A high specification conference center in Chiyoda, Tokyo.

A high-level secret decision-making meeting within the government has just been held here.

Among the crowd that filed out, a middle-aged man with glasses looked worried.

He took two steps forward, stopped, and glanced back now and then.But soon he sighed as if accepting his fate, and his originally straight shoulders also collapsed.

When a colleague who is familiar with him passes by him, he will pat him on the back twice comfortingly.

"This is already the best way to end the war."

The middle-aged man also knows this, but he always feels uneasy and feels that this decision is full of hidden dangers.

But he couldn't come up with any other better plan.

The matter is a foregone conclusion, and it is useless to continue standing here.

The middle-aged man finally stopped hesitating. He helped the briefcase under his arm and followed the crowd out of the gate of the conference center.

Don't think too much about it, leave this kind of thing to other colleagues.

I also had a drink with my old friend from the Metropolitan Police Department who I haven't seen for a long time today.The other party is usually busy with work, and it was hard for the two of them to get together to meet each other. Don't let this kind of annoying thing spoil the fun.

After the middle-aged man figured it out, he came to an izakaya, opened the noren curtain, and his friend had already ordered wine and waited inside.

"Shogo—long time no see."

As the night darkened, the middle-aged man was lying on the table drunkenly, unable to speak clearly.

"Shogo, let me tell... tell you, don't say it casually."

"They actually came up with such a risky... method, are they hoping that the negative will be positive?"

"I know that many people in our Ministry of Internal Affairs don't like the Supernatural Secret Service Division. But won't this make the relationship worse?"

"Really?" The man named Shengwu slowly turned a wine glass in his hand, his face remained unchanged, he only stared at the transparent wine in the glass, and replied in a deep voice, "I also think this plan is too risky .”

"Yes, this plan..."

The softly slowed down long voice makes this sentence full of inductiveness.

It was obvious that two people were sitting together drinking, but this man called Shogo was not drunk.

"That's right!" After finally hearing the opinion of agreement, the middle-aged man who was lying on the table jumped up and complained to the person in front of him, "They actually want to introduce Shibusawa Tatsuhiko to intervene. Yokohama is messed up already..."

After venting his inner frustration, the middle-aged man's voice became lower and lower and more vague.

"Oh, I forgot you don't know who Shibusawa Tatsuhiko is..."

After chanting this sentence, he also completely fell asleep.

At this time, the person being confided to put the wine glass in his hand on the table.

"I know..." A sigh similar to talking to himself escaped with the touch of the bottom of the cup and the wooden table.

He returned to the serious and upright look he usually put on on weekdays, walked around the table, and picked up his friend who was already unconscious from drunk.

"Do you need help?"

As if seeing the situation here, the enthusiastic waiter came over and asked.

"No thanks."

"My friend is too drunk, I will be responsible for sending him home."

The two of them leaned together and walked out of the izakaya.

The cool night wind blew away, blowing away the stuffy smell of wine, and also blowing away the thin clouds that covered the bright moon.

The silvery moonlight fell down, illuminating the road ahead and the faces of these two people.

If someone with some seniority in the Metropolitan Police Department was here, it would be easy to recognize that it was Kasahara Police Masaru who was helping a drunk at the moment.

The police officer's full name is Kasahara Shogo.At the same time, he is also a senior member of a large transnational criminal organization, code-named - Burgat.

Fighting against time, bringing the dead back to life, and immortality, these topics have all been put on the table in various research institutes and laboratories of the organization.

Although it is not known whether these topics are the ultimate goal of the organization, or just a means to an end.

But the organization does continue to collect scientific and technological research, personnel and even legends related to these subjects around the world.

Even the seemingly illusory rumors of the mermaid legend have not been let go, let alone the unconventional power beyond human power.

And the different ability is one of the things being targeted.

Among the strange and strange abilities, will there be the ability to reverse time or resurrect the dead?

This is also a question that organizations want to explore.

It's just that people with supernatural powers are rare and secretive.

People with supernatural powers in Japan, one counts as one, stay in Yokohama, which is a world of its own, and are unwilling to move.

The supernatural powers outside the country are very scattered, and the power of the organization outside the country is not as deep as that in Japan.

Therefore, that gentleman has not been able to recruit powerful supernatural beings.

And the simple desire to capture a weak and helpless person with supernatural powers as an experimental material continued to fail.

Therefore, the research topic on this ability system can be said to be full of difficulties and is completely at a standstill.

But the news from Burgue gave the gentleman a glimpse of a golden opportunity.

The dragon war triggered by the inheritance of a supernatural person had messed up Yokohama early on, and the gentleman was already considering whether to intervene at this time and take advantage of the fire.

But now, the government has tolerated the chaos in this city to the limit and decided to take the initiative to intervene.

The final move made by the official made that gentleman ecstatic.

Although it has not been able to recruit people with supernatural powers, the organization has never slacked off on their investigations.

An intelligence agent found out by accident that the ability of this Tatsuhiko Shibusawa who was introduced into the Bureau was very special. He could decompose the abilities of the supernatural beings and transform them into crystals.

It doesn't matter if the organization can't find people with supernatural abilities.

It's okay to have supernatural crystals!

Maybe the isolated crystals are more suitable as experimental materials, and it is more convenient to study!

Coupled with the nail that the organization placed in Hong Kong/Black——Miki Kazuma, a lot of information has come out recently.All show that this is the best time to intervene in the situation in Yokohama.

That gentleman made a decisive decision, and immediately took out the dusty supernatural ability research project to shake the ashes, and asked some of his capable generals to form an elite team to go to Yokohama.

See if you can take advantage of the chaos and sneak some supernatural crystals back.

A competent person, Qin, and others: ...

The members who were summoned looked left and right, and found that everyone in the team looked familiar.

Leaving aside the gin and vodka that firmly occupy the C position, Mark from the intelligence team is holding the silent Grappa's arm and sticking to his side, while Ley is leaning coolly against the wall alone .

I always feel that the participation rate of these people is quite high.

It is estimated that Shirley in the research group is not very familiar with the others.

But that's okay, talented researchers are the jewels of the organization.What's more, she is still someone Qin's gossip.

As for why a weak researcher was brought in such a dangerous situation, it was mainly the result of careful consideration by the boss.

In the past, the organization's record against supernatural beings was really a bit of a stretch.Even though Qin, an excellent employee, was dispatched this time, that gentleman was still not at ease, worried that he would return without success in the end.

If it is really impossible to bring back the power crystal, then if you bring a researcher, you can at least study it on the spot and collect at least a little information.

The researcher Shirley who was picked up was the most helpless.

Such things as supernatural crystals have long been beyond her professional scope. Even if she was asked to look at it, she didn't think she could see anything.

Don't think she can research anything just because she is a researcher!

But this is a designated order from the BOSS and cannot be refused.

Therefore, it is really impossible for laymen to guide experts.

Shirley was already thinking about how to mess up the final mission report.

Anyway, what exactly is contained in the supernatural power crystal, that gentleman doesn't know, and no one in the organization knows.

So it doesn't matter if it's made up, right?

Yokohama during the Naruto War was a genuine battlefield, unlike the usual squabbles.

The roads were stained red with blood, shops closed one after another, and ordinary people dared not go out for fear of being killed by stray bullets that didn't have long eyes.

On the first day when Gin Jiu and others arrived at the Yokohama stronghold, they received news that a person with supernatural powers had been inexplicably killed.

The state of death is closely related to his own abilities.

At this time, Shibusawa Ryuhiko has not yet shown his real body directly in front of the various forces in Yokohama.

Therefore, this strange incident where the culprit was unknown and a person with supernatural powers died silently caused another wave of mutual suspicion in the city.

The ones who know the truth of the incident the most are Gin Jiu and others who are outsiders.

After all, they are the first-hand information obtained directly from the government decision-makers.

"Didn't expect him to arrive so soon. The move was quick, but I'm afraid this is only an outpost."

Shibusawa Tatsuhiko will never be satisfied with this, maybe he is still brewing a bigger plan.

Ley, who got the information, quickly came to a conclusion.

Although he did not specify who he was in the words, it was clear to those present.

"That information is our greatest advantage now." Mark crossed his arms, slightly raised his head and looked at Gin, seeking his opinion.

"Indeed." Gin nodded to confirm the other party's opinion, "When others are still confused, the truth is our most valuable weight."

"Before coming, that gentleman had already considered this. He sent someone to contact the transaction partner in advance and asked us to take advantage of this opportunity to exchange for something."

In view of the fact that the cooperation between the organization and the port mafia was very unpleasant last time, it was even brutally backstabbed.This time, that gentleman resolutely abandoned Hong Kong/Black, and chose Takase Club as a new target.

"Then we are going to visit the Takase Society now?"

"Not exactly." Gin looked at the five landmark buildings in the center of the city through the window, and quickly looked back. "The only people who went were me, vodka, and Mark."

If everyone went together, it would be a gesture of smashing the field.

"Hey——" There was a sense of regret in Mark's words.

According to everyone's understanding of her, she should regret not being in a group with Grappa.

"What about Grappa and the others?"

"The remaining people, find a way to take a look at the body of the murdered supernatural being."

"Since he died because of Shibusawa Tatsuhiko's ability, maybe we can find some clues on the corpse."

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