Even on the map of the Tokyo area, Bingmori Town is a small black spot that is extremely inconspicuous and easily overlooked.

The life here is peaceful and quiet, with a slow rhythm, without the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, only the most simple folk customs and the first-ranked excellent style.

And the fireworks that sound like explosions from time to time.

Based on this, Namori Town has been selected as one of the ten most livable towns outside Tokyo for many years in a row, and it is among the top three in my list of good hometowns.

Of course, in the eyes of some insiders, Nishimachi should not casually get close to the endorsement of the Great Demon King.For it is in the sheltered shadow of a behemoth far beyond Europe.

Even if this reliance is thousands of miles away, in order to avoid trouble, those who know the reason will try to avoid it as much as possible.

After creating the illusion of death for Oda Sakunosuke, Gin decided to place him and his five children in Namori Town.

Due to the special significance here, there are very few eyes and ears that all parties can penetrate.

Even if they are discovered by Mori Ogai, they will not be hunted down under the leader's optimal solution.

At the same time, Gin also said hello to Mr. Reborn, who has recently lived in Naemori.

He directly delivered his cheap junior, that is, the teacher's incompetent disciple, to the other party.

"This is your first time to see Oda?"

As promised that day, Gin took the curly-haired boy with him on his way to Namori.

"Hmm..." I don't know what I was thinking, the boy looked at the receding scenery outside the window, and just responded dully.

After the Mimic incident, his follow-up actions and reactions were completely beyond Mori Ogai's expectations, so he has been closely watched.

That is to say, after wandering around Tokyo for so long, and finding a good time to monitor eyeliners, Osamu Dazai was able to sneak into this town on the outskirts of Tokyo in the car of a long-haired man on this sunny holiday today.

"What about you? Are you going to see him for something?" Dazai asked rhetorically.

The long-haired man who was driving squinted at him, tapped the steering wheel a few times with the index finger of his left hand, and replied casually: "It's nothing special. Ever since I sent Oda to Namori Town, I have also Never came again."

"After all, I placed him in this place. So I thought about it before, no matter what, I have to come and take a look."

"Besides, I'm not here just for him."

"As you know, that Reborn-san was briefly Oda's and I's teacher. He has been staying in Namori recently to teach students."

"Before, including the follow-up of the Mimic incident, Oda and I bothered him a lot. So this time we also plan to visit each other."

"Sounds good, I also want to meet the world's number one Mr. Assassin."

Osamu Dazai said this very casually, and it felt like ordinary people's words used to deal with it perfunctorily.

But Gin didn't ignore the other party's tone.After all, this person can speak seriously like a joke, and jokes can scare people.

This may be his sincere words.

The journey to Nishori Town was not far away, and the two of them soon arrived outside the door of Odasaku's new home while chatting with each other.

A small building stands in a quiet neighborhood, but it is big enough to accommodate the owner and five children.

There is a certain distance from the most prosperous commercial street in the center, which seems to be a compensation. You can look at the sea in the distance after walking a few steps from the back of the community.

Green plants are planted around the main house, and when looking up from below, you can faintly see the twining flower vines on the balcony on the second floor.

After Osamu Dazai jumped out of the car, he wandered around the perimeter of the house and observed it.As if judging something, he pinched his chin and pretended to look up and down, then nodded.

"Satisfied with it?"

After asking casually, Gin didn't pay any attention to the man's pretentiousness, but went straight to the gate and rang the doorbell.

While waiting for the response from the people inside, his eyes fell on the door plate hanging next to the doorbell.

The word "Oda" is neatly engraved on it, no different from those ordinary people around.

Only then did he feel that everything had settled down.

In this way, there is nothing wrong with blending into the ordinary people and the lights of thousands of households.

Gin thought with emotion.

An hour later, Gin really wanted to swallow back the thoughts he had felt about Oda Sakunosuke's integration into ordinary people.

Here's the thing.

Qin Jiu and Dazai Zhi waited outside the door for a long time with a vague expectation of being warmly received by their friends.

But there was no movement inside, no one responded, let alone a warm reception.

When the fingers that continuously rang the doorbell gradually became irritable and crazy, and the bell was about to be overwhelmed and knocked out of tune, the door of the neighbor next door was pushed open.

Mr. Neighbor, with dark circles under his eyes and staring at the chicken coop, poked his head out from the next door resentfully.

As a member of the honest and honest town of Bingsheng, of course he was not angry, but held back his temper, suppressed his drowsiness, and stared at the faces of the two strangers with dead fish eyes.

"Are you here to find Oda?"

"He's not here, he's gone to work."

"Take five kids to work?"

After observing the environment of this one-household building, Osamu Dazai finally turned his attention to this side, and questioned the neighbor.

This ordinary Mr. Neighbor still nodded with drooping eyelids against the sharp gaze of the long-haired man in black with a powerful aura in front of him.

"The place where he works seems to be a place where he can take his children."

"Oh, no. It seems that the owner's children want to play with his children."

"Hmm... Or is it that the boss invites his children to have dinner together?"

Mr. Neighbor was lost in thought, muttering some sentences that were roughly similar but had different meanings.

In the end, as if giving up, he suddenly raised his head and stared quietly at the two people in front of him: "Anyway, for various reasons, he took his child with him."

"Then, do you know where his workplace is?"

Gin, who shut up and gritted his teeth, didn't complain, but got straight to the point.

"In a place where fireworks are often set off."

This time Mr. Neighbor answered quickly.

"Fireworks often set off?"

What kind of description is this?

"Oh, that's right...you are really foreigners." Mr. Neighbor frowned and scratched his chicken coop-like hair, as if he was thinking about how to express it, "It's the area quite close to the commercial street."

"We in Morimachi know that there are always fireworks during the day."

"I'll just write you a random address nearby. Anyway, you just need to go there and you will know."

As if finally unable to suppress the drowsiness, the neighbor made a final decision, and hurried into the house as if afraid of the two of them going back on their word.

Not long after, a piece of paper still stained with fresh ink was stuffed into Gin's hand.

"Here, that's it! Goodbye! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking in one breath, Mr. Neighbor's eyelids drooped even more.

Without turning his head, he got into the gate of his own courtyard, and the iron gate was slammed shut.

The two who received a note and followed the instructions to find the legendary place where fireworks were often set off stood silently on a street corner.

"I found it, the place where the fireworks are set off."

Dazai's voice was soft.

He was expressionless.

"Ah, it is indeed a gorgeous firework, and it is also very expensive." Gin Jiu agreed in agreement.

He calmly looked at the white light that exploded in the air ahead, and at the moment he just wanted to light a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

Immersed in the darkness for many years, the two who have seen many storms and waves very much hope that they have lost their eyes at the same time.As long as the one in the sky is indeed a firework and not some new hand. ) Lei and other things, it doesn't matter if you take a look once.

Accompanied by the sound of the white light exploding, was the heart-piercing cry of a five or six-year-old child.

No, it might be a calf with black and white patterns.

Then, with a heroic posture of a grenade in each hand, as if throwing stones, the calf presented brilliant fireworks one after another to the clear day sky.

At this time, Gin Jiu went to look at the familiar-looking surname that the neighbor brother wrote on the note——Sawada.

He was very sure that Oda Sakunosuke didn't work near the Sawada's house, he must be at the Sawada's house now!

Originally, before the child in front of him pulled out an entire arsenal from the hair of another dimension, Gin hadn't taken the not-uncommon surname Sawada to heart.

But combined with the situation in front of him, he finally remembered - isn't Sawada the surname of the student Mr. Reborn is currently teaching!

Ok, Gin has now fully understood.

The so-called fireworks must be that Mr. Reborn's students are conducting daily military drills under his leadership!

Although when he was studying back then, the most expensive thing was bullets.

But the times are changing too fast, so it is not incomprehensible to upgrade teaching aids accordingly!

Now that the teaching aids have been upgraded, it is acceptable to take out some teaching aids for five or six-year-old children to play with!

Just when Gin Jiu was about to complete his self-persuasion, the curly-haired boy beside him spoke like a ghost.

"Is this the majestic style of a mafia family with a deep foundation in Europe?"

The long-haired man finally couldn't deceive himself any longer when he met the young man's dark eyes.

He covered his forehead and said with some pain: "Don't ask me, I have never seen this scene before."

He could understand Dazai Osamu's resentment very well.

After all, three years ago, the port mafia was still facing the poverty dilemma of going into battle with a kitchen knife.

In the past two years, it was mainly after the Dragon Head War that he turned himself over and became the master, and finally realized the freedom of weapons and arms in Yokohama City.

The interests of half the organization are tied to this young cadre.

Even in a black organization with a certain history and scale, Chartler's habit of wasting bullets will be severely criticized.

Especially after Green became the head of the finance department, even the issue of eating, drinking and traveling with public funds has been strictly controlled.

And today, in a small town on the outskirts of Tokyo, they met a little boy who had connections with the mafia thousands of miles away.Bombs and grenades are just his toys, and he starts throwing grenades and bazookas as soon as he cries.A person is a mobile arsenal of heavy firepower.Is this reasonable?This is unreasonable!Two senior blacks. )

Taoists, at this moment, deeply realized that in the underground world, it is urgent to eliminate the gap between rich and poor.

Save the Mafia!

The poor and weak mafias next door are about to cry.

They tacitly forced themselves to ignore all this, passed the calf or kid of unknown species in silence, and stood still in front of the house with the name plate of Sawada.

This time, their gazes at the gate were no longer calm.

This time, there was a trace of subtle emotion and less obvious admiration in their hearts.

"It's here." Gin took the lead to ring the doorbell after a pause, "If nothing else happens, Mr. Oda and Reborn should be here."

Unlike just now, this time there was a quick response from inside.

A woman who looked very gentle opened the door: "Who are you?"

"May I ask if Oda Sakunosuke and Mr. Reborn are there?"

Looking at the smile of the woman in front of him, for some reason, Qin Jiu couldn't help restraining his whole body, and rarely asked the other party with honorifics.

"Ah, are you friends with Sakunosuke and Reborn? Come in!"

After hearing the familiar name, the woman didn't even ask another question.The brilliance in his eyes added a little more, and he warmly invited the two of them to enter.

The nerves are too big.

The two dangerous people who always put interests first in their thinking and thinking, and are not afraid to speculate on others with the worst malice, came to the same conclusion in an instant.

But on the surface, they will naturally not reveal anything.

When Gin and Osamu Dazai stepped into this home, they felt that it was too lively here.

It seems that there are children's laughter and noise everywhere, mixed with the crash of students discussing difficult problems, various strange movements, and various small fireworks that should not appear in the concept of ordinary people.

This home is really strong without bombing.

People can't help but suspect that they have entered another dimension.

"ciaos-" A little baby wearing a gentleman's black hat jumped onto the table and appeared in front of the two of them.

"Teacher Reborn." Gin called out first.

"Hmm... is this Mr. Reborn, the legendary number one killer in the world?" Osamu Dazai bent down curiously to observe.

"I've heard of you, Osamu Dazai." Reborn stared at the boy with big dark eyes.

Afterwards, he didn't comment too much, but turned to Gin on the other side, "Are you here to find Oda? He's helping Nana's mother in the kitchen."

"Huh?" Dazai got excited when he heard these words, he straightened up and looked towards the kitchen first, "Then let me help too! I'm very good at cooking—"

Gin's forehead twitched, he seemed to have remembered a certain rumor, and hurriedly grabbed Osamu Dazai's shoulder: "Wait a minute..."

"It's okay! My cooking skills have been recognized by Mr. Long next door to you!"

"He said, in terms of cooking skills, he would like to call me the strongest!"

Osamu Dazai gave a thumbs up confidently, and a light flashed at the corner of his mouth.

Before Gin Jiu could dissuade him, a girl with pink and purple long hair appeared by the door of the living room.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at the brazen person in front of her: "Oh? I don't believe anyone can compare to my cooking full of love."

"Want to have a competition?"

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