Vodka believes that as a younger brother, he bears too much weight that he shouldn't bear.

After Mark threw the tablet to him with the reason of being considerate and considerate to her, his most trusted brother gin, the king of roll kings in the distillery, also put his hand on his lap without saying a word.

The situation is obvious, these two big bosses are going to be the shopkeepers, and they still act like it's a matter of course.

He alone took over the boring follow-up job for three people.

Only the vodka-weary world was reached.

Gin and Mark, who had nothing to do, even started to get bored.

The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

"It doesn't have to be this afternoon." The man who looked out the window for a long time suddenly said something.


Mark paused for a moment before reacting. What Gin retorted was that if she wanted to pass on the news before, it could only be this afternoon.

"When can that be?"

"And maybe at the base."

"Gin—" Mark raised his eyebrows in dissatisfaction, "Are you questioning my technology? The entire base is like an iron barrel, and they absolutely cannot send messages..."

"I mean leave the news in the base and give it to another companion." Gin Jiu interrupted the other party unceremoniously.

"There may be more than one undercover agent."

"Hiss—" Mark took a deep breath and fell back tactically.

"Have you become more paranoid lately?" The legitimate loli with double ponytails looked at her with a look of whether she should take medicine.

"Think about it for yourself. If this idea is to be realized, first of all, two undercover agents need to appear in the organization one after another, and the work areas of these two undercover agents must be assigned to the Japanese headquarters."

She paused suspiciously when she said this, "Okay! With the undercover concentration of our organization, this requirement is not difficult to meet."

"But!" Mark emphasized, "They all must be senior members with code names, who can enter and exit the base unhindered. Moreover, the two know each other and have communicated recently. Facing the messages left by the other party, they can Respond quickly and take action."

She finished speaking in one breath, and finally made a summary.

"How low is the probability!"

Gin didn't make a sound, and remained motionless as he looked out the window.

Vodka, who was listening, fell silent.

Could it be... Is Mark talking about him and Brother Gin?

Did she discover something?

The man wearing sunglasses secretly glanced to the side, and then was stared back fiercely.

After an analysis, Mark, who found that the car was completely quiet, nodded in satisfaction.

"So, don't overthink it sometimes. It'll make your hair fall even worse, Gin..."

Gin and vodka claimed the quota of the first group in silence, how low the probability is.

And Bourbon, who was evaluated by Mark as one of the members of the second group whose probability is so low, is sneaking in in disguise.

When Scotland received the calling order for the urgent mission, it had some ominous premonition.

He guessed the possibility of Gin's temptation, so he deduced that this mission was either tricky or not easy.

Since his identity is on the verge of being exposed, no big moves can be made.Just in case, he contacted Bourbon, aka Toru Amuro, beforehand.

If there were any problems with this mission, at least he, a boy and a comrade in arms, could still deal with it.

Naturally, they considered that it was impossible to transmit information to the outside world, or that it was difficult to communicate with each other, and finally decided to deal with the risky tactics of soldiers, using the dark under the lights to directly transmit information in a primitive way in the well-prepared base.

Only when Toru Amuro got the encrypted message left by Scotland in the bathroom of the base did he know that the organization's plan this time turned out to be an assassination in the shopping mall and ignite the pre-installed bomb.

Due to time constraints, Scotland's message could not be written in too much detail, but the most critical part was left.

But that part alone is already at stake.

The two couldn't determine the authenticity of the plan, maybe it was just a cover.But they absolutely cannot gamble on this probability with the lives of many ordinary citizens.

Amuro Toru naturally notified Kazami Yuya immediately, and asked him to take people on standby around the mall.

But he knew that if the public security or the police showed up at the scene ahead of time to evacuate the people without warning, it would be blatantly telling Gin that the information had been leaked.

When the other party goes back to check today's base entry and exit records, the risk of his and Jing Guang's identities being exposed is extremely high.

So, while there was still time, he decided to try first, whether he could turn the evacuation of the people into an accidental emergency.

For example, let the smoke alarms in the shopping mall be activated together to create an alarm and let ordinary citizens leave spontaneously.

Since he guessed that Gin might be watching here, Toru Amuro, who entered Mihua Central Mall, naturally put on a disguise.

When he went on a mission with Belmode before, he learned a few tricks.

As a person with a strong learning ability, even if his disguise technology is not as good as that of an expert like Belmode, it is definitely better than most people.

At that time, time was running out in the base, and he couldn't think too much about it. He casually glanced at the mission information in Kiel's hand, and directly borrowed the characteristics of the character in the top photo.

A middle-aged man with a big belly, moles on the lips, and big and small eyes.

Amuro played at his highest level and fastest ever.

And at this moment, in the car on the side of the road.

A cry of vodka broke the silence: "Rye! It's really Rye!"

Upon hearing this, Mark immediately leaned on the armchair in the front seat and poked his head out to look.

On the split screen that belonged to Ley, a person who should not have appeared - Toshige Hirai appeared.

The middle-aged man in the video has a big belly, a mole on his lip, and some big and small eyes—it is indeed the appearance of the target person.

He carried a black briefcase under his arm and looked furtively around as he entered the theater.

The man first bought a bucket of popcorn and a glass of Coke at the front desk, and then sat in the lounge in front of the theater like other people waiting for the movie to start.

Although he bought food, the man's mind was not on it at all.He quickly took two mouthfuls of Coke, the paper cup in his hand was slightly deformed, and the popcorn was only placed on the counter, not a single one was touched.

Compared with other people sitting here waiting and killing time, the middle-aged man looks more like looking for someone.

"You see, since Toshige Hirai has appeared, Ley did not follow the instructions. With his ability, he will never fail to find the right time."

"He didn't respond as if he didn't see it. Ley really has a problem! He must be delaying time."

After the initial excitement of thinking that the task was completed and that he could clock out of get off work passed, Vodka belatedly noticed the problem.

"But... isn't this mission non-existent?"

"How could Toshige Hirai really come to the meeting? It's only because the eldest brother picked him up as the mission target on the bright side..."

He looked at Gin with some hesitation.

"That's not the biggest problem."

Since seeing Toshige Hirai's figure appearing in the surveillance, Gin, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

"At this point in time, he should be dead."



"Why do you say that? He appears in the mall as a real person now, so he can't be a fake corpse, right?"

Mark grumbled.

"Although it's a photo I took casually, Toshige Hirai is indeed the mission target of the organization."

"Someone should have visited him this morning. Therefore, it stands to reason that he cannot appear here."

"Could it be that you just sent a useless useless subordinate..." Mark looked at Gin suspiciously, "So the mission failed. Hirai Toshige escaped unharmed."

"It was Kiel." The long-haired man said lightly.

Mark kept his mouth shut.

"And even if he was lucky enough to escape, what reason would he have to show up in the theater at Mihua Central Shopping Center on the afternoon of the day he was assassinated?"

"The so-called joint is purely an excuse we make up at will."

"What do you think is the probability that it's a coincidence?"

Mark made an X with both hands and sealed it on his mouth.

But soon, she couldn't help but speak.

"According to you, if the extremely small probability is ruled out, it means that Hirai Suishou in the video is disguised?"

"But even if it is Yi Rong, being able to come to the Mihua Central Shopping Center at this point in time also means that the content of our mission has been leaked. The people who did this are among us."

"And now he's on Ley's side..."

Having said that, Mark clenched his fist with his right hand and tapped the palm of his left hand lightly.

"Sure enough, the biggest suspect is Ley!"

"As long as we kill him, we can call it a day."

She completely gave up logical reasoning, and came to a very hasty conclusion, then looked at Gin impatiently.

There are a few big words on the face that I want to get it done as soon as possible and go home to sleep.

As a bottle of real wine, there is no self-consciousness to distinguish the authenticity from the fake for the organization and to see the details.

Very perfunctory in this matter.

Gin:  …

"Do you want to do it? I'm already on the top floor."

Grappa, who also sneaked into the mall and was about to perform an undercover mission to clean up, had apparently been listening to the conversation in the car.

Not through the headsets distributed by the organization, but through the dozens of bugs on Mark.

Gin was noncommittal about the two people's usual little game.

He really couldn't understand why someone would like to put a bug on another person without money.

And those who have been bugged are still happy, and even protect the bugs stuck to themselves.

However, there are quite a few eccentrics in the organization, and Gin has no habit of telling other people's hobbies.Anyway, one of these two people is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

The impact on the surrounding people is nothing more than that there is no privacy when talking with Mark, and at the same time, they are often affected by noise during the call.

But when performing this task, he still needs to stop him: "Wait a little longer."

Grappa has good abilities, but when there is no order, he always prefers to follow Mark's opinion.

If Gin doesn't make a sound to stop him, I'm afraid he will rush out to fight with Ley according to Mark's perfunctory inference in the next second.

This team is really difficult to lead.

Gin rubbed his temples with some headache.

Although it is a credible member who has been screened, but take a closer look at the composition-I will not talk about myself and vodka.

Marc and Grappa are always bound together and who knows what will happen to them.

There is also Calvados, who is usually quite normal, but when he meets Belmode, it is as if he has lost his mind, completely lacking the rationality that an organization sniper should have.

If the object of his unconditional obedience was Belmode, who was deeply loved by that gentleman, he would have been purged out of the organization as a traitor long ago.

Wait, Belmode?

Gin's hands rubbing his temples suddenly stopped, and he seemed to think of a possibility of leaking the secret again.

The blond man turned his head and asked the members of the intelligence team behind him.

"Now that Ley has returned from the United States, what about Belmode's recent movements?"

"You mean..." The corner of Mark's mouth twitched a few times as he quickly understood the meaning behind the dialect, "Is she so boring?"

But he quickly lowered his head: "I'll check."

When she raised her head again, her eyes had become dark.

"Let me say it again, Ley is too much of a failure in life. Even his mission partner will make trouble for him."

The meaning of these words is obvious, and it is equivalent to affirming Gin Jiu's guess.

"Bermode entered the country this morning."

Without even taking a break, he ran to find trouble with his mission partner in the United States.

No, it's not just messing with Ley, it's messing with us too.

Gin secretly corrected Mark's statement.

I haven't seen Belmode for a while, and I didn't expect her to develop this hobby of watching people for fun.

Or because you just came back, you decided to let yourself go?

Presumably, when she arrived at the theater, she deliberately revealed her flaws to Ley.

Although Belmode's disguise can be said to be superb, as long as she intentionally hints, coupled with Ley's own keen observation and experience with her partner, it is not difficult to react.

That's why Ley just sat there and didn't move.

He recognized Belmode.

This is exactly what Belmode wanted Gin to see - Ley was unmoved by the organization's goals.

If Grappa therefore regarded Ley as an undercover agent and went to clean up, she would probably be happier.

That's why Mark repeatedly emphasized that Ley was too much of a failure.

Belmode didn't seem to worry at all that he would be accidentally injured by people in the organization pretending to be the target of the mission.

If she knew what Gin and the others were thinking at the moment, maybe she would blow a kiss back.

Then she said in her usual mysterious tone: "It's just a little joke—"

Coincidentally, at this time, she probably sensed the monitoring position, and she actually turned around and gave Qin Jiu and others a wink through the screen——

It's a pity that she is not the sexy and elegant Hollywood actress Chris Wynyard now.Instead, he used the image of the greasy middle-aged uncle.

Everyone in the car: ...

"Calvados." Gin tuned to the communication channel with the other party, and told indifferently, "I will report this to the boss. Even if the other party is Belmode, you still leaked the secret mission information to the planner." outsiders. Get ready to pay the price."

The sniper on the opposite side didn't say a word, and Qin Jiu didn't care, and directly cut off the contact with the other party.

"Don't bring Calvados out for the next mission, he has no resistance against Belmode." Mark curled his lips, "It's not as good as Chianti and Cohen."

Just when Mark complained about the farce to Gin, Vodka, who hadn't said anything for a long time, suddenly screamed as if he had seen a ghost.

"Big...Brother, Toshige Hirai cheated again!"

Gin:  …

No, wait a minute, what do you mean by cheating again.

Didn't it just be confirmed that Toshige Hirai in the theater was pretended by Belmode?

Although he was complaining in his heart, he still leaned over to look at the place Vodka pointed out—it was the connecting bridge from the main building to the annex.

The second Hirai Toshigetsu was walking towards the annex building.

Toru Amuro, who has disguised himself, is trying to get from the main building to the annex.

He slandered in his heart as he walked, and Gin was too lenient in doing things.

He had planned to do something to the smoke alarms in the main building and have them all go off in unison.However, it was discovered that at some point, these devices had become mere decorations.

At first glance, it was Mark's handwriting.

After a road was blocked, this indomitable police undercover gentleman was going to go to the main control room in the annex to find a solution.

But at this moment, a crowd of people suddenly poured out from the exit of the annex building opposite, blocking his way.

They shoved each other, panicking and screaming.

Broken words are constantly superimposed and covered, making it impossible for people to obtain any effective information from this chaos.

It wasn't until Toru Amuro collided with the crowd coming from the opposite direction that he captured some key word clips such as KTV killing and shooting lunatics.

There is no doubt that someone in the KTV in the annex building opposite is creating panic and confusion. This is a sudden and indiscriminate attack.

Although he also wanted to create some alarm or panic, let the people evacuate spontaneously, and give the police a fair reason to intervene.

But never in this way.

In this way, ordinary citizens will be harmed and their lives may be in danger at any time.

His approach to this must have been much milder.

And the location of KTV is too sensitive.

According to the message left by Jing Guang, it was one of the targets targeted by the organization.

He wasn't sure if the mess had anything to do with the organization.

It stands to reason that before the goal is achieved, the organization is the party that least expects accidents in KTV.Members performing tasks are more likely to hide in it and quietly follow.

But it's not impossible if Gin changed his mind temporarily.

Regardless of whether it was done by the organization or not, the only thing that is certain is that the one who caused chaos on the other side must be a mob.

This can be seen from the reactions of the fleeing citizens.

So he at least had to go and have a look.

He walked backwards with difficulty in the crowd.

Due to limited perspective, Toru Amuro is not very clear about what happened in the annex.But at this moment, the scene in the KTV has completely fallen into the eyes of the person on the other side of the surveillance.

They could see the gin sitting in the car clearly.

Among the fleeing crowd, there was a tall man who strolled through the aisles of the KTV like a leisurely stroll, and was out of place with the others.

He was wearing hard-soled boots and black leather gloves, humming the melody he had already mastered by heart, and walked forward slowly, step by step, as if walking in the green forest road under the sun, the air was mixed with Grassy aroma and berry sweetness.

"Red Dragonfly in the sunset, please tell me, when I met you when I was a child, when was that day?"..."

Between humming, he also shot at various places in the KTV with the gun in his hand.

The man fired indiscriminately, without any particular target.

He wasn't exactly the kind of bloodthirsty villain who was determined to take someone's life, and it didn't seem to matter to him whether he was hit or not.

What he enjoys more is the thrill of the moment the bullet is ejected, the accompanying recoil and the slight smell of gunpowder smoke.

Therefore, his waste of bullets was to such an extent that Gin would call him a prodigal when he saw it.

For a while, there were many bullet holes on the wall, ceiling, floor, and box door of the KTV.

Stray bullets flew in a relatively cramped space, and the shells landed on the ground without stopping. With the sound of rattling, the magazine containing 17 rounds of ammunition was pulled out and reloaded.

This is the most wonderful accompaniment for him.

In the hail of bullets that could be said to be a miniature version created by himself, this tall man didn't care about the bullets that might reflect back on him at any time.

People in each box screamed out one after another, and fled out with their heads in their hands, avoiding the projectiles that might be ejected from all around at any time.

The villain didn't intend to stop him either, he let people scramble to squeeze out of the exit, and waited for the entire hall to become empty.

After the KTV was completely occupied by him and became his only stage, the song "Red Dragonfly" sounded in all the boxes at the same time.

After the power amplifiers of many speakers and the reverberation in the room, the originally quiet music became a little weird at this moment.

The man was standing in the center of the KTV hall full of bullet holes. Amidst the distant tune, he slowly raised the G/L/K in his hand, as if he was holding up a baton.

Immersed in the music, the conductor began to wave his hands to guide the trajectory of the series of notes.

Maybe others don't know this person, but they are very familiar with the gin in the car at the moment.

Chartler ①, a lone ranger who is elusive and extremely self-absorbed.

The pursuit of life is to make troubles, have fun, watch the excitement, and fan the flames while watching other people's fun.

"Grapa, don't worry about Ley's side, go and take Chartre away." Gin looked at the screen with a blue face, gritted his teeth, and drove away with a gun as if he had swallowed a jar of moldy sauerkraut The tall man of everyone in the KTV, "That madman."

"Let him not get in the way."

After receiving this instruction, even Grappa, who had always been taciturn, wavered for a while.

"I think it's better to get rid of undercover Ley first." He suggested sincerely.

He also decided that a fellow Taoist should not die a poor fellow, and unilaterally designated Lai as an undercover agent, and asked this colleague to help bear the firepower.

So, Ley, you're really not popular.

"Don't refuse anymore, Gin hasn't judged that Ley is an undercover agent." Even though Mark and Grappa are close, she still chose to gloat at this time, "Come on, you can do it. I will definitely find a way to pull it off." Fuck that lunatic Chartrell."

"I think the panic he created by himself far outweighs the actual explosion in the mall."

"Since you've said that, Mark..."

Grappa, who has always been partial to Mark, took a deep breath, put on an appearance of going to die, turned around and walked in the direction of KTV.

As for Mark, although she just followed Gin's words and sent Grappa away.

But in fact, when Chartler's face first appeared on the screen, he also sucked in a breath of cool air.

She ground her teeth and muttered, "Why is he here?"

Qin Jiu squinted at her, and replied obviously in a bad mood: "What else could be the reason? It must be Green from your intelligence team, he must have guessed the real intention of this mission. Le called back and asked him to join in the fun."

Others might be deceived by Green's gentle exterior.But Qin Jiu thinks that he has glimpsed some essence under the other's skin.

Green is no different than Chartler.

Saying this sentence will definitely be ridiculed by most members of the organization.Because the two people's reputation is one of the sky and the other of the earth.

But Gin felt that the nature of both of them was somewhat distorted.

Chartler's anomaly was on the bright side.Green, on the other hand, is always poking secretly, jumping back and forth on the invisible edge line in search of excitement.

He often provides information to others for free not because of his enthusiasm, but because he enjoys the feeling of being a secret pusher, watching and manipulating the development of events.

Others think it's because Green is so easy to get along with.That's why Chartler gave him a relatively good face.

As everyone knows, these two people actually have similar tastes.

At this moment, when Green, who was programmed, found that Chartler appeared at his squatting place, his face was really distorted for a while.

He did find it interesting to catch undercover activities.That's why Chartler was called back to watch the excitement.But he wants the other person to let go of himself with someone else--Ley, for example.

Instead of coming here to make trouble!

Is it because my side is a KTV, which has the most speakers to play his old-fashioned song?

Knowing that the other party is obsessed with the BGM habit of appearing on the stage, the veteran of the intelligence team temporarily forgot that he chose the KTV in the annex building.

Chartler's interruption, in terms of the result alone, can be regarded as driving away ordinary people in a disguised form.

If because of this kind of behavior, he and himself were judged to be undercover agents, it would not be worth the loss.


Green quickly laughed again.

That's exciting, isn't it?

Unlike the few people with different ideas in the KTV center, the car on the side of the road is full of low air pressure.

"How do we choose now? Ley or Green?" Mark teased.

"Oh, I forgot. Half a day later, not only did the undercover agent fail to be found among those three people, but there was one more person named Chartres in the list of suspects."

"It's impossible for Green to guess what Chartler will do when he comes over. Now that they've made such a fuss, everyone in the KTV has run away, and the police will definitely be on the wind and rush here soon."

"This lunatic has had enough fun, but he can just turn around and leave. But if the police who arrive seal the scene, our removal plan will have no way to continue."

"So now it seems that Green and Chartler are more likely to be suspected." Vodka said.


Even if Chartler's operation is beyond the reach of ordinary people, even those of them who are in the underground world have to bow down.

But he was also the one who brought the police over and disrupted the organization's entire plan.

In fact, according to Gin's understanding of them, they are more likely to be looking for fun and excitement, tap dancing on the bottom line of the organization.

But it is not ruled out that some of these two people have been acting, this time they are just playing tricks.

Gin sighed again for his colleagues or kind.

One is more difficult than the other.

"Do you want to retreat early?" Mark asked.

Qin Jiu, who had thought for a moment, was about to nod, but suddenly caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the surveillance.

"Wait for a while."

He took the tablet from Vodka's hand.

A young man appeared in the corner of the surveillance video.

He has curly black hair and wears sunglasses.Although I didn't see the face clearly at the time, the unique temperament was the same and it was easy to identify.

Memories of that night surged up again in Gin Jiu's mind.

He remembered that this young man was a policeman, and he was also in the explosion/explosion/object disposal class.

Matsuda Jinpei, who had just transferred to the first investigation class, offended a group of seniors with his maverick character and invincible poisonous tongue.

On the way back from a field trip this morning, Miwako Sato, who was in charge of taking him, was still trying to correct him.

When they reached Mihuacho Sanchome, a woman yelled in panic, and Matsuda Jinpei, who had been leaning on the car window and listening to the teachings of his seniors, immediately changed his expression.

In an apartment facing the street, Ms. Yuan Ye, who lived on the third floor, took advantage of the sunshine and stood on the balcony to dry the bedding outside.

She accidentally looked up, only to find a child hanging out of the window on the sixth floor——

Part of the head and upper body got stuck inside the protective fence, and most of the body was hanging in the air.

This child is already four years old and understands some personnel matters.So after most of his body fell out, he quickly grabbed the guardrail and leaned on the window sill with his upper body.

But the child's strength is limited after all, even if he was caught by the protective fence and did not fall on the spot, the whole person kept sliding down.

Seeing this extremely thrilling scene, Ms. Yuan Ye couldn't help shouting.

When Matsuda and Sato followed the sound and entered the apartment, the enthusiastic Ms. Yuan Ye had already run to the sixth floor, but the door of the house where the child lived was locked, and no one answered the door. No one else was home.

"I contacted the adults in their family, but no one answered the phone."

When Ms. Yuanye saw the police coming, she quickly explained the situation to them.

"Where's your apartment manager here?" Sato asked quickly.

It is also a good way to get a spare key from the administrator when the door in front of you obviously cannot be knocked open.

"He's not here now, because he's an old man and he doesn't like to carry his mobile phone with him... Ah, I remembered, he's always walking in the park not far away at this time!"

Ms. Yuan Ye replied immediately after thinking for a moment.

"Matsuda, you are here to watch the child. Ms. Yuanye and I will go find the apartment manager." Sato made a decisive decision and immediately assigned the task.

After Matsuda Jinhei stared at the heavy door face to face for a while, he walked to the window on the side of the corridor and looked at the structure of the apartment building.Then he quickly came to the door of the residents on the fifth floor directly below the child's house.

He knocked on the door, but no one was home.

"Tsk..." He scratched his hair a little irritably.

At this time, the neighbor next door to the fifth-floor resident gently opened the door.

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

There is no protective fence installed on the balcony of the neighbor next door. If you stick your head out, you can see the body of the child diagonally above.

Matsuda Jinpei was bold, pushed open the window, stretched his long legs, stretched out his hand, and climbed out of the window sill on the fifth floor directly below the child.

He was already completely suspended outside the building, and the cold wind whizzed past his body.

In places where it is difficult to find a foothold, he can only step on the protrusion of the side wall as a fulcrum.

Holding tightly to the protective railing outside the window sill of the residents on the fifth floor, the entire weight of the body is hung on the arms.

After stabilizing his figure, he let go of one hand and held the child up.

Although there is no way to stuff the child back directly, at least it can ensure that he will not slide down again.

Holding a child in this way requires a lot of energy.Even Matsuda Jinpei couldn't hold on for too long.

Fortunately, although the apartment manager was a bit older, his legs and feet were still sharp.After hearing about the situation, he quickly followed Sato and the others back to the apartment, took out the spare key, and then pulled the child back to escape the dangerous situation.

Just when Matsuda Jinping was about to return to a safe place, a gust of cool wind blew by, bringing the smell of gunpowder that he was very familiar with.

The police officer who has been in the explosive/explosive/object disposal squad for four years is very sensitive to this. He turned his head along the source of the smell, and his eyes penetrated the glass of the window sill. Dangerous objects that should appear in residential areas.

An ordinary rescue operation involved extraordinary incidents.

Matsuda and Sato quickly called their colleagues over.

After on-site investigation by the police, the resident on the fifth floor stored a large number of time bombs, finished explosives and raw materials for making explosives.

It's like an arsenal.

To make matters worse, it can be seen from the traces that some of the pile of finished explosives/explosives were taken away by someone.

Combined with the fact that the residents on the fifth floor went out early this morning and have not returned, this has to remind the police officers of the worst situation.

Therefore, the first search section called up the surveillance in the apartment at the first time, intercepted the appearance of the resident, and conducted a whereabouts investigation.

Under the surveillance of the police, this resident, who usually behaved like an ordinary person, finally entered the Mihua Central Shopping Center and never came out again.

After getting the clues, Sato and Matsuda ran the fastest, leaving other colleagues far behind.

They rushed into the Mihua Central Mall immediately and began to investigate separately.

At first, the mall was as peaceful as usual.But it didn't take long for riots to break out at the connecting bridge from the main building to the annex.

People rushed in from the other end, as if they were fleeing. They screamed, cried, and couldn't connect their words.




An atmosphere of panic gradually spread in the originally calm main building.

Matsuda Jinpei's first reaction was that the resident on the fifth floor ignited the explosives in the annex.

He wanted to go against the crowd and go to the annex to see the situation.But just as he was leaving, he spotted the suspected culprit in the crowd with sharp eyes.

So he changed his goal.

Kenichi Tanaka felt that he was very unlucky today.

Four years ago, his partner and friend died in a car accident under the deception of the police.He always remembers that day fondly, and at the same time vowed to take revenge on the police.

This time, he not only bought a large number of bombs through illegal channels, but also tried to make high-power explosives by himself with great interest, and it was quite effective.

Kenichi Tanaka will come to Mihua Central Shopping Center today, just to do an experiment with his homemade explosives, conduct a small explosion drill, and check the results.

Wouldn't it be better if the police died under the explosives he made himself?

Just thinking about it made him feel the pleasure of revenge even stronger.

He originally selected the experiment site as the KTV in the annex building of Mihua Central Shopping Center.

But before I put my results into the hiding place I had hoped in advance, a lunatic ran out halfway.

That lunatic is even more flamboyant and unscrupulous than himself.Bullets flew randomly inside the KTV, and he was forced to escape in a terrible embarrassment.

The scrawny man swears under his breath among the crowd running out.

That man who appeared out of nowhere made him temporarily change the experiment location.

After escaping back to the main building of the mall with others, he had one hand on his waist and the other on the handrail of the escalator on the first floor, panting.

After his breath calmed down a bit, he raised his head, and his eyes just fell on the guide board next to him.

He is determined

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