be able to toss himself a slovenly beggar's attire.

This time my mouth was swollen, and for the first time, I even wore a mask to cover it up!

Yan Qing took a look at him, and his voice was swollen: "I don't think there is a problem with the tree... A poisonous sound will make the air blue..."

He also thought the mask was stuffy to wear.

Zuo Luoxing glanced at him, tightened his palms, stopped Yan Qing's attempt to take off the mask, and said indifferently, "You can find antidote herbs for skin poisoning, but there is no cure for food poisoning."

Yan Qing resentfully touched his nose, but only touched the mask, and Zuo Luoxing silently stared at him for a long time, subconsciously put down his hand.

If you don't pick it, don't pick it... so why are you so fierce...

Zuo Luoxing made sure that the other party had no intention of taking off the mask, so he looked around again, trying to find some detoxifying herbs and apply it a little.

Shi Qi finished admiring Yan Qing's rare shriveled appearance, and returned his eyes to the optical brain in his hand, on which were various pictures of plants.

——Laughter is a laugh, the poison can still be cured.Does anyone know if it will have any side effects and sequelae?

However, Seventeen searched for a long time, but couldn't find information about these plants on the Internet. The other party didn't seem to be a common plant on the star network, and there was no information on it before.

Just when Shi Qi was confused, Li Qiwu's voice suddenly increased: "Be careful!"

A red vine with thorns came out from nowhere, and suddenly attacked Shiqi who was distracted, and the spikes shone coldly under the light.

Shi Qi reacted quickly, raised his hand and shot a tough spider silk at a pillar opposite, quickly swept up his figure, dodging the attack of the red vines.

Zuo Luoxing and Shiqi were close, seeing this, he quickly drew out the long sword at his waist, with a faint silver light, he slashed at the red vine.

It was at the same time that the silver light was shining, a horrified voice came from the direction of the service hall leading to the exit: "Don't!"

It's a pity that the voice spoke too late, the silver sword light had already split the plant in two, half retracted, and the other half fell to the ground.

"What don't..."

Zuo Luoxing sword was not in its sheath, and just about to ask the other party what was going on, he found that there was only a section of vine left on the ground, and the sharp thorns quickly protruded out of the soft roots, extending into the cracks in the floor tiles, only a second or two After a few minutes, it re-grows into a new vine.

Not only that, but the vine seemed to remember Zuo Luoxing, and it lashed towards Zuo Luoxing fiercely!

Zuo Luoxing wanted to improve and cut again, but was stopped by the voice: "Don't cut it again! It will keep splitting, and then the whole hall will be covered with attack vines!"

Zuo Luoxing paused for a moment, and was whipped to the back of his hand by the vine, leaving two bloodstains.

But surprisingly, Zuo Luoxing didn't feel poisoned, and the bloodstain on the back of his hand was clean.

The voice seemed to be relieved: "It's not poisonous. The most difficult part is that it cuts more and more. Fortunately, it only cut once."

A few people looked towards the exit, and a thin figure came out from the shadows. His expression was not as immature as that of ordinary children, but rather resolute.

"Who are you?" Seventeen asked him.

The boy turned his head and said neither humble nor overbearing: "My name is Pfister. I am a resident of Puno planet. I live not far from here. I came here when I heard the movement. Plants on Puno planet are very dangerous. Reckless actions are not only You will hurt yourself and possibly others.”

Feist looked meaningfully at the sword in Zuo Luoxing's hand.

It turned out that they came out because they were afraid that the more plants they would kill, the more plants would be endangered to their own residence.

The vigilance between Seventeen's eyebrows has not subsided, but the hostility has dissipated a lot.

Yan Qing was still wearing a mask, and said in a buzzing voice, "Child."

Zuo Luoxing knew that he meant that this was the sneaky shadow when they came over.

From this point of view, the other party does live nearby.

Li Qiwu glanced at him with a smile: "You came out just in time, we are worried that there is no one in this star port, and we still want to find someone to lead the way. Since you live nearby, you must be familiar with this place? How about we pay you for taking us to safety?"

Behind Li Qiwu, the two free laborers looked gloomy.

Pfister hesitated for a moment, then nodded and agreed: "I can help you, but I will decide the remuneration, [-] star coins an hour."

After Li Qiwu listened, the corners of his lips curled into a slightly dangerous arc: "My child, your tour guide fee is too expensive."

The standard of tour guide fee varies from planet to planet, but there is a big difference between planets of the same level. Pfister’s opening is directly the guide fee for an A-level habitable star, which is ten times higher than that of an E-level star.

"Whether you believe it or not, I am the only local around here. Without me, you will definitely not be able to leave Starport for a month." Pfister said very calmly.

His cheeks were still somewhat malnourished and thin, and his figure was weak, but his eyes were dark and firm, and he was not at all ignorant and curious like ordinary children, and his speech was clear.

Li Qiwu glanced at him, reluctantly believed him, and lazily said, "Lead the way."

"Give me the money first." Pfister insisted.

Li Qiwu glanced at him, and the other party looked at him persistently, so Li Qiwu looked at Shiqi, and Shiqi raised his wrist.

Pfister brought the black bracelet closer to him.

Shi Qi glanced at his bracelet curiously, and said casually, "This bracelet doesn't look the same as Yulian's?"

"E-class stars rarely sell that kind of all-in-one optical brain. I found someone else to assemble this one. It doesn't have many functions, and it's not available on the market." Pfister explained quietly.

Seventeen let out an "oh", thinking that E-class stars are so pitiful that they can't even sell ordinary optical brains, which is too miserable.

But after thinking about it, the E-class star is judged by Yulian as a heavily polluted planet, and it is difficult to live in it. Even the four major signal operators will not lay shop here, which is normal.

Li Qiwu glanced at his bracelet, didn't say anything, and asked Shi Qi to turn it around a thousand times.

Without waiting for the other party to question, he said directly: "Give half of the deposit first. The rest will be paid after you lead the way."

Li Qiwu is not a fool, even if the other party is a child, an E-class star child who was born with a light brain and cannot be sold, he will not let down his vigilance because of sympathy.

Pfister pursed his lips slightly, without saying anything, turned around and said directly: "Follow me."

A few people followed behind him. After walking out of the station, they turned several times along the abandoned streets full of various plants, and finally came to a dilapidated concrete house.

There used to be a white wooden fence around the concrete house, but now it is surrounded by glowing green plants, and the white paint on the surface has withered badly. Coupled with wind and rain erosion, it looks very old.

The paint on the wooden door was also badly peeled off, with a thick layer of mud and water marks attached to the door, and a pile of miscellaneous old objects piled up at the door, which looked dusty for a long time and had no trace of popularity.

If Pfister hadn't personally brought them here, it would have been hard for them to find out that there were still people living in the house.

"How does this get in?"

Shi Qi could tell that the pile of debris at the door had indeed been left there for a while, with natural dust marks on it, as if it had been touched, but it was impossible to enter the door if these things were not removed.

Pfister took a look at him, and led them around the road very calmly, and walked to the side of the cement room.

Arrogant creepers covered the entire side wall, and the windows were tightly sealed together.

Pfister stepped forward, tore away the ivy near the window, fiddled with the window a few times, opened the window from the outside, and leaned on the edge of the window deftly to climb in.

Just for a moment, the new creeper re-sealed the windows and looked the same as before.

"It turned out to be like this... The child is quite smart..."

Shi Qi glanced at it with emotion, and followed him to push the ivy away, and turned in through the window.

Li Qiwu and others went in one by one.

Pfister didn't wait for them, but took out a bowl of green ointment from the room, and handed it to Yan Qing: "The ointment for treating the wounds of the brown tooth grass, a bowl of [-] star coins."

"Brown-toothed grass?" Zuo Luoxing took out the oval leaves wrapped in a handkerchief before, "Is it this one?"

Pfister nodded.

Zuo Luoxing glanced at the ointment suspiciously, not knowing whether to apply it or not, Yan Qing had already dug a piece into his hand curiously, held it in front of his eyes and stared at it for a long time: "It's cool and comfortable!"

Zuo Luoxing thought about it, and asked Shi Qi to pay [-] star coins for him.

Pfister glanced at Shi Qi, who was in charge of transferring money, without saying anything, turned around and went into the room to do his own work, while the rest of them looked at each other, feeling as if they were being rejected by a child.

When Pfister came out of the room with a bowl of mush with unclear ingredients, Li Qiwu hurriedly said, "Is there any extra food here? We can buy it."

After escaping for so long, only a few nutrient solutions stored in the starship were left on him, and even Yan Qing's snacks were almost eaten, and he wanted to eat something different for a long time.

Although Feist's bowl of mush looks unattractive, at least it should have a special taste.

Pfister glanced at a few people and didn't hide anything: "There are only some plant fruits that can be eaten nearby. If you are strong enough, you can go deeper and maybe you can hunt meat."

"Great! Do you have any seasoning here?"

Shi Qi had no doubts about their fighting abilities, and after getting Pfister's affirmation, their interest quickly rose.

"Yes. A bottle of [-] star coins."

It was still ten times the market price, but when Li Qiwu and the others just followed along, they found that there was no one living nearby. If they wanted to know more about this place, they really had to rely on Pfister.

Shi Qi only hesitated for a moment, nodded and said, "No problem!"

After everyone ate an expensive and strange lunch here, they all expressed their desire to hunt for food.

Pfister pointed them in the direction: "There are wild boars and pheasants in the woods behind, but they are very flexible and vigilant, so they are hard to catch."

"What's the matter?" Shi Qi was disdainful.

"I wish you success." Seeing this, Pfister didn't say anything, but quietly finished his mush.

Li Qiwu and the others looked at each other, they couldn't wait any longer, so they bid farewell to Pfister and went into the woods together.

Pfister watched their backs disappear into the woods, waited for 10 minutes, and after confirming that they had gone deep into the woods, he couldn't wait to grab the bracelet, and after a few operations, he saw the huge amount of star coins on it , a flash of shock flashed in his eyes.

Without thinking about it, after confirming the amount of star coins on the bracelet, he opened the window and left, and ran towards the service hall.

In the dimly lit room, the woman with a corroded face lit the lamp again: "Pfister, are finally back, are you all right, ahem..."

Pfister didn't care too much, and quickly said: "Sister, we have enough money! I'll take you to treat your illness!"

"I have enough money... How is it possible? Cough cough... So much money, cough cough, even us in the past... We can't get it out for a while..."

The woman shook her head, she didn't quite believe her brother's words, the money needed for medical treatment, ordinary people can't earn enough in a lifetime, how could Pfister collect all the money.

"It's true! A few foreigners came here today..." Pfister briefly talked about the process of slaughtering people.

"That's impossible... cough cough, don't forget... people on E-class stars want to cure diseases... cough cough... have to spend money on genetic surgery..."

As a heavily polluted planet, an E-class star is still in the ranks of habitable stars, but it is actually uninhabitable, because the various mutations on it will seriously threaten the lives of residents, and there will even be serious pollution radiation. Once out of the planet , have to undergo genetic surgery to survive normally on other planets.

It is impossible for a woman's disease to be cured on an E-class star. Only by going to a higher planet can there be hope.

Pfister hesitated for a while, but still didn't say anything about the bracelet, and only said: "The money is really enough...I promise...those people are very rich...In short, there are currently more than 2 million in my account star coins!"

The woman coughed heart-piercingly, and looked over in astonishment: "How come...cough cough... so much?"

"Who knows where they got their money! Even people on A-level habitable stars have so much money at this age... His parents are definitely not good people!"

Pfister seemed to have thought of something, and gave a "Pooh" in disgust, and snarled at each other unceremoniously.

After he finished speaking, he held the woman's hand anxiously: "Sister, don't worry about it! Let's go while those people are in the forest of no return! Since they have so much money, they are definitely not easy to mess with. We You have to leave before they come back!"

"Don't return to the forest? Cough cough... It's the hunting season soon... How did they get in there, cough cough..."

The woman's expression quickly became surprised.

The Forest of No Return is the largest hunting forest in the vicinity. Not to mention the weird and changeable plants, there are also many mutated animals that go berserk when the hunting season comes. Humans become their prey at this time.

"Who knows what they think!"

Pfister knew that even though women turned a blind eye to his cheating and abducting these years, they were still kind in nature. The playing part is perfunctory.

Anyway, what he said is correct, the mutant animals that do not return to the forest have the same taste as the star beasts on the Death Star, and their muscles are full of chewy, as long as they have their lives to eat!

The woman wanted to say something, but Pfister had already quickly picked up the things.

I don't know why, but he always felt a little uneasy in his heart. Even if he lured people to the most dangerous hunting forest on Puno Planet, he still felt that it was not enough.

Even if it is an envoy of God, it is difficult to come back alive in the forest of no return where mutated animals and plants are intertwined.

But Pfister rushed over as soon as they entered the woods, wanting to leave as soon as possible.

"Wait...I'll do it myself...cough cough..."

The woman wanted to collect the things herself, but was stopped by Pfister: "It's too late! Except for your medicine, I don't want these things! Let's go over there and buy new ones!"

Pfister's tone was anxious, and he quickly helped the woman into the electric wheelchair with his backpack on his back, and pushed her out of the house.

Be quick!Hurry up!

Pfister almost pushed the wheelchair into the air, his heart was overwhelmed by great unease.

It wasn't until he left the service hall and saw the old-fashioned starship with mottled paint stains docked beside him that Pfister's heart settled down.

After leaving Xinggang, no one will be able to find the siblings.

They can finally leave this broken place and go to the A-level habitable star where the flowers are blooming.

When their sister's illness is cured, they will have no worries.

And some people... it's time to pay the price!

Before boarding the ship, Pfister took one last look at the small starship docked beside him, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes.

Sorry for those foreigners!

Pfister didn't look any further. After entering the ship, he went directly to the pilot's cab and acted as the driver, while his sister sat aside and acted as the navigator.

"Are you ready?" Pfister looked at his sister.

The woman nodded, indicating that she was ready.

Pfister then pressed the start button on the console, and the huge ship let out a low buzzing sound, and the ship slowly left the ground, and a dull sense of weightlessness suddenly rose in his body, indicating that the starship was about to Signs of takeoff.

Their old-fashioned starship does not have much comfort-enhancing equipment. Whether it is the sense of weightlessness during take-off or the sense of occlusion during flight has not been well resolved, but it does not affect the flight.

Soon, the starship lifted slightly.

Pfister's eyes lit up.

However, before the light filled the eyes, the starship crashed and fell back to the ground again!

"what happened?"

Pfister started it again in disbelief, and the starship raised its head slightly again, then fell down.

After one or two times, the starship simply didn't even move.

"This is impossible!"

Pfister thought at first that the failure to start was caused by the aging of the starship parts, but then he realized that he would check the operation of each part of the starship every day, never missing anything, and there was no problem of failure to start.

Moreover, he checked this starship in the morning, not only can it be started, but also has sufficient energy, it is impossible for the machine to fail.

Pfister was shocked and confused at first, then realized something, his eyes were uncertain, and there were big drops of sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, the electronic screen on the console flickered twice, just like the strobe when the signal is not good, and then the screen completely lit up.

The background is a lush and fresh forest. The sun shines on the leaves, casting a mottled tree shadow on several people.

Beside him are the pots and pans that have been eaten, and there are still some bones in the bowl. The fire on the stove built of stones has just been extinguished, and it looks like it is full after eating and drinking.

Several people were leaning or lying down, their postures were loose, and they hardly looked at the camera. Only the man with [-] million in his account waved his hand and greeted him very friendly:

"Is the money in the account still useless? Friendly reminder, it's best not to mess with it! Once it is found that it is not operated by yourself, a large number of people will covet your lovely head."

The author has something to say:

Seventeen - a man who knows a lot but lives strong.

Thank you Zhizhi little angel for the nutrient liquid duck~may(*^3^)/~☆

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