my god is from hell

Chapter 75 Red Starfish

Zhang Wenliu brought the group of people to an iron gate surrounded by roses. There was no unnecessary expression on his stern face, and he simply explained: "This is where you will live in the future."

Everyone looked up, and saw a deserted villa mainly in dark gray and white standing inside the wrought iron railing surrounded by roses. Because no one lived in it for a long time, the side walls were covered with green creepers, and in the corners there were crowds. A large bush of pink roses.

"This is... a student residence building?"

Zuo Luoxing thought that a high-end apartment like Sherman College was already rich and powerful. Although there were villas, they all needed a lot of points to redeem, but they had just come to Rose College, and even enrolling was very hasty.

Zhang Wenliu raised his eyes and glanced at the slightly excited eyes of the crowd, then lowered his eyes again: "Rose Academy... there are not many students."

"I know, it's a bad reputation! It's understandable that there are not many students!" Shi Qi roughly calculated the area of ​​the villa, because the hesitation of becoming a "student" somehow disappeared, and his impression of Rose College suddenly improved. .

Zhang Wenliu glanced at the luxurious villa in front of him with light eyes, and a trace of strange emotion flashed in his eyes, which quickly disappeared.

He didn't say much, and after sweeping open the gate outside the villa with the rose imprint on his arm, he led a few people into the villa, ordered the household robot and other matters, and prepared to leave.

"Next, you take a rest here. Later, You Linglong will take you to formally meet the teachers. I'll go first..."

Halfway through Zhang Wenliu's words, his brows suddenly frowned, and he looked down at his arms.

Not only Zhang Wenliu, but also Zuo Luoxing and others' arms trembled slightly, and a sharp pain like a knife cutting out came from the place where the rose imprint was printed on the arm.

Zuo Luoxing opened his cuffs, only to see the outline of the translucent rose hidden in the skin reappear, and countless cracks suddenly appeared on the almost invisible abstract lines, breaking into irregular pieces like a broken chain. Lines, scattered on the arms.

These broken lines seem illusory, but in fact the roots are hard, because they are suddenly broken into the skin, and several people will feel a sharp pain like gouging.

"What's going on...why is it so painful..."

The little witch squeezed her arm tightly, even she had to clenched her teeth so as not to moan, wishing to pick out those broken lines one by one from the flesh.

The faces of the others were also pale.

Zhang Wenliu was still explaining things, but the moment he opened his cuffs, there was a drastic change for the first time on his calm face, his pupils trembled, and he rushed to the window.

This villa is located on the back of the central square, but at this moment, the huge electronic screen seems to be projected onto the entire sky by an invisible force, no matter from which angle you look at it, you can clearly see all the content on it.

Zuo Luoxing and the others couldn't help but followed Zhang Wenliu's gaze and looked out the window.

What I saw on the huge electronic screen was no longer the celebrities and events of the college, but a blurry video.

Amidst the dust and smoke, a beautifully shaped phoenix feather mask fell into the muddy and bloody sewage, and the snow-white long feathers were stained with blood.

"I'm sorry... I can't hold on anymore... They're all gone..." The hoarse male voice sounded intermittently, and it could be heard that he was already very weak, "I have no reason to hold on anymore..."

The screen shook for a while, as if someone had fiddled with the recording equipment, but due to lack of strength, it couldn't be completely straightened out, and only a half-que rose blocked the corner of the lens, making the picture blurry.

"I'm sorry... Teacher... I'm too cowardly... Cough cough..." The voice finally choked up, and the smoke from the gunfire seemed to be choked in his throat, and he coughed violently.

Probably because the smoke and dust permeated the air too much, he couldn't stop coughing, and when he listened carefully, there was still a trace of unwilling sobs.

The whole square, including Zuo Luoxing who didn't know the truth, fell silent in unison, listening to the man's loud gunshots, coughing desperately.

In the teacher's building, several teachers who played cards had already put down the cards in their hands, and looked at the electronic screen in the sky from a distance, with a cautious expression.

One of the teachers' eyelids trembled slightly, and he said softly, "You are not cowardly, you have done a good job..."

On the electronic screen, the video is still going on.

"I'm sorry...everyone...Jiang Fengmian, a student of grade 08...presents me with roses."

A gust of wind and sand blew by, and the mud-stained rose rolled a bit, and finally a person was captured in the picture.

It was a young and handsome face, pale but still full of vigor, and the only pair of eyes were covered with invisible scars, which did not match this face.

In the next second, layers of cyan thorns covered him, and the spikes mercilessly pierced into his slightly upturned cheek like a sacrifice.

The rose that had sucked the blood and bloomed shone with a strange light. The petals were full and exuded a faint fragrance, and then, the petals withered.

A single petal is a sea of ​​white flames that will never be extinguished.

The swaying cold white replaced all the colors between the sky and the earth, and the sound of the battle artillery fire and noisy human voices disappeared, only the boundless fire was burning.

This is the last time in his life to release a divine spell—at the cost of his life.

"He hurts more than us..." Zhang Wenliu whispered.

The blooming price of the thorn rose is to use its own flesh and blood as nutrients. When it is sucked up a little bit, as long as it is not dead, it will always be awake.

"This is also... a student of Rose College?"

"Yes! It looks...why is it so miserable..."

No wonder everyone questioned, even though the man in the image only showed one side, his eyes full of pain and self-blame did not look like a villain who would set fire to the whole family.

Thanks to the good memory of the envoy, everyone has already seen that the phoenix feather mask that appeared at the beginning of the video, even though it was stained with blood, could still tell that the mask was exactly the same as the mask of a certain celebrity that was shown on the electronic screen.

"Yes or no, you will know later."

A cold and clear female voice suddenly appeared in the villa, and everyone turned their heads, only to realize that a woman in a black windbreaker had entered the living room at some time.

The little witch frowned, stared at the other person's face for a while, and suddenly realized: "Aren't you the senior sister who led the way on the day of the entrance exam?"

On the day they "entered" the Rose Academy, two people brought several people into the examination building. One was Fang Zhiyi, who was currently studying at Sherman Academy, and the other was the woman in front of her.

"It's still the mask who brought us out from Puno planet yesterday." Zuo Luoxing took a few steps back vigilantly, he still remembered that this man started fighting with Yan Qing without saying a word after he came out.

Yan Qing flicked the singing spring water pouch on his waist with his fingers, and snorted. He had already recognized this person as the senior from that day.

"You Linglong." Zhang Wenliu looked at her.

"Excellent? Sister You?" Seventeen immediately realized that this was the Senior Sister You who was called by the teacher to "lead people".

"That's right, from now on, you will be my younger brother." You Linglong said coldly, "Remember to be the first to honor me when you make anything."

"Why?" Seventeen's confusion was shattered by this unreasonable elder sister's style, and he immediately refuted the other party.

"Because no one else is willing to bring a towel bottle, only I have the heart of a Bodhisattva." You Linglong kept a cold face, without the slightest blush.

"? Who cares about entering the Rose Academy?" Shi Qi had never wanted to enter the Rose Academy.

"Really? Just right, the roses in my yard haven't been blooming recently, so you can go there and use them as flower fertilizer." You Linglong snorted coldly, crossed her arms and looked at her coldly.

"Flower fertilizer, flower fertilizer."

A cold and repetitive mechanical sound sounded in the villa, and everyone looked up. The familiar particle gun was mounted on the arm of the combat robot, aiming straight at Shi Qi.

The three people who have been pointed out like this: "...Isn't this our future residence? How can there be battle robots?"

Zhang Wen stayed aside and introduced calmly: "Each villa is equipped with a certain number of combat robots in case of emergencies. Under normal circumstances, they are only responsible for guarding the safety of the villa, unless the keyword 'flower fertilizer' is captured."

No... Which ghost came up with the idea of ​​using "flower fertilizer" as a directional keyword?

"Okay, since you have no objections, follow me. By the way, the dean asked you to go to the office to talk, probably related to the arrest warrants on your body."

You Linglong carried the dumbfounded Shiqi and walked out of the villa, and before leaving, she gave a gift-like instruction.

"I also have a warrant on me!"

Shi Qi's voice came from afar, but was blocked by You Linglong's "shut up", and she dragged her away.

Zhang Wenliu said hello, but he didn't stay for long, and soon followed You Linglong and left.

Zuo Luoxing was stunned, and did not leave immediately. Instead, he opened the sleeve outside his arm first, and found that the broken rose had been hidden in his skin again. Based on the image he saw just now, he guessed that the imprint should be related to other people. Associative, certain moments trigger certain reactions.

"Flowers... are magical arts." Yan Qing's fingers suddenly brushed up, and the warm fingers brushed against the skin, causing a slight tremor in the heart.

Zuo Luoxing moved his fingers slightly, resisting the intention of stroking the skin that Yan Qing had touched, pulled down his sleeve, nodded and said: "It should be."

Modern technology does not yet have the ability to allow imprints to appear naturally in the skin and to link feelings.

"Are we going there?" The little witch wiped the rose mark on her arm, but nothing appeared.

"Go ahead, the arrest warrant is really troublesome."

Zuo Luoxing couldn't help frowning, he thought that this trumped-up accusation would be cleared away in just a day or two, but who knows that until now, the inexplicable arrest is still on them.

Several people asked the robot, copied a campus map, and went to the dean's office.

The dean of the Rose Academy is not as mysterious as the outside rumors say. Apart from having a head of fashionable long hair, he is not much different from other teachers.

When several people entered, the other party was fiddling with a rose in a shallow bottle, and he seemed to be unable to find a good position. The positions of the wooden sticks used for support were changed again and again, until several people stood still, he still hadn't chosen .

After everyone waited for a while, the dean finally arranged the rose—although they thought it was the same as before, and then asked them to sit down.

The kind dean first exchanged a few nonsense words unavoidably, and then came to the main topic: "...As for the wanted warrants on your body, I regret to tell you that you will not be able to take them off in a short time."

"Why?" Several people were puzzled.

Yulian didn't even make up a better reason for the arrest warrant. Everyone read the reasons for the arrest warrant, and they were all unfounded charges.

"How should I put it... Originally, you didn't have to enter the Rose Academy now, after all, you are all a group of n... seedlings."

The dean's peaceful gaze swept across the immature faces that hadn't been baptized in the battlefield, and a kind smile appeared on his lips.

Everyone had reason to suspect that what he swallowed was the word "rookie".

"But at the moment before the decision was made, a big man suddenly appeared on the voting table. Yulian had to change the voting result considering the influence of the other party."

"Who has this kind of energy?" the little witch asked in surprise.

Even the fathers of Li Qiwu and Zuo Luoxing still needed to mediate, and the presence of that big man was enough to influence the voting results. She had never heard of such a person.

"You don't need to know who it is. What you need to know is that you guys... Miao, the meaning to Yulian, or to human beings, is far less than that of the other party."

Everyone was at a loss for words for a while, and felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness.

Just a few days ago, Yu Lian was a tolerant adult who even punished minors for murder. Although there are a few planets with imperfect laws because of their remoteness, most of them are relatively fair.

But after being on the wanted list inexplicably, everything changed. Yulian seemed to have become a flattering villain who only served high-level people, allowing them to flee in embarrassment under unwarranted charges.

Now because of the existence of a certain person, the result that should have been unquestionable has been changed.

Zuo Luoxing couldn't help asking: "How did you know these things?"

"What you want to say is, am I lying to you?" The dean looked at Zuo Luoxing with a gentle smile, his eyes seemed to pass by Yan Qing who was boringly playing with his fingers beside him, and his tone was suddenly cheerful Get up, "If you don't believe me, why don't you try using magic?"

Astonishment flashed in the eyes of the few people, only they knew that Yan Qing had a rule-like magic spell that he hadn't used for a long time, and the name was "Love that Never Lies".

Only then did Yan Qing raise his eyelids, glanced at the inexplicably excited old man, and turned his head disinterestedly: "No, I don't want your things."

Under the effect of the "Never Lie Love" divine spell, the liar will lose one of the most important things.

Yan Qing felt that the old man in front of him looked very perverted, and the things he cared about must also be perverted. What if it was underwear that hadn't been changed in decades?

... The dean didn't know if he read something bad from Yan Qing's eyes, but he seemed calm but explained emphatically: "The thing I care about most is a very precious heart, not something messy. .”

Yan Qing is unwilling to take risks.

"...If you don't believe..."

Everyone raised their heads slightly and looked at him together.

"Then you have nothing to do." The dean's smile returned to his face, and he completed the last sentence without a hint of threat.

...Okay, it's very Rose Academy.

The dean's face suddenly changed, and his eyebrows were lowered: "The reason why you can't get rid of the arrest warrant is because you are too weak, so weak that any one person can veto your freedom with one vote!"

...That person doesn't seem to be very casual either.

"Rose Academy can send you home, whether it's your parents or elder brother..." He looked at Zuo Luoxing, who frowned slightly.

"It's still a teacher's companion..." Looking at Lin Ze again, Lin Ze showed no expression.

He finally looked at the little witch, and the little witch immediately said: "There is nothing behind me, I think Rose Academy is very good."

The little witch thought to herself, entering Sherman College is also entering, and entering Rose College is also entering, no matter what college it goes to, wouldn't it be over if you live well?

The dean gave her a meaningful look, did not continue to list, and continued: "We can guarantee that you will spend the rest of your life worry-free, but as long as that big man is around, you don't even think about standing in the sun. "

Several people's faces changed slightly.

The dean glanced at a few people and nodded in satisfaction. Fortunately, these people are not salty fish who do not seek to make progress.

He selectively ignored Yan Ting's eyes that suddenly lit up when he heard "Half a lifetime without any worries".

"Since you are not willing to hide under the wings of the elders for the rest of your life, then take action! In the next period of time, there will be a teacher to guide you, and you will not miss anything you should learn. Take the team as a unit and test once a week , until you can enter the fringe battlefield as an angel team."

The dean didn't say a word of nonsense, just a few words decided the future of everyone's life in Rose Academy, before everyone could react, he drove them out of the office for interfering with the idea of ​​flower arrangement.

It wasn't until they got out of the office that they realized—that's wrong, the fact that he said that the arrest warrant will not be lifted has not yet been verified.

And what did the dean just say?can go home?

Who the hell is still in the bloody Rose Academy?

The door of the dean's office suddenly opened again, and a group of combat robots who didn't know where they were just now came out of the room in an orderly manner, and the dean murmured faintly from inside: "Fortunately, no one chose to go home, otherwise the vegetable seedlings will become flowers and fertilizers." , what a pity..."

Crowd: ...

Following the guidance of the map on the optical brain, several people returned to the villa assigned to them by the college.

Zuo Luoxing wanted to contact his father and brother. He thought that he would not be tracked in the college now, and then the message was sent, but nothing came of it. It seemed that the two were still under surveillance, and they couldn't even send a text message.

Lin Ze and the little witch quickly adapted to this luxurious villa, and have already started to ask the robot butler to order free food from the school for a few of them.

Zuo Luoxing didn't get in touch with his family, so he frowned slightly. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Yan Qing's fingers, as if he was also sending a message.

"Who are you sending messages to?" Zuo Luoxing asked curiously.

Yan Qing shared the screen with Zuo Luoxing: "Ask how Xiao Qi is doing."

The main reason is that there is no money for the game, so it is not a bad thing to try.

"Can he reply to the message now?" Zuo Luoxing said worriedly.

Before being taken away by Qi Shuang, his complexion didn't look very good.

Yan Qing sighed: "I don't think so."

It seems that I'm going to ask Luo Luo for money, it's too shameful.

"Eh? He's back!" Zuo Luoxing was about to look away when he suddenly saw the message from Li Qiwu.

[[Big head] Transfer 1764... star coins to you. 】

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand..." Yan Qing counted the digits, there were ten digits, and he opened his eyes wide, "Is he trying to keep me?"

Zuo Luoxing stammered: "My lord is so expensive..."

Yan Qing proudly raised his chest: "I deserve it!"

But he quickly collapsed: "Isn't it right? Did he take delusional drugs?"

Red starfish.

"The person you are looking for is right there."

The white flames covered most of the planet, and the bone-piercing fragrance that came from nowhere permeated the air. When one sniffed it lightly, one felt a heart-wrenching feeling of wanting to cry.

Qi Shuang led Li Qiwu to stand on the small piece of sea water that was temporarily spared, his eyes covered by the long black belt faintly cast on the white sea of ​​flames in front of him.

The firelight made his face paler, as if he was about to fall down the next moment.

But Li Qiwu knew that this invisible man had a terrifying amount of alchemy ornaments on his body.Even if an atomic bomb is dropped now, this person may not necessarily die, but the person who dropped the atomic bomb will definitely not survive.

He didn't look at Qi Shuang again, his eyes fell on the cold and pale flames in front of him, first he was frightened and angry, then he was shocked.

"The polluter..."

This kind of whiteness, which is so cold to the bone, can only be burned by the corpses of polluters. The fact that such a large sea of ​​flames can be stretched out can only show that the army of polluters at that time almost occupied the entire planet.

With such an advantage, how did it become this white sea of ​​flames?

"As you can see, she is inside, alive." Qi Shuang said in a cold tone, "and will live until you find her."

Li Qiwu didn't react at first, but then he realized something, his voice trembling: "Is she alone in this silent and pale sea of ​​fire?"

Qi Shuang turned her head and confirmed for him: "Yes, alone."

He said, and said in a flat tone: "Anyway, she doesn't know how to think. What difference does it make where she lives?"

Li Qiwu tightly clenched his fingers.

"You must have guessed it. This sea of ​​flames was condensed by a star envoy before he died. The polluter burned it immediately. Because of its existence, the polluter had to give up the data radiating from it as the center. For ten planets, the line of defense has stretched tens of billions of kilometers."

"You have two choices now, one is to let her fend for herself inside; the other is to extinguish this sea of ​​flames and go in to find her."

Qi Shuang "looked" at him with a calm expression: "Before coming with me, your 'prophecy' has already been prepared by those 'partners'—the arrest warrant on you has already been lifted."

Li Qiwu's face was tense.

"My master asked me to tell you, don't think about it, unless you find her personally, no magic spell can divert her from the flames."

Li Qiwu's level of spiritual power was far lower than that of the envoy who used this sea of ​​flames, so he couldn't maintain his spiritual power for a long time to resist the sea of ​​flames and find someone, so he could only choose to extinguish it once and for all.

Qi Shuang left after explaining - he was not worried about Li Qiwu's escape at all.

Li Qiwu stood in front of the sea of ​​flames that were burning closer and closer, his honey-colored pupils reflected the faintly flickering white flames, his expression was gloomy and unclear.

The bracelet vibrated suddenly.

Li Qiwu lowered his head slowly, touched the screen with his finger, and a message popped out cheerfully: "A district king account, no 99999, no 9999, just 999, 999 can bring you home. No deception, excellent after-sales service."

Li Qiwu suddenly smiled, raised his head, stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and clasped his five fingers.

The white flames of the entire planet dissipated immediately.

The author has something to say:

The price of words is so expensive!

——Thank you, Mo, for your concern~ Hold tight~ The author has been dealing with personal affairs these days, and I haven’t asked for a leave of absence, but I think it will be finished soon (Where’s the confidence... It’s ready and the recovery day is updated! Here are the long-lost 6000 words ~ and I want to regain the old dream of Japan and September _(:з)∠)_

Thank you stars and time for the nutrient liquid duck ~ I love you all! ! !

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